454 Uppsatser om Military courts - Sida 13 av 31
Kan vi inte ha en sån där istället? : om teknisk kravställning på ett fartygsbaserat UAV-system
Detta arbete kretsar kring obemannade luftfartyg, UAV, avsedda att baseras ombord påörlogsfartyg. Regelverk och standarder tillsammans med befintliga fartygs-, helikopter- ochUAV-system utgör ett ramverk inom vilket ett scenario leder fram till grundläggande tekniskakrav för de delsystem som ingår i ett fartygsbaserat UAV-system. Kraven, som är framtagnamed spårbarhet i sjöoperativa förmågor, erfarenheter från den miljö ett luftburet system skaverka i ombord och systemexempel som visar vad som är möjligt att uppnå med dagenstekniknivå, presenteras som ett förslag till värderingskriterier och effektmått med tyngdpunktpå de krav som ställs på luftfartyget (UAV) i sig..
Man behöver inte vara irriterad för att bussen inte går! : En studie kring militära observatörers inställning till livet. Blir det någon förändring?
In the literature it is not possible to find something about Swedish UN Military Observers (MO) experience of life is changing after their service. The aim of this study was to investigate if this has happened. The selection is of type ?snowball?. Interviews were made with twelve MO by telephone, both male and female.
Quadrotor UAV : Konstruktion och användbarhetsstudie av en UAV i sensornätverk
Quadrotor UAVs are self-stabilizing, autonomous flying machines that has recently become more popular than ever. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have their roots in the military, where they were developed for use in reconnaissance and combat. During the last few years, advances in the fields of electronic sensors, electric motors and microcontrollers have enabled smaller designs and autonomic flight control even for private use. The quadrotor, which is the particular kind of UAV we are looking closer at in this paper, has 4 rotors in an X-like formation. This configuration has many advantages such as good lift capacity, non-complex mechanical structure and serviceability.In this project we aquired a current overview of the domain and determine whether it is possible to construct a quadrotor UAV designed for use in a WISENET sensor network on a low budget and short time schedule.Based on existing community project AeroQuad, a quadrotor is constructed with a budget of about 500 euro.
Mjuk, omsorgsfull och sexualförbrytare : - En studie om kvinnor dömda för sexualbrott
AbstractThere is a general perception that women are victims and men are the perpetrators of sexual offense. Female perpetrators of sexual crimes have been neglected in the research literature, because female sex offenders do not live up to preconceptions of female as motherly and caring. Females tend to be responsible for a very small portion of all crimes and are estimated to account for 1-2% of all sexual offenses. Theories use to discuss female sex offending include neutralization of behavior, mental health and feminist theory. The aim of the present study was to describe female sex offenders and examine the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim by analyzing court judgments.
Den svenska kupongbeskattningen av utländska fondbolag och dess förenlighet med EU-rätten : Bör det svenska regelverket förändras
AbstractThe purpose of this thesis has been to investigate if the Swedish legislation concerning taxation of dividends to foreign investment funds is in violation to EU law. Furthermore, the thesis will analyze if the Fondskatteutredningens suggestions to changes in the current legislation is appropriate to the purpose it tries to obtain.Today there is a difference in the taxation of dividends paid to Swedish investment funds and foreign investment funds. Dividends paid to foreign investment funds is being taxed in accordance with the Coupon Tax Act (1970:624), in which no deduction of the tax is possible. Swedish investment funds on the other hand have the possibility to deduct as much of the received dividends that they have given in dividends to its shareholders.The difference in the taxation between investment funds because of origin has been reviewed by both Swedish court and by the European Court of Justice. It has in these cases been up to the courts to review if a difference in taxation of dividends could constitute a violation of the free movement.
Intern Marknadsföring : En fallstudie inom ett tillverkande företag
This thesis discusses taxation of benefits, which shareholders and company leaders can enjoy from close corporations. The Government said in the government bill lead- ing to the amendments regarding taxation of benefits, that it should be the possibility alone to enjoy benefits that should be the reason to impose taxes on company lead- ers. The Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket) has agreed to that statement. In other words, it isn?t necessary that someone actually enjoys the company?s assets for pri- vate use, it is enough that they have the right of disposal of them in order to be taxed.
Ad hoc-nät - något för mobila enheter i NBF?
Ett syfte med nätverksbaserat försvar är att erhålla snabbare reaktionstider i ledningssystem.Ad hoc-näten utgör en framtida möjlighet att erbjuda taktiskt rörliga enheteruppkoppling i nätverk även under förflyttning. Det kan på sikt inkludera de funktionersom har krav på liten fördröjning i uppkopplingarna. Exempel på en sådan funktion ärsensorintegration genom sensornät. Ett av problemen i ad hoc-nätverksutvecklingenligger i att de dataprotokoll som ska utnyttjas för att erbjuda en kompabilitet mot denfasta nätstrukturen, inte har den funktionsduglighet som krävs i ett ad hoc-nät. För att gesnabb överföring krävs en utvecklad variant av de nätverksprotokoll (TCP/IP) somhanterar uppkomna fel på förbindelsen.
Från militärområde till stadspuls : Stadsdel Norr - en (nästan) vit fläck på Östersunds stadskarta
How can former military area I5 in Östersund, Sweden, evolve into Stadsdel Norr ("The Northern Quarter") ? an attractive part of the town center? In a theoretical part of the essay the significants of well functioning towns and streets are investigated. The history of Östersund and I5 is shortly reviewed. Present recommendations concerning city design are presented along with guidelines from Vägverket (National Road Administration) for urban streets. The conclusion reached is that a fundamental structure of streets and roads, public and private spaces, is crucial for the possible future development of an area.
Förmånsbeskattning av dispositionsrätter till tillgångar i fåmansföretag
This thesis discusses taxation of benefits, which shareholders and company leaders can enjoy from close corporations. The Government said in the government bill lead- ing to the amendments regarding taxation of benefits, that it should be the possibility alone to enjoy benefits that should be the reason to impose taxes on company lead- ers. The Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket) has agreed to that statement. In other words, it isn?t necessary that someone actually enjoys the company?s assets for pri- vate use, it is enough that they have the right of disposal of them in order to be taxed.
Den militära nyttan med geografiska informationssystem kopplat till eldlednings- och observationsinstrumentet vid precisionsbekämpning.
I takt med Försvarsmaktens ökade engagemang internationellt och det faktum att alla insatsförband inom Försvarsmakten ska kunna verka på alla konfliktnivåer och i en urban miljö kommer nya krav och behov på bekämpningsförmågan att uppstå avseende precisionsbekämpning.Med hjälp av ett GIS kopplat till EOI:et vid en insats i en urban miljö kan en rad vinster erhållas för att stödja artilleriet vad avser precisionsbekämpning. Exempel på sådana områden är: målverifiering, justering av målkoordinater, lägesuppfattning avseende målets närmiljö, redovisning och presentation av verkansområde inför en insats för dimensionering av verkan..
En studie av begreppet uppfyllelseort i artikel 5 (1) b i Bryssel I-förordningen
The courts international juristiction within the European union is regulated by the Brussels I Regulation. Article 2.1 of the Brussels I Regulation contains the fundamental provision. According to this Article the plaintiff shall submit an action where the defandent is domiciled. The Regulation provides exemptions to the this provision in Article 2.1.The court of the international case can also be determined according to Article 5 (1) of the Brussels I Regulation. This Article contains an alternative to the general provision within Article 2.1.
Rättssäkerhet inom skatteprocessen
In todays society the legal rights of the individual are a highly debated subject. Among other things there have been a debate going on in Dagens industri where the participants have discussed the National Tax Board, courts of law and law and order. The legal rights of the individual have been described as threatened and uncertain due to deficiencies in the tax assessment.There are difficulties defining the concept of law and order due to the fact that there is no generally acknowledged explanation. The concept of law and order originates from the citizens ability to predict the consequences of their actions provided that the authorities actions are regulated according to current legislation and will therefore protect the citizens from possible abuse of power that can exist within a state governed by the law.The purpose of this paper is to analyse law and order within the tax assessment through a method that experiments with real and imagined situations with the main purpose of interpreting current legislation. The paper collects essential legislation, preparatory work together with established practice and supplements the method with information from articles, dissertations and the National Tax Authority?s documented directions within the tax assessment.Through juridical argumentation concerning areas, such as legal rights essential to the citizens and the tax assessment, the paper results in aspects essential to the individual involved in tax dispute.
Ligghall för utegångsdjur ? en sammanställning och analys av domar i djurskyddsärenden som handlar om ligghall till utegångsdjur åren 2007-2013
There is currently an ongoing discussion in Sweden about the need for weather shelter for farm animals being kept outdoors during the winter season. Currently, the national animal welfare legislation requires weather shelter providing the animals? with access to a dry and clean place to rest, but under certain conditions exemptions can be granted. The Swedish Board of Agriculture has put forward a hypothesis that there is a difference between judicial decisions in animal welfare cases dealing with weather shelters, as to whether the animal has shown to be suffering or not. The aim of the study was to highlight any weaknesses or difficulties when assessing animal welfare issues associated to the absence of or design of weather shelters.
På jakt efter miljörörelsens sångtradition
Is there a specific tradition of songs within the swedish environmental movement? What kinds of music has been performed in different situations and what does it mean to the movement and its inner life? The essay deals with a town meeting and action against plans of establishing passenger flights at a former military airport in Uppsala, looking at the action as a performance and as a ritual. The second part of the essay is built on interviews of three veterans of the movement's organisations one of which is as a singer-songwriter originally active in the peace movement of the 60's. The paper is about the songs and the situations in which they were sung, concluding that there is, the limited material considered, little evidence of considerable transfer of songs within the movement, though some coherence exists. The connection to between environmental movement and the swedish radical music movement of the 70's is also slightly mentioned.
Biomekaniska berättelser : En analys av forskningkommunikationen runt den biomekaniska armen
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