894 Uppsatser om Mechanical properties - Sida 4 av 60
Effekt av gödsling och gallring på mö?belvirke av furu
This thesis is about the effects of fertilizing and thinning on furniture timber from redwood. Interviews of furniture manufactures have been made and observing of timber from the Swedish fertilizing and thinning trails. The result from the interviews showed which properties that is important for the furniture manufactures and then the result from the observation showed which type of management of the forest that gave the most timber that had those properties. .
Dragleksak för Playsam
The report is a project in cooperation with the Swedish toy company Playsam. The assignment was to design a new toy to their range of products, a pull along toy in shape of a snail with a mechanical function. The research phase contains studies and analysis of the company, its identity, product range and its customers. The research phase includes all the information needed to complete the project. A number of concepts were presented for evaluation by the company.
Mekaniserad plantering med Eco-Planter i södra Sverige :
This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry exam at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU. The work was an assignment from Södra Skogsägarna and the aim of the work was to investigate the economical and biological output after mechanical planting with Eco-Planter compared with traditional manual planting.
Eco-Planter is a tool for mechanized planting, fixed at the end of the boom on a conventional harvester.
The study confirms that manual planting is less expensive under normal conditions. However, the differences between mechanized and manual planting are not that big and with technical development and/or increased labor costs together with an improved work organization the system with Eco-Planter could be competitive.
The biological output, e.g. planting result and survival rate, seems to be quite good.
Lönsamhet i att avverka virkesrik fastighet innan försäljning
The purpose of this study is to find out the viability in performing final felling in stands with high timber volume or if it´s more profitable to leave these stands to the next owner. Will he or she pay more for the standing stock then the industry? The prices of forest-land have increased significantly over the last couple of years in Sweden and some properties seem to go higher than others. Is this because of higher standing stock volume or can a certain volume/hectare bring a higher price? Maybe a combination of both? This study is based on the the sale-statistics for 2012 from real-estate agency Areal.
Fastighetsbolagens val att redovisa till verkligt värde eller anskaffningsvärde : En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar företag i deras val av redovisningsmetod
IAS 40 allows two methods of valuation for investment properties, fair value model and cost model. The purpose of this paper is to investigate what drive property companies to disclose their investment properties at fair value. In order to understand their choice, we use accounting choice theory and the three factors this theory describes, information asymmetry, allowing opportunism and agency costs. To answer our purpose, we have from a qualitative approach performed semi-structured interviews with respondents from five of the largest listed property companies in Sweden. The results suggest that firms have chosen the method that is most effective in the valuation of investment properties.
En studie om fastighetstaxeringssystem : -Vad kan Sverige lära av England och Wales
According to the client, land survey of Sweden, there is no current information regarding other well developed property tax systems. This information is necessary in order to analyze the effectiveness and develop the Swedish system. The purpose of this study is to contribute with improvement proposals to the development of the Swedish property tax system through a survey of the English and Welsh property tax system.Methods used are: (1) a literature review where the English and Welsh valuation methodology and organization regarding property taxation is studied; (2) an interview with the client at the land survey of Sweden regarding existing problems with the Swedish property tax system; (3) An interview with a contact person of the Valuation Office Agency regarding the English and Welsh property tax system.In England and Wales there are two different property taxes for municipals, Council Tax and Rating. All domestic properties are included in Council Tax and commercial properties or part of commercial properties is included in Rating. Council Tax is based on the properties market value and Rating is based on the commercial property or part of the properties current rental value.
Optical and Structural Properties of CuxS Quantum Dots Concerning H2O/Ethanol Solvent Ratio
Nanotechnology, one of the most interesting sciences today will no doubt have an enourmous impact on tomorrow's society and industry. One of the most interesting nanomaterial that has been discovered is the semiconductor quantum dot (QD). This material shows interesting novel properties such as a size-dependent band gap, which is an effect caused by the quantum confinement effect in all three dimensions. Due to this phenomenon the absorption spectrum can be tuned to the desired value by adjusting the size of the QD.This thesis aims to investigate how the solvent ratio of H2O/Ethanol affects the optical and structural properties of copper sulfide QDs manufactured in a chemical synthesis way using modern microwave heating. The process of manufacturing QDs using chemical synthesis often involve a capping-agent to prevent the QDs from agglomerate into bigger structures.
Tredimensionell fastighetsindelning : med fokus på tillbehörsproblem
Real estate is defined as ground, which is divided into property. Ground means every part of the surface, which is situated within the country. There is no legal definition of property to be found. Property is usually explained as every unit, which legally should be registered in the register of landed properties. To constitute a property the property must permanently be suited for its purpose.
Mekaniserad Bandslipsmaskin
Att utveckla en utrustning för mekaniserad slipning..
Horisontalrörelse för svetsbrännare
Att utveckla en utrustning för positionering av en svetsbrännares
När trädens rotsystem får bestämma : En intervjustudie med en grupp yrkesverksamma inom anläggning av hållbara gröna miljöer.
ABSTRACTThis pilot study examines the knowledge about tree root systems amongst five treeplanting professionals. The aim is to find out the professionals? collective knowledge ofthe nature of root systems of various trees used in green areas. Furthermore; to explorehow the professionals adapt landscaped green areas to the tree root properties in asustainable manner. Questions: Which tree species have special root properties toconsider and how do the professionals utilize this knowledge? And: How do theprofessionals in general adjust planting according to the root systems of trees in areas tocreate sustainable green environments?Interviews with the professionals were performed.
Potatisens specifika vikt och kokegenskaper med hänsyn till odlingsplats och sort :
The boiling properties are an important quality issue of the potato. In order to obtain adequate boiling properties the growth of the potato needs to be controlled and interrupted at the right time. However, it is difficult to determine when to stop the growth. Specific gravity can easily be measured and can sometimes be used as a tool for estimating the boiling properties.
This report discusses different aspects of the specific gravity of the potato and how it can be used as a tool to determine the appropriate time for vine killing.
Potatisens specifika vikt och kokegenskaper med hänsyn till odlingsplats och sort :
The boiling properties are an important quality issue of the potato. In order to obtain adequate boiling properties the growth of the potato needs to be controlled and interrupted at the right time. However, it is difficult to determine when to stop the growth. Specific gravity can easily be measured and can sometimes be used as a tool for estimating the boiling properties.
This report discusses different aspects of the specific gravity of the potato and how it can be used as a tool to determine the appropriate time for vine killing.
När har juridiska personer beviljats förvärvstillstånd av lantbruksfastigheter?
The purpose of this report is to study when and why legal persons have been allowed to acquire agricultural properties.
The ownership of agricultural property is governed by the Land Acquisition Act. The reason for this is because they want to limit legal person owner-ship of agricultural properties. It is believed that a large proportion of pri-vate ownership is healthy and stimulating for the Swedish countryside.
There are some exceptions in which legal persons may be able to acquire. This is a review over decisions taken by the authorities. In this report I have studied purchases made between 2008 and 2010.
Blir nog att jag tar och går och tar en tupplur nu. Om pseudosamordningar med gå och ta som förstaled.
This study provides a Construction-Grammar analysis of Swedish pseudo-coordination construction with the verbs gå "go" and ta "take" on the basis of an examination of empirical data. Factors bringing about different readings of gå and ta pseudocoordinations are discussed, showing that the readings correlate with certain semantic properties of the first and the second conjunct. Three distinct pseudocoordinations with gå are proposed, differing as to their readings: inceptive, surprising and imperfective. The single ta pseudocoordination is claimed to have both inceptive and intentional readings. It is illustrated that the readings of gå and ta pseudocoordinations are affected not only by inherent lexical properties of single conjuncts but also by their interaction with construction-level characteristics.