

1891 Uppsatser om Mental föreställning (imagery) - Sida 51 av 127

Skolskötersors användning av MI-metoden

AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.

Konstruktion av reaktionsmätare : För mätning av mental belastning hos traktorförare

Detta examensarbete omfattar brandskydd och dimensionering för de olikakonstruktionsmaterialen limträ, stål och betong. Där målet är att utveckla ett underlagför nyutbildade ingenjörer och konsulter. Layouten på arbetet ger en enkel överblicköver informationen kring de olika materialen och tar upp de viktigaste stegen manska ta hänsyn till vid dimensionering.Arbetet inleds med en allmän översikt på hur brandskyddet behövs i byggnader föratt uppfylla de lagar och regler som ställs. För att få en större förståelse för hur deolika konstruktionsmaterialen beter sig under påverkan av brand, presenteras de olikamaterialegenskaperna och hur påverkningen för samtliga ser ut.Huvuddelen av rapporten beskriver de grova skillnaderna mellan materialen och hurman går till väga för att nå samma brandklass på konstruktionen för de olikamaterialen.För att utvärdera litteraturstudier, har erfarna ingenjörer och konsulter intervjuats.Detta har resulterat i bredare inblick kring det informationsbehov som krävs för att tafram dimensionering vid brandskydd i konstruktioner..

L?t maten tysta mun? De nationella elevorganisationernas inst?llning till skolmat och skolmatsdebatt 1957-1982

The purpose of this study is to examine the Swedish national student organizations attitudes towards school food and the school food debate between 1957-1982. The previous research on the subject maps the historical background and development of the school meal, but lacks a contemporary student perspective from the chosen time period, not least on a deeper and more political level. The theoretical starting points in the study concern organizations and their influence on public authorities as well as student influence. These theoretical frameworks are used to describe the conditions for the currently active national student organizations; Elevf?rbundet and SECO, in the political arena.

En analys av en mattestuga : - elever med matematiksvårigheter

Mergers between companies has become more and more common in Sweden and in the rest of the world with the motive to increase the competitive strength in the current markets and has an important role within organisational development of companies. When organisations merger there is not only buildings and objects that are put together but also their individual organisational structures, people, values and cultures. This can be a difficult process and can affect many people in how they think conscious as well as unconscious, feel and react.The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how employees are affected following a merger when changes in the organisational culture come up, and how these changes are expressed.This thesis is delimited to investigate only one company, Skruf Snus AB and only focus on their business and employees in the region of Stockholm. The thesis contains a qualitative investigation with semi structured interviews that has been carried out with eight employees at Skruf Snus AB. The thesis is partly based on a model of Schein which describes the different levels in organisational culture and partly on some theories about reactions to change in relation to the integration between the employees following a merger.The results of the investigation indicate that with a merger the whole organisational culture is affected and therefore also the employees.

Kommunikation om kommunikation - medarbetares upplevelser av vad som påverkar kommunikationen mellan dem och deras chef

Our study aimed at gaining insight of co-workers experiences of different factors that affects the verbal communication and leads to dialogue and misunderstanding between co-workers and their managers. The empirical material was gained from semi-structured interviews with co-workers at various departments within the same organization. We used a hermeneutic interpretive approach and our data was analyzed concerning different factors affecting communication. The result has been interpreted using the theories of deliberative conversations and dialogue competence. We have also used Illeris theory of learning. The result shows a number of factors that affects communication between co-workers and managers.

Närhet till Europa = Demokrati och marknadsekonomi? En jämförande studie av Estlands och Uzbekistans skilda vägar sedan självständigheten

The disintegration of the Soviet Union was a vast experience, not solely for the former members and inhabitants of the Soviet Union, but also for the rest of the world. This thesis examines Estonia and Uzbekistan's different experience with transition. By examining three different aspects of transition I seek to explain Estonia and Uzbekistan's different outcome of transition. Estonia has since their independence been fully aware of the process that started with their independence. They have reformed both the political and economic system, the industry is privatized, institutions democratic and Estonia is today a member of the European Union.

"Man får vara deras vikarierande pannlob" Möjligheter och svårigheter i omvårdnaden av personer med frontallobsskador vid demenssjukdom/ ?You have to be their deputy frontal lobe?Possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia wi

Nursing care of persons having dementia diseases affecting the frontal lobes, sets special demands on the staff, but the knowledge about how to best tailor nursing care is sparse. The aim of the study was to illuminate possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia diseases with frontal lobe dysfunction and was carried out as a descriptive, qualitative study, based on a review of medical records and interviews with nursing staff (n=10) that was analysed with qualitative content analysis. The difficulties were related to the patients lack of inhibition and judgement, anxiety, agitation, reduced ability to care for physical needs, egocentrism, imbalance between rest and activity, and depressed mood. The possibilities were seen in relation to the nursing staffs professional encounter, characterised by being distinct and consequent, being a step ahead, being flexible and catch the moment, being calm and create a positive atmosphere, being close and trusting and being and doing together. To receive continuous feedback and support was a prerequisite for the staffs? engagement.

Kemikalier på förskolor : En studie om hormonstörande ämnen och medvetenheten hos förskolepersonal

Chemicals in preschools - a study of endocrine disrupting chemicals and awareness among preschool teachers The purpose of this study was to investigate endocrine disrupting chemicals that have been shown in preschools and also the preschool teachers? awareness of these chemicals. There were two methods used for completing this study; a literature study and a practical study. The literature study was made by researching on the internet and in books. The practical study was performed by sending questionnaires to all preschools in Kiruna municipality to study awareness among staff.

Varför tycker du inte som mig!? : Livsåskådningars struktur, funktion och immanenta konflikt

This report is an attempt to clarify how religious and non-religious views-of-life [livsåskådningar] are created through the collaboration and opposition of religious and scientific elements/ideas. This with the hope of reaching a fruitful result related to the solution of world-view related conflicts, such as the ones existing between science and religion, on an individual and societal level.This is accomplished with the help of two assertions: (1) Mankind has a need to explain its existence and surroundings. (2) Religion and science has their origins in the same seed and aim to serve the same purpose, or function. Together these two assertions lay the theoretical foundations of this report which implies that all humans have an innate need of sustaining a stable world-view.The result of this report is that a final solution to world-view related conflicts are beyond reach as our mental and physical nature limits us. However there are strategies for minimizing world-view related conflicts effect on society..

"Man får vara deras vikarierande pannlob" Möjligheter och svårigheter i omvårdnaden av personer med frontallobsskador vid demenssjukdom/ ?You have to be their deputy frontal lobe? Possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia

Nursing care of persons having dementia diseases affecting the frontal lobes, sets special demands on the staff, but the knowledge about how to best tailor nursing care is sparse. The aim of the study was to illuminate possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia diseases with frontal lobe dysfunction and was carried out as a descriptive, qualitative study, based on a review of medical records and interviews with nursing staff (n=10) that was analysed with qualitative content analysis. The difficulties were related to the patients lack of inhibition and judgement, anxiety, agitation, reduced ability to care for physical needs, egocentrism, imbalance between rest and activity, and depressed mood. The possibilities were seen in relation to the nursing staffs professional encounter, characterised by being distinct and consequent, being a step ahead, being flexible and catch the moment, being calm and create a positive atmosphere, being close and trusting and being and doing together. To receive continuous feedback and support was a prerequisite for the staffs? engagement.

Inverkan på dagligt liv hos patienter med hypertyreos

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa de psykiska aspekterna av att drabbas av hypertyreos och hur det påverkar individens dagliga liv. Studien vänder sig till sjuksköterskor som kan använda studien i sitt arbete för att underlätta omvårdnaden kring patienter med hypertyreos, vilket på så sätt ger kunskap åt blivande kollegor. Hypertyreos är en sjukdom som blir alltmer vanlig i Sverige och som kan ge stora inverkningar på individens dagliga liv om den inte upptäcks och behandlas i tid. Metoden som valts är en litteraturstudie där tio vetenskapliga artiklar blivit systematiskt och kritiskt granskade utifrån Polit & Hunglers kriterier för vetenskap. Resultatet visar att ett flertal psykiska symtom påverkar som kan ge stora inverkningar på individens dagliga liv, vilket leder till reducerad generell hälsa och minskad vitalitet och känslomässighet, därmed upplever patienter begränsningar i det dagliga livet..

Datortomografi av hjärtats kranskärl: Åtgärder för en optimal undersökning avseende stråldos och bildkvalitet

Idag a?r invasiv koronarangiografi (IKA) fo?rstahandsmetoden fo?r att hitta och a?tga?rda stenoser i hja?rtats kranska?rl. En alternativ underso?kning och en relativt ny metod a?r datortomografisk koronarangiografi (DTKA). Kranska?rl har tidigare varit sva?ra att avbilda med datortomografi (DT), men tack vare den snabba tekniska utvecklingen inom DT bo?rjar metoden bli allt mer vanlig, eftersom den a?r icke-invasiv och kan ge patienten mindre stra?ldos a?n IKA.

Kriminalvårdares föreställningar om äldre interner och deras omsorgsbehov - en kvalitativ studie

According to the statistics, the number of older inmates in prison is increasing, and the care needs for this group are relatively unexplored. The purpose was to study prison officer?s perceptions of older inmates and their care needs. The study was based on a qualitative approach in which prison officers at one prison were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed based on earlier research and from a social constructionist perspective.

Den skapande bildens betydelse för hälsan hos personer med depressions- och ångestsyndrom

The main objective of this study has been to explore how art therapists experience the visual art´s that can be used in the promotion of health among people with depression - and anxiety disorders. The concept of SOC- sense of coherence has been a central term and a link between imaging and SOC were identified in the study. The underlying method in the study was a qualitative form, where semi-structured interviews were used. Through a strategic- sample five female art therapist were contacted, who all came to participate in the study. The study is essentially based on hermeneutical method and the analysis of interview material has been analyst by using thematic analysis.

Stigmatiseringen av personer med psykisk ohälsa ur psykiatripersonalens synvinkel

Syftet med studien var att genom intervjuer med personal inom socialpsykiatrin ta reda på deras upplevelser av stigmatiseringstendenser och mediabild i relation till personer med psykisk ohälsa och till sig själva som yrkespersoner. Tidigare forskning visar på stigmatisering, diskriminering och mediapåverkan i samband med psykisk ohälsa. En meningskategorisering av insamlat intervjumaterial fann mönster i intervjuerna beträffande individsyn, stigmatiseringsuttryck, mediapåverkan samt generell okunskap om psykisk ohälsa. Resultatet bekräftar tidigare studier om okunskap och mediapåverkan samt motsäger delvis tidigare forskning gällande diskriminering av psykiatripersonal. Resultatet visar även hur personalen inom socialpsykiatrin upplever att stigmatiseringen kan minskas utifrån ökad kunskap om psykisk ohälsa och medvetenhet om varje människas värde..

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