

7340 Uppsatser om Military theory - Sida 28 av 490

Bungenäsmöbeln : ett examensarbete för Skälsö Arkitekter

The essay describes the bachelor project by Marie Hanås, in collaboration with Skälsö Arkitekter. Skälsö Arkitekter are currently developing an area in the north of Gotland, Bungenäs; previously home to lime stone quarries and military bases.The brief was to design a set of outdoor furniture to complement the new development. The main effort of the project was in designing furniture that would fit the environment visually but construction issues were a major secondary concern, to ensure the easiest possible manufacturing. A reference group of coastal house owners were interviewed, and their feedback, together with an analysis of functions, trends and target groups, were the base for the ideas.Of the five concepts presented, Skälsö Arkitekter chose one to develop further. This was done through sketches, models and 3D models and led to the final result which is lightweight furniture of Gotlandic pine wood with an industrial touch.

Designerrollen i en webbdesignprocess

This study investigates if, and in that case, how design theory is applied in practice in the web development field. Prior research has focused on methods used in the web development field. We wanted to study the designers role in a web design process by comparing existing designer roles with design theory literature. We did qualitative interviews with two practitioners at two different communication agencies in northern Sweden. Based on our qualitative data and literature review we have concluded that a designer has to devote a lot of energy on requirements engineering in order to develop a clear understanding of the design situation..

På gröna stigar : En vandring i det ekokritiska landskapet

In this essay I have described ecocriticism as a theory with several different subfields that are inspired by a cross-disciplinary approach, such as green culture studies, ecofeminism, and postcolonial ecocriticism. After a short summary of the background of ecocritical studies I analyze the various subfields, take a closer look at their contents and present various examples of ecocritical thinking. A presentation of the commonly used concepts within the discipline and some reflections on these is followed by my final discussion, where I state that even though ecocriticism is a relatively new theory and the concept doesn?t have a clear definition as yet, it is in my view a useful tool for analysis and can with time make valuable contributions to literary studies, not least by introducing a number of new perspectives..

Bilden av spelaren : En diskursanalys om att göra "problem"

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the image of the gambler is described by studying a report published by Folkhälsoinstituet [FHI] and a number of chosen articles from the Swedish Evening Press. Discourse theory has been used both as theory, together with social constructionism, and as a research method. The main conclusions of the study are that three different discourses can be identified: the normal gambler, the professional gambler and the problem gambler. The image of the problem gambler is described as a deviant and problematic minority characterized by loss of control, irrational thoughts and dissociative behaviour. The construction of the problem gambler fills three possible purposes for the state: As a solvable problem to handle criticism against negative consequences of gambling, as an argument to avoid competition on the market and as an individual characterized by loss of control in order to legitimize and make the construction of the normal gambler possible..

Hunden-människans bästa arbetskamrat? : En kvalitativ studie om hundens inverkan på arbetsmiljön

The study examines the meaning of having a dog in the workplace of personnel who work with therapy. The purpose was to examine the personnel?s view of dogs in their work envi-ronment. The study uses two theories. One is ?psychosocial work environment? and the other theory used is ?symbolic interactionism?.

HPM som luftvärnsvapen mot kryssningsmissiler, en möjlighet?

I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida HPM (High Power Microwaves) kan användas som enverkansform i framtida luftvärnssystem för att bekämpa kryssningsmissiler. Studien undersökervilket hot kryssningsmissiler kan utgöra, hur de är konstruerade och hur HPM kan påverka dem.Uppsatsen redogör för hur det nya luftvärnskonceptet är uppbyggt och vilka krav på förmågor somställs på framtida luftvärnssystem. Den undersöker även hur ett HPM-system är uppbyggt ochvilken verkan det kan ha på elektriska system i en kryssningsmissil. Vidare diskuteras vilkeneffekt tre olika HPM-system kan ha mot kryssningsmissiler kopplat till de krav som ställs iluftvärnskonceptet.Huvudslutsatsen indikerar att HPM-system kan ha verkan mot kryssningsmissiler. HPM-systemkan nyttjas främst i scenarier där det ställs höga krav på eldhastigheten mot kryssningsmissiler påkorta avstånd.

NATO operativa planeringsmodell (GOP) prövad i operation Weserübung-nord

C-uppsats som avhandlar de centrala begreppen i Guidelines for Operational Planning(GOP) (Centre of Gravity, Decisive Points, Direct and Indirect Approach, Culmination,Manoeuvre, Temp, Operational pause och Lines of operation) granskat i ett historisktperspektiv.Uppsatsen försöker verifiera hypotesen att Guidelines for operational planning (GOP)centrala begrepp fungerar och är applicerbara på alla operationer. Ett belägg för detta är attman kan identifiera begreppen i en historisk operation.Tyska väpnade styrkor från Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine och Luftwaffe genomförde ett anfallöver havet och i luften mot Norge den 9 april 1940. Operationen var av tyskarna döpt tilloperation Weserübung-nord och var mycket vågad. I uppsatsen kommer denna operation attvara det historiska perspektivet.

Radikal Biståndsexport : En studie om utfallet till: - Irans bistånd till Hizbollah  - Saudiarabiens bistånd till talibanerna   

This essay is about the massive Iranian aid to Hezbollah and the Saudi Arabian, likewise, towards the Taliban. The main view is that the two countries aid respective aid to Hezbollah and the Taliban is/were not a gesture of goodwill but rather an economic method of getting influence and controlling the receiver. This view that is based on a theory called; economic statecraft. The economic statecraft theory is used in this paper to investigate why Iran?s influence towards Hezbollah has been successful while the Saudis ambitions with the Taliban have failed.

Israel, en etnisk demokrati-En studie om Israels demokratiunderskott.

The state of Israel is known as the only democracy in the Middle East. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is aspects in the Israelis society that can be questioned in terms of liberal democracy.Areas of concerns in the study are the Israeli official policy's concerning inclusion and exclusion of their citizens in areas of property owning, personal status and the duty of military service.The results show that the Israeli society distinguishes their citizens in these areas by their ethnic origin, in favour for the Jewish population. The law prohibits changes in the states Jewish character. One clear example how this is presented is that a Jew is prohibited to marry a non-Jew. The results show also that this official policy by the Israeli state violates important principles of liberal democracy.

Ethernet-baserat interkommunikationssystem för militära fordonssystem

The result of this master thesis report describes the advantages and the drawbacks that will arise when implementing an Ethernet based intercommunication system in military vehicles. The report presents a possible solution and describes how different sound applications will be implemented into the suggested solution. The report show that IP LAN in vehicles leads to more advantages than drawbacks. The main advantages are that all kind of media can share the same LAN and that there is a lot of knowledge of this technique in the civil area. The main drawback is about delay.

Alla ser såren, men det är inte där det gör ont: en studie om varför flickor skär sig och adekvat behandling

The aim with this study was to examine professional peoples' view on the reason why females, under the age of 18 years old, self-harm and the professionals view on their treatment. The study is qualitative and based on eight interviews with professional personnel who work with young females with self-harm behavior in the region of Skåne. To be able to analyze our qualitative interviews we used two theories; the attachment theory and trauma theory. The results of this study show that there are many different functions with the self-harm behavior and that the cause of the behavior can be different among the females. Most of the young females seem to self-harm to reduce anxiety but some also do it to punish themselves, to feel alive or to belong to a group of friends.

Jämställdhetsarbete - det lagstadgade arbetet som inte prioriteras : En studie kring jämställdhetsarbete i privata företag

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze how widely and intensive genderequality issues are considered within Swedish companies. Qualitative interviews werearranged with personnel managers within each company, and complemented with aquestionnaire amongst the employees. The collected information was analysed on the basis ofgender theory, organization and change theory, theory of equal opportunities and historicalstatistics. The outcome of the analysis indicates that companies find gender equality of highinterest, and important to address within the daily work. However the analysis also shows thateven though the companies find gender equality important it is only adopted within few areas,and not across all departments.

Salutogent ledarskap : en framgångsfaktor för elevers måluppfyllelse

AbstractAll headmasters want to lead teachers so that the students will achieve their own goals as well as the goals of the education. The salutogenic leadership is a way to lead in the right direction. This type of leadership depends on Antonovski?s (2005) theory of Sense of coherence. The theory of Sense of coherence is built on the concepts of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness.

Den ideologiska spegeln - en studie kring hur ideologisk-diskursiva ramar skapas inom ramen för ett politiskt parti

AbstractOne aim of this thesis, has been to explore how discursive frames are constructed, frames to relate to, compare with, and therefore be part in shaping political subjects. The other aim has been connected with a more empirical platform, where I wanted to discover how these frames are established and structured discursively within a political organization, among its members; in this case with a foucs on the Swedish social democracy and its former leader Olof Palme. The thesis starts with a theoretical presentation and discussion, where focus is on the concepts of ideology, discourse theory in the form of Laclau and Mouffe, and narrative theory. The concepts will be presented and discussed, and also related to the other concepts to see their theoretical potential, both ontologically and epistemologically. Finally the theoretical rudiment is linked and analyzed with the empirical material.

Breast cancer stem cells : evidence and contradictory views

This literature study aims to examine the existence of cancer stem cells in breast cancer. The cancer stem cell theory states that there is a hierarchical organization within a tumour, in which a small subpopulation of the cells can initiate new tumours and maintain tumour growth whilst the bulk of the tumour cannot. These tumour initiating cells have shown to possess many characteristics similar to those of adult stem cells, which is why they are often referred to as cancer stem cells. Both cell types have the capacity of asymmetric division and have shown to possess mechanisms of resistance to both apoptosis and cancer drugs. The cancer stem cell theory elucidates many biological aspects such as the heterogeneity of tumours and the relapse of many cancers after what appeared to be successful treatments.

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