

11445 Uppsatser om Means-end-teori - Sida 9 av 763

Innovationsprocesser i Sverige : Stegen mot en marknadsetablering

Syftet med denna studie är utredande och avser att utifrån Shane & Venkataramans teori om idéers uppkomst, MIRPs teori om innovationsprocesser och Sarasvathys teori om causation och effectuation explorativt beskriva och deduktivt tolka innovationsprocesser i Sverige. Problemformuleringen lyder: Hur uppkommer och utvecklas idéer till innovationer i Sverige?Empirin baseras på fyra intervjuer med representanter för fyra olika objekt vilka alla genomgått en innovationsprocess. I resultatdelen beskrivs dessa processer för att sedan analyseras utifrån de tre valda teorierna.Slutsatserna i studien är att innovationsprocesser i Sverige, med varierande avvikelser, uppkommer och utvecklas i enlighet med de tre bakomliggande teorierna..

Internkommunikation av CSR inom Max Hamburgarrestauranger AB : Hur de anställda tar del av information om företagets hållbarhetsarbete, hur det uppfattas och dess betydelse

In organizations today Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a common means to try to gain legitimacy and credibility for their business. A successful CSR strategy has the potential to generate positive outcomes for a company and reaching out to stakeholders about the corporation?s contribution in the field is an important part of the work. In this study I examine how the employees at Max Hamburgare receive the corporation?s efforts within sustainability, how it is perceived and what this means to the employees.

Företagsförvärv - Hur integrationsprocessen påverkar utfallet vid ett företagsförvärv

Abstract                - ?Mergers and acquisitions ? How does the integration process affect the result in mergers and acquisitions?Date:                              May 31st 2012Level:                             Master thesis in Business administration, 15 ECTSInstitution:                  School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                       Mikael Hansson              15th May 1984                                         Jani Timonen                   12th June 1983Title:                              Mergers and acquisitions ? How does the integration process affect the result in mergers and acquisitionsTutor:                             Staffan BoströmKeywords:                   Mergers, acquisitions, synergies, cultural, competitive advantage, integrating, stakeholder theory and institutional theoryResearch questions:                   How has the integration process affected the outcome of the acquisition of Jokab and what can ABB do differently in future acquisitions?Purpose:                       The purpose of this master thesis is to identify the factors that affect a merger or an acquisition and the factors that make the integration process a success or failure.Method:                       The method used in this study is based on systems theory, this means that reality is explained as objective and completely as possible. The study is qualitative in nature, in which a deeper understanding of the subject mergers and acquisitions wants to be achieved. The study uses an abductive approach and the data used was both from primary and secondary sources.Conclusion:     The result of the study shows that the integration process is influenced by several factors. The most important factors from the acquirer are to have a time schedule, clear communication and a person in charge of the integration process.

Välfärd - ett begrepp i förändring : En diskursanalys av LSS

In this thesis, the results of a survey regarding grade progression between secondary and upper secondary school in a municipality in the north of Sweden serve as the starting point for a study of the experiences and expectations of a number of 16 year old girls who are in the first year of upper secondary school. The study is performed by means of focus group interviews with female pupils from the three largest upper secondary schools in said municipality in an attempt to gauge their experiences of grades, grade assessment, teacher practices and perceived differences in how boys and girls are treated. The results show that most of the girls are disappointed with upper secondary school so far. Many of them feel that secondary school was both more fun and more rewarding in a sense of learning. Their appreciation of how this more rewarding atmosphere affected their grades differed between the various groups.

"De är förbannat många, väldigt, väldigt många. Väldigt, väldigt förtvivlade och väldigt, väldigt arga" (Sagt av en socialsekreterare då hon beskrev de anhörigas situation): En studie kring anhöriga till alkoholmissbrukare

In Sweden between 800.000 and 900.000 people have some kind of alcohol related addiction. Each and everyone are expected to have three relatives who in some way are involved in the abuser´s way of life. The consequences of living close to someone with an abuse of alcohol is described as a chaotic life with extreme emotional stress, fear and anger.The aim with our essay has been to look into how social workers are describing their work, from the relatives´ point of view. We also wanted to understand how the relatives´ situation can be. We reached our aim through interviews with social workers and by literature studies.The primary conclusion of the essay is that the dominating theory is that addiction is an illness.

Att skapa en psykolog : en studie om psykologers upplevelse av det praktiska tjänstgöringsåret med grundad teori som forskningsstrategi

Studien syftade till att undersöka hur psykologer upplever skapandet av sin profession under den praktiska tjänstgöringsperioden. Vi använde oss av grundad teori som kvalitativ metod för datainsamling och databearbetning. Vi intervjuade 14 psykologer och fann ett antal centrala teman som var återkommande i intervjuberättelserna. Dessa handlade om hur sociala interaktioner med omgivningen påverkade den egna processen i att bli psykolog. Datamaterialet genererade en teori som visar hur psykologen under PTP-året är en del i ett möte och interaktion med organisation, erfarenheter, utveckling och den egna individen.

Utvärdering av utbildning om attityder och beteenden inom ETTdemo-projektet

This is a thesis report from SLU in Skinnskatteberg, the Swedish university of agricultural sciences. This study is an evaluation of a course in attitudes and behavior for participants of the ETT- project led by Skogforsk, the forestry research institute of Sweden. They do research for the benefit of Swedish forestry. The ETT-project is a project where there are both 74 tons ST-trucks and 90 tons ETT-trucks in test on the public roads. This study is concentrated on the ST-trucks and their drivers, company owners and logistics managers. The evaluation is done by interviews with the various participants.

Trovärdighetsbedömningen av muntliga utsagor i brottmålsprocessen

In some criminal cases, the only existing evidence is the verbal statement of a witness or the plaintiff. The typical example is an alleged rape where victim and perpetrator have had some kind of relation, and their records of the incident differ. In these cases, the assessment of the value of the evidence drawn from the plaintiff's story is of crucial importance. On the one hand, a false positive judgment means that a person is wrongly convicted, on the other hand, a failure to correctly identify a truthful claim of rape means that a victim of a severe crime is left without judicial remedy. That the prosecutor must prove that the crime is committed by the defendant without reasonable doubt, means that there is much more chance of a failure to convict guilty felons, than of the opposite.In the essay, the rules of criminal procedure directed at the evaluation of the verbal statement are identified and critically evaluated from the perspective of how they may or may not facilitate the judgment of a verbal statement presented before the court, either in person, or through other media such as video.

Mötet mellan teori och praktik Hur resonerar arbetsterapeuter kring detta?

Det är av vikt att professioner har en teoretisk grund att luta sig mot och att teorin införlivas i praktiken. Inom arbetsterapin försvåras detta av att professionen har brottats med paradigmskiften, vilket i sin tur har bidragit till en stor mängd av tyst kunskap inom yrket. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur arbetsterapeuter i den kliniska verksamheten resonerar kring användandet av arbetsterapeutisk teori, främst vid användandet av processer och modeller. Sju arbetsterapeuter intervjuades i denna kvalitativa studie. De delgav sina tankar och resonemang angående användandet av arbetsterapeutisk teori i arbetet.

Vad innebär den första tiden för nyexaminerade lärare och hur upplevs den? (vad innebär övergången från student till yrkesroll) : En kvalitativ studie om fyra nyutexaminerade lärare kring deras upplevelse, identitet, lärarroll, yrkesidentitet under den fö

The purpose of my essay is towrite about newly qualified elementary teachers during their first professional experience and their opinions of a teacher's identity. My interest is a result of that I myself am studying to be a teacher and am reaching the end of my studies.My purpose is mainly to examine how teachers first experience their role and if their education helped them resolve any problems they had. My aim was also to examine what the teacher?s identity and role and the question of leadership means for new teachers?I have used a qualitative interview method.The results showed that new teachers experience difficulties and that their training does not prepare them sufficiently. The results also showed that the teacher?s identity, the teacher?s role and leadership are factors that grow with time and experience in the teaching role and that it is not something that the beginner teachers acquire during their education. I have achieved a clearer picture of what to expect and how to enter into the role of teacher with support and time..

Revisorers internationella mobilitet

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka vad som påverkar revisorns val att arbeta eller inte arbeta internationellt och i vilken mån detta påverkar honom.Eftersom vi inte fann någon passande teori beslöt vi oss för att skapa vår egen. Denna teori utgår från egna antaganden och andras teorier och har byggts upp med hjälp av fem hypoteser, vilka vi rangordnat efter hur mycket vi antar att de påverkar revisorns val. De fem hypoteserna är: legala, stabilitet, sociala, kulturella och ekonomiska. Då vi ville gör arbetet mer intressant valde vi att undersöka tre länder: Sverige, Storbritannien och Kroatien, detta medförde att vi kunde göra jämförelser mellan revisorer från dessa länder.För att det skulle vara möjligt för oss att uppfylla syftet och för att kunna testa om vår teori var korrekt samlade vi in primärdata och sekundärdata. Primärdatan består av svaren vi fick på våra e-postenkäter medan sekundärdatan innehåller information om revisorsutbildningarna samt information om Sverige, Storbritannien och Kroatien.Utifrån analyser på dessa data drog vi slutsatsen att vår teori inte var korrekt fullt ut då hypoteserna legala och stabilitet ej påverkade revisorns val att arbeta eller inte arbeta internationellt i den utsträckning som vi antog.

Remburser och andra säkerhetsarrangmang vid internationell handel

AbstractWe live in a world today that is characterized by the Internet. We can get hold of people on the other side of the globe whenever we want and we can purchase what ever we want, from who ever we want, anytime we want. This development has made it important to find systems of dealing with the payment in a safe and secure way, both for a private person as well as for a company, when you do transactions with people far away, and those systems is the core of this essay. As a private person you sometimes need to transfer money to family members who live abroad and you can then use clean payments. This means that banks all over the world has systems which makes it easier when their customs wishes to transfer money abroad.

Konkurrensens och marknadstypens påverkan vid utformning av styrmedel

The purpose with this study is that examine if the contingency factors as sort of market and competition can affect the companies, which means of control they apply..

Gränsland : var går gränsen mellan mig och en fysisk plats?

I have investigated the interaction between man and environment, between my inner reality and a physical place, using a camera as my primary tool. What conceptions do I have and how do they affect how I relate to the outer world? I am not a passive receiver of the surrounding world. Instead I actively (but usually unconsciously) choose what to take in and how I experience it. If we as landscape architects do not reflect upon our conceptions, they will unconsciously affect our decisions. Only when we accept our experiences as subjective, can honest communication take place. By means of literature studies I have connected my own conceptions with different definitions of place: place as enclosure (location, space), place as inner meaning (genius loci) and place as action (the place-creating process).

Styrning och organisering av skolm?ltidsverksamheten i Sveriges kommuner

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen ?r att bidra med kunskap om hur svenska kommuner styr och organiserar den offentliga m?ltiden med s?rskilt fokus p? skolm?ltidsverksamheter f?r att uppfylla Livsmedelsverkets nationella riktlinjer f?r m?ltider i skolan. Teori: Institutionell teori och f?ljande begrepp anv?nds normer och regler, isomorfism, legitimitet, institutionellt tryckt samt institutionella logiker (multiple institutional logics). Metod: Studien bygger p? en kvalitativ dokumentstudie d?r m?ltidsdokument fr?n 37 kommuner samt tre kartl?ggningar fr?n Livsmedelsverket analyserades.

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