

4268 Uppsatser om Met-before concept image - Sida 4 av 285

Omkonstruktion av mätram

The main point in this diploma work lies to a beginning on analysis of the existingmodel of WoodEye scanner. The analysis aims to forming a view and understanding ofhow the scanner is designed and how it functions, and certain conditions around thescanner. On the basis of the result from the analysis and obvious criteria, has a numberconcept proposals been put forward. The concept proposals has then been evaluated andbeen compared with current concept, obvious criteria and compared to each other. Thebest proposal has then been developed far to a completed concept..

Bildningsrummet. Om bildningsbegreppet i folkbiblioteksdiskursen.

The Swedish concept of bildning, related to the German Bildung, finding its correspondence in English in refinement, formation and culture, is an important, though traditional rather than modern concept in cultural policy and sphere. The concept connected to the activity of the public library is relevant, as the library uses the word as a description of parts of its work. The meaning of the concept can easily be seen to be complex as well as disputed, borders on and is related to other concepts. The paper discusses different meanings to the concept according to different Swedish authors, as well as the connection of the concept to related ones. The varieties and differences are expressed as differences in discourse.

BILD OCH DRAMA I FÖRSKOLAN. : En studie ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

The aim of the study was from preschool teachers perspective to describe, analyz and understand how teachers in preschool works with children in special needs in image and drama. I have done eights interviews with preschool teachers. From a theoretical base, i use the Nilholms perspectives. I have also Antonovsky and Vygotskijs perspectives. The resultat showed that the majority of preschool teachers have see that image and drama has a great significance over childrens learning in preschool..

Troubleshooting med avseende på avsättningar på gummiduk, Bobergs tryckeri AB

Bobergs printing house in Falun has during some time had problems regarding deposits on blankets intheirs Müller Martini UV-printing presses. Deposits appear in both image areas and non-image areas.These areas have been analyzed and the deposits on non-image areas contain chalk, clay and talc. Thequestion remains how these material bond to the blanket surface. The chalk and clay comes from thepaper. The talc comes from the ink.

Shoppingdestinationen Göteborg - En studie av perceptuellt promenadavstånd och dess inverkan på en stads image

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 22,5 hp, 2014.

Sponsor or Die - En studie om imageöverföring vid mindre events

Studies conducted on event marketing have mainly focused on larger events. Managerial implications, marketing techniques, and theories in the field have hence dominantly addressed events of larger nature. Event marketing however is a growing phenomenon in the marketing mix. Brands are using event marketing to a greater extent. Brands are increasingly using small events as a marketing tool in order to create brand awareness and brand image; this goes for both small brands and large brands.

Porträttering av förorten Tensta

The purpose of this study was to investigate hove some suburban areas image is shown to the public in the media coverage of suburban areas, and this is why I in this paper want to look more closely at the image of Tensta in the news media and how people in Tensta perceive themselves. News media has a very important role in the creation of human worldview. It influences our own identity and affects what a person believes is the difference in us and them. In the post-colonial theory, identity creation is a central role in philosophy, us and them. Based on the above purpose, I formulated an overall main question that this essay should answer.

Fra?n beso?kare till boende : En studie om ma?tning av destinationsimage ur inva?nares perspektiv

It has become increasingly common for cities and municipalities to take greater account of the place marketing, and to see the physical location as a brand. An early step in this process is to make the image measurements of the place, in order to develop better marketing strategies. A method often used in tourism research for this type of measurements is Etchner and Ritchie's theoretical framework. The framework is initially designed to measure visitor's image of a tourist destination.Almost all previous research in this area is based on the visitor's perspective, but Olofsson and Skredsvik have used this framework to measure a location's image among the residents. They feel that the residents of a place can be seen as ambassadors of the place because they know the site well.

Samband mellan Identitet & Image - En studie av Centerpartiet

Sammanfattning Under de senaste decennierna har de politiska kampanjerna blivit alltmer professionella och de politiska partierna bör därför likt företagen förlita sig på etablerade marknadsföringsteorier. När politiska partier ska påverka sina väljare är sambandet mellan organisationsidentitet och image viktigt då identiteten ska återspeglas i den image som väljarna har av partiet. Centerpartiet tappade i väljarstöd i det senaste riksdagsvalet 2010 och är ett parti som haft anledning att analysera och reflektera över sin identitet och image. Tidigare var Centerpartiet ett utpräglat landsbygdsparti medan de numera, i en högre utsträckning än förut, vill identifiera sig med städerna och de väljare som finns där. Centerpartiet har även under den senaste mandatperioden kompromissat i politiska frågor som var och är viktiga för partiet, partiets medlemmar och väljarna.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans användande av omvårdnadsplaner : en litteraturstudie

The purpose is to illustrate the phenomenon of self-harm from a social psychological and sociological perspective. The purpose is furthermore to examine the role social relationships play in the individuals´ self- imagine and what role does identification play for anyone who harm themselves? We want to examine in what way social relationships are important and how they function for individuals who harm themselves, both once they have started to harm themselves, and if the relationships in any part caused the cutting to begin with.Questions:How do individuals shape their identity based on self- harm? Which self-image do individuals have who self-harm? Is there anything in the person's previous social relationships that have caused them to begin to hurt themselves?Method:In this paper we have analyzed five autobiographies. We have used open coding from grounded theory as analytical method and subject positions based on discourse analysis.Theory:We have used the Cooley concepts looking glass self, Foucault's theory of power, Giddens' concept of ontological security and existential anxiety.Results and Analysis:We found six different categories that we thought were central. These were negative self-image, guilt, lack of family support, negative experiences of others' views, the protective identity as self- harmer and insecure social relationships in school.Conclusion:The self-harming is a very complex behavior.

Kunden som varumärkesskapare

The purpose of this study has been to examine how customers, by interacting with each other, can communicate and create the image of a brand. We find this topic to be relevant since there are no previous studies conducted concerning the customers influence on the brand image. Our ambition has been to describe in what ways and to what extent the customer can affect and influence the brand image by communicating with other customers. To fulfill our purposed we have targeted three important questions which are:? In which ways can the customer affect the communicated image of a brand?? To what extent can the customer influence the brand image and the perceived value?? Who has control over the brand, the customer or the company?For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eight personal interviews with brand consultants and the editor of the magazine Dagens Media which has given us the foundation for our analysis.

Artisters identitet och image - ett varumärkesperspektiv

Title: Artists? identity and image ? a brand perspective The purpose of this study has been to create an understanding of how artists in the music business can be seen as brands and to see what stands out when having this approach. During the study we have focused on the two terms identity and image. We find this issue interesting and relevant since branding has been widely discussed in business economy, but not enough when it comes to artists in the music business. To answer our research question we have targeted three aims for this essay, which is to clarify and analyze:? Identity and image when people are viewed as brands? What specifically characterizes the image of the artists when they are seen as brands and what it might mean that artists are considered as brands? How artists identity and image can be highlighted, shaped, influenced and how it can changeIn this study we have used a qualitative approach to get the topic in depth and gain a greater understanding for the subject.

Paradoxens styrka och kraft : En studie av paradoxala inslag i Samuel Backetts verk i väntan på Godot

AbstractThe purpose of this investigation is to find out how the pupils can discover and to feel joy in their creative art activity and also to believe in their own ability. The aim is to figure out if creative art activity is able to raise the pupil?s self-image. By literature, pedagogue interviews, and interviews with pupils at the age of ten years old and by action research is the way that I have searched for an answer for my question. The main result is that fantasy, creativity, courage and lust are important parts to develop in the job of raising the self-image.

Kontrasternas ö : En analys av Ölands image och hur öns varumärke kan utvecklas

Öland?s Business Office is on the verge of developing a strategy for the island?s future tourism. Before any work with developing Öland can be carried out, it is essential to gain an understanding of how the place is perceived today.The purpose of this essay is to study the island?s current image and make recommendations for how the place brand could be developed.The methods used are literature studies and qualitative group interviews. The participants have been inhabitants of Öland and returning visitors from the Kalmar region.

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