454 Uppsatser om Military courts - Sida 12 av 31
Har det svenska statsskicket Europeiserats? : Konstitutionella förändringar sedan EU-inträdet
Since Sweden became a member of the European Union (EU) several constitutional reforms has been taking place. During this time, Sweden has also changed its view on democracy,from a collective to an individual perspective of democracy in the politics. A reasonable hypothesis and the purpose of this essay is to investigate if the Swedish government has beendeveloped towards an Europeanization.The Swedish state audit changed in a pioneering way after the EU- entry, with the formation of Riksrevisionen. Another constitutional change is that the Swedish EU- membership is being instituted in the Swedish constitution. The role of Swedish courts has also changed since the EU- entry.
Sjörättsmål : En jämförelse mellan målen i Sveriges sjörättsdomstolar
Sverige har sju stycken tingsrätter har blivit utsedda till att behandla sjörättsmål. Sjörättsmål innebär antingen tvister eller brottmål med anknytning till sjöfarten på svenskt territorium.Syftet var att kartlägga och redogöra avgjorda brottmål och tvistemål hos sjörättsdomstolarna över tid. Studiens frågeställningar fokuserade på typer av mål, skillnader mellan domstolar och förändring över tid. Studien fördjupade sig i domar rörande handelssjöfarten.Som metod valdes litteraturstudie och vid uppföljande frågor gjordes intervjuer med myndigheter och sakkunniga. Litteraturen i denna studie var de 153 domarna som meddelades mellan 2009 och 2013.Av alla domarna var det fem tvistemål och 148 brottmålsdomar, om 13 olika rubriceringar.
Framtida lufthot mot Sverige
Uppsatsen diskuterar möjliga lufthot mot Sverige i dag och i framtiden intill ca 2020 ur ett teknisktperspektiv, samt föreslår att kryssningsrobotar samt autonoma substridsdelar från dessa bör varadimensionerande för utformningen av det svenska luftförsvaret.Stridsdelar med såväl konventionella-, massförstörelse-, som möjliga framtida vapen behandlas. Somvapenbärare diskuteras flygplan, helikoptrar, obemannade farkoster (UAV/UCAV), kryssningsrobotar,ballistiska missiler och satelliter..
Internprissättning på lån inom multinationella koncerner - En kvalitativ studie av det svenska rättsläget
Due to the growth of multinational concerns during the last decades, with large parts of international trade involving such corporations, the field of transfer pricing, including financial transactions such as internal loans, have received a great deal of attention in tax legislation. The internationally accepted foundation for transfer pricing is the so called Arm's length principle, expressed in Swedish law through the "Korrigeringsregeln". In the Diligentia court case, the concepts of transparency and control were given a crucial role in the calculation of an Arm's length's price of interest rates. The Swedish tax agency interpreted the ruling in that case as if a parent company always can be assumed to enjoy sufficient transparency and control to reduce the risk on their debt obligations. A great deal of uncertainty therefore surrounded their position and to what extent the Diligentia-ruling could be cited as precedent.
Vuxen i lagens mening : bakomliggande teorier, idéer och resonemang
At the turn of the century 18/1900 Swedish law looked upon young people as being adults at about the age of 15. At 15, the young person had left school, had his first employment and provided for himself and also had been confirmed to full membership of the Swedish State Church. Thus he was to be considered an adult and responsible for his actions. Parents, society/school and Church had done what was expected of them and now it was up to the 15-years old to live according to the laws and to be punished if the laws were broken. Over the following hundred years, at the time of the millennium, Swedish society changed a lot.
Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori
The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School?s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission?s ?Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges?, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement.
Operation Moked : Sexdagarskriget ? Överraskning inom de israeliska luftoperationerna
The research regarding the six day war and the aerial operations named Operation Moked is extensive but there are certain shortcomings in the research that examines both the operation and the principle of surprise.The aim of this paper is to contribute to this research by utilising existing military theories on the principle of surprise in order to identify indicators that are representative of surprise. These indicators are thereafter used in a study of Operation Moked in order to examine the extent of in which the principle was utilised.The result of this research goes to show that the principle of surprise was utilised in great extent by Israel during Operation Moked..
Kommunicerbara Informationssystem
Nowadays naval units are participating in international missions, where new and in many cases tougher conditions will affect their propulsion. This essay deals with some of the now developed nanostructure coatings and gives a presentation of how the coatings could function on some exposed parts of the naval powertrain. The essay investigates the possibility that the coatings can be used as a protective layer that will reduce or prevent wear on selected parts of the naval powertrains. As a basis for the essay, nanotechnology is described, as well as different reasons that wear occurs and application techniques for coatings The conclusion is that nanostructured coatings can be applied and provide a much better result on hardness and wear resistance as of naval powertrains compared to micro-structural coatings, both for manufacturing and renovation. The essay presents a few examples of the military utility of the nanostructure coatings as well as suggestions for further research..
Underprissättningens identifieringsteorier - EG:s konkurrensrättsliga mångtydighet
Predatory pricing is one of the most frequently discussed topics in competition law and should be considered both from a legal and economic perspective. The concept of predatory pricing can bedescribed as a situation where a company is pricing at a level that, according to the assessment theories, is unreasonably low. The problems with this type of conduct arises when the low prices hinder competition. A company which uses predatory pricing will likely deter rivals entry to the market or drive the existing ones out of it. In the long run, the effects on competition will likely be higher prices which will hurt customers and consumers as well as competition.
Självsanerande ytbeläggning i nanostruktur : Är det möjligt att applicera på elektrooptiska sensorer och till vilken nytta?
Då marina enheter numera deltar i internationella missioner, kommer den nya miljön som enheterna opererar i att påverka bland annat deras sensorer.Den här studien avhandlar några av de nu framtagna självsanerande ytbeläggningarna och ger en presentation av hur de fungerar på några marina elektrooptiska sensorers yttersta linser.Studien försöker ge svar på ytbeläggningarnas transmittans och hur effektivt de kan sanera bort oönskade saltlager tillsammans med andra nedsmutsande partiklar från sensorlinserna samt den militära nyttan av att använda självsanerande ytbeläggning..
At Ähra, Dygd och Mandom må inrotas vthi Krijgzfolckets modh och Sinne : Utvecklingen av Svea Rikes krigslagstiftning under 1600-talet: En komparativ studie av 1621 och 1683 års krigsartiklar
This essay presents a comparative study of the Swedish articles of war of year 1621 and 1683 which aims to, through analysis, assess the extent of the development in Swedish army legislature during the 17th century and to derive the likely underlying causes for this development. The study is in large comprised by a detailed comparison of the two collections of articles of war in order to determine the practical changes to the legislature that occurred between the years that they came into force..
Beskattning av skalbolagstransaktioner : Analys av skalbolagsreglerna ur ett tillämpnings- och rättssäkerhetsperspektiv
Shell companies are characterized by containing liquid assets such as cash, securities or other similar assets. Transactions of shell companies constitutes a severe problem since the purchaser often has the aim of obtaining undue tax advantages by not paying the tax debt of the company.Historically it has been complicated for the legislator to stop the set-up in an efficient way since the transactions as such are not illegal, instead rather commonly used for example to restructure companies or for the transfer of companies to the younger generation. The purpose of the current legislation is to prevent individuals and corporations to involve in shell company trade. Aiming for an efficient legislation, the tax rate is at a very high level.The issue with the rules is that also honest buyers are at risk of being covered. This calls for high demands in complying with the principle of legal certainty and the possibility to forecast the tax consequences.The purpose of the thesis is to identify and analyze eventual problems when applying the legislation.
Tjänar amerikansk media utrikespolitiska maktintressen? : En granskning av två amerikanska tidningars rapportering av statskuppen i Honduras sommaren 2009
AbstractEssay in Political Science, D-level, spring 2010. ?Do the American mass media serve foreign policy interests? ? A scrutiny of two American newspapers? coverage of the coup d?état in Honduras in the summer of 2009?, Author: David Scott. Tutor: Anders Broman The bias of the American mass media has been widely discussed among scholars. Not only has this phenomenon caught the attention of political scientists, but also academics from other scientific fields.
Prediktering av radarvågutbredning i troposfären : en smal sak för den taktiske chefen?
Detta självständiga arbete i militärteknik behandlar två simuleringsprogram för radarvågutbredning i syfte att undersöka konsekvenserna av dess nyttjande för den taktiske chefen till sjöss. Simuleringsprogrammens användbarhet mäts kvalitativt genom att respektive simuleringsprograms egenskaper ställs mot den taktiske chefens krav. Simulerings-programmen beskrivs utifrån teoretiska egenskaper i respektive program och utvärderas genom simuleringar av en typradar i tre olika vädertypfall. Den taktiske chefens krav grundas på personliga erfarenheter som fartygschef på korvett. Resultatet presenteras i form av positiva och negativa konsekvenser för den taktiske chefen vid nyttjande av respektive program. .
Med en vilja av järn och nävar av stål : Hertig Karls väg till makten sett ur ett machiavellistiskt fursteperspektiv
In 1513 the Florentine humanists Niccolò Machiavelli composed one of the most famous, but also ambiguously interpret, work in the history of politics, Il Principe. Machiavelli´s book The Prince revealed the true nature of politics in Italy in the beginning of the sixteenth century and gives very straightforward advice on how to act to become a successful and powerful political being. Machiavelli´s creation and insights in the reality of politics have be much discredited and condemned in its lack of moral consideration and violent nature. Still it has been read under the centuries with a fascination and eager to understand the structure of power and how to master it. My purpose with this study is to apply this Machiavellian idea of the capable prince on to the earlier research of the Swedish duke Karl, later on King Karl IX.