

1891 Uppsatser om Mental föreställning (imagery) - Sida 22 av 127


Bakgrund Arbetsterapeuter har en central roll i ryggm?rgsskadade patienters str?van mot ett meningsfullt aktivitetsliv. Ungef?r 330 personer per ?r f?rv?rvar en ryggm?rgsskada i Sverige. En ryggm?rgsskada p?verkar funktionen nedanf?r skadest?llet och aktivitetslivet f?r?ndras.

Mental arbetsmiljö och acceptans av IT-system i callcentermiljö

Syftet med denna studie var att erhålla kunskap om individens syn på den mentala arbetsmiljön. Dessutom var syftet att utreda ett eventuellt samband mellan acceptans av IT-systemet och den individuella effektiviteten i callcenterarbete. Tidigare forskning hävdar att högre användbarhet, som är en del av användaracceptansen, hos systemet höjer effektiviteten i utnyttjandet. TAM påstår att de två delarna användarvänlighet och användbarhet har en grundläggande betydelse för användaracceptansen (Davis, 1986). Ett callcenter är en komplex arbetsplats där personalen hanterar olika IT-system, ofta under tidspress.

Neuroticism i relation till sångteknik och hälsa under 3.5 år hos operastudenter

Yrkesgruppen artister har tidigare rapporterat höga testpoäng vid mätning av neuroticism, vilket yttrar sig i upplevd sämre fysisk hälsa och låg självutvärdering av prestation. Den longitudinella populationsstudiens generella syfte var att undersöka neuroticism i relation till sångteknik och hälsa under 3.5 år hos operastudenter. Högre registret, lägre registret, sjunga piano, egalisering och uthållighet respektive röstlig-, fysisk- och mental hälsa undersöktes. Enkäter utformade för självrapportering användes (EPQ, KSP, STAI och 2 specialkonstruerade enkäter). Resultaten visade att rapportering av sångteknik och rösthälsa förbättrades signifikant, men att kroppshälsa och mental hälsa inte förbättrades signifikant över tid.

Gruppering av sinkor i stora besättningar

The dry period is usually 6-8 weeks and in this period the basis of the performance in the following lactation is settled. In an average herd about 15% of the cows are dry (Marcussen & Krog Laursen, 2008). In many herd the dry cows are set aside, that means setting aside 15% of your herd, at the time when they are preparing for their next lactation. The recommendation for number of groups differs depending on country traditions or reasons for grouping. If you look at recommendation for feeding, some companies selling feeding equipment advocates one group throughout the dry period, but the number differs from one to three.

Ekonomins globalisering : En diskursanalys av medias framsta?llning av ekonomins globalisering

Vi exponeras dagligen fo?r rapporter om bo?rsutvecklingen och andra ekonomi- och marknadsrelaterade nyheter fra?n va?rldens alla ho?rn. Individens va?rldsbild kan i dag pa?sta?s vara genomsyrad av fo?resta?llningen att va?rldens ekonomi och politik a?r global snarare a?n nationell. Syftet med detta arbete a?r att med diskursanalys som ansats visa pa? hur svensk media spra?kligt och diskursivt gestaltar globaliseringens ekonomi samt vidare diskutera hur dessa konstruktioner kan ta?nkas bidra till va?r fo?rsta?else fo?r och hur vi ta?nker kring fenomenet i fra?ga.

Utvärdering av liggbåsinredningar för bättre välfärd och hygien hos mjölkkor

The dry period is usually 6-8 weeks and in this period the basis of the performance in the following lactation is settled. In an average herd about 15% of the cows are dry (Marcussen & Krog Laursen, 2008). In many herd the dry cows are set aside, that means setting aside 15% of your herd, at the time when they are preparing for their next lactation. The recommendation for number of groups differs depending on country traditions or reasons for grouping. If you look at recommendation for feeding, some companies selling feeding equipment advocates one group throughout the dry period, but the number differs from one to three.

Glukos och leucin som potentiellt hjälpmedel i återuppbyggandet av muskelglykogen efter hårt arbete hos travhästar

The aim of the project was to study the effect of oral administration of glucose and leucin on the resynthesis of muscle glycogen after intense exercise in Standardbred trotters. In a crossover design, 11 Standardbred trotters performed a standardized exercise test on two occasions in order to deplete muscle glycogen. The exercise test comprised a warm up period, 7 repeated bouts of exercise on an uphill 500 m slope, and a recovery period. After the exercise test horses received: 1) a solution of glucose and leucine via a nasogastric tube at 0 minutes and at 240 minutes post exercise and a single bout of glucose at 120 minutes post exercise or 2) water (placebo) at 0, 120 and 240 minutes. Blood samples for measurement of glucose and insulin concentrations were collected at rest, when the horses returned to the stables directly after exercise and throughout the 6 hour recovery phase. During the first recovery hour, samples were collected every 15 minutes and then every 30 minutes over the next 5 hours.

Fria eller f?lla?

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats ?r att genom att analysera r?ttsfall unders?ka vilka huvudsakliga faktorer som p?verkar revisorer och redovisningskonsulters ben?genhet att anm?la misst?nkt penningtv?tt. Fr?gest?llning: Vilka faktorer ligger fr?mst bakom en revisor/ redovisningskonsults ben?genhet att anm?la misst?nkt penningtv?tt? Metod: Kvalitativ metod. Dokumentanalys. Slutsats: Sammanfattningsvis visar den h?r studien att de fr?msta faktorer som p?verkar en revisor eller redovisningskonsults ben?genhet att anm?la misst?nkt penningtv?tt fr?mst beror p? kundrelationer samt erfarenhet..

Ett objekt : om arkitekturen i ett föremål för handling

This thesis is covering my design of an architectural object for the use in a pedagogical setting. The purpose is to create contextual premises for students, making possible the testing of designs, involving plants suitable for the urban environment. Hence, the main features in the object design is suggestive to the urban outdoor rooms - rooms that are formed amongst the city facades. The thesis is also about the design process set out from a technical reality, based on camera imagery. To a large extent, the thesis consists of reflections concerning the object's function towards pedagogy, perception and materials. Furthermore, the object claims to be a hybrid between architecture and landscape architecture.

Helande, härligt och helt förfärligt: Om upplevelsen av musik och ljud för personer med utmattningssyndrom

Abstract in English:This essay constitutes a case study based upon in-depth interviews held with people who have, or have had, Exhaustion Disorder (ED), concerning their understanding and use of music and sound, encompassing experiences which are both positive and negative. The intention is to document how the illness influences the subjects' music use. The study shows that the respondents intuitively and consciously are using music by regulating, getting in touch with and manifesting their emotions. Music is an important tool in performing self therapy and to achieve a good existential health. Music can also provoke negative physical and mental reactions and affect the general health status for those diagnosed with ED.

Hur arbetar lärare med nyanlända elevers andraspråksinlärning i förberedelseklasser? : En kvalitativ studie om undervisningsmetoder och materiel för nyanlända elever i förberedelseklasser

We are living in a multicultural society where people from other countries and other cultures are coming to Sweden, including children. Regardless of reasons why these students have come to Sweden, it is common that they are newly arrived and have to learn a second language, in this case Swedish. This will be a challenge, opportunities and difficulties for the student, students? families and for the school and their staff.The purpose of this essay has been to illumine the teaching methods, models and what materials are used by teachers today to contribute to the best possible second language learning for newly arrived students. In this essay the focus has been on one theory and several model-based approaches.

Hur idrottsla?raren motiverar eleverna till fysisk aktivitet i skolan och pa? fritiden

Inledning: Motivation a?r ett ord som a?r va?l bekant inom skolans va?rld, och ett ord som a?r viktigt inom idrott och ha?lsa. Elevers insta?llning till a?mnet idrott och ha?lsa a?r avgo?rande, inte bara fo?r deras skolga?ng, utan a?ven i det fortsatta livet. Som sto?d och hja?lp till att stimulera eleverna till en god insta?llning till fysisk aktivitet finns idrottsla?raren.

Barnen som inte fanns : En kvalitativ studie baserad på självbiografier med fokus på individers upplevelse av omsorgssvikt

The aim of this study was to describe and understand how individuals in adulthood experienced a childhood with neglect, and how they handled neglect. In order to reach the perspective of the individuals who grew up with neglect, we chose to use autobiographical books as our empirical material. The criteria the autobiographies had to meet in order to fall within the scope of this study was that the biographies had to display the experience of neglect during childhood, and thereto the books had to be written by individuals who themselves experienced neglect. Based on the aim of this study we sought answers to three questions: How do the individuals describe their upbringing with a mentally or socially disabled parent? How have the individuals coped with the neglect they?ve been exposed to? What consequences have the neglect supposedly led to? The findings of this study show that the extent to which the individuals experienced neglect were profound and comprising.

Den semidispositiva arbetstidsregleringen : att avvika från Arbetstidslagen genom centrala avtal

The Working Hours Act regulates the working time conditions and together with the Working Time Directive of EU both acts aim to protect the workers. However, with The Swedish Model it is possible to diverge from the law-regulations by collective agreement by the parts of the Swedish labor market. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the national and international law regulations and further on study a few selected Swedish central collective agreements to discover in which extension deviation from the law occur. The sections of the Working Hours Act?s that has been investigated is ordinary working time, daily rest, weekly rest periods, breaks and maximum weekly working time.

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