

5362 Uppsatser om Media representation - Sida 27 av 358

Bilder av Ryssland: Annorlundahet och misstro i samtida svensk Rysslandsdiskurs

This thesis analyzes contemporary Swedish discourse on Russia, i.e. the ways Russia and Russians are perceived in Sweden today. After a summary of historical Western and Swedish perceptions of Russia, and a discussion about the treatment of these tensions within modern research, contemporary Swedish discourse is reconstructed based upon analytical articles in three major newspapers during the period 1992-2007. It is argued that the prevailing image of Russia contains the reproduction of old stereotypes and prejudices. The five major representations of Russia in contemporary Swedish discourse are: non-Western, unreliable, authoritarian, threatening and eternal, with the last one being a meta-representation functioning both as a representation of its own and a mechanism for the reification of the others.

Sociala medier-journalistens nya källor? : En kvantitativ undersökning av användandet av citat från sociala medier i svensk press

Is social media becoming a new form of interview? This is a quantitative study about the use of quotations from social media in Swedish newspapers. We chose the online editions of two of Sweden?s biggest newspapers for this, namely aftonbladet.se and dn.se.Although we noticed a big difference between the more serious dn.se and the more scandal-oriented aftonbladet.se both newspaper still frequently used quotations from social media.The thing that we found most troublesome about this phenomenon was the fact that we found that journalists very rarely contacted the person whose quotations they used. That meant that the interviewee had a very slim chance of correcting any misunderstandings.It also opened up the opportunity for certain people to use the media to spread their own agendas without getting questioned.We used the social institutionalizing theory and the social responsibility theory to verify our findings.

Hårda män i mörka kostymer : - En bildanalytisk studie med utgångspunkt i genus

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the media presents policymakers from a gender perspective. We have made an analysis on the basis of genderdichotomies. We have studied images from the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet as well as the French newspaper Le Monde in order to achieve a greater understanding in which way the both medias contributes to the reproduction of gender in the media.The conclusion of the study has shown that the gender system is somewhat confirmed by the way in which men and women are presented in the medias. Men are presented with more traditional gender related associations than women who is shown in a more dynamic constellation, this is mostly evident in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet..

Statusuppdatering-gravid : En studie över gravidas användning av social media

Bakgrund: Social media tillhörde den vardagliga rutinen för många. Gravida använde internet som den största informationskällan. Kvinnans självkänsla lyftes vid en positiv bekräftelse. Genom att de gravida fick ett socialt stöd och fick höra andras berättelser om deras erfarenheter och upplevelser fick de tröst och bekräftelse, ett sätt att finna välbefinnande.   Syfte: Att beskriva gravidas erfarenheter och användning av social media, samt se om det finns ett samband mellan självkänsla och välbefinnande.  Metod: Studien gjordes med en kvantitativ ansats genom en enkätundersökning. Enkätinsamlingen gjordes med hjälp av Mödrahälsovården (MHV) i Kalmar Län.

Det afghanska valet i svensk media : En diskursanalys av svensk medias rapportering om parlamentsvalet 2010

Den här uppsatsen analyserar svensk medias rapportering om valet i Afghanistan 2010. Med hjälp av metoder framtagna av Van Dijk har en analys av artiklar som berör valet 2010 gjorts. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är postkolonialism och orientalism. Med hjälp av de perspektiven och Van Dijks medieanalys analyseras materialet för att tydliggöra strukturer i media..

"Hej! Det är patriarkatet. Vi äger dig. Hejdå" : En kvalitativ studie av Instagramkontot Kvinnohats gestaltning av mediekritik

A qualitative study of the Swedish Instagram account Kvinnohat´s framing of media criticism. The Instagram account Kvinnohat is an example when citizens with a feminist agenda participate in a public debate. With a critical point of view Kvinnohat approach society; which media is a part of. Social network with photo-sharing implement such as Instagram is a quite new type of social media. Instagram has quickly become a part of many peoples everyday life, especially among adolescents.


Discussion about the connection between severe mental disorders and criminal acts is constantly ongoing. Violent crimes committed by persons with severe men-tal disorders get a lot of media attention in today´s society. This arise general questions regarding the penalties that these offenders are sentenced to. It is known that the responsibility for these people lies on the forensic psychiatry, however, the media does not draw attention to what is happening in this organization. The purpose of this study is to describe the forensic psychiatric organization from a staff perspective and from a legal perspective.

Didaktiska effekter av begreppskonstruktion i ämnet Samhällskunskap : Hur två läroböcker framställer hållbar utveckling i relation till demokrati

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.

Det stora cancerlarmet : En studie om riskrapportering i media

This essay is about the risks of reporting science through media. We have exemplified the problems with the alarm about acryl amide that came in 2002 through the diffusionist model. From the beginning it was a debate about how dangerous acryl amide is to us humans, but later on it developed to be a debate about whoever did wrong in the intermediation, because later on it came out that acryl amide maybe didn?t cause cancer at all and the scientists didn?t know how to prove if it did or didn?t. In our essay we have based our theories about how the diffiusionist model often is inadequate, with theorists as Stuart Allan, Anders Ekström and Dorothy Nelkin..

Mediabilden av kvinnor i topposition

Denna uppsats har haft som ändamål att undersöka hur kvinnor i topposition beskrivs av media. Utgångspunkten har varit studier av medias bild av kvinnor i topposition på nationell nivå i Sverige, Storbritannien och USA. Även mediebilden av kvinnor i absolut topposition i internationell miljö, dvs. kvinnliga presidenter och statsministrar, har studerats. Det som undersökts är bland annat huruvida kvinnor i topposition har samma tillgång till media som män i motsvarande position och om de skildras utifrån genusstereotyper.

Det bortglömda valet? ? En kvantitativ undersökning av mediernas bevakning kring Europaparlamentsvalet 2009

Title: Det bortglömda valet? ? En kvantitativ undersökning av mediernas bevakning kring Europaparlamentsvalet 2009Authors: Elin Kullander and Sara LundinSubject: The media coverage of the election of the European parliament 2009Term: Spring 2014Supervisor: Mats Ekström, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPages/words: 44/11 065Purpose: The purpose has been to investigate how great the media coverage was on the European parliament elections in 2009 and then compare the result to previous elections. The discussion is based on media?s role as a multiplier in a democracy.Method: We have used a quantitative method and studied the media coverage in four Swedish newspapers 23 days before the Swedish election on 7th of June 2009.Results: We have come to the conclusion that media is in fact meeting its democratic role as a multiplier, in any case as long as we only take in conclusion the amount of articles that has been published. We have seen that the media coverage for the first time has increased both in number of articles and in how big the articles were.

Instant Messaging - Ur ett Media Richness Theory perspektiv

Under tidigt 80-tal växte olika sorter av kommunikationsmodeller fram, bland annat Daft och Lengels, Media Richness Theory. Denna teori var baserad på den tidens kommunikationsmönster. Idag nästan 20 år senare har vi sett explosionsartad IT-utveckling vilket har medfört förändringar i det dagliga kommunikationsmönstret. I denna uppsats undersöker vi om Media Richness Theory fungerar på ny teknik med hänsyn till dagens utökade kommunikationsmetoder. Vi studerar bland annat användnings- och påverkningsmönster ur ett abduktivt perspektiv, det vill säga både kvalitativt och kvantitativt.

Support i den världsvida väven : En studie om kundtjänst på Twitter och Facebook

Customer service has traditionally consisted of telephone, mail, and later on chat.But the entry of social media has changed the way companies exercise customerservice. Companies should ask themselves whether the same type of traditionalcommunication may or may not function in a new channel and thus whether itcan be applied to social media.The purpose of this study is to describe the companies? use of customer servicein social media and how the communication differentiates from thecommunication in traditional customer service, and also to define the effect onthe customers? relationship to the company. To reach our conclusions we havecombined theoretical references with qualitative interviews.By our analysis, we found that the communication in social media expandsthe possibilities. By entering an unfamiliar channel, customer service has hadto adapt themselves and their language.

Människors val av lightprodukter och originalprodukter

The essay aimed to investigate whether people choose light products or original products regarding dairy products and beverages as well as the motives for their respective choice. Finally the purpose was to find out where they had obtained the knowledge to make their choice and how they thought media had affected their choice. The method used was a qualitative decsriptive study with three focus groups consisting of six women aged 40-50, six women aged 20-30 and four men aged 25-35. Each interview lasted 2 hours. The groups were a selection of comfort.   The results showed that all respondents choose original products. The primary reason was because they thought that original products tasted better and had a better consistence.

Marknadsföring av bibliotek via sociala medier ? Hur ser bibliotekarier på det?

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how librarians view marketing of the library using social media and how this can be used in a marketing strategy. The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on the 7 Ps of the marketing mix, SWOT-analysis and SWOT/TOWS Matrix. The theory is based on planned elements that make up a product or service offered the market. We have used our own interpretation of the theories to analyse our material. Our main method has been a web-based questionnaire, the questionnaire was sent to 523 librarians active at ten large public libraries and its related branches.

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