894 Uppsatser om Mechanical properties - Sida 10 av 60
Lersten i skånsk byggnadstradition
The use of earth bricks in Scanian building traditionThe present work is concerned with the manufacturing and use of earth bricks inbuilt heritage in the south Swedish province of Scania. The first part of the studyprovides a thorough description of the traditional use and manufacturing of earthbricks based on relevant literature, archive material as well as interviews withinformants. This forms a basis for the second part of the study in which practicalexperiments on and tests with earth bricks where carried out. This involved themaking of traditional earth bricks of different composition. The new handmadebricks were compared with industrially produced bricks (extrusion bricks) and oldhandmade bricks.
Allergifritt boende genom val av invändiga ytmaterial
The number of people of getting allergic symptoms is increasing and the reasons are considered to be many. The human have changed their habits and spend more time indoor. In combination with new building technologies where denser housing constructions and new materials this causes bad indoor climate contributes to a higher occurrence of allergiesThere are several courses of action to deal with this problem. One action is by choosing allergy-free interior surface materials. An allergy-free material emits low concentrations of harmful substances resulting in a great indoor air quality.
Potentialen av värmebesparing i ett avlopps luftningsledning
This thesis aims at determining the heat losses in a property vent stack and its roof valve. Upon request of a company, the vent stack is analysed for possible heat recovering solutions to be implemented, while relining of the drain system is executed and with a suitable payback time for the economic investments. The heat loss calculations are based on data for properties that are located in the Stockholm region, but also easy to change depending on the situation. The calculations are done on pipes made out of cast iron, which still is the most common type of drain pipe in Sweden, and these are the pipes that relining is usually made on. The calculations that needed to take several variables into account have been done in MatlabR2014a and the thermos dynamical properties that were used in those calculations have been extracted from EES.Three different types of heat losses in the vent stack have been taken into consideration in this thesis.
Energiförbättrande åtgärder på befintliga flerbostadshus : -En lönsamhetsanalys
The EU Council adopted in 2007, environmental and energy goals with the aim of them must be met by 2050. This, in combination with those of the Swedish government 15 enacted environmental goals is supposed to lead the way for the Swedish environmental work.This report has examined measures in properties in the Swedish Cooperative Housing Society (SKB) stocks.The report discusses a range of measures that might be appropriate to apply on the properties to make them more energy efficient.One of the measures discussed, the vent whose primary purpose is to create a good indoor environment for the residents but is also where the most energy is lost.Another measure discussed is insulation of the building envelope on the estate to make it more energy efficient. To put extra insulation on the building envelope is important because of the large amount of energy that is lost through the walls, ceilings and floors.Future actions that may be implemented is individual billing of heating and hot water. This system has been used in European countries since the 70's and today the EU wants to increase the own individuals control over their electricity costs. This has led to a discussion whether to implement the system in Sweden or not.However, there are a number of equitable measures to be sorted out before the system can be used in any great scale.Finally, it is important to remember that environmental measures should be the primary and the pursuit of cost reductions the secondary otherwise you risk the environmental work to be counterproductive..
Värme & El med Stirlingmotor
En billig och robust motor av stirlingtyp har konstruerats för användning i
villor. Som energikälla används de heta rökgaserna från förbränningen i husets
panna. Motorn driver en generator i permanent drift under den kalla delen av
året då värme- och energiförbrukningen är som störst i vårt land. Under den
varma årstiden finns den tillgänglig som reservkraftverk.
Tanken är att stirlingmotorns värmare ska placeras i en villapanna för att ta
till vara exergipotentialen hos dess höga temperatur.
Alternativa förpackningsmaterial och konstruktioner för »Hackman tools«-serien
Choosing a new plastic material for a container includes several different steps. In this case,the Finnish company Hackman needed a new type of packaging material for theircutlery- and kitchentool series »Hackman tools«. The project was carried out in cooperationwith the design agency Ytterborn & Fuentes, which has Hackman as a client.Several different demands were put on the material in order to fulfill as many of the clientswishes as possible. The most urgent problem with the existing container was the difficultysfor the customer to clearly see the contents in the container. Because of this problemthe customer tried to open the container in the shop.
En studie om svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolag : hur väl lämnas upplysningar om förvaltningsfastigheters värdering och varför kan detta skilja sig åt?
Property companies? results are affected by unrealized changes in value of properties. Since market values are never completely reliable there is always a risk with revaluation with property´s value. The fair value is determined only when a sale is completed. The paper studies how well the Swedish listed property companies reported under the accounting standard, IAS 40.
Har rock en roll för hälsan? : En fokusgruppsstudie på hur musicerande i grupp inverkar på vuxna deltagarnas välbefinnande och empowerment
The objective of this qualitative study was to contribute to the understanding of how musical activities affect the participants' well-being and empowerment and to investigate which fac-tors contribute to that effect. Invitations were sent to 13 adult participants in a rock music school in the middle part of Sweden. 7 persons (4 men, 3 women) participated in the study. 4 themes were discussed in focus groups to highlight how informants were affected by the ac-tivity and what factors were important in the context. Results showed that music activities impact on participants' well-being and empowerment through several factors.Themes that appeared were: 1) focus on the present through music, 2) personal development, 3) meaningful leisure activity 4) the group properties.
Bortglömda nyheter : En pilotstudie om hågkomsten av nyheterna i Dagens eko kvart i fem
In this essay a pilot study on the memory of Swedish Public Service radio news is presented. 30 subjects participated in the study, which was performed during three days, 18 to 20 of November 2013. The material which formed the basis for the study consisted three newscasts of Sweden's most popular radio newscast ?Dagens eko?, which is broadcasted live at 16.45 every day in the Public Service channels SR P1 and SR P4. The subjects listened to the broadcasts each day, and their memory of them was tested the day after each broadcast.The aim of the thesis is to find out which properties of the audience that affect how much ? and what parts ? of a newscast that the audience remember.
Micro plastics in the oceans and their effect on the marine fauna
Small pieces of plastic, termed ?micro plastic? in the oceans derive mainly from degradation of big plastics such as beach littering, but also from sources of direct emission from e.g. beauty scrubbers and synthetic sand-blasting. These micro plastics are ingested by marine
animals ? mistaking them for plankton ? or via prey.
Simulering av valkar i pappersrullar : och analys av de slappa stråk som uppkommer
A baggy paper web has parts that are longer than neighboring parts. One of the assumed reasons for bagginess is thickness variations of the paper. In the roll the thicker streaks then add up to form a ridge. In the ridges the paper is strained and during storage the strain may become permanent. When the paper unreeled it is then baggy.
Utveckling av beslutsstöd för kreditvärdighet
The aim is to develop a new decision-making model for credit-loans. The model will be specific for credit applicants of the OKQ8 bank, becauseit is based on data of earlier applicants of credit from the client (the bank). The final model is, in effect, functional enough to use informationabout a new applicant as input, and predict the outcome to either the good risk group or the bad risk group based on the applicant?s properties.The prediction may then lay the foundation for the decision to grant or deny credit loan.Because of the skewed distribution in the response variable, different sampling techniques are evaluated. These include oversampling with SMOTE, random undersampling and pure oversampling in the form of scalar weighting of the minority class.
Indexeringens dilemma. En analys av förutsättningarna för ämnesindexering av skönlitteratur i förhållandet mellan indexeringen och dess objekt.
This thesis analyses the conditions for subject indexing of fiction by studying the relationship between the nature of fiction and the properties of subject indexing. The analysis is founded on a reading of a recently published Swedish subject headings list and uses a theoretical framework of Adornos theory of modern reason. The study is conducted through a qualitative text analysis in three steps. In the first step the subject headings list is analysed by examining how it provides subject access to fiction by the aspects of form, frame and subject. In the second step of the analysis these aspects of subject access are analysed and discussed by relating them to relevant research of subject indexing of fiction.
V?RMEAKTIVERADE TISSUES P? TRANSPARENT PAPPER En j?mf?rande studie vid revlagning
Works on transparent paper, also commonly known as tracing paper, have been described as ephemeral or temporary working documents and they usually number large quantities in archival and museum collections. They have therefore previously been considered of lower priority and can be found in poor condition due to a lack of treatment or suitable storage prospects. In addition, transparent paper can be very sensitive to moisture and reacts by deformation or loss of transparency. Due to the volume of these works and the necessity of treatment, there is a call for simple and efficient conservation methods. A common solution in archives for the treatment of water-sensitive works on paper has been the use of heat-activated tissues as they can be applied without the introduction of solvents.
There is little published about the use of heat-activated tissues on transparent paper and is mentioned only briefly in existing literature.
Överstora bostadsfastigheter : En undersökning av ändamålsfördelning över storlek och geografiskt läge
Detta examensarbete har genomförts genom en akt- och intervjustudie där syftet varit att se hur många överstora bostadsfastigheter, som inom fem distrikt, bildats under tre år samt till vilka ändamål..