

4268 Uppsatser om Met-before concept image - Sida 49 av 285

VIX: ett mått på marknadsosäkerhet : Hur påverkas VIX av schemalagda nyhetspubliceringar?

This study is based on interviews with heads of unit, care staff and senior representatives from a total of six people. We have in this study directed our focus on care quality in the elderly as a concept in development. It appears, when the elderly do not have any dependents, it is even more important that staff supports some extra where no relatives are involved.Quality of life is the broader concept of good quality care and where a good quality of care is a necessary condition for a good quality of life. According to the social services care is the target that older people will live a good life and be allowed to live in a safe environment, which we intend to investigate in this study. Opportunity for greater influence should now be given to older people and their families on how interventions should be designed and implemented.

Kulturarv som livsvärden : En kritisk undersökning av kulturarvsbegreppet

This critical examination of the concept of cultural heritage is based on an overall phenomenological approach, with focus on Alfred Schütz?s further development of Edmund Husserl?s idea of the lifeworld. With strong emphasis on the subjective and intersubjective dimensions, the concept of cultural heritage is contextualized, analysed and criticized from different aspects for the purpose of enriching the discourse of cultural heritage.A literature based methodology is used, including a hermeneutic analysis of theoretical texts in the field of cultural heritage studies and the new Swedish Culture Environmental Law (?Kulturmiljölagen?) and related bills. Qualitative interviews deal with people?s notions about the concepts of culture, cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage.

Kulturbegreppet i skapandet av nya medborgare : En uppsats om integrationsprocesser och diskurser i det sena 1900-talets Sverige

In this thesis the author has through a discourse analysis examined how the concept of culture has been used in the discourse of integration during the late twentieth century in Sweden. The author argues that the integration of immigrating people has been the fundamental method in creating Swedish citizens within the immigrant communities. In this discourse the concept ?culture? has been a constant recurring way of explaining differences among the immigrants towards ?ethnic swedes? and Swedish way of life and establishing difficulties in performing integration outside of governmental policies. When looked upon in terms of discourse the integration process is the possibilities, intents and interests and the actual creation i.e.

Att studera varumärken utifrån profil,image och identitet : En komparativ fallstudie av Tallink Silja AB och Viking Line AB

För att särskilja sig från konkurrenterna på marknaden behöver företag idag ett unikt koncept som gör att konsumenterna uppfattar företagets produkter och tjänster som pålitliga och tillfredsställande. Varumärken har fått en allt större betydelse i konsumenternas val av ett företags produkter och tjänster. Detta beror troligtvis på att konsumenter handlar allt mer emotionellt snarare än rationellt, vilket grundar sig i att de vill självförverkliga sig själva. Ett varumärkes styrka och dess värde för ett företag kan mätas på ett flertal sätt. I detta arbete utgår vi från en teoretisk modell som beaktar tre begrepp (profil, image och identitet) vilka i sin helhet bör överensstämma för att ett varumärke ska kunna klassificeras som starkt.I denna uppsats har vi undersökt och jämfört kryssningsföretagen Tallink Silja ABs och Viking Line ABs varumärken genom att studera huruvida företagens profil, image och identitet överensstämmer.

Avatarens många skepnader : En digital representation för bättre självkänsla

Avatarer är vanligt förekommande i datorspel och används för nöjes skull men avatarer används även i seriösa spel. Rapporten undersöker hur en persons självkänsla och body image kan stärkas med hjälp av en avatar och vilka egenskaper avataren behöver ha. Undersökningen genomförs som en litteraturstudie. Slutsatsen är att det troligen går att skapa en avatar för detta ändamål, men att det är många aspekter att ta hänsyn till och att det inte är helt självklart vilka val som behöver göras. Viktigt verkar dock att användaren själv får välja sin avatar, att till exempel typen av klädsel påverkar liksom avatarens längd.

Det kompetenta barnet  : En undersökning om pedagogers syn på sin roll i mötet med det kunskapande barnet

 Purpose: The purpose with this study is to investigate how preschool teachers understand the concept the competent child and in what ways this understanding affects their role in children?s learning. Question at issue: What perspective on children do the contributing educationalists have? How do they define a competent child? Do such children exist and if so, are they always competent in all situations? What is the educationalists perspective on learning and knowledge? What is the preschool teacher?s view of their role as educationalists? What do they consider as their most important tasks?Method: To execute this study I have made a qualitative research based on interviews with eight teachers from four different preschools.Main theories: I have built the theoretical part of this study based on four different perspectives on the concept the competent child according to the philosophies of Dion Summer, Jesper Juul and Reggio Emalia. I also describe different theories about learning, knowledge and educationalists as well as the preschools role in the development of child according to different well-known scientists and researchers.Summarized conclusion: The study shows that the interviewed preschool teachers chose to interpret the concept the competent child in three ways.

?Alla vill ju att ett barn ska växa upp i en familj?- en kvalitativ studie om familjenormer inom familjehemsvården

Placing children in foster care is today considered the best alternative for children unable to stay in their biological environment. A nuclear family consisting of a father, a mother and a child is the most common family structure within foster care today. The purpose of this thesis is to gain insight on the family norms that control the foster care system. It's a qualitative study based on interviews with six professional social workers within the field of foster care. This method gave us empirical material, that was later analyzed from two main theories and one theoretical concept.

Kvinnans upplevelse från bröstcancerdiagnos till mastektomi - med fokus på coping och självbild : en allmän litteraturstudie

AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to describe which coping strategies women use when they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition, the purpose was to describe how woman?s self-image changes after a mastectomy. Method: A literature review study has been carried out with a descriptive design. The result of the study included 16 articles which were found in the databases: Cinahl, PubMed, PsycInfo and through manual search.

Kartläggning och effektivisering av lastbilsflödet mot ryska marknaden : En studie på Scania AB

This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.

Den mobila prefabriceringsfabriken : Ett nytt produktionskoncept

This is an investigation of a mobile prefabrication factory´s competitiveness and profitability which also will result in a suggestion for a design of the factory. The mobile prefabrication factory is an idea of a new concept for production which is meant to be used in the manufacture of slab. The main intention with this concept is that by using a fast established prefabrication factory to produce elements near the construction site, thus avoiding transport from the factory to the building site. This means not only an environmental and economic gain, but also that you can avoid risking damage the elements which often occur during transportation. The contractor is owner of the mobile prefabrication factory and can thus avoid long waiting times and cyclicality.

Större, rikare och friskare och fortfarande förbisedda - Varför?

Syftet med vår forskning är att undersöka varför inte fler företag inom resebranschen i Sverige har valt att rikta mer av sin marknadskommunikation till, och valt att fokusera mer på 50+ marknaden, trots att mycket fakta belyser segmentets attraktivitet. Vi har valt en deduktiv undersökningsansats och en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Telefon- och mailintervjuer ligger till grund för vår insamling av empirin.De teoretiska aspekter som vi valt är orsaker till ignorans av 50+marknaden, image, universell design, kognitiv ålder, kommunikationsteori och age cohort. Dessa har i avsikt att hjälpa oss tolka det empiriska materialet. Vi har valt att intervjua en kommunikationsdirektör och marknadschefer på ledande svenska resebolag, grundaren och delägaren av Senioragency Stockholm samt en framtida entreprenör i resebranschen.

Framing al-Qaida : En komparativ studie mellan två tídningars "inramning" av al-Qaida

Aim: The study's aim and run-up are to investigate how journalists frame texts, during impact of those standards and values that they have, combined with the organization and in the nation where they work.Method/Material: The study looks on how the authors of articles at the Swedish newspaper "Dagens Nyheter" and the Norwegian newspaper "Dagbladet", uses the concept al-Qaida, in their news rapport, during the period 19:th of mars ? 24:th of august 2003. Two hundred articles were collected and divided into two groups, 1) the explicit group, there the text actu ally treated al-Qaida, 2) the implicit group, there the text e.g. linked to the name al-Qaida and the article itself treated another subject. Is it possible to see differences or resemblances, in the way that journa lists frame their texts? The main theoretical run-up is framing accor- ding to R.

En bild av säkerhet: En retorikanalys av Min Volvo Magazine

Syftet med denna studie var att försöka hitta de teser Min Volvo Magazine driver för att forma sin image. För att få svar på syftet har kritisk retorikanalys använts. Vad skriver Min Volvo Magazine om och vem är den tänkta målgruppen. Vem identifierar sig med budskapet och vem gör det inte och känner sig utanför ?Vi som kör Volvo gruppen? Huvudfrågorna var: Vilken image vill Volvo bli förknippad med? Och vad kan de retoriska valen som Volvo gör ha för effekt på identifikation respektive åtskillnad?Studien har använt sig av teorier som identifikation och etos.

Fyllnadsgradsmått i lastbilstransporter Hur stort är intresset för fyllnadsgrad i lastbilstransporter hos branschföretagen?

This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.

Att sälja landet lagom : En studie om Sverigebilden och Svenska Institutets arbete med nation branding

Title: To sell the country of Lagom: a study of the Swedish Institute?s re-branding of Sweden and impact on the swedish citizens Authors: Rebecca Dahl & Ellinor Thungren Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish Institute?s branding of Sweden. We have explored if the branding is consistent with the picture that Swedes generally have of themselves and Sweden, and also looked at which consequences differences in this picture may have. Method/Material: Semiotic analysis and interviewMain Results: The results of the thesis shows that SI?s branded image of Sweden agree with the picture that Swedes have of themselves and Sweden.

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