

5362 Uppsatser om Media representation - Sida 38 av 358

Att skildra De Andra : om rasism och elitens användande av etnicitet i svensk massmediediskurs

The essay, which is solely theoretical to its form, presents a critical view upon the unproblematized usage of the concept of ethnicity in the Swedish mass media discourse. Theories of critical discourse analysis and post colonial nature is applied to and used to analyze what ethnicity really means. The essay also provides an insight in the functions and power of mass media in Sweden today to understand why ethnicity is so widely used, and what consequences it may bring upon the systematically excluded "other" and the society as a whole..

Horan och madonnan : En kvalitativ analys över kvinnans gestaltning i moderna livsstilsmagasins personporträtt

Lifestyle magazines portray women in different manners and have an influence on how media consumers create self-images. The importance of knowing how different visual representation of the female acts out in magazines with large target audiences is therefore of weight for the magazines? readers to understand. This thesis analyze how the two lifestyle magazines ELLE and LOVE portrays women in images and how they in turn create ideal images of women.The thesis has been conducted through a qualitative analysis of 5 images from each magazine that represents the magazines artistic styles. The theories used in this study are semiotic image analysis and visual text analysis viewed from a gender- and discourse perspective.The conclusion of this thesis is that ELLE portrays women as strong, happy and feminine, with at tendency towards androgyny, while LOVE describes women as inferior and sexual objects constructed for the male gaze.

Vem vinner? Populär och litterär gestaltning i medierapporteringen om Nobelpriset i litteratur

Who will win? Popular and literary framing in media coverage of Nobel Prize in Literature by Magnus Wennerberg Autumn 2013Instructor Mats Ekström The question at issue in this essay is how does mass media frame Nobel Prize in Literature? The starting point is to study whether game framing is occuring in media coverage of Nobel Prize in Literature. Previously, game framing has been studied in coverage of politcs, contrasted against issue framing. Game framing means that media frame politics as a game, a contest between politicians about power. This kind of framing is supposed to be used by media in purpose of attracting larger audience.

Välkommen in i värmen! : En netnografisk studie över hur IKEA skapar, upprätthåller och utvecklar sina relationer i det digitala medielandskapet

Social media has meant that organizations can engage in dialogue with their audience without journalistic intermediaries. PR 2.0 is a term that defines the new way for organizations to work with public relations in the new media landscape. The aim of our study is to examine how IKEA uses social media to create, maintain and develop their relationships. Furthermore, great interest is directed to the concept profile. This essay will examine how the stated profile IKEA has pervades the work on social media.

Music Television : en TV-kanals förändring i ett nytt medieklimat

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze and discuss how MTV is affected by the development that takes place on the world?s media market. The aim is also to see how MTV?s target group?s image of the channel can give guidelines in how MTV should act in this new media era.Material/method: I have examined the development on the media market and then created a model consisting of relevant factors that could affect a TV-channel today. Those factors and the two factors image and profile are then applied on MTV.

Det postkoloniala resandet i Egypten : En diskursanalys av resebroschyrer

During the colonial period Europeans travelled to Egypt. The French had explored Egypt through the mapping and this was published in a collection of books called Déscription de l?Égypte. Exhibitions and publications like Déscription de l?Égypte, which aimed at giving a view of Egypt, raised public interest for journeys to the Orient.

"Peshmerga-chic" och "Nipster" : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur modet samspelar med vår förförståelse och hur det analyseras i media

Fashion creates reactions. It is a type of art form that constantly needs to be updated. This is the thrilling part about fashion, but it is also the part that can create unintentional reactions.In this essay I will examine two garments that have achieved a great amount of media coverage, both in Sweden and abroad. One of them is a jumpsuit from H&M that was criticized because of the resemblance to the uniform worn by the Peshmerga-soldiers in Kurdistan. The other garment is a children?s sweater launched by Zara.

Rekommendera mera

Research on the power of customer involvement, and in particular recommendation is very resourceful. Many studies have mapped the reasons for why customers are willing to recommend, however they often ignore potential differences among brands and how that may affect these reasons. This study is built on a quantitative survey investigating how consumers interact with brands, depending on category affiliation. The categories used were Bhat and Reddy's symbolic and functional, consisting of three brands respectively where each brand represented a different product type.The evolvement of social media has also transformed the platform of recommendation from physical to virtual and changed the way people connect. Thus, taking the investigation further, potential differences between symbolic and functional brands was tested in different social media platforms.

Mediernas konstruktion av en politisk händelse En kritisk diskursanalys av två svenska morgontidningars medierapportering av oroligheterna till följd av presidentvalet i Kenya

News value is an essential part of which event media chooses to report about. Political events consider to bee news with potentional large value. Media has an enormous power and possibility to create news and construct there own reality and where the readers is given a false expression of what really happened. Today the media must show profit and that indirect affects how the media choose to describe political events. In the Kenya case is it therefore possible to draw the conclusion that the two news paper has different construction of the political event in Kenya.

Bloggar och dagordningsteorin : En undersökning av bloggreferenser i fyra svenska tidningar under förvalsperioden 2006 och 2010

For the last ten years Internet has become more popular and is now used by most Swedes every day.  Internet has made it possible for many people to access a great deal of information about news all day long. Internet has also made it possible for people to create their own news and comment on happenings as they are taking place. One way to do this is to start your own blog, which is a kind of diary where you can publish your own thoughts about politics and news.In Sweden the media is often referred to as the third governmental power since the media is examining the government and people in power positions and bringing the people as consumers of news closer to the government. There is a theory called agenda setting that says that the media is an actor that shapes the political issues discussed by the people and politicians.In this essay I have used the agenda setting theory and linked it together with the Medias references to blogs in their news. This I have done to see if the media might be influenced by blogs.

Yogainstruktör 2.0 : En analys av marknadsföringsstrategier i ett medium

This paper is about our collective fascination for the social medium Instagram, and our lively discussions about why certain images may be more so-called "Liked" than others and why some individuals becomes more successfull on Instagram than others. Thanks to our own daily use of Instagram, the idea was born to study and look at how some individuals build their brand through this social medium. With social media new ways to construct and communicate images have appeared. Artists, celebrities and companies use media as a channel for communication and marketing. In our study, we focus on the use of Instagram for marketing purposes by Rachel Brathen, one of the worlds most well-known yogainstructors.

Raskens från bladet till rutan : En studie i adaption

ABSTRACT Title (English): New technologies, same needs? A qualitative research of media usage in two generations, in the light of modern uses and gratifications research Title (original): Ny teknik, samma behov? En kvalitativ undersökning av två generationers mediebruk i ljuset av den moderna bruks- och belöningsforskningen Language: Swedish  Author: Frida Ivansson Tutor: Sven Ross Course: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor's Thesis.  Period: Spring term 2013 University: Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMK) atStockholm University Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper is to, in the light of todays uses and gratification research, highlight the differences in media use in adolescents and adults. I focus on the informants' television viewing and I compare this cross-generational, and in relation to other media use. Material/Method: The method I used in this thesis is qualitative interviews. My choice fell on this method because I believe it to be the most suitable for obtaining the data needed.

Vägen till framgång : En semiotisk analys av Tv3s representation av myten om det goda livet.

In the research field of the cultivation theory focus has shifted from TV in general to studying specific genres instead. It is proposed that there are similarities in otherwise different shows and that these shows give it´s voyeurs a solution to their problems.  The purpose however of this study is to investigate how the myth about the good life is posed in Tv3´s supply.  The theories used in this study are closely linked by their meaning. Narrative talks about the fact that texts, video in this case, contain stories. Ideology is the set of visions and beliefs one person has on the world and myth makes social, historic and cultural decided power orders in to facts.

Hos  rörmokaren finns de sämsta rören : En kvalitativ fallstudie om sociala mediers betydelse för reklam- och kommunikationsbyråer vid kriskommunikation

Problem: Companies are becoming more active in social media. They usechannels such as Facebook, to communicate and interact with theirenvironment. In connection with this, companies must also be prepared todeal with crises in social media. Previous research shows no clear guidelineson how companies can work in social media to prevent crises.Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine how companiesin the communications industry can work with Facebook to prevent crises.We hope that our study can provide new perspectives and guidance on howcompanies can work with emergency communication for prevention.Methodology: We used a qualitative research to arrive at our results. Thismeant we got an insight into the complex world that companies are workingin.

Att lära sig relationskompetens och ledarkompetens : En studie av grundlärarutbildningens utbildningsplaner och kursplaner när det gäller relationskompetens och ledarkompetens

The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the legal position for employers concerning protection against what employees can express about one?s employer in social media.It may regard dissatisfaction concerning employment, tort or so-called whistleblowing. The spread through social media may be comprehensive and thus cause more damage to the employer.Employees within the public sector as well as in the private are protected by the liberty of speech, which is constitutional, even the protection of sources or the right to criticize can offer some protection. This gives the employees the possibility to widely express themselves in private social media as long as it can?t be classified as a violation, which per se is very rare.However, certain differences between the both sectors will be pointed out.There are still no constitutional rights regarding social media, but a grey area has emerged concerning the legal position.

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