

783 Uppsatser om Mild Cognitive Impairment - Sida 11 av 53

Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv

Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student should have for the fifth grade. Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of school readiness.

På ungdomars uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers tankar om och erfarenheter av möten med ungdomar

The aim of this study was to investigate how counselors who work at youth clinics relate to the question of the integrity of adolescents who are under 18 years old in relation to the parents rights to information. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with eight counselors from youth clinics in the StockholmCounty. We have analyzed our empirical material by categorizing the statements from the counselors and by using two different theories. The first one is a consequential ethics theory and the second one is a cognitive theory. These two theories have helped us to understand the thoughts and actions of the counselors.

Framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar om studier och yrken : En fallstudie om gymnasieungdomars kulturella kapital

Uppsatsen är en fallstudie om vad 18 ungdomar, som läser det sista året på det samhällsvetenskapliga programmet, har för framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar vad gäller studier och yrken de kommande tio åren. Studien avser att undersöka om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar ungdomarnas syn på framtiden vad gäller studier och yrken samt om det kulturella kapitalet påverkar vilka yrken som innesluts i ungdomarnas kognitiva karta. Eleverna har fått besvara enkätfrågor samt skriva två mindre uppsatsuppgifter. Undersökningen analyserar ungdomarnas skildringar kring deras framtidstro och framtidsdrömmar med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus kulturella kapitalbegrepp samt Linda S Gottfredsons kognitiva karta över yrken. Resultatet visar en tendens att ungdomar med akademikerföräldrar har en kognitiv karta med mer prestigefyllda yrken inneslutna än vad de andra eleverna har.

Arbetslöshet ? Hot eller utmaning? : Betydelsen av den primära tolkningen och tron på den egna förmågan i bemästring av arbetslöshet

Forskning kring arbetslöshet har ofta fokuserat på bemästringsstrategier (eng. coping strategies), men flera studier har även pekat på betydelsen av tron på den egna förmågan (eng. self-efficacy) och den kognitiva tolkningen (eng. cognitive appraisal) för valet av bemästringsstrategi. Genom att mäta individens tro på den egna förmågan, den kognitiva tolkningen och bemästringsstrategier syftar denna undersökning till att identifiera de faktorer som sannolikt leder till försämrad generell mental hälsa och längre tids arbetslöshet.

Nedskrivning av goodwill

The purpose of this study has been to examine how customers, by interacting with each other, can communicate and create the image of a brand. We find this topic to be relevant since there are no previous studies conducted concerning the customers influence on the brand image. Our ambition has been to describe in what ways and to what extent the customer can affect and influence the brand image by communicating with other customers. To fulfill our purposed we have targeted three important questions which are:? In which ways can the customer affect the communicated image of a brand?? To what extent can the customer influence the brand image and the perceived value?? Who has control over the brand, the customer or the company?For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eight personal interviews with brand consultants and the editor of the magazine Dagens Media which has given us the foundation for our analysis.

Bilden i bilderboken

In this thesis I investigate aesthetic preference for picture books among children aged 3?6 as well as criteria for preference among parents. Through my design project: illustration of a picture book, I aim to put my research on preference in the context of illustration and design. By using the design project as an applied method for research I have sought to answer how one as an illustrator can apply knowledge regarding preferences of the target groups when illustrating for picture books. I have primarily based my research within the field of cognitive developmental psychology, with primary focus on stage theory, and the field of literature.

Prosodisk förmåga hos svenska grundskolebarn med cochleaimplantat

Prosody can be characterized as the rhythm and the melody of speech. Prosodic features convey emotions, thoughts and geographic origins of each individual. Spoken language without prosody would be monotonous, without variations in loudness and rate. Children with cochlear implants perceive speech in a different way than children with normal hearing. Consequently the speech produced by a child with cochlear implants may sound different.The purpose of this study was to examine prosodic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants and to compare them with the prosodic skills in Swedish children with normal hearing.

Lyssna! : Sex vuxna individers upplevelser av att berätta om de sexuella övergrepp de har utsatts för i sin barndom.

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine six individuals' experiences to talk about the sexual abuse that occurred in their childhood. We interviewed five women and one man, using a phenomenological approach during the work process. The theories emerged as we analyzed our results and appeared to be communication, cognitive theory, validation, trauma theory and taboo. The results showed that the respondents, whom disclosed the abuse as children, were most likely to get a negative response from both formal and informal support systems. While as adults they were confirmed to a greater extent and therefore achieved a better physical and mental wellbeing.

Kartläggning av barn och ungdomar med cochleaimplantat (CI) med avseende på kombinerad syn ? hörselskada eller dövblindhet, diagnos rörande deras syn- hörselnedsättning samt frekvensen för uni- respektive bilateralt CI hos dessa barn och ungdomar

BackgroundThe opportunity for cochlear implantation has now extended beyond children who are only deaf or hard of hearing. Children who are deaf blind from birth or early in life are receiving implants, but very limited research has been done for this population, and this raises important issues. AimThe aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hearing and vision impairment or deaf blindness in children with Cochlear Implants in Sweden and to investigate the diagnoses issues among these groups of subjects. Material and MethodSubjects with an age between 1-18 years were ascertained through multiple sources and almost complete ascertainment was achieved.ResultsA total of 77 subjects with a referring diagnosis of combined hearing and vision disorder or deaf blindness were ascertained. Out of those, 30 subjects were excluded.

STATE TIGER? : - en undersökning av svenska stridspiloters mentala hälsa

Syftet med denna examensuppsats var att undersöka och beskriva svenska stridspiloters upplevda mentala hälsa. En enkät utformades bestående av ett skattningsbatteri med frågor om sömn och trötthet, OSLO-3, CAGE, HADS, frågor om fysiska symptom, GHQ-12 och SRE. Enkäten skickades ut till 129 JAS 39 piloter i ordinarie tjänst vid flygdivisioner i Försvarsmakten och Förvarets Materielverk (FMV). Resultatet visade att 77% av piloterna i studien bedömdes ha symptom på mild depression och 46% hade symptom på mild ångest. De flesta av de deltagande piloterna hade inte några alkoholrelaterade problem och 83% uppgav att de hade lätta fysiska besvär.ANOVA-analysen visade att de deltagande piloterna på utbildningsförbandet i medeltal hade signifikant högre poäng på GHQ-12 än piloterna på insatsförbanden.

Grupprehabilitering i audiologisk verksamhet

The purpose with this study was to systematically examine scientific studies of audiologic group rehabilitation. The definition of audiological rehabilitation was explored, different variables that influence the result and how the outcome measures should be done and its relationship with the goals of audiologic rehabilitation. The method used was a literature study. Pubmed and Cinahl were used for the search of literature. Some articles were searched from scientific studies reference lists and also advice from the supervisor.The result from the different studies shows that the effect of rehabilitation varies as there are many aspects that have an affect on the outcome measure.

Markus syn på blindhet : Analys av en metafor, dess funktion och dysfunktion

This essay examines the theme of blindness in the Gospel of Mark. The two main questions asked are: 1) ?What is Mark?s view on blindness?? and 2) ?How does the Gospel of Mark?s view on blindness inform the current discourse of disability studies and how can we interpret Mark?s view on blindness today?? By the methods of metaphor analysis and character analysis, four passages of the Gospel are studied (Mark 4:10-12; 8:14-21; 22-26; 10:46-52). The analysis concludes that blindness is depicted by the author of the Gospel as a disability which also consist of a lack of cognitive ability and a hopeless state that is in need of healing.  The depiction of blindness in Mark originates out of the authors use of blindness as a metaphor for lack of cognitive ability (Mk 4:12; 8:18) and the lack of characterization of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-23). This view on blindness is, in comparison to a modern view, difficult, as it marginalizes persons with blindness as inconsiderate and not fully human.

Strokekedjan från början till slut : En etnografisk studie om farlighet och tid i en akut vårdkedja

Varje år drabbas 30 000 svenskar av stroke, vilket innebär stora personliga omställningar och stora kostnader för samhället. Den mest effektiva behandlingen, trombolys, måste ges så snart som möjligt för att ha god effekt.  Samtidigt som det är av största vikt att ta reda på om patienten har några differentialdiagnoser som gör behandlingen riskfylld.Den här studien undersöker hur strokekedjan går till och vilka faktorer som påverkar beslutsfattandet. Studien är baserad på etnografiska fältstudier på fyra svenska sjukhus och materialet är analyserat med metoder från sammansatta kognitiva system och målorienterad design. Resultaten visar att trots olika organiserade strokekedjor på de olika sjukhusen är processerna desamma och direkt kommunikation är mest framgångsrik för att effektivt sprida information mellan dem. Neurologjouren är viktig roll som, liksom resten av aktörerna i strokekedjan, ständigt balanserar sitt beslutsfattande mellan effektivitet och grundlighet.

En författarcociteringsanalys av forskningsfältet socialpsykologi

The aim of this thesis is to use the bibliometric method author cocitation analysis (ACA) and investigate the cognitive structure in a research field, which is called the intellectual base. The research field in this investigation is social psychology. The main question is: what is the nature of the cognitive structure, which contains of the intellectual base. This question is divided in two sub questions: ? Which are the most prominent authors in the research field? ? Which sub areas, based on groups of the most cocited authors in the research field, can be identified?An investigation with ACA is used to describe the general experience of consensus of later authors in a research field.

"Statistiskt sett har ju NE också fel" : en kvalitativ studie rörande gymnasiebibliotekariers uppfattningar och undervisning kring Wikipedia

The main purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how Swedish upper secondary school librarians and related staff relate to the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. The research is placed in the all-embracing context of information literacy and source criticism on the Internet. The study was carried out in the form of qualitative interviews and based on two theoretical bases: firstly, the concept of cognitive authority stipulated by Patrick Wilson, and secondly the idea that Wikipedia has a draw towards late modern epistemological assumptions. The latter theory was also associated with the perceptions of knowledge among the library staff interviewed.

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