454 Uppsatser om Military courts - Sida 5 av 31
Examining Accuracy : Drönare och drönarangrepp: retorik, praktik och historia
The military conflicts of the early 21st century have seen the introduction and rise of a new military technology: the armed drone. With the United States acting as the driving force behind this technological advancement, the U.S Air Force and intelligence agency CIA have madedrones their weapon of choice for pursuing suspected terrorists and insurgents in various remotelocations. American military leaders and policy makers assert that the armed drone?s high levelof accuracy make it the best available weapons platform for this task. However, new researchshows that the use of drones may result in more civilian casualties than previously thought, andmay in fact be more fallible than conventional aircraft in this respect.
Två frivårdskontors syn på den procentuella skillnaden, vad gäller kontraktvårdsdomar
The aim of this paper is to spread some light over contract treatment from the perspective of the District Courts, Social Services and Probation Services, and understand the reason for local variation of the number of people sentenced to contractual treatment.Essential questions asked in this paper are; What advantages and disadvantages are known by the cooperating parties regarding contract treatment in comparison to prison? What parameters are considered when the cooperating parties decide upon contract treatment? What impact does the shared responsibility of cost have? What do the respondents think is the reason for the local variation?In order to answer the essential questions a qualitative and descriptive method has been used to highlight the main question of our study; What is the reason for the local variation in number of contract treatment sentences in Halmstad and Ystads district courts?The paper shows that the local variation between the Probation Services districts is dependent on the conditions to propose a contract treatment. In Halmstad it is not conditioned for the Probation Services to have a responsibility agreement with the Social Services to the same extent as for the Probation Services in Ystad..
Normalitet i adoption och föräldraskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens medgivandeutredningar av ensamstående som vill adoptera
The aim of the study was to illustrate how single parents who want to adopt a child are described in consent investigations made by the social service. The methodology for this study was document analysis. The analysis material consisted of 23 consent investigations from family courts in 12 different municipalities and district administrations. The theoretical starting point of the study was the perspective of social construct of reality. Based on the issues of the study, background on international adoptions, theory of norms and deviation and past research the documents were analyzed.
Somaliska pirater - ett mycket litet problem: En undersökning av Sveriges arbete gällande frågan om somaliska pirater under 2009-2010.
During 2009-2010 Sweden participated in an international military operation whose intention, according to the Swedish news media, was to fight Somali pirates. The purpose of this thesis is to study various decisions and documents behind the Swedish efforts, both military and foreign aid, regarding the matter of Somali pirates during the years 2009-2010 and analyze the results using an interpretation of the security-development-nexus-theory. The method used is text analysis based on the hermeneutic idea of understanding and interpretation.The thesis studies the international resolutions and national decisions that lead to the military operations in the Gulf of Aden and also the international strategies and national approaches regarding Sweden's assistance in the development of Somalia. The theoretical section contains an interpretation of the vast security-development-nexus-theory. The concepts of security and development are first presented separately and then collectively in terms of military security, societal security, economic security, regime security and human security.
Militär identitet : En kvalitativ studie om att vara anställd soldat i Försvarsmakten
My study was conducted to provide a deeper understanding of the identity of employee soldiers in the armed forces and their experience of their role in the military context. To describe and identify the soldier's identity formation, values and norms working in group processes are taken into account. As the individual identifies her or himself whit the group, the various phenomena as hostility to other military groups arise. The individuals weld together with other group members to form strong normative relationships within the group. Through a qualitative research approach eight soldiers in a regiment in western Sweden were interviewed, four of them were group executives or deputy group leaders and others were ordinary soldiers.
Barnets bästa : en studie i hur domstolen avgör frågor om umgänge när det har förekommit våld i familjen
In many of the disputes concerning custody, residence and visitation determined by the court, some form of violence has been performed. The consequence of a child who has witnessed violence in their homes is a problem that is sometimes overlooked. It is not unusual that the violence will continue even after a separation. The law shows that the child´s need of both parents is to be met. This has according to previous studies resulted in the fact that courts do not always see visitation with a violent parent as a risk for the child.
NBF- Förmågan att se på andra sidan kullen eller ?Kejsarens nya kläder"
So- called ?Network Based Defense? (NBD) was introduced in Sweden in connection with the transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces in 1999. NBD is based on the U.S. variant Network Centric Warfare (NCW), which in turn is derived from research on the concept of Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). In Sweden the concept was introduced and included not only the Armed Forces but was intended to also support the Swedish civilian agencies in order to create networks and hence share the available information and thus more effective crisis management and to provide more "bang for the buck." In developing the concept of NBD the Swedish Armed Forces used both economic and human resources, in the form of research, new technologies, new organization and new methods.Between year 2004 and 2006 the Armed Forces once again entered the process of reorganization.
Ingen Lag - Straff? Straffansvar och befogenheter för svensk militär personal i internationella insatser ur ett rättstillämparperspektiv.
INGEN LAG ? STRAFF? ABSTRACTThe thesis deals with a gap in the Swedish legislation concerning the criminal responsibility under which military personnel act in international peace operations. According to international treaties called Status of Forces Agreements, military personnel operating abroad within the territory of other states are exempted from the criminal law of the host states. In return, their home states apply its national criminal law upon the personnel instead. Thus, Swedish criminal law is applied in relation to actions taken by Swedish military forces in international operations.
En symbol går i graven - en studie av förslaget om Utlänningsnämndens nedläggning och införandet av en ny instans- och processordning i utlänningsärenden
Motives and reasons behind a decision to change the asylum process in Sweden are the central concern for this thesis. A symbolic political perspective will be applied in order to elucidate the symbolic factors that have influenced the decision process.The Aliens Appeal Board in Sweden will close down at the end of March 2006 and all pending and future cases will henceforth be decided by three administrative courts. This will be done in order to enhance the principles of legal certainty by making the process more transparent and oral. It is an extensive reform, but since very few amendments are made to the applicable substantive law it raises questions about the actual motives behind the change.One reason that seems to have had a major impact on the decision to close down the Aliens Appeal Board is the fact that the board is perceived as a symbol for an inhuman asylum policy. Transferring the process to the courts might ease the attempt to increase the legitimacy of the asylum process.
"Folk kommer att dö" : Framtida krigsveteraner och hur samhället ska kunna möta deras behov
The aim of our study is to research what the future help-needs and expectations on the civilian society are among Swedish soldiers before they are sent on their first deployment abroad, especially to Afghanistan. The fact that Sweden sends soldiers to a warzone is something that is new nd research according the help-needs from the returning soldiers are missing.This study is based on a qualitative method where the data consists of four focus group interviews with at least two participants in each focus group from three different military bases in Sweden. The results indicate that the soldiers´expectations on the civilian society are low but that they would like to have more support from the civilian society. An important notice during the study, we encountered the fact that the participants in some way feel stigmatized. The results also show that they want the Swedish armed forces to be in charge and provide the care for the soldiers where health professionals involved have som military background.
Gör om, gör rätt! Om judikalisering och migrationsdomstolens tillkomst
This thesis examines the reasons behind the Swedish migration policy reform which led to a replacement of the Aliens Appeal Board by the Migration Court. This introduced a two-party procedure, oral hearings and enhanced transparency. It was designed to guarantee the rule of law and to thwart political arbitrariness.The transfer of power from representative institutions to judiciaries is referred to as judicialization, and the Migration Courts may be considered a typical example of this phenomenon. However, this can be questioned. The straggling nature of the term implies everything and anything unless cautiously defined.
På jobbfronten mycket nytt. Hur skuld och gemenskap påverkar utfallet för Försvarsmaktens rekryteringskampanjer.
Since the first of July 2010, military training in Sweden is no longer mandatory. Ever since then the Swedish Armed Forces have needed to attract people interested in serving as soldiers, in new ways. The campaigns for doing so have been much debated and discussed in Swedish media. This thesis tests how an increased presence of guilt and belongingness in the Swedish Armed Forces recruitment campaigns affects young people - how their attitude toward the Swedish Armed Forces possibly changes as well as their intention of applying to military training. Guilt and belongingness were chosen for several reasons.
USA: s militära intervention i Irak : En studie av hur Bushadministrationens agerande överensstämmer med FN stadgan
AbstractUniversity of Växjö, School of Social SciencesCourse: POC 536, Political Science 41-60Title: The U.S. military intervention in Iraq ? A study of how the intervention corresponds with the UN CharterAuthors: Andreas Malmgren & Johan SchneiderSupervisor: Lennart BergfeldtDate: 2006-09-26The aim of this essay is through a qualitative literature study examine the main arguments of the Bush administration to justify a military intervention in Iraq. The theories used to explain the actions of the U.S. are system level analysis, hegemonism and realism while the UN Charter will be applied as a normative theory.
Ekonomiska sanktioner ur ett sjömaktsteoretiskt perspektiv
Fleets have the ability to affect an adversary?s use of the seas for transportation. Nations have in numerous occasions exercised this power in order to ravage their opponent?s trade in times of conflict with the purpose of diminishing their military might. Great naval thinkers like Mahan and Corbett have described this use of seapower during conflicts in great depth but theories regarding the use of seapower to affect a nation?s peacetime economy in order to achieve limited political goals is lacking.
Jag ser att du har ont : Validering från partner till patienter med kronisk smärtproblematik; Effekt på emotioner
The purpose of this essay is to investigate what kind of motives where behind the long term decisions for the Swedish military defense in 2000 and 2004. This leads to the questions that the essay is meant to answer; 1. Were the motives behind the two decisions for the Swedish military defense of economic character or an adjustment of security and defense policy? 2. Was the parliament united in the two decisions and if they were not, why? 3.