185 Uppsatser om Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - Sida 10 av 13
Skogsbolagens syn på vindskadeförebyggande åtgärder efter stormen Dagmar
On the night of the 26th December 2011, large parts of southern Norrland were struck by the storm ?Dagmar? that caused serious damage to the forests. In the past 10 years wind damage has become a hot topic after several major storms. Forest companies own 25% of the Swedish forest and thus influenced largely by wind damage. The main purpose of this study was to examine whether forest companies attitude towards preventive wind damage actions were changed after the storm ?Dagmar?.
The result was developed by doing interviews with two forestry companies.
Follikulärt microbiom hos friska individer : Detektion av bakterier och svamp med in situ hybridisering och immunofluorescens
Bakgrund: Det är viktigt att främja barns fysiska aktivitet, eftersom det leder till många positiva hälsoeffekter. Tyvärr är många små barn idag inaktiva och når aldrig den rekommenderade gränsen på 60 minuters fysisk aktivitet per dag. Syfte: Att beskriva hur fysisk aktivitet kan främjas bland barn, i åldrarna 2-8 år. Metod: Studien som utfördes var en litteraturstudie där tio vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. Resultaten sammanfattades genom att söka meningsbärande enheter och därefter skapades teman av dessa.
Vinterförvaring av Pelargonium x hortorum :
There are many different recommendations on how to keep pelargoniums over winter, but most of the recommendations suggest ?the higher the temperature, the more light and water the pelargonium needs?.
The purpose with this paper is to try to explain the best and the worst results that are achieved with different storage alternatives of zonal pelargoniums. The results are based on an orientating investigation carried out in January-February, and a questionnaire that members of the Swedish Pelargonium Society answered to.
Both the orientating investigation and the questionnaire showed that zonal pelargoniums are best stored light and cold but frost free. They should be irrigated according to their needs which is when the soil is dry, about every second to third week. Zonal pelargoniums are very resistant to drought and can survive without water for at least 44 days, both when kept under light and cold as well as under light and warm.
Vaktelproduktion för ägg och kött
The aim of this study is to review the commercial quail production for eggs and meat in the world. Another aim is to review the potential for increased production. Globally the quail production is very small, except in China where it is the second largest poultry industry. The production globally is small despite the quail's rapid growth, early sexual maturity and its high feed efficiency. The quail is also used as a laboratory animal and can be reared to be released in hunting areas.
Cystisk endometriehyperplasi/pyometra-komplexet hos hund : orsaker och patogenes
Virulent strains of Staphylococcus hyicus produce exfoliative toxins and cause a potentially fatal skin disease in piglets known as exudative epidermitis. Vaccines and antimicrobials are used to control the disease. Antimicrobial resistance and the prevalence of several different toxin genes and toxigenic strains make it problematic. The aim of this literature study was to identify potential differences between countries and between healthy and diseased pigs regarding antimicrobial resistance and toxin-producing strains. Great differences could influence vaccine production, treatment strategies and surveillance programs.
Individualiseringens dilemma : Hur uppnås ett fungerande samspel mellan individualisering och gemensam undervisning i matematik?
Abstract.The levels of dioxin and comparable substances rose to a large extent in our environment during the second half of the 20'Th century. This was the result of the synthesis of, and careless usage of these substances in cooling fluids, hydraulics, pesticides etc. Background levels of dioxins and furans in sealed samples prior to this era suggest that former sources of these substances existed. Salt glazing is a method of adding a smooth acid resistant exterior to stoneware ceramics. The technique has been in use since the 16'Th century, maybe even earlier than that.
Är saltglaseringsindustrin en källa till tidig organokloridförekomst?
Abstract.The levels of dioxin and comparable substances rose to a large extent in our environment during the second half of the 20'Th century. This was the result of the synthesis of, and careless usage of these substances in cooling fluids, hydraulics, pesticides etc. Background levels of dioxins and furans in sealed samples prior to this era suggest that former sources of these substances existed. Salt glazing is a method of adding a smooth acid resistant exterior to stoneware ceramics. The technique has been in use since the 16'Th century, maybe even earlier than that.
Bovin tuberkulos : smittvägar mellan människa och nötkreatur på den östafrikanska landsbygden
Tuberculosis is one of many infectious diseases in the world and is responsible for a large number of human deaths each year. The cause is Mycobacterium ssp included in the tuberculosis-complex, there among Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection with M. bovis causes bovine tuberculosis in cattle which in 90 % has a pulmonary location. Humans are infected mainly by milk from infected cows but also by close contact with coughing animals or by eating raw meat.
Ultraljuds effekt på bakterier : Studie av ultraljuds effekt på bakterier vid olika temperaturer och frekvenser av ultraljud.
Endometrios, en sjukdom med symtom som smärtor eller blödningar i samband med menstruation, börjar ofta i tonåren men diagnostiseras inte förrän flera år senare. Kvinnorna med denna diagnos beskriver ofta att de inte fått förståelse för sina problem under tonåren. Sjukdomen kan innebära stora besvär för den drabbade och följder på det fysiska, psykiska och sociala planet kan ses. Syftet var att studera hur unga kvinnor med endometriossymtom upplevde skolsköterskans stöd under högstadie- och gymnasietiden, för att kunna påverka deras livskvalitet. Via Svenska endometriosföreningens ungdomssektion i Sverige gjordes en kvantitativ undersökning med kvalitativt inslag. Ett frågeformulär skickades ut till föreningens 59 medlemmar, 24 kvinnor svarade. Resultatet visade att några få kvinnor var nöjda med den hjälp de fått under skoltiden men de flesta kvinnorna uttryckte att de saknade kunskap, stöd och förståelse från skolsköterskan vilket ibland gav ett icke tillfredsställande bemötande.
Vindfällning i naturliga och skapade bryn och kanter :
The aim of this work was to study if the edge of the forest is more resistant to heavy winds than the trees located further in from the edge, and how this edge effect changes between different types of tree species and site types.
The data was collected from an electric power line going from the north to the south of
Sweden. The mean value of the clearcutted area around the power line was 120 meters. The
main direction of the storm in January 2005 was west-southwest and thus the power line was a perfect place for gathering a large data set.
The main parameter studied was the damage frequency at the edge of the forest compared to
the trees located further in from the edge (up to 100 m from the power line). Tree species mixture, soil moisture class, soil type, topography, stand height, stand height of the stand on the other side of the power line and wind exposition was estimated.
The results showed a distinct edge effect. The edge of the forest had clearly lower damage frequency for all tree species.
A marked difference was observed between tree species and damage frequency.
?Asiaten? 1957-58: En journalstudie kring hur influensapandemindrabbade Uppsala : Samt försök att detektera cytotoxinet Panton Valentine Leukocidinhos Staphylococcus aureusi lungbiopsier från samma pandemi
Bakgrund: Smärta är något alla upplevt och det är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att folk söker kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. En av sjuksköterskans främsta uppgifter är därmed att lindra smärta. Det finns forskning som pekar på att människor uttrycker och hanterar smärta på olika sätt beroende på bland annat vilket kön de tillhör. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur inneliggande patienter på sjukhus hanterar smärta samt hur skillnaden mellan män och kvinnor ser ut. Metod: Undersökningen genomfördes som en punktprevalensstudie med en kvantitativ ansats.
Handhygien : sjukvårdspersonalens följsamhet och efterlevnad : en systematisk litteraturstudie
Syftet med litteraturstudien var att finna vilka faktorer som påverkar sjukvårdspersonal att inte tvätta sina händer samt vilka åtgärder som kan göras för att basal handhygien lättare skall efterlevas. Studien skulle även beskriva vilka vårdrelaterade infektioner som kan förekomma när handhygien inte utförs adekvat. En systematisk litteraturstudie med artiklar från stora delar av världen genomfördes. Totalt användes 19 artiklar i resultatet varav 3 artiklar även i introduktionen. Artiklarna söktes via databaserna ELIN@dalarna, Blackwell Synergy, PubMed och CINAHL, och var publicerade mellan 1995 ? 2006 och skrivna på svenska eller engelska.
Samband mellan tjockleken hos PVD-skikt och förslitningsbeteendet vid svarvning
This project has as main goal to study the influence of the coating thickness, deposited by arc-PVD- technology, on the wear resistance of coated cemented carbide inserts in three different turning operations. An additional effort has also been made to develop a new test method for evaluating flank wear resistance. Three different coating types (Coating A, Coating B and Coating C) have been studied in three distinctive thicknesses (2, 4 and 6 µm) for each type. For two of the coating types (Coating A and B) special studies has been done with the thickest coating, creating two additional coating versions of the thickest coating, by changing various deposition parameters, with the aim to enhance the cohesive properties of the coating and lower the residual stresses at the cutting edge. The results show increased crater wear resistance with increased coating thickness for all coating types, but the amount of increase changes with coating type (Coating A>B>C).
Effect of Bacillus mediated priming on different natural genetic variants of Arabidopsis thaliana
In two feeding experiments Bacillus induced priming of plant defense was tested for its effect against the generalist insect pest Spodoptera littoralis. The main hypothesis for the study was that Bacillus induced priming would enable the plant Arabidopsis thaliana to defend itself
better against this insect herbivore since this priming seems to involve jasmonic acid, known to be important for plant defense to insects. A secondary objective of the study was to examine if any differences in a primed defense capability could be seen between different natural genetic variants (ecotypes) of A. thaliana reflecting habitat differences in pest pressure.
The methods used for plant cultivation and Bacillus inoculation were aimed at reflecting conditions that can be expected in an agricultural cropping system. This meant that all plants were cultivated in soil, and the feeding experiments were conducted with the plants growing intact in the soil system.
Olika typer av täckning och samodling och dess påverkan på antalet skadegörare i en Pak choi odling :
The purpose of this report is to examine the possibilities to decrease the number of insects and other pathogens in a crop of pak choi (Brassica rapa), grown with different types of cover and living mulches. Included in the report is a study of literature where amongst others, a summary on the vegetable pak choi and theories of living mulches and different kind of covers are to be found. To examine the amount of predators in the field, traps were used.
During the autumn 2002 the tests were conducted in Alnarp. The pak choi and the living mulches were planted/sawn at the same time, the different covers were also applied at this time. The total experiment was divided into six different treatments (plus control) of which three were with covers and three were with living mulches.
Once a week the number of leaves, the height and damages were read on ten of the plants from each parcel.