

250 Uppsatser om Michael Jackson - Sida 3 av 17

Medstops positionering : En fallstudie om ett nytt apoteks positionering utifrån konkurrenskraft

The aim of this thesis is, from a business perspective, to examine how the pharmacy chain Medstop is working with their positioning in order to achieve competitiveness in the re-regulated pharmacy market. This is studied through a theoretical framework that demonstrates five forces that affects the competitiveness in an industry, the five-force model by Michael Porter.The thesis is a qualitative case study where data collection was done through interviews, literature, articles, websites and internal information from Medstop. The data was then complied into the theoretical perspective the authors have chosen for this paper, the five-force model by Michael Porter. This model was chosen because it gives a broad description of the competition a company faces by describing five different forces that affect the competition within a branch. The fact was collected on the basis of the marketing strategy positioning, and the essay is written from a business perspective.Our cunclusions are that the pharmacy chain Medstop are in their initial positioning and has chosen to position itself on the basis of their core values; credibility, safety and security.

Brödraskapet Samverkan - Myndigheters organisering mot brottslighet i Göteborgs stad.

My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.

Lika men olika? Redovisning av effektivitet inom statliga myndigheter.

My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.

Utanförskapet möter Försäkringskassan. En studie om resande idéer, översättning och meningsskapande.

My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.

"Det är inte bara folkvalda politiker som utövar offentlig makt" : En jämförande studie gällande främjande av integration i fem kommuner i Stockholms län

Based on different integration policies, we aim to examine how five municipalities in Stockholm County are working to promote integration at a local level with focus on voter participation and to some extent, representativeness among foreign-born. Statistics provided by SCB shows that foreign-born tends to vote to a lesser extent than those born in Sweden. Further, we aim to examine the implementation of two policy documents established at a national level concerning integration in contrast to policy documents established at a local level in each different municipality. Further, we aim to examine summaries of actions taken in response to the local integration programs, as well as personal interviews. Each municipality will be considered separately, but we thus seek to make a comparative study.

Katolska kyrkans roll i skräckfilm En rollteoretisk analys av Katolska kyrkan i filmerna Exorcisten och Ritualen.

My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.

Lärarens ledarroll i klassrummet och vilka faktorer som påverkar : En studie i två högstadieskolor, årskurs 7, 8 och 9

This exam work project strives to investigate different roles a teacher can adapt to in classroom situations. The focus is on three different types, gained from a dissertation made by Evelyn Säll where she has investigated teacher students? opinions about the teacher?s role. These types are:the Dramatist, the Director and the Illuminator, and five teachers are defined accordingly. Questionnaires and observations are used as a tool in order to come to a conclusion.

Vem håller i taktpinnen i krisberedskapsarbetet? - En studie av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyserna i länsstyrelserna

Crisis management planning is a relatively new policy area in the European countries. It has materialized since the fall of the iron curtain and because of the increased interest to prevent wide-ranging national emergencies. In Sweden, the county administrative board has a key obligation to perform risk analysis guidelines. This assessment involves identifying crisis, planning response to the crisis and, if necessary, confronting and resolving the crisis in the geographic area of the region. The purpose of my thesis is to examine if there are any differences in crisis management planning between the county administrative boards? risk analysis guidelines.


This is a study about the sound of four saxophonists. The purpose is to define and analyze the sound of three famous saxophonists, each from different epochs in jazz history, and compare them with my own sound. I will try to find out how the three saxophonists have inspired me, and also try to find out if it is possible to hear the three influences in my own sound..

Game on : Att spela sig till nya höjder av motivation

?Motivation is the desire within a person causing that person to act? (Mathis & Jackson, 2009, p. 24). Motivation is what makes people act. Lately a tool to create more motivation called Gamification has been more and more popular to use. This study is focusing on the subject motivation and also how gamification can be used as a tool to get more of that.

?Let Love Rule? Kärleken som högsta norm, en möjlighet eller naivt önsketänkande? : En studie om kärlekens funktion hos Margaret Farley och Timothy P.Jackson.

Det ha?r a?r en studie med utga?ngspunkt i journalisten och musikern Kristian Gidlunds sja?lvbiografiska bloggbera?ttelse i kroppen min, som han skrev sedan han blev sjuk i cancer i mars 2011 tills dess att han dog i september 2013, strax innan sin 30-a?rs dag. Bloggen hade omkring 1,5 miljoner la?sare i oktober 2012 och gavs ut i bokform med titeln I kroppen min: resan mot livets slut och alltings bo?rjan under va?ren 2013.Studien ansluter till ett Netnografiskt fa?lt som syftar till att underso?ka social samvaro pa? internet, da? jag underso?ker bloggen i kroppen min som ba?rare av en samtida, meningsskapande funktion. Utifra?n ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv och ett Foucaultinspirerat perspektiv om makt och tystnad underso?ker jag bloggen som en erfarenhetsva?rld mellan en subjektiv och objektiv livsva?rld, da?r subjektet fa?r utrymme att kontrollera sin livsbera?ttelse (sitt livsslut) i relation till en upplevd samtid..

Comprehensive Approach : Civil-militär filosofi eller allsidigt strategiskt koncept?

Erfarenheter från de senaste årens komplexa konflikter har bidragit till insikten att separata militära insatser ofta är otillräckliga för att skapa fred. Comprehensive Approach ses av många som ett koncept med målsättningen att skapa en integrerad civil-militär ansats för konfliktlösning. Konceptets innebörd är emellertid oklar. Dessutom är det problematiskt att empiriskt belägga att användandet av konceptet leder till framgång, vilket medför svårigheter att granska dess värde.Uppsatsen utnyttjar Michael Howards teori om strategins dimensioner för att analysera Storbritanniens syn på Comprehensive Approach som strategiskt koncept. Som metod används en kvalitativ textanalys av systematiserande typ.

Den kontinuerliga publiceringen på nätet : En undersökning av nyhetsflödet på Expressen.se och Aftonbladet.se

Denna c-uppsats behandlar webbpubliceringen på Expressen.se samt Aftonbladet.se. Uppsatsen är en uppföljningsstudie av en tidigare uppsats som behandlade webb-publiceringen på SvD.se, med fokus på hur artiklarna uppdaterades. Denna uppsats studerar de fyra högst placerade nyheterna och deras rörelse på Aftonbladet.se samt Expressen.se. Vi har utgått från en metod utvecklad av medieforskaren Michael Karlsson för att studera denna rörelse. Vi vill samtidigt utvärdera tidigare nämnd metod.

Cirkushallen Alby : Paralella historier

Projektet utgår från två böcker; Momo-eller kampen om tiden av Michael Ende och Ojämlikhetens nya geografi av David Harvey. De två böckerna har varit motorer för hur en ny cirkushall i Alby för Cirkör utformats. Rummen som Momo rör sig genom i berättelsen har fått stå som förebilder för det givna programmets rum, Harveys bok har sedan bredatt projektet i en mer teoretisk riktning; det är mer än bara den fysiska byggnaden som avgör hur vi förstår byggnaden..

Wallraffare, muckrakers och ?gotcha?-journalister : En undersökning av skillnaderna mellan svensk och amerikansk grävande journalistik

Detta är en uppsats om de journalistiska metoderna i Sverige och USA med tyngdpunkt på skillnaderna mellan svensk och amerikansk undersökande journalistik. Jag har riktat in mig på Uppdrag Granskning och 60 Minutes, samt Michael Moore och utifrån dessa visat på skillnader och likheter. Frågor kring vad undersökande journalistik är, vilka journalistiska metoder som används och om tveksamma metoder krävs för att kunna belägga missförhållanden är centrala..

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