

2714 Uppsatser om Micro enterprises - Sida 6 av 181

Patentinformation ? användning och barriärer En studie av 33 små- och medelstora företag inom Svenska Uppfinnareföreningen

For innovative organizations and companies it is essential to use existing knowledge to avoid spending time and resources on already existing innovations. By using patent information, companies are able to get a picture of what is already done in their area of interest. The main purpose of the study is to examine the information use in small and medium-sized enterprises that are members of the Swedish Inventor?s Association, focusing on patent information. The study examines the use of patent information and which barriers the companies have to patent information.

Styrelsesammansättning och styrelsens funktion i sociala företag

This paper is about the composition and function of boards of social enterprises. A social enterprise can be defined as a company, which is founded by users or external stakeholder in order to create jobs (or a work place), a meaning in live or to further integration. One tries to achieve this goal by a business activity and/or subsidies and/or neighbourhood projects. The amount of social enterprises grew steadily after the restructuring of social welfare in Sweden since the 1980. Alternative forms of welfare ? such as a social enterprise ? will probably grow further in importance.

A/B-testning av Mikrotransaktioner

Mikrotransaktioner är en stor del av dagens internethandel. Det används flitigt på både websidor och i datorspel. Denna rapport tar upp hur ett företag eller en privatperson kan, genom A/B-testning, testa vilken transaktionstyp som är bäst för just deras applikation. Problemet är att det finns många olika transaktionstyper att välja mellan och att det inte finns något bra sätt att få fram vilket som är det bästa för just din applikation. För att försöka hitta den optimala transaktionstypen utnyttjades en testapplikation med olika transaktionstyper.

Handla! En diskursanalys av konsumtionssamtalet i Norrköping under 90-talet

In Shop! Daniel Svensson is studying the Public Consume Conversation during the 90´s. Focus is based on two local papers in the Swedish town Norrköping and the Public Media Conversation, which these two represent. What kind of discourses has been dominating this conversation, that is the most important question in Shop! To answer this, Daniel Svensson uses the Critical Discourse Analysis, by Norman Fairclough, as an analytic tool. This method provides him with the possibility to connect the micro level of text with the macro level of the society. But this demands theories of the contemporary society at a macro level.

Kommunicerbara Informationssystem

Nowadays naval units are participating in international missions, where new and in many cases tougher conditions will affect their propulsion. This essay deals with some of the now developed nanostructure coatings and gives a presentation of how the coatings could function on some exposed parts of the naval powertrain. The essay investigates the possibility that the coatings can be used as a protective layer that will reduce or prevent wear on selected parts of the naval powertrains. As a basis for the essay, nanotechnology is described, as well as different reasons that wear occurs and application techniques for coatings The conclusion is that nanostructured coatings can be applied and provide a much better result on hardness and wear resistance as of naval powertrains compared to micro-structural coatings, both for manufacturing and renovation. The essay presents a few examples of the military utility of the nanostructure coatings as well as suggestions for further research..

Steget från tanke till handling : En studie om viktiga faktorer för nyföretagande bland kvinnliga studenter

Women who support themselves through self-employment are relatively low compared to men, in Sweden. Women make up around 30 percent of newly started enterprises. The Swedish government considers that the Swedish economical growth would increase if there were more companies. Through encouraging women to start enterprises to the same extent as men, Sweden can increase growth rate and create more employment. Despite all efforts being made, advances are not really reached.

Doing Business in China - A Best-practice Model for Foreign Invested Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Foreign invested SMEs have recently become increasingly interested in China. The enterprises are in this report categorized as second wave companies since they follow the footsteps of previous pioneers, of which mostly were larger companies. The ambitions of the SMEs are either to sell products on the ever expanding Chinese market or to utilize the potential of low cost production for global markets. The existing literature is fragmented and solely based on the experience of larger companies. We believe that SMEs are facing new and different challenges, and thus a new generic theoretical frame work is desirable.

Mineralämnen i fullfoder : studier på 20 mjölkkogårdar i Halland

In 2003 the recommended phosphorus allowance for dairy cows in Sweden was lowered approximately 10 %. For a cow at a production level of 35 kg ECM it decreased from 0,40 to 0,36 % of dry matter. To investigate if the decrease has been implemented at farm level, analysis of following minerals; P, Ca, Mg, K, Na, S, Se, Cu, Mn and Zn was performed on the TMR at 20 farms in Sweden in the summer of 2004. The purpose was to describe the actual allowance of different minerals as compared to the new recommendations. One hypothesis was that the decrease in recommended allowance of phosphorus would lead to the need of new mineral feeds on the market.


Kommer snart ;).

Transportförpackningar och värdeskapande i dagligvaruhandeln

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Utvecklingen av revisorsutbildningen i utvecklingsländer.pdf

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Mikroproduktion av el : Micro-production of electricity

På elmarknaden har man utvecklat fenomenet mikroproduktion av elenergi vilket innbär att slutkunden själv ska producera sin el främst genom att utnyttja sol och vind kraft. I Sverige finns det ett växande  intresset för mikroproduktion. De flesta som producerar sin egen el gör det främst genom solpaneler och mindre vindkraftverk som sätts upp vid deras egendom. I den här studien har vi gjort en djupare analys kring olika typer av anläggningar för att producera småskalig elkraft. Men även tittat på den ekonomiska aspekten genom att beskriva ekonomisk vinning och kostnader samt ställt upp en kostnadskalkyl för att beskriva detta i siffror.

Förväntningar och utfall av revisionen i nystartade mikroföretag

 Bakgrund: Sedan 1988 har alla svenska aktiebolag oavsett storlek varit tvungna att ha en kvalificerad revisor som granskar företagets räkenskaper. Idag är Sverige ett av två länder i EU som fortfarande har kvar revisionsplikten för små företag. Inom EU finns bestämmelser som medger medlemsländerna att undanta små företag från revisionsplikt. Utifrån undantagsbestämmelserna har en utredning gjorts i Sverige och ett lagförslag har lagts fram som innebär att 96,5 procent av alla företag i Sverige kan välja om de vill bli reviderade eller inte. Revisionspliktens vara eller inte vara har diskuterats flitigt i Sverige och studier har gjorts avseende vilken relation företagen har med revisorn, vilken nyttan är med revisionen och vilka faktorer som spelar in vid frivillig revision.

Kapacitetsberäkningsmodell för materialhanteringsflödet på Ericsson i Kumla

Ericsson?s factory in Kumla, Modules Kumla, became a hub for radio modules and micro base stations, which enables mobile communication through radio base stations, in 2004. Because of this the factory focuses more on the logistics operations. This has led to a need to be able to plan the capacity for the materials handling system. This master thesis has therefore been performed at Modules Kumla to develop a capacity calculation model for the material handling flow during the autumn of 2005.The work has contained a mapping of the material handling flow regarding to which activities was performed and how much time they consumed.

Lyckans land? : En ekonometrisk studie över nationshemvistens påverkan på upplevd lycka.

Does the country people live in affect the probability of them experiencing happiness? Can a country variable in an ordinal regression model be affected when microeconomic and macroeconomic factors are added to the model? The possible outcomes are either that the country variable affects less when the additional predictors are added to the model, or that they stay the same. The micro data is collected from the European Social Survey database, the macro data is collected from the World Bank. The country variable becomes less substantial when additional variables are added to the model. The variable with the most influence over expected happiness apart from the country variable is whether the individual often socializes with friends or not.

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