894 Uppsatser om Mechanical properties - Sida 21 av 60
Identifiering av synkronmaskinsmodell genom SSFR-test
At the Division of Electricity at Uppsala University there is an experimental rig forhydroelectric generators. The experimental rig?s vital part is a 12-pole synchronousmachine, whose electrical characterizing parameters (resistances, inductances andtime constants) are unknown. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the machine inits current state by perform a Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) test. From theanalysis of the measurement data, which is a part of the test, a set of basic parametershave been received.
Arbetsmiljöarbete enligt OHSAS 18001 : En inledande undersökning
There are regulations in sweden that require organizations to manage occupational, health and safetey (OH&S) issues in a systematic way. The contents of the management system vary depending of the activity of the specific organisation. An accurate management system is crucial in order to assure that rules and regulations are fullfilled. The OHSAS 18001 standard covering OH&S management is intended to provide organizations with the elements of an efficient OH&S management system. The work with this thesis was done at Swemat AB in Härnösand wich is a mechanical industry. In the thesis, the requirements of the OHSAS standard are compared with the current management system.
Kvinnligt chefskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialarbterares förväntingar på kvinnliga chefer
The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.
Högmonterat avgassystem
Denna rapport behandlar vårt examensarbete som genomfördes i
samarbete med Metso Dynapac. Uppdraget bestod av att ta fram ett högmonterat
avgassystem för jordpackningsmaskinerna CA 252/302/402-Vibratory Roller. Dagens
avgassystemsystem är bakåtmonterat och slutar
under och bakom kylaren. Ett högmonterat avgassystem finns som tillbehör och
fästes på det bakåtmonterade systemet. Problemet är att befintlig
ljuddämparplacering försvårar kylluftens passage genom motorrummet,vilket får
till följd att en onödigt stor fläkt krävs för att få tillräckligt luftflöde
genom kylaren.
Analys av arbetsmiljö vid kokarpåsvetsning samt förslag till förbättringar.
Denna rapport är ett inledande steg mot att förbättra arbetsmiljön för svetsare vid påsvetsning med Uddcomb Metoden i massakokare. Syftet med rapporten är att analysera problemet med värme och dålig luft samt förklara hur och varför problemet uppstår. I arbetet ingår även att ta fram olika lösningar för att slutligen hitta ett komplett system för ventilation och kylning. Den föreslagna lösningen består av ett integrerat kylsystem och ett koncept med mindre fläktar, kallade torpeder, som monteras på arbetsplanen vilka driver ut varm och smutsig luft snabbare ur kokaren. Den föreslagna lösningen utreds även ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv.
Införsel av visuell styrning och taktad produktion : Skapa medvetenhet bland medarbetare
This master?s thesis was written on the behalf of Saba Frukt och Grönt AB inHelsingborg and is the final part of the Master program in MechanicalEngineering at Halmstad University.The main task was to introduce visual control and increase the rate of concept intwo of the departments of the company. The goal is to come up withimplementation proposals, and if possible to implement one in the near future.The author attacks the problem by using the Six Sigma DMAIC-methodology as itis a clear and structured approach. As a complement Lean-inspired tools are used.After compiling the results from the interviews and benchmarking somesuggestions are made. These are reviewed with stakeholders and a discussion ofhow to go on further was held.
Elektromagnetisk skärmning genom mekanisk omkonstruktion
This is a master degree thesis at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) betweenÅngpanneföreningen and Programma. KTH is the examiner, Programma is the client andÅngpanneföreningen is mentor for this project.Programma has a product called TM1800 that has problems with EMC; the problem is thatthis product does only pass the CE-check with a small safety margin. This problem can besolved by reducing the radiation from the electric components in the product or by reducing offix base frame. In this degree thesis the focus is only on mechanical redesign.The main problems right now depends on the long distance between the screws, there is anisolating layer on most of the parts and the forces between the joints are too small. The mainfocus is to solve these three problems.The best solutions are when the whole base frame is more or less redesigned instead of onlyredesigning some of the connection points.
Slamfärger och dess miljöpåverkan
The paint market of today is a jungle whit an enormous range of different paint types; there all has different properties and different compositions, some with big influence on the environment and some whit less influence on the environment. It could even be difficult for an expert to always know what should be used on which surface and what would be the best out of the environmental point of view.This work is not intended as a total review of all the manufactures range of colours; only as a deeper dissertation about distemper paint in general, in particular Falu Red Paint. Whit focuses on the environmental issues.The work is especially for those who are ready to paint but don?t know what paint they should chose and people that has a interest in paint and environment, perhaps it also could be of interest for professional painters even when there probably isn?t any big news for them. The information is compiled from the Internet and downloaded brochures from the Internet..
Risker i flera dimensioner : Om kopplingen mellan designmönstret MVC och projektrisker
The purpose of this project was to further develop and complete a quadcopter that had been built in an earlier course at KTH, so that it could be used for demonstration and education at the school. The quadcopter was at the beginning of the project completed when it came to hardware, and there was some software functionality implemented but no system for automatic stabilization. The main goal of the project was to implement such a system, and to combine it with the previous functionality to make the quadcopter operable and able to fly. To create a functioning and stable ground multiple basic software features has been implemented, and on top of that additional software to improve the safety, stability and functionality. The most important part is the control system that is responsible for converting sensor and control signals to suitable motor values.
Teknikens roll i en digital valuta : en studie om användarnas förtroende för bitcoin
Bitcoin is a digital currency that is used by people all around the world. The goal of this paper is to give an idea about how much trust there is in bitcoin among its users. This paper has used an online survey aimed at bitcoinusers and a content analysis to collect data about this trust.The conclusions show that there seems to be some trust in bitcoin as a technology and this is based on that the users have a good understanding about how bitcoin works. They also share their knowledge about bitcoin to people around them. The trust between people in the bitcoin network on the contrary doesn?t seem as high because certain technological properties hurt this trust.
Jaktens betydelse för Södermanlands landskap : Hur viltvård kan påverka variationen av lövträd och buskar
The fragmentation and reduction of deciduous forests in Sweden is threatening many species. Particularity worrying is the loss of broad-leaf trees, since a diversity of species is often associated to them. Today many deciduous trees are situated along the border between forested and open areas, and these small fragments can be important for biodiversity.The aim of this study is to analyze if wildlife management can affect the variation of deciduous trees and bushes in the landscape. In brochures and literature Svenska Jägareförbundet (the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management) recommend hunters and landowners to promote deciduous trees ? often broad-leaf trees ? as wildlife management measures, while the Swedish forestry laws can be sensed as unclear regarding the treatment of these trees.Five properties in Södermanland, Sweden, were chosen as study areas and inventoried in respect of trees and bushes in September 2013.
Konstruktion av solcellsstativ i obehandlat naturmaterial
I detta examensarbete utvecklas ett solcellsstativ i trämaterial. Ett idékoncept fanns somgrund för hur stativet skulle kunna utformas. Detta har vidareutvecklats, till färdigt systemanpassat för tillverkning.Resultatet blev ett fackverksstativ i trä bestående av vinklade halva oktaeder i rad.Trädetaljerna binds samman med knutpunkter i formsprutad plast, som med klämkraft hållerfast trädetaljerna. Knutpunkterna är konstruerade för att minimera åverkan på träet samtmotverka röta.Systemet är verifierat både genom beräkning, simulering och jämförelse med liknandekonstruktioner. Materilavalet är gjort med systematik enligt Ashby, Material Selection inMechanical Design.
Weland AB är ett familjeföretag som startade 1947 med sitt huvudkontor i Smålandsstenar. Här finns ungefär 250 anställda som jobbar på ca 60 000 kvadratmeter. Ryggraden i Welands verksamhet är tillverkning av pressvetsad gallerdurk som går att se i konstruktioner som trappor, både spiral och raka.Projektet grundar sig i att ljudnivån vid en maskin för kapning av gallerdurk är hög och därför har personalomsättningen också varit hög. Syftet med projektet är att konstruera komplement till en kapmaskin för att göra den helautomatisk. Det skulle göra att en operatör inte behöver vara närvarande mer än för att förse maskinen med material, programmera maskinen och bortföra pallar med färdigt gods.
Motiv och värdering vid köp av skogs- och lantbruksfastigheter i Kronoberg och Blekinge
The purpose of this study is to find out how buyers of forest-and farm land have valued the property's various parts. How buyers has valued the forest, field, pasture, house and the farm buildings on their property. A questionnaire with 22 questions was sent to 68 people how had bought a property in Kronoberg or Blekinge. They had bought the property in 2010 and first half of 2011, and the properties have been provided by LRF-konsult.
To each question there were several alternatives and the buyers would choose the alternative that was most similar to his or her opinion. The study is based on 57 responses.
Oxygen Health : Inlösning av syre i vatten
The project has been provided by Zenit design group and the goal for this project was tomanufacture and perform tests of a prototype that supersaturates water in a continuous flow ofwater. The project has involved finding and sorting out relevant data in scientific papers, books,communication with foreign manufactures and other platforms for information.The project has resulted in manufacturing of a test rig and an oxygen infuser based onmembrane technology. The test rigs purpose was to perform tests on oxygen infusers fordifferent comparison test and performance benchmarks in a in a laboratory provided by Zenit.The project led to satisfying results using the oxygen infuser manufactured by the authors withcomparable levels of saturation to the reference infuser.The theory behind this project is based on medical research, belonging terms will be explainedbut the authors have chosen to delimit the project from the medical area. The reason for this islack of knowledge in this area and its irrelevance to the mechanical engineering education insuch..