894 Uppsatser om Mechanical properties - Sida 12 av 60
Asymptotiska egenskaper hos vissa kombinatoriska strukturer
In an attempt to develop a more cost-efficient material for solar energy applications, nano-particles of nickel oxide composite in a silikatmatris manufactured with solar gelmethod and studied structurally by electron microscopy. Furthermore, the thin film optical properties characterized by Variable. Angel Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. Sol gelfilms suitability as a selective absorber surface is also analyzed by optical modeling..
Områdesinbäddning för ODE
This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .
De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk
AbstractTitle: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting.-A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board.Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market?s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council?s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives.
Analys av fastighetsbolagens möjlighet att klara en ny lågkonjunktur. : En kvantitativ studie av fastighetsbolag i Europa
The goal of this thesis was to explore how real estate investment companies are affected by a weaker world economy. The reason to investigate this was that in the 90s in Sweden, the housing market crashed in conjunction with the bank collapse. Therefore I have looked at how the commercial real estate companies would be affected if we were to have a double dip recession, because it has been confirmed by Gyourko that commercial real estate market and the housing market tend to react in the same way on new fundamental information. This was examined through a sensitivity analysis, one investigated the effect of falling rent income and the second analysis looked at the effect of higher interest costs. I found that IAS 40 rule about unrealized profits of properties affected the results in a significant matter and therefore decided to include the regulation in my thesis.
Kan markfuktighetskartor användas för att hitta skogsmark med hög bonitet? : ett gis-baserat försök med dtw-index och laserskannad övre höjd
The depth-to-water-index (DTW-index) is derived from digital elevation models (DEM) to map soil wetness, in terms of distance from soil surface to the ground water table. The aim of this GIS based study was to investigate the existence of a relationship between DTW-index and forest site productivity (SP). The belief of such an assumed relationship was based on knowledge that the ground water level is related to site properties that can either promote or impede tree growth.
Data primarily comprised rasters of the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden and depicted DTW-index and a laser scanned vegetation height. The 100th height percentile of each pixel in the vegetation raster was assumed to mirror the top-height, letting it act as a relative measure of SP within a delineated area of equal stand age.
Skogsbruksplanens betydelse för aktiviteten hos privata skogsägare i Älvdalen :
The purpose of Älvdalens besparingsskog is to develop the district and most of all the forestry in Älvdalen. It's owned by about 2 300 private forest owners who's landed properties are located in Älvdalen. Every year the besparingsskogen gives out a lot of its profit in form different types of subsidies for agriculture and forestry. The owners can apply for subsidies for several of the costs that occur in forestry. During the period 2000-2003 the owners are offered forest management plans and pcSKOG-gård at no cost for their private forest properties.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to find out if the activity in the forestry changed when the forest owners got new forest management plans and the computer program pcSKOG-gård.
Mikrolitografi för rastrerade Gobos
Beacon AB has been producing Gobos for some time. A Gobo is a small round sheet used in projectors almost like a slide. It is used mostly in the commercial and entertainment business. Today these Gobos are created by using a film (also called mask). A digital exposure machine called LIOS has been developed to make it possible to create Gobos using direct exposure.
Basal prediktionsmodell för graviditet vid in-vitrofertilisering
This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .
Undersökning av tidstrender i registerdata. Lungcancerregistret ROC.
This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .
Användarorienterad förarsituation för bergavläsning vid fjärrstyrt skrotningsarbete
Mechanical scaling is one of the most complex operations of all in the mining process. The operators are using both hearing, sight and feel to read the rock and to know where to scale and where to leave. They say they go on gut feeling in great extent, something that comes with experience. The scaling machine is placed into the edge of unsecured and newly blasted rock to hammer off the blocks that has become loose after the blast, but not enough to fall down. It goes without sayingthat it is a risky job.
ENERGI- OCH KOSTNADSEFFEKTIVAMATERIALVAL I VÄRMESYSTEM : En jämförelse av rörmaterial i vattenburna värmesystem
The thesis aims to compare differentpiping materials in heating systems interms of cost as well as to illustratethe impact of energy characteristics ofdifferent materials over its servicelife. The methods used for costcalculations regarding piping are alsoto be examined to highlight thedifferences between template basedcalculations and more carefully executedones. The work is delimited to discusspipes of steel, copper, plastics andcomposites. The aim is that the resultcan be compiled to illustrate the prosand cons of various materials whenevaluating investments.The main object of the survey is part ofa heating system in the office-block KVSommaren located in southern Stockholm.The configured piping system is designedwith the mentioned piping materials andis used to make up the data for flow andcost calculations. The differentmaterials are calculated in both aconventional manner with a supplementarycost for additional fittings and with amore accurate quantification of thecomponents.
Minimalytor och Björlings problem
This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .
Induktiv provning av ferritiskt rostfritt stå
The report examines the factors which may be a contributing cause to the problems that are present when ferritic stainless steel are eddy current tested in a warm condition. The work is carried out at Fagersta Stainless AB in Fagersta which manufactures stainless steel wire. In the rolling mill there is an eddy current equipment for detection of surface defects on the wire. The ferritic stainless steels cause a noise when testing and this noise complicates the detection of defects.Because of this, a study was made of how the noise related to factors such as steel grade, temperature, size and velocity. By observing the signal and with the possibilities to change the equipment settings the capability to let a signal filter reduce the noise level were evaluated.
Syntes av hydroxyapatit/ nanocellulosa kompositer
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are great candidates for composite materials. The reasons why CNCs are such attractive materials for them are due to their great Mechanical properties, high aspect ratio and low density. On the other hand, hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a kind of calcium phosphate and a main component of bones and teeth. The purpose of the present study is to make oriented nano-sized composites with CNC and HAp. Although some researchers carried out to make CNC composites with HAp for biomedical materials, nano-sized and oriented ones haven?t been achieved yet.
Prediktionsmodeller vid in vitro-fertilisering då ett embryo återförs
This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .