

5362 Uppsatser om Media representation - Sida 7 av 358

?Det är svårt att hinna med allt?- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?What attitudes do students have towards their teachers? education of media literacy and literature studies?The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies.

Dandyns återkomst? : En analys av maskulinitet i magasinet King och dess förhållande till dandyn

Syfte med denna uppsats är att analysera den bild av maskulinitet som representeras i magasinet King, samt att förhålla den bilden mot maskulinitetidealen hos 1800-talets dandy. Uppsatsen bygger på teorier kring representation, R. W. Connells maskulinitetsteori samt teorier kring dandyn.Mitt material består av sju nummer av magasinet King. För att uppnå mitt syfte har jag utgått från en semiotisk metod och använt mig dels av Sean Nixons analys av ett antal olika reklambilder samt utarbetat en egen analysmodell för text.Jag har i min analys kommit fram till att maskuliniteten i King har en stark bas i Connells hegemoniska maskulinitet då karaktärsdrag kring yrkesmässig succé är starkt framträdande.

Kvinnan, kändisen, konfliktkatalysatorn : Bilden av kändisen Anna Anka i svensk nyhetsjournalistik

The aim of this thesis was to examine how newspaper journalism represented the celebrity Anna Anka. Which roles and qualities did the media ascribe Anna Anka and in what way did the media frame her as a woman.We examined texts and photographs from two Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, 16 texts were analysed. The method we used were discourse analysis with focus on relations, identities and representation.The result showed that Anna Anka was represented in an essentially equal way in both newspapers. The image of Anna Anka seems to be multifaceted. In the texts Anna Anka becomes a symbol for conflicts that emerge in discourses regarding gender, celebrity and Swedish values.

Ekot av en skytt - analys av nyhetsrapporteringen kring skytten i Malmö 2010

Uppsatsen tar sitt avstamp i de uppma?rksammade skjutningarna i Malmo? under a?ret 2010. Syftet a?r att analysera hur media, i detta fall Sydsvenskan och Expressen, hanterade och skrev om de da?d och ha?ndelser som intra?ffade. Vikten ligger pa? vilka diskurser som anva?nds, hur makt hanteras och representationen av artiklarna som skrevs.

De från andra sidan : Mediebilden av den marockanska minoriteten i spanska dagstidningar på webben 2010-2012

The power of news media to shape public opinion has been widely researched and acknowledged. In the globalized world of today, Media representations of different ethnic groups therefore contribute to social segregation or desegregation. This thesis investigates how Spanish news media frame Spain?s most numerous minority of non-European ethnicity: the Moroccans. Using a quantitative content analysis, we have analysed about 200 news articles in the two most read Spanish online newspapers, El País and El Mundo, published during a two-year period, 2010-2012.

Rätten att skrika : den omöjliga representationen i Clarice Lispectors Stjärnans ögonblick

This essay aims to show how Clarice Lispector uses a double narrative to wright beyond the rules of representation that are given for all literature. All writing is determined by the social hierarchies that exist in a society, and thus the essay shows how Lispector uses a specific literary strategy in order to give voice to a character that would otherwise be invisible. Using the philosophy of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze as a means of contextualization, the essay further discusses the social and political impact of Lispectors novel.Through a thematic close reading of the novel The Hour of the Star the essay aims to deepen the understanding of the unique characterization in the novel and its implications. The first chapter is devoted to an analysis of the first person narrative in the novel and its development into a extra diegetic narrative. The second chapter aims to go further into the narrative with an analysis of the dichotomy between body and thought and its interplay with the two main characters in the novel.

Porträtt av personer med funktionsnedsättningar : - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om den bild SVT:s respektive TV4:s nyhetsinslag skapar av personer med funktionsnedsättningar

The study has answered the questions to what extent people with disabilities are involved in SVT- and TV4- news reports and how people with disabilities are represented in news reports. The material is based on 140 news items.The study has demonstrated that news reports SVT and TV4 have different grades of misconceptions about disabled people. Disabled people are constantly being reinforced by negative disabling terms, the disability being of central importance for the news broadcast and they still occur in stereotypical depictions. Through the image of disabled people forms the bed-rock on which the attitudes towards, assumptions and expectations of disabled people are based on. They are fundamental to discrimination and exploitation that people with disabilities face on a daily basis, and contributes significantly to their systematic exclusion from mainstream society.

Colombianer på bioduken : Representationen av tre Hollywoodproducerade actionfilmer

The purpose of the thesis was to analyse three action films; Collateral Damage from 2002; Clear and Present Danger from 1994; and Scarface from 1983, in order to see how Colombians are represented in these movies.The action genre comprises of different stereotypes where the hero and the villain are represented in conjunction to each other. The analysis is about the way the films content and form are used to uphold the representation of Colombians, but also the villain and the hero more generally.Critical Discourse Analysis was used, as main method, and the concepts of denotation and connotation guided the analysis. The main conclusion is that the three movies reproduced an already established collective stereotype of Latin Americans, stereotype that includes both Colombia and Colombians..

?Vad spelar det för roll då om inte alla syns på bild?? : En studie av representation i förskolans miljö

The aim of this study is, from a norm-critical approach, to find, investigate and analyse human representation in the visual culture of one preschool in order to understand if the children enrolled are represented or not. The research questions are: In what ways is there imagery of human representations in images and materials designed for play? What skin-colors and origins are dominant in the data collected?We carried out a qualitative study in the form of visual ethnography. This method allowed us to use a combination of different data collection tools such as photography and ethnographic field notes to collect our data. The photographs we took of images and material used for play, was then analysed through semiotic picture analysis.

En kommunikationsgeting: En kvalitativ studie i hur ett medtech-företag ska använda sig av sociala medier

Today, social media is used mostly by people in their private life. However, companies are more and more tapping into the area of social media. To this date, mostly B2C companies have been successful in their social media strategies. This qualitative thesis aims to investigate how B2B companies can benefit from using social media as a means to communicate and build relations with their customers. The medtech industry has been chosen as the object of study.Through depth interviews with people in the medtech industry and social media experts, data has been collected in order to answer the questions of (1) how ready customers in the medtech industry are to receive information through social media and (2) how companies can build the best possible social media strategy.

Mediernas trojanska häst : en positionsanalys av den mediekritiska genren

The communication and mediation of information and news has, under the latest decades, increased into an incalculable amount. In the newsflow that has come up it has become more and more urgent to sort and select the relevant and correct news. Simultaneously as the information has become one of the most important goods for the western world, the criticism against media has become more loudvoiced and especially the criticism aims at the fact that publicness has become less public and the public conversation is nowadays filtrated through media. The American Joey Skaggs can be reckoned among with the group of media critics, but his course of action and methods to reach out with his critical view, stand out strikingly from the traditional media critics. Instead of, as most, aiming the criticism against media, from an outside perspective, Skaggs chooses to attack the media from the inside.

Representationer av döden i ungdomsfilm utifrån analyser av Hungerspelen och Jag saknar dig

Regarding death in youth movies,analysis of Hunger Games and I Miss You  Today, death is not as present in our everyday life as it was before when everyone knew how death both looked and smelled. This means that media today has a different role and that media can help their viewers to mourn and become aware of death in a completely different way. In this study, death is analyzed as an representation; how it affects and is experienced in two selected youth films, The Hunger Games, (Gary Ross, 2012) and Jag saknar dig/I Miss You (Anders Grönros, 2011).Previous studies mostly analysis death as a figure, and in accordance with these studies have concentrated on different physical descriptions of death; often about diseases or how death is portrayed in the news. In my opinion, these studies lack the perspective of how death is presented, but also how young people respond to these deceptions of death. This essay highlight different perspectives and show more of how death occurs, how the cinematic look is described and how young people react to what is happening on the screen.

Media och näringslivet: En studie om hur mediedrev bör hanteras enligt informationschefer och presschefer

Media has power and impact. It is therefore important for managers to be able to handle media storms when they arise. If not, the brand can be affected negatively. It is managers who should learn to handle media storms because the managers constitute an important part of the external face of the company. Because it is managers who should learn to handle media storms it is interesting to study how media storms should be handled from a theoretical management-perspective.

CSR i sociala medier - Möjligheter och risker med att kommunicera CSR i sociala medier

This B.Sc. Thesis examines how Swedish Large Cap companies communicate CSR in social media. We describe the current state of CSR communication in four different social media channels, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and blogs. This research, supported by interviews with stakeholders and a quantitative survey, analyses the potential risks and benefits from communicating CSR via social media and provides concrete advice on the development of a CSR communication strategy for social media. Although some benefits have been realized, many companies have failed to truly reap the potential benefits from an effective social media strategy for CSR.

Folkhemmet och jämställdheten. En textstudie av hur det socialdemokratiska kvinnoförbundet driver kvinnointressen inom det socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet (SAP)

This thesis aims to investigate how the interests of women are handled in political parties whose opinion programs are based on class interests. The essay constructs a theoretical framework, which shows that the descriptive representation of women is a prerequisite for their subjective interests being represented, however not a guarantee.By studying how the Social Democratic party deals with the demands from the Women's federation, the empirical material sheds light on the theoretical discussion. The study's methodological foundation consists of an ideology critical textual analysis, which focuses on the debate on the design of parental allowance that took place within the party during 2005. During the party's congress the women's federation advocated a proposition for increased individualization of the parental allowance, however the party did not accept it. The analysis confirms the theoretical argumentation that descriptive representation is not a guarantee for the representation of women's interests.

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