4857 Uppsatser om Measures of increased safety - Sida 29 av 324
Skötsel av vägnära skog för trafiksäkerhet och naturupplevelse :
A great deal of the nature experience we get today is from travelling along our roads, which to a large extent go through the forest landscape. This makes the forest along our roads interesting to look at from a nature experience perspective. The main idea of this work is to increase the awareness of how we are affected by the forest when we travel through it and find out how the forest should be adapted to the road environment to create a pleasant nature experience as well as increase traffic safety.
0.9 % of Sweden's total forest area (equivalent to 200 000 hectares) is in close proximity to roads. Additionally, in Sweden 440 million hours are spent behind the wheel of which a great deal probably is spent on roads surrounded by forest in some form.
Gemenskap och utanförskap i bemanningsbranschen : En studie om inhyrda arbetstagares psykosociala arbetsmiljö.
The aim of this study is to examine the legal regulation regarding the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to examine how temporary agency workers perceive their psychosocial work environment, and possible consequences of such perception. The methodology of the study consists of practical legal method and qualitative method in the form of interviews.The results show that the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers is regulated at both the EU legal level by Directive as well as at national level in Arbetsmiljölagen and regulations issued by Arbetsmiljöverket. The study finds that health and safety responsibility for temporary agency workers is shared between the agency and the client company. The result of the study indicates that there are shortcomings in the introduction and training of temporary agency workers, which can contribute to an unsatisfactory work environment.
Butikschefens Egenskaper och Produktivitet i Butik - lokalt ledarskap och ekonomiskt resultat i butik
This thesis reports on the methodology and results of a study with one retailers 73 units to investigate factors of the store managers leadership that influence productivity performance in store. The study determine the impact of ten independent variables in terms of the store managers leadership on four performance measures: (3) three productivity measures: Sales Over Labor (SALOL), Sales Over Inventory (SALOI) and Sales Over Square-metre (SALOS) and (1) one profit measure: Contribution Income Over Square-metre (CIOS). The result shows that the leadership factors give no more explanation to the economic results after factors of local market condition and the store attributes are taking in to account. The store manager's leadership can though influence his or her decision-making in-store. The store manager's decision to staff the store more intense (higher service-intensity) can increase the level of contribution income over square metre in-store..
Sjuksköterskors preventionsarbete inom primärvården till familjer med atopi - en litteraturstudie med fokus på atopiskt eksem hos barnNurses´ prevention work in primary care to families with atopi - a literature study with focus on atopic eczema among chi
Background: Atopic eczema has increased in the last decade among children. The nurse can have a major role to prevent the disease. Aim: the aim of this study as to describe the nurses´ work in primary care with prevention to families with atopi with focus on atopic eczema among children. Method: A literature review based on analysis of fifteen scientific articles was done. Results: If the child was breastfed both positive and negative effects were evident.
Implementation av ett kunskapsbas system för rough set theory med kvantitativa mätningar
This thesis presents the implementation of a knowledge base system for rough sets [Paw92]within the logic programming framework. The combination of rough set theory with logic programming is a novel approach. The presented implementation serves as a prototype system for the ideas presented in [VDM03a, VDM03b]. The system is available at "http://www.ida.liu.se/rkbs". The presented language for describing knowledge in the rough knowledge base caters for implicit definition of rough sets by combining different regions (e.g.
Mjölkkors behov av att ligga och att sova
The aim of this literature review was to investigate whether the modern dairy cow has the time she needs to lie down and to sleep and what deprivation of these behaviors could lead to. Current research seems to agree on the fact that sleep is essential but there is no uniform explanation of the function of sleep, even though there are many theories. It is known that sleep has an important impact on the immune system and that sleep is increased in case of an infection. Sleep deprivation causes many negative effects including reduced function off the immune defense, increased metabolic activity, malnutrition and increased heart rate. It has also been found that deprivation of sleep could cause increased mortality.
Hur effektiva är de egentligen?: En evaluering av tre webbaserade söktjänster
The purpose of this masters thesis is to evaluate the retrieval effectiveness of three different search engines on the Internet: Google, Yahoo! and MSN Search. We have constructed 25 topics and queries with varying contents, in order to test the width of the search engines as much as possible. In every search we have evaluated the first 20 hits in each of the search engines. The measures we have used are precision and cumulated gain. Precision is based on a binary scale and cumulated gain is calculated by means of a non-binary relevance scale.
"Avslagsbeslut" : En enkätundersökning om hot och våld bland anställda vid Migrationsverkets förvarsenhet
Threats and violence, or the risk of being subjected to threats and violence in the workplace, is a major health and safety problems that exists in many professions. To be exposed to threats and violence can have serious consequences for the employee's health but also for the organization in question. The aims of this study was to investigate the prevalence of threats and violence at the Swedish Migration Board detention, and to examine whether there were health problems among employees who may be exposed to threats and violence. A web-based questionnaire was answered by 29 employees (response rate = 51 percent). The results showed that more employees had been exposed to verbal threats (66 percent), compared to physical violence (10 percent), and they showed a greater tendency to report physical violence, as opposed to verbal threats.
Fodertillgång och stereotypa beteenden under natten hos Asiatisk elefant (Elephas maximus)
Animals in zoos live in more barren environments than their conspecifics in nature. In nature, elephants spend more than 75 % of the day foraging and have been observed lying down two hours during night. Stereotypies are common in many different species in zoos. Stereotypic behaviors may constitute up to 50 % of the daily activity budget of zoo elephants. Modern zoos try to reduce stereotypic behaviors by means of environmental enrichment.
Arbetsanpassning och rehabilitering : Arbetsgivarens skyldighet
This essay addresses and treats the employer's obligation to work adaptation for people with a physical disability according to discrimination law and the work environment law. Furthermore it also treats the employer's obligation to rehabilitation of employees that has a reduced working ability as consequence of their work. The essay also intends to investigate if there are any differences in the employer?s obligation to work adaptation when recruiting and the employer?s obligation to work adaption for an existing employment. In this work, there is a background chapter which describes the UN and the European Union's approach to work reduction ability and disability. Furthermore, there is a detailed description of the work environment law, the discrimination law, the social insurance code and the employment protection legislation.
Romers rätt till politisk delaktighet och inflytande i Sverige : en diskursorienterad policyanalys av artikel 15 i Ramkonventionen
The aim of this essay is to study the decision making process and implementation of the principle of political participation and influence for Roma minority in Sweden. The results regarding the decision making process is structured through a discourse influenced policy analyses. Problem picture and recommended measures in the political documents representing the decision making process are analysed through theories of minority rights and equality. The implementation is seen through, by the author given minority discourse and the work in the roma council and analysed by the same theories already mentioned.The results show that regarding the decision process the aim of art.15 in the framework convention is based on the idea of equality while the Swedish documents relates more to an idea of the right to speak for the group. Regarding recommended measures, the framework convention gives several recommendations on specific measures for political participation while the Swedish documents focuses on the general politics of the state.
Bil- och järnvägstrafikens inverkan på inomhusmiljön med avseende på ljud och luft : - I planerade bostäder på Haga
NCC has given us a commission to investigate a planned housing area in Haga, Karlstad, situated close to the traffic route Hagaleden and the railway. The housing area consists of one hundred apartments in five different houses. The houses are linked to each other by balconies with glass panels. A long carport is situated between Hagaleden and the housing area to absorb part of the noise from the road. The design of the housing area is creating a silent backyard.
Leanbana till toppen - En studie om Lean-implementering i skidsystem
The ski resort is a business unlike any other. While providing the customer with a service, it produces the service in a manner that in many respects resemble the traditional producing company. Therefore, since the challenges facing the ski resort are a mixture of what can be found in these different environments, this study aims to investigate the applicability of Lean principles in this context. With a qualitative approach based on direct observation, combined with survey data from 2819 respondents, we evaluate the expected effects on customer value of ten commonly defined Lean principles. The study finds that although Lean theory can help disseminate customers throughout the resort and provide greater transparency, the nature of the operations calls for caution.
"Det finns inget bättre än en lärare som verkligen bryr sig om dig" : En studie om vad som gör gymnasieelever studiemotiverade ur elevens perspektiv
My purpose for this essay is to examine what factors are considered to have high influence on motivation to study and what measures can be taken to enhance student?s motivation to study from a student perspective. The main source of theory for this study has been the classification of motivational factors that has been based on Herzberg?s twofactortheory with complementary theoretical sources. The study is based around two research methods, one survey together with complementary student interviews. The empirical material consists of 118 completed surveys together with nine student interviews. The study?s results have found that students find the main source of rising motivational level originates from the professional role of the teacher. Additionally the students find the main source of subsiding motivational level originate from rising level of stress and uninspiring teachers.
Akta er för dörrarna - en observationsstudie av dörröppningar i en hybridsal
SUMMARYPrevious research has shown that there is a connection between the doorways and postoperative wound infections. Despite recommendations from Socialstyrelsen and the individual hospitals' PM there is still high traffic in the operating theatres. In a hybrid theatre environment combined X-ray techniques of surgery, resulting in it being further two categories inside the operating theatre. This may generate an increase in traffic flow. The study is a prospective, non-participant observation study conducted in the spring of 2013 at a university hospital in western Sweden.