

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 54 av 532

Analoga möten i en digital tid - En kartläggning av Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas dörrknackningskampanjer under 2014

2014 is a special year in Sweden: for the first time elections to the European parliament and the national elections coincides, creating a"Super election year". This year has also seen the rebirth of an old way of campaigning: door-to-door canvassing. For the first time in 50 years the two biggest political parties, the Social Democrats and the Moderate Party, have decided to create a campaign based on personal meetings with the voters in their own home. To investigate this old-new way of campaigning, this study presents an overview of the history of door-to-door canvassing in Sweden and the research in political marketing associated with the phenomena. Based on that, a new model is constructed to help analyze and map the Swedish canvassing-campaigns.

Arbetskraftsinvandring -en problemorienterad studie av SAP: s hanterand av arbetskraftsinvandringsfrågan

The aim with this paper is to investigate how the Social Democratic Party (SAP) deals with the question of economic migrants, or more specifically how the problem is represented by the Social Democratic Party, and how this representation has developed over time. The SAP's theory became recently contested by a competing theory that was caused by the predicted future demographic development in Sweden, combined with the EU's eastern expansion. The first factor contributed to the re-write of the theory, to a theory that saw economic migrants as a solution instead of a problem, in direct contrast to SAP's theory. The second factor was a direct threat to SAP's labour immigration policy. This leads to my second question, how did SAP respond to this pressure?The answers to these questions are achieved by using discourse analysis by applying a problem oriented theory on empirical material, constituting propositions, articles in mass media and parliamentary debates.

En studie om Socialdemokraterna och Moderaternas användning av Instagram under valkampanjandetår 2014

Undersökningen kartlägger innehållet på en latent och manifest nivå i de fotografier och texter som Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna distribuerat genom Instagram som politisk kommunikationskanal under val-kampanjandet år 2014. Frågan är om avsändaren uppmanar till aktion och i så fall, hur? På vilket sätt framtonas respektive partiordförande? Och på vilket sätt innehåller kommunikationsbudskapet sakpolitiska frågor? Fyra legitima strategier för valkampanjande på Internet har använts och en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av de 143 bilder och texter som Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna distribuerat under perioden 1e januari till 13e september har legat till grund för undersökningen. I ljuset av teorin om framing och semiotik analyserades resultatet och de centrala upptäckterna är att de båda partierna till största del använder respektive Instagram-konto som en nyhetskanal i vilken dem informerar om samtida politiska aktiviteter. Instagram erbjuder de politiska partierna en möjlighet att involvera, informera, mobilisera och ansluta sina väljare utan censurering och filtrering från traditionell media.

1968 som klyscha

This thesis aims to explore and investigate the use of the cliché ?68 in a contemporary Swedish debate. The sixties and especially 1968 is a historically significant year,and it is marked by political murders, protesting students and political energy. InSweden one of the most notable happenings was the occupation of the student union?s headquarters in Stockholm.

Kunskap i skolan : enligt Folkpartiet och Vänsterpartiet

Knowledge is frequently discussed in modern society, and has been since ancient Greece. Our goal is to examine the content of two political documents with the desire to point out their visions about how the Swedish school system should be shaped, in relations to knowledge. More precise this essay is going to concentrate on two specific political parties, Folkpartiet and Vansterpartiet and their official programs on the subject school and education, to see what they say about knowledge. The choice is made on the basis that these parties political standings differ most from each other, in the left/right scale in politics. The qualitative analysis takes its main base from Aristotels concepts of knowledge; Episteme, techne and fronesis, and Bernt Gustavssons modern defenitions of them.

Medier, makt och rasism : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska nyhetsmediers rapportering om Rinkeby

The aim of this thesis is to examine expressions of power and racism in news reporting about the district of Rinkeby, Sweden, in two major Swedish newspapers. News articles are examined using Norman Fairclough?s three-dimensional model for critical discourse analysis. The discourse theory has also been complemented with theories of media in relation to power, ideology and racism. The study has shown that news reporting about Rinkeby largely focused on stereotypical subjects such as violence, social problems and crime.

Foreign direct investments under political uncertainty : a case study of crop production in Ukraine

Intense competition among companies and luck or unavailability of certain resources in country of company?s origin force last to cross the borders, and start to hunt for new markets and cheaper inputs. However, by investing abroad the company is not only facing and dealing with cultural differences and new regulatory framework, but also becomes dependent on decisions and actions of different and to large extend unknown government. Moreover, the majority of the investments? flows are directed to developing countries, where power and capabilities of state authorities are considered to be more extensive than in countries of developed economies.

Journalistikens Beskrivningsmakt : en komparativ studie om gestaltningen av riksdagspolitiker vid riksdagsval

Aldrig tidigare har Moderaterna gått in i ett riksdagsval med regeringsmakten i sina händer och sedan kommit ur den med makten kvar i nävarna, dock som en minoritetsregering. Moderaternas historiska seger blev en tankeställare för mig. Varför nu? Och inte förr? Sverige har trots allt haft riksdagsval på löpande band sedan år 1911. Tanken om att medierna starkt påverkar oss medborgare till att tycka och tänka på ett särskilt sätt ruckade genast igång planer på att undersöka hur riksdagspolitiker och svensk politik porträtteras i svensk dagspress.

Media advertising in Europe - The issue of standardisation from both the business and legal perspective

It is clear that media advertising is one of the crucial marketing tools for companies in order to promote their products and services. As we are moving towards more and more economic integration, both on a regional and global scale, the question about standardisation of media advertising has become increasingly important and is nowadays subject to discussion in most international companies. This thesis deals with the issue of standardisation in a region where the process of political, legal and especially economic integration is taking its course, but where cultural and linguistic diversity is still a remaining fact: Europe. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential gains from a standardised advertising approach but also to identify its limitations. Especially on a market place like Europe, with its diverse cultural and linguistic background, a fully standardised approach might be difficult to implement.

Global Ethics in Dialogue : Church Studies on Globalization in Relation to Global Theories of Justice

The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.

Kluven solidaritet? : Att formulera feministisk politik inom socialdemokratins ramar

This thesis focuses on politically active women within The Swedish Social Democratic Women?s Association, also known as S-women. By applying discourse analysis to interviews with active s-women and to meeting conversations between the association?s members, the study approaches ideas of feminism, feminist politics and political commitment. ?Solidarity? ? the central concept of the labour movement ? serves as the point of departure for a feminist discussion about class, gender, ethnicity and age/generation.

Nordisk valretorik. En jämförelse av politisk tv-reklam i Finland och Sverige.

Aim: The aim of this study is to describe which messages and by which rhetorical means were communicated in political TV-advertisement in Finland and Sweden. The study also aims to analyze how the rhetorical choices were influenced by the political and social context in these countries.Material: Two TV-commercials from the latest parliamentary elections in each country were chosen. The leading left-wing and right-wing parties were chosen from each country.Theoretical perspective: This study is based on theories on political parties? vote maximization and the development of the modern electoral campaign.Methodology: The method used in this study is rhetorical analysis.Results: All commercials had similar themes and were characterized by a low level of conflict. This is related to the common Nordic context in the two countries.

Folkhemmet och jämställdheten. En textstudie av hur det socialdemokratiska kvinnoförbundet driver kvinnointressen inom det socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet (SAP)

This thesis aims to investigate how the interests of women are handled in political parties whose opinion programs are based on class interests. The essay constructs a theoretical framework, which shows that the descriptive representation of women is a prerequisite for their subjective interests being represented, however not a guarantee.By studying how the Social Democratic party deals with the demands from the Women's federation, the empirical material sheds light on the theoretical discussion. The study's methodological foundation consists of an ideology critical textual analysis, which focuses on the debate on the design of parental allowance that took place within the party during 2005. During the party's congress the women's federation advocated a proposition for increased individualization of the parental allowance, however the party did not accept it. The analysis confirms the theoretical argumentation that descriptive representation is not a guarantee for the representation of women's interests.

Dress for success - by using multichannel marketing

Background and problem: Corporate Governance is a well-known phenomenon which has been the focus of plenty of research where the board of directors and the CEO have been regarded as important actors. What's affecting decisions regarding these actors has been debated whereas media has been pointed out of having an impact. To decide whether or not media can affect Corporate Governance have shown to be problematic whereas it exists divergent views regarding this. At the same time this relationship is more explored in other contexts than the swedish one, although this one is considered suitable for this. Consequently there is a motive for examining medias impact on Corporate Governance in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explain if media has an impact on Corporate Governance at an overall level.

Same same but different : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur Aftonbladet konstruerar och reproducerar fo?resta?llningar om genus och genusordning genom sin bevakning av Lotta Schelin och Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

The aim with this thesis was to investigate how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet construct and reproduce imaginations of gender and gender order. An important premise for our work is the agenda theory, which states that media has great impact on what is on their audience mind. We chose to investigate how Aftonbladet wrote about two Swedish footballers, Lotta Schelin and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, during a European championship with each players national team. By using a method of critical discourse analysis based on Teun van Dijks idea and with gender glasses, we analysed eight articles and two chronicles regarding each player.Our results show that Aftonbladet construct and reproduce gender and gender order by its different ways of portraying Lotta Schelin and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Articles regarding Lotta Schelin tend to be more audience oriented, focus more on her and her teammates emotions and more often focus on things outside her profession as a footballer.

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