

5362 Uppsatser om Media representation - Sida 26 av 358

Går det att sälja kläder via Facebook? : En fallstudie som undersöker ett företags möjligheter att använda sig av sociala medier i marknadsföringssyfte

This Bachelor thesis is a case study that explores the possibilities and complications to use social media in marketing purposes. The case involves a company that sells garments for men. The company, named Mouli, has decided to use social media as their marketing platform. The company makes an interesting case, since they are still quite new on the market and have all the possibilities to succeed.The purpose for the thesis is to examine Mouli?s use of marketing in social media and to evaluate what could be done to amend the communication.

Ideologi och Kommersialisering : ?En studie om hjälporganisationers användande av sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal

The purpose of this report is to analyze and evaluate non-profit organizations way of working with social media within the organization, from a marketing perspective. We have made observations of three organizations and completed a series of interviews with representatives within the organizations.In the report we came up with five factors that are necessary for non-profit organizations in order to receive long term donations with the use of social media; Trust, awareness, involvement, interaction and Word of mouth marketing.Our result shows that the organizations have realized the potential and benefits of using social media, but have not come very far in the process of using it properly. Our conclusion is that social media can give assumptions for long term donations, if the organizations use a customer perspective and give their customers added value..

Ansvarsfulla män och omoraliska kvinnor : En narrativ analys av det politiska mediedrevet rörande Borg, Billström, Borelius och Stegö Chilò

In October 2006 the media began investigating the four ministers Billström, Borg, Borelius and Stegö Chilò who were all being accused of miner tax fraud. The two women, Stegö Chilò and Borelius became the primary victims of an extensive media hunt where the media already had made their minds up; the women had to go. The more the women tried to explain themselves, they only seemed to be digging themselves into a deeper hole and ten days into the ?hunt?, the media got their way, the women resigned while the men, even today remain on their positions. What was it then that made the outcome so different regarding the four ministers when the only thing to really set them apart was their genders?With support of theories from Giddens, Habermas and Thompson as well as theories regarding media, gender and the medias ethical responsibility we have in a qualitatively narrative analysis studied 20 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Expressen.

"Om man inte gör det på Facebook" : Ungdomars uppfattning om sociala medier som demokratiagent

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.

Crossmedia & Storytelling i Marknadsföringssyfte

This paper contains a study where we apply cross media and storytelling into the design process of a practical commercial campaign. The purpose is to learn more and deeper by using cross media and the ideal of storytelling practical. We applied a qualitative method for research of the project to provide a high-quality empirical work. The result shows that by using well-structured story early in the design process you will easily succeed with your cross media design..

Ett fett problem: en diskursanalys kring medias rapportering kring övervikt

Our essay focuses on media's coverage on the topic of overweight. We investigated how media portrays the picture of the ideal body and person and how the overweight person deviate from those pictures. We also tried to uncover how the media addresses specific types of subjects which we interpret to represent the normative way of being. From the way media presents their message we distinguished which subjects are being excluded. For this work we studied articles from the daily newspaper called Aftonbladet and a lifestyle magazine for women called Må Bra.

En möjlig väg till återhämtning : En studie om det själavårdande samtalet som en resurs i ett samhälle där alltfler drabbas av psykisk ohälsa

The purpose of this study is to discuss the use of social media by the Swedish Police for democratic purposes. The idea of citizen empowerment is closely related to the development of new communication technologies such as social media. Yet many studies indicate that governmental institutions rarely make use of the assumed potentials of social media.In this study, the democratic potential of social media is derived from Habermas normative concept of deliberative participation. Operational definitions emphasize discursive equality, interactive reciprocity and external impact. The analytical framework is combined with qualitative text analysis to highlight the conditions of interaction between representatives of the Police and citizens.In conclusion: the democratic potential of social media, from a Habermasian point of view, is to a significant extent neglected at the expense of its strategic advantages.

Nyhetsgrafikens utveckling

This bachelor thesis examines and discusses the question: "How can graphics for newscasts be adapted to follow technological developments in various media and increase its informative quality?" The work was performed on Swedish Television's own graphic department, SVT design in order to examine how news graphics need to be developed to follow the technological changes in media. The production resulted in a news graphics concept divided into three parts. Two of the sections show examples of how graphics can be adapted according to platform and the third section shows examples of news graphics that are produced at SVT Design by me. The bachelor thesis focuses on the development of technology in the media and examines areas such as interactive solutions, news graphics and the traditional television media..

Övergångarnas Dilemma : En uppsats om kvinnors underrepresentation i andelen övergångar ifrån Samhall AB till den reguljära arbetsmarknaden

With the ambitions to rehabilitate individuals with different kinds of work disabilities through work, the government owned Samhall AB has a long history as labour market measure in Sweden.To show Samhall AB its importance, the company has requirements to fulfill the goal that around 5 percent of their employees, at Samhall AB, every year shall be transferred to an employment outside the company, which is called transition. Unfortunately since this goal was introduced it also created several dilemmas. One dilemma is the long lasting female under representation in transitions from Samhall AB to the regular labour market.The essays main task is to investigate the factors behind the female under presentation in transition from Samhall AB through a genus perspective and by using quantitative and qualitative method.The main conclusions are that female under representation in transitions from Samhall AB are basically caused by structural factors. Samhall AB?s strong industrial tradition and particularly the strong segregation between female and males on the regular Swedish labour market may inhibit females in their transitions.

Gåva eller muta : Hur är uppfattningarna i Svenska företag

De rubriker som funnits i media den senaste tiden om korruption gav mig idén till att skriva detta arbete. Jag sökte teori och upptäckte snart att det saknades arbeten som behandlade korruption inom den privata sektorn och fann därför det området intressant att koncentrera sig till. Mitt syfte formades efter de frågor jag ställde mig genom att granska dels teori och artiklar i media. Det jag ville ha svar på med undersökningen var om företagen använder sig av gåvor samt deras motiv bakom och att klargöra deras uppfattningar om lagstiftningen när en gåva blir en otillbörlig förmån. Jag ville även skapa mig en uppfattning om företagen arbetar för att minimera risken för korruption inom den egna organisationen.För att uppnå mitt syfte genomförde jag sex stycken intervjuer med arbetstagare inom den privata sektorn i Sverige.

?Varför ska vi och dem alltid säras åt?? : En religionsvetenskaplig studie med fokus på representationen av den muslimska kvinnan i en västerländsk kontext

Research shows that Muslims are often reproduced within the context that reinforces stereotyping of Muslims, see for example Otterbeck and Schielke. They are often regarded as a collective group with no distinct individuals and thereby the Islamic religiosity is portrayed as different and deviant from the more secular and private practiced Protestantism that is a common belief in Sweden.The purpose of this work is to study the already existing representation of Muslim women in a Western context, i.e. Muslim women in Sweden. This is done through an analysis of two ethnographic interviews and observational studies, written by researchers in Sweden (Karlsson Minganti and Sultan Sjöqvist) to investigate the existence of an "us and them" mindset. The two ethnographic studies which are analyzed in this work, deal with different types of Muslims: women who have been Muslims since birth and converted Muslim women.

Charmiga mjölkpallar och lugna idyller : tankefigurer om landsbygden i livsstilsmagasin

Denna kandidatuppsats i landsbygdsutveckling har som syfte att studera hur landsbygden representeras i två livsstilsmagasin; Drömhem & Trädgård och Lantliv. För att kunna besvara uppsatsens syfte utförs en kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys, samt en semiotisk bildanalys på materialet. Detta utförs för att kunna urskilja rådande och florerande tankefigurer kring landsbygden, som både medvetet och omedvetet kan påverka människors föreställningar och agerande och som i sin tur kan vara avgörande för den svenska landsbygdens framtid. Den centrala slutsatsen i den här studien är att landsbygden framställs som förskönande och idyllisk, vilket kan sammanfattas med begreppet och teorin kring den lantliga idyllen. I min studie byggs den lantliga idyllen upp och bekräftas av fem sub-tankefigurer och tidskrifternas bilder, dessa bidrar till att den lantliga idyllen inte är tillgänglig för alla..

Bilden av Sápmi : Hur framställning av kultur inom turism kan påverka en ursprungsbefolknings identitet och autenticitet.

I denna uppsats ville vi undersöka hur den samiska kulturen representeras inom turism I Sverige. Vi utgick från fyra relevanta teman; dessa var autenticitet, identitet, makt och turism. Frågeställningarna var: Hur framställs den samiska kulturen i turismsammanhang i Sápmi? Hur påverkas den samiska identiteten av hur kulturen framställs inom turismnäringen? Hur mycket får samerna själva vara med och bestämma när det kommer till hur kulturen framställs inom turismnäringen? Vi började med att se över den samiska befolkningens historia. Det är viktigt att förstå hur de har behandlats förr för att kunna förstå varför saker och ting är som de är idag.

10 gymnasisters uppfattning om svininfluensan : - En kvalitativ studie om medias påverkan på hur elever kan uppfatta ett nyhetsinslag

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka medias påverkan på tio gymnasisters uppfattning om svininfluensan. De frågor som jag har valt att använda mig för att uppnå syftet är hur media kan påverka elevernas synsätt på svininfluensan och på vilka sätt kan eleverna uppfatta svininfluensan. För att kunna förstå hur media påverkar sin publik och hur publiken uppfattar en händelse har jag använt mig av teorin om sociala representationer. Media är en betydande faktor för skapandet av sociala representationer hos individen när det gäller hur en individ ska ta ställning till en händelse. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer har jag undersökt hur tio gymnasieelever uppfattar svininfluensan.

Konst, mångfald och representation : Hur begreppet mångfald manifesteras i och kring konsten vid Södertörns högskola

This research shows and analyses how pupils in ninth grade in the nine-year compulsory school look at being multilingual, at the Swedish language and at Swedish as a second language. I also want to know if language and culture knowledge are taken care of in school as it says in official documents for the Swedish school and as it also is desired in an intercultural education. For my research I do eight interviews in a suburb school south of Stockholm.My work includes a limited account for the current research about being multilingual, Swedish as a second language and about the close relationship between language and culture. The applied theory is a social constructivist theory which in short can be explained like that we construct social structures that have consequences on the individual as well as on the society.I show in my research how the view of the world around the pupils influences their view on their languages, their school and their neighbourhood. I also draw conclusions from my interviews that language knowledge is little appreciated in school and that Swedish as a second language has a low status..

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