

782 Uppsatser om Mild Cognitive Impairment - Sida 4 av 53

Nyblivna mödrars erfarenheter av initiering av amning : En jämförelse mellan tre kliniker

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.

KBT och mindfulness i gruppinterventioner för insomni: en randomiserad, kontrollerad studie

There is strong evidence that cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is effective. The aim of this study was to compare 7 group-sessions of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for insomnia (MBCT-I) with 3 group-sessions of CBT-I, on sleep measures and sleep related psychological processes, such as pre-sleep arousal, thought control strategies and mindfulness. Participants (N = 44; age 18-66) with long term insomnia were stratified and randomized into waiting list, MBCT-I and CBT-I. Significant improvements were seen in both groups, compared to waiting list, for instance on insomnia severity, sleep latency and restorative sleep. Small improvements on psychological processes were also found in both groups.

Vuxenliv med funktionshinder : En studie om unga vuxna med lindrig utvecklingsstörning

This study focuses on young adults with mild mental retardation and how their early adult life is a few years after leaving high school. They have grown up in a society where the view on mentally disabled has undergone big changes. Political decisions regarding handicapped, laws, official principles and social reforms have been dominated by the prinziple of normalization.The purpose has been to describe how the young adults themselves experience their life. The questions were: How is the every day life for young adults with mild mental retardation? Do they have asset to community support in order to reach as normal life as possible? How satisfied are they with their life?The investigation is a quality study through interviews with four young adults and their parents.

Oäkta Goodwill: Den oäkta goodwilldelens effekt på nedskrivningar av koncerngoodwill

Since January 2005 new rules have been introduced from the International Financial Reporting Standards for accounting of Business Combinations. Goodwill, which is the difference between the purchase price and the value of the net assets in an acquired firm, should no longer be amortized but should instead be treated as an object for yearly impairment tests. Nevertheless, there are many companies making the tests but not impairing goodwill. The theoretical frame of reference looks at goodwill from its two parts; true goodwill and false goodwill. False goodwill is defined as a measurement bias and constitutes a certain percentage of the operating net assets.

ADHD och fetma hos vuxna personer : En litteraturstudie

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.

Nedskrivning av goodwill i svenska storbanker

Background: Sweden and the rest of the world went through the biggest financial crisis at the end of 2008 since the 1930s. The major Swedish banks have goodwill related to their acquisitions inside and outside Scandinavia. Swedbank, SEB and Nordea has acquired in the Baltic countries and Russia, however Handelsbanken has established itself in Great Britain. The crisis in the Baltic countries led that real wages fell, unemployment rose, real estate prices collapsed and the number of borrowers who had trouble repaying their loans increased rapidly. All this led to the problem of impairment of goodwill in the Swedish banks that had expanded rapidly in the Baltic countries.Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the application of IFRS 3 in Swedish banks before, during and after the financial crisis, and to investigate the low-downs in the four majorSwedish banks in 2006-2010.Completion: The study is primarily based on the case studies by the examination of the annual reports from all banks as well as evaluation of the interviews.The authors have chosen to makea strategic choice of a small number of cases through the concentration on the impairment of goodwill in the bank sector of Sweden.Results: The result of this study is that there are problems for banks in implementation of IFRS 3 in practice because of insufficient information in the banks' financial statements.Generous estimates used in the calculation of impairment testing.

Återinläggning av patienter 80 år och äldre på medicin- och kirurgklinik

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.


Bakgrund: Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) ?r en behandlingsmetod d?r arbetsterapeuten guidar patienten att hitta egna strategier f?r att n? sina m?l. Syfte: Syftet med den h?r intervjustudien ?r att unders?ka arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att anv?nda Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) som behandlingsmetod f?r vuxna. Metod: Inklusionskriterier f?r urval av deltagare var leg. arbetsterapeuter med erfarenhet av att anv?nda behandlingsmetoden CO-OP med vuxna patienter. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom kvalitativa intervjuer, datan bearbetades genom kvalitativ inneh?llsanalys. Resultat: Utifr?n analys av den insamlade informationen fr?n intervjuer framkom fyra kategorier och nio underkategorier.

Fonologisk bedömning baserad på bildbenämning jämfört med spontantal av barn med fonologisk språkstörning

In a phonological assessment, the aim is to obtain systematic and reliable data of a child's speech output, which can then serve as a basis for a decision on an appropriate intervention (Wolk & Meisler, 1998). Whether phonological assessment should be derived from an analysis of picture-naming or a conversation with the child, and whether the two methods for elicitation generate equivalent results, has been debated among clinicians and researchers for an extended time (Masterson, Bernhardt & Hofheintz, 2005).The aim of the present study was to compare two methods of speech elicitation for phonological assessment: spontaneous conversation and picture-naming, respectively. In the study, the procedures have been used when assessing children with phonological disorders as well as children with typical language development. The results are presented using two levels of phonological analysis; degree of phonological impairment, in terms of percentage of phonemes correct (PPC), and type of phonological impairment, in terms of phonological simplification processes. Eighteen (18) children participated in the study, nine (9) with phonological impairment (age 3;10 ? 5;11), and nine with typical phonologic development (age 3;2 ? 4;6).

Ur en annan synvinkel : Om unga med synnedsättning och vad som inverkar på deras gymnasieval

The study deals with young people with visual impairment and their choices of upper secondary school, what is behind and how they are affected by other aspects and other people around them. It also describes how these students experience the career counseling they received for the election. This has been the purpose of the study and was examined through qualitative method and interviews with five young people aged 15 to 21 years with severe visual impairment or blindness. The results and conclusion is that these young people are greatly affected by their parents in choice of upper secondary school and that the school?s attitude to the pupil has a major impact on whether the pupil chooses the school.

Renskötselrätten : som rättslig konstruktion

This master thesis concerns the relation between law and the theory of the conceptual metaphor which has developed within cognitive linguistics. Although its main focus is abstract thinking, it also covers a wide range of aspects within cognitive linguistics, such as the prototype theory and radial categories. In order to address this relation, three questions will be dealt with. Firstly, does the theory of the conceptual metaphor have relevance to interpretation of legal rules and contracts? Secondly, can the same theory explain why a legal rule or a contractual term has been interpreted outside of its most given area of application? Thirdly, when an interpretation is not predictable from a legal viewpoint, can such an explanation answer to that fact? Answering the first question will require a descriptive analysis of the conceptual metaphor and cognitive linguistics.

Upplevelser av att ge palliativ vård utifrån sjuksköterskors perspektiv : En litteraturstudie

AbstractAim of the study: Aim of the study was to investigate whether there were any connections in time between different parts of care in patients with cardiac arrest and hypothermia treatment and cognitive and physical function six months after cardiac arrest and to investigate neurological outcome related to primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm after six months and if there were any changes in cognitive and physical functions as well as self-related health between discharge from hospital and six months after cardiac arrest.Method: The study included 39 patients admitted to three Swedish hospitals between 2008-2011. Cognitive and physical function was evaluated with Cerebral Performance Cathegory, CPC completed with Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE for cognitive function and Bartels Index, BI for physical function and Euroqol-VAS for evaluating the self-related health.Result:  A significant connection was shown between time to start hypothermia treatment and BI, patients with longer time showed improved physical function after six months.Majority of the participants (66,7 %) had Ventricular fibrillation/Ventricular tachycardia, VF /VT, as primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm and in this group CPC and BI was significant better compared with the asystole /Pulsless Electrical Aktivity, PEA group.CPC, MMSE, BI and Euroqol-VAS were all improved over time.Conclusion: Participants with VF /VT as primary registered cardias arrest rhythm had significant better cognitive and physical function 6 months after hypothermia-treated cardiac arrest compared with participants with asystole/PEA as primary registered rhythm. This shows the importance of access to defibrillators in public places in the society and in hospitals and optimal education of lay people and medical staff. Cognitive and physical function and self-rated health improves over time, which might be a very important reason to convey patients, relatives and medical staff to continue cognitive and physical rehabilitation. Keywords: Cardiac arrest, hypothermia, cognitive and physical function, wellbeeing.

Redovisningsinformations användbarhet: redovisning av goodwill enligt IFRS

Since January 1st 2005 all companies listed on a regulated stock exchange within the European Union are required to present their financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The intention of the introduction of IFRS is to achieve international harmonization of accounting rules in order to make financial reports more comparable between companies from different countries. The purpose of financial reports presented in accordance with IFRS is to provide information that is useful to the users of the information. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the information regarding goodwill and the goodwill impairment test, presented in accordance with IFRS, in fact is useful to a specific group of accounting information users, namely equity analysts. An empirical study is conducted, based on interviews with seven Swedish equity analysts.

Korrelationsstudie mellan kognitiva funktioner, grad av psykiskt välbefinnande och grad av mindfulness

This study aims to investigate possible correlations between cognitive functions and self perceived psychological wellbeing, possible correlations between cognitive functions and degree of mindfulness and possible correlations between degree of mindfulness and self perceived psychological wellbeing. 18 patients diagnosed with ICD-10 taking part in a transdiagnostical cognitive behavioural group therapy participated in the study. The study measures relevant variables before and after a group therapy. Of the 18 patients participating, only 11 were able to be tested on both occasions due to time limit. The following tests are used: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Wechsler Adult Inventory Scale-III, Trail Making Test, Controlled Oral Word Association Test, Colour Word Test, Beck's Anxiety Inventory, Beck's Depression Inventory, Quality of Life Inventory and Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills.

Synen på rehabilitering av främst kvinnor för utmattningssyndrom enligt tre aktörer i offentlig sektor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

AbstractAim of the study: Aim of the study was to investigate whether there were any connections in time between different parts of care in patients with cardiac arrest and hypothermia treatment and cognitive and physical function six months after cardiac arrest and to investigate neurological outcome related to primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm after six months and if there were any changes in cognitive and physical functions as well as self-related health between discharge from hospital and six months after cardiac arrest.Method: The study included 39 patients admitted to three Swedish hospitals between 2008-2011. Cognitive and physical function was evaluated with Cerebral Performance Cathegory, CPC completed with Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE for cognitive function and Bartels Index, BI for physical function and Euroqol-VAS for evaluating the self-related health.Result:  A significant connection was shown between time to start hypothermia treatment and BI, patients with longer time showed improved physical function after six months.Majority of the participants (66,7 %) had Ventricular fibrillation/Ventricular tachycardia, VF /VT, as primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm and in this group CPC and BI was significant better compared with the asystole /Pulsless Electrical Aktivity, PEA group.CPC, MMSE, BI and Euroqol-VAS were all improved over time.Conclusion: Participants with VF /VT as primary registered cardias arrest rhythm had significant better cognitive and physical function 6 months after hypothermia-treated cardiac arrest compared with participants with asystole/PEA as primary registered rhythm. This shows the importance of access to defibrillators in public places in the society and in hospitals and optimal education of lay people and medical staff. Cognitive and physical function and self-rated health improves over time, which might be a very important reason to convey patients, relatives and medical staff to continue cognitive and physical rehabilitation. Keywords: Cardiac arrest, hypothermia, cognitive and physical function, wellbeeing.

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