

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 9 av 532

Att skilja på sak och person - Hur ökad personifiering i media kan leda till bättre politisk kunskap hos mottagarna

Mass media is becoming more and more personalized and despite common ideas it could actually be a good thing. Instead of affecting the actual content of news coverage it might only have an effect on the way in which news are presented. Famous politicians more regularly become symbols and synonyms for their parties or for the government and are being used to create interest in the beginning of articles.Those are the results from a content analysis of the newspaper coverage of the Swedish parliamentary election in 1976 and 2006 in which the scientist categorized each article in one of four ideal types, counted quotes and analyzed whether personal names were interchangeable with party names without affecting the content. All three methods showing that it is the presentation, not the content, which has been personalized.At the same time, psychology-science tells us about the human brains associative learning processes, where memorizing becomes far more efficient when the information can be connected to an already known person. Increased personalization of news might therefore increase the political knowledge of the receivers..

Det här är Mixed Martial Arts! : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur svensk dagspress framställer MMA

Purpose/aim: This study was performed in order to describe how Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is reported in Swedish daily newspapers during a five-year period. MMA is a relative new sport in Sweden and it is important that the description by the Swedish daily newspapers is accurate and balanced. Then this sport will have the same opportunities to grow as already well-established sports in Sweden. Material/Method: The material consists of 159 articles from six different daily newspapers gathered from 2006-12-07 to 2011-12-07. Quantitative content analysis is used to investigate how the newspapers describe MMA. The result from this quantitative analysis are then compiled, analysed and discussed by applying theories of agenda setting, framing and moral panic. Main results: The result shows that the Swedish daily newspapers give a relative neutral and balanced picture in their coverage of MMA but they are affected to a certain degree of moral panic.

En Rödgrön röra? : Gestaltningen av de Rödgröna i media

Följande studie undersöker i vilken utsträckning parterna i trepartsförhållandet Upsala Nya Tidning, annonsör och läsare har överensstämmande åsikter om vad som är viktigt i relationen, samt hur väl de känner till varandras uppfattningar. Vi väljer att studera förhållandet ur ett trepartsperspektiv då de mer traditionella tvåpartsförhållandena inte är tillräckliga för att beskriva den komplexa verkligheten. Studien utgår från UNT:s printupplaga, men skildrar även skillnader mellan den och webbupplagan. Ett representativt urval av varje part tillfrågades via en enkätundersökning vad de själva tycker är viktigt och vad de uppfattar är viktigt för övriga parter. Resultatet visar på att parterna inte har överensstämmande åsikter om vad som är betydelsefullt i relationen.

Religion och politik - en villkorad relation : en diskursanalys av mediedebatterna om de politiska utnämningarna av Omar Mustafa och Elisabeth Svantesson

This thesis analyzes the media debates generated by the election of Omar Mustafa to the board of the social democratic party, and the appointment of the conservative Minister of Labour, Elisabeth Svantesson. More specifically, the aim is to analyze newspaper material through a discourse analyze, to see if and how religious affiliation effects the possibilities to act as a political representative. Theories of othering and intersectionality serve as theoretical points of departure. Further, chains of equivalence from Laclau and Mouffe?s discourse theory are used to study how categories as ?us? and ?the other? are constructed in the material, and how these processes of categorization relate to the intersection of religion, gender and ethnicity.

Den stora stygga vargen och de tre björnarna: Medias framställning av varg och björn samt dess konsekvenser för rovdjurspolitiken och rovdjursförvaltningens legitimitet.

Under hösten 2011 och våren 2012 har jag som basist genomfört fem helt olika konserter i olika konstellationer och genrer. Jag har valt att analysera dem för att få större förståelse om vad det är som faktiskt påverkar mig i samband med en konsert. Frågorna som behandlas är:?Vad hade jag för känsla innan spelningen??Vad hade jag för känsla på scenen??Hur uppfattade jag publiken??Vad kände jag direkt efter konserten? Hur känner jag nu, en tid efter konserten??Vad skulle jag gjort annorlunda om jag fick göra om spelningen?Studien är introspektiv och jämförelserna av konserterna handlar inte om vad andra tycker, det är en jämförelse av mina upplevelser vid olika konsertsituationer.Under arbetets gång när jag analyserat varje konsert har jag insett hur viktigt det är att man mår bra och har en bra magkänsla precis innan en konsert. Det är något som inte slagit mig tidigare..

Sverigedemokraterna i Kävlinge och Svedala kommun

In the rural districts of Sweden, especially in Skåne, the political party Sverigedemokraterna is gaining more and more territory. The aim of this thesis is to examine if the presence of Sverigedemokraterna has had an effect on the other political parties in Kävlinge and Svedala municipality, with focus on images and collective identity. The aim is also to examine what influence Sverigedemokraterna might have on the political agenda of the two municipalities. In order to be able to fulfil the purpose of the essay, we chose to combine three kinds of qualitative methods; interviews, observations and literature studies. We used theories about images and collective identity to examine in which way the municipal politicians tend to classify Sverigedemokraterna in terms of different images and if their presence has effected the other politicians in terms of forming a collective identity.

En nypa socker : En kvantitativ analys av hur socker framställs i Aftonbladet 1995 och 2013

The subject for our bachelor thesis is how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet. By analyzing newspapers from 1995 and 2013 we wanted to research if the portrayal of sugar has changed during the years. We have noticed that there is a trend of being healthy and fit today. ?Strong is the new skinny? is a quote we can see in social media and on blogs today.

PR OCH POLITIK : ? PR konsulternas roll i svensk politik

AbstractTitle: PR and Politics- the role of the PR consults in Swedish politics (PR och Politik ?PR konsulternas roll i svensk politik)Number of pages: 34Author: Andia GhafouriTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: HT 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To study the PR functions role in Swedish politics and what role it plays for the democracy.Material/Method: Interviews with PR peopleMain results: That the PR people have the right kind of network and the knowledge about how to influence political decisions and the public opinion. Their methods could be criticized from a democratic point of view since they are professionals and their ability to bring up issues in to the public agenda is stronger than ordinary peoples? ability, which could be discussed if it is fair in a democratic society, that people who get paid have more power to change than those who don?t.Keywords: Public Relations, Communication, Politics, Democracy, Information, Networks.

Slaget om budgeten : Kommunikation inom den moderna politiken

Title: The battle of the budget ? Communication in a modern policy (Slaget om budgeten ?Kommunikation inom den moderna politiken)Numbers of pages: 39Author: Niclas KarlssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose of the paper is to see how Minister of Finance Anders Borg andthe Social Democratic economic spokesman Thomas Östros communicate their messages tothe public.Material/Method: The material is the minutes of the budget debate in the SwedishParliament. The method is rhetorical analysis and content analysis.Main result: Trust making is very important for both of them, especially when the financecrisis reached Sweden. The most common rhetorical quality is ethos.Keywords: Strategic political communication, rhetorical analysis, political trust..

Barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa : En kunskapsöversikt om risk- och skyddsfaktorer i deras omgivning

A controversial party?s entry into parliament - a review of Expressen?s depiction of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna)The purpose of this essay was to study how Expressen presents the Sweden Democrats, as well as reasoning about the effects this depiction could have on the citizens? opinion. Using a quantitative method I studied 122 articles, and through a qualitative method four of these could be further analyzed to reach a deeper result. The theoretical perspective that was applied in this study was primary agenda-setting and framing theory, to illuminate the power of media. The result showed that a prominent theme was to present Sweden Democrats as racists.

Det beslöjade partiet : En diskursanalys avsverigedemokratiska texter

The Veiled Party: A Discourse Analysis of Sweden Democratic Texts aims to further the understanding of the underlying ideology of the Sweden Democratic party, by revealing whether or not there is any ideological content that include race, racialization, and racism in the party?s political texts. The study offers a background description of the discursive change in the social and political climate of debate in Sweden, which opened a policy window for xenophobic agenda setting. In addition, the study delivers a presentation of the public debate regarding the Sweden Democrats, as well as statements by party representatives.Through a social constructionist and discourse analytic framework, the study aims at understanding how the application of racial ideas are done and mapped. The core of the theoretical framework is a critical race and whiteness theoretical approach.

Grönare på andra sidan Mediebilden av cannabis i tre skandinaviska länder

Authors: Patrik Jäverbo & Jon LindheTitle: Greener on the other sideLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishIn later years the strict laws and policies surrounding cannabis use have been questioned around the world by several influential leaders, among them US president Barack Obama and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. It has been argued that the ?War on Drugs? has done more harm than good and in some American states and a number of European countries the drug have been legalized or decriminalized. Everybody does not agree however, that legalization is the best course of action and in Sweden the emotions have sometimes run high in the discussions taking place in television shows and newspapers.The purpose of this study is to examine the image media portrays of cannabis; based on the theory that mass media is an important influence on the individual and the way in which he or she views the world. To put the result into a context the Swedish media image will be compared with the one in Denmark and Norway.

Miljökommunikation i dagspressen : En diskursanalys av hur SvD och DN framställer miljöfrågor

The starting point of this study is that the news media in general strongly influence which topics determine the public agenda by their choice of what is considered newsworthy. The study is based on articles from two major Swedish daily newspapers, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim of our thesis is to establish how the environmental public debate as portrayed in the newspaper corresponds to the environmental discussion within the scientific (subject matter expert) field, that is taught by the academic institutions, or if the two materially differ. The environmental communication discourse at the academic institutions advocates ?episodic? formation as the driving force behind transformation of attitudes and behavioral preconceptions. This episodic formation is aimed at incentivizing change by creating intimacy to the incident by linking cause and consequence to the individual citizen instead of to society as a whole.

Svensk massmedias EU-gestaltning Analys av Dagens Nyheters och Expressens EU-artiklar utifrån ett inrikes- och utrikespolitiskt perspektiv

During the time of membership in The European Union Swedish domestic policy has gone through many changes. A lot more political areas are being influenced by the EU policy. Today every ministry has got some sort of EU office. Swedish politicians are functioning on two arenas, domestic and European. At the same time Swedish membership has gone from being highly discussed to being a state of normality.

Laga läckan: De verkliga effekterna av kreativa mediaval på kort och lång sikt

The media arena is becoming more and more crowded by various brands and different commercial messages. At the same time, consumers learn how to screen marketing communication and their cognitive ad filters enable them to avoid message elaboration. Thus, new thinking and new communication executions are required in order to surprise the consumers and break through the clutter. In the present study, we have investigated how the choice of media affects attention, memory and several communication effects that the ad can generate in the short as well as in the long term. The study is conducted on a well-known brand within a low-involvement product category.

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