

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 4 av 532

86 Dagar 16 timmar 25 minuter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsbevakningen kring oljeutsläppet i mexikanska golfen 2010

Purpose: When the Deepwater Horizon oilrig in the Gulf of Mexico faced disaster in late April 2010, news coverage immediately began of the disaster that would unfold. BP took the blame and its financial resources were strained as it struggled with stopping the oil leak, cleanup work as well as its PR image. While the US took many blows of the consequences to ecosystem and tourism, financial consequences swept across the world, mainly Britain, where BP had its headquarters.The event gives an excellent chance at comparing the media coverage from both the US and Britain. By studying The Daily Telegraph and The New York Times, we want to see both similarities and differences in the themes they focused on as well as seeing trends in the themes over time.Theories: The theory chapter is heavily based around the Agenda-setting theory in the media communication field.Methodology: A quantitative content analysis (QCA) of some 500 news articles in The Daily Telegraph and The New York Times from April 22 to July 15. The QCA was made to find the main theme of articles to give us data on how many articles of each theme, as well as their distribution over time.

Konkurrensrättens koncernansvar : Moderbolags ansvar för dotterbolags konkurrensbegränsande verskamhet inom så kallade orena koncernstrukturer

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Gottgörelse till brottsoffer vid internationella brottmålsdomstolen

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Alkoholpåverkan - att påverka eller påverkas. En studie om att påverka politiska beslutsprocesser.

Making decisions have always been part of human life. Political decisions consist of many participants with both formal and informal ways to highlight problems and reach the political agenda. Processes difficult for an individual to distinguish and understand surround political decision-making. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision process for a specific political issue, Swedish wine producers' desire to be able to sell their own wine at their vineyard; gårdsförsäljning. This is currently prohibited in the Swedish model due to an alcohol monopoly.

På bänken ? En undersökning om damidrottens plats inom sportjournalistiken

The world today is not an equal place. We see children starve, people being discriminated and women?s rights being neglected. The media coverage of women?s sports is no exception.

Barns folkbokföring : Barns folkbokföring och fördelningen av familjeekonomiska stöd vid växelvist boende

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Individ eller ägodel? : En studie av barnperspektivet vid prövning av ?medföljande? barns ansökan om uppehållstillstånd.

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Kan rörlighetsdirektivet uppmana tredjelandsmedborgare till skenförhållande? : En studie om vilka utredningskrav det finns av relationer inom uppehållsrätt jämfört mot uppehållstillstånd

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Fuska för att förlora : Matchfixning i förhållandet mellan det rättsliga och idrottsliga normsystemet.

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Att hantera kunskapsuppdraget med eller utan goda förutsättningar? : Hur åtta lärare ser på bedömning i särskolan

Media has the power to influences society. Some call them the third power of a state. Through amongst others, the agenda setting theory and the framing theory, this report seeks to understand how media describes the swine influenza and how it uses its power to influence people to vaccinate. As this report will show, there is no doubt that media has had an impact on the Swedish population of which 60 per cent followed through with the vaccination. Media used an information discourse and attempted to present its articles in an impartial manner and used governmental authorities and experts to support its arguments.

Fångade i diskursen : En kritisk analys av hur begreppet medborgarlön presenteras och inte diskuteras i dagspressen

Abstract Author: Maria StåhlTitle:  Level: BA Thesis in Media- och kommunikationsvetenskapLocation: LinnaeusUniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 51  This report is a critical discourse analysis of the attributes that surround the word basic income/medborgarlön in four Swedish daily newspapers. The study explores how the text in the newspapers attributes the word and what the consequences might be for the readers and for the political agenda when it comes to the discussion of justice and responsibility. The attributes that characterizes basic income in the media are mostly negative and there is no discussion where work strategy and basic income is seriously spoken of. Work strategy is taken for granted and is not questioned by anyone. The alternative that basic income could be is being ridiculed which becomes clear by the attributes that are chosen. The figuration of basic income in these media is characterised mostly by negative and depreciatory attributes.

Medium för makteliten : Hur yrkesrollerna och könsfördelningen förändrats på DN Debatt sedan 1985

Debattsidan i Dagens Nyheter har sedan 1980-talet varit en av Sveriges viktigaste opinionsbildare, och den fyller en värdefull funktion för fri åsiktsbildning i en väl fungerande demokrati. Denna studie fokuserar på hur debattsidan förändrats under de senaste 25 åren med utgångspunkt i kön (vem får oftast komma till tals på debattsidan, kvinnor eller män? ? och hur har könsfördelningen utvecklats sedan 1980- talet?) och roll (exempelvis politiker, chefer och forskare).Vi har gjort en kvantitativ undersökning med början första helåret som DN Debatt hade en egen sida i tidningen, 1985, fram till 2010. Med hjälp av konstruerade veckor har sju dagar per år slumpmässigt valts ut.Resultaten visar att av våra författare (n = 498) är 75,3 procent av de undersökta författarna män, och 24,7 procent är kvinnor. Skillnaden mellan kvinnor och män minskar.

Kassa- och bankmedel under företagsrekonstruktion : Hanteringen av kassa- och bankmedel som inflyter under en företagsrekonstruktion och som härrör från hypoteksegendom för bevarande av hypoteksborgenärers förmånsrättliga ställning i konkurs

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Nyckeltalens jämförbarhet - Faktorer i hållbarhetsredovisningens ständiga utveckling

Syfte: Syftet är att återge och diskutera hållbarhetsredovisning med fokus på jämförbarhet och nyckeltal i åtta företag. Metod: Uppsatsen är i kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien av hållbarhetsredovisningar har genomförts med hjälp av kvantitativ data. Teoriteska perspektiv: Teoretiska referensramen består av intressentmodellen, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) och Media Agenda Setting Theory (MAST). Empiri: Det empiriska materialet grundar sig på intervjuer av åtta företag, två revisionsbyråer samt två experter.

"Out of the Closets and into the Streets" : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om medierapporteringen under Pridefestivalen

This study examines how the media reports on the Pride Festival in Stockholm and what news topics and themes it prioritizes. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the media coverage of Pride highlights political questions related to social and societal problems. One of the main focuses of the study is on how the media covers male and female homosexuality. The newspapers examined are the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen and the respected dailies Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. The study extends over three periods: 19-07-2010 to 07-08-2010, 25-07-2011 to 14-08-2011, and 24-07-2012 to 11-08-2012.Several key theories and themes frame the study.

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