

11445 Uppsatser om Means-end-teori - Sida 35 av 763

Betesdrift för mjölkkor :

The Swedish Animal Welfare Act say that all milking cows must have access to pasture in summer time. That was a gift to Astrid Lindgren o her 80th birthday from the Swedish Government. Sweden is a predecessor in animal welfare, but how well do we live up to these big expectations? In this thesis I will examine how well the pasture for milking cows works. I have been interviewing farmers with milking cows and people in the business. I have also been searching information on Internet, and using the library of Alnarp. Cows that are kept on pasture are exposed to different kind of parasites, but on the other hand they run a smaller risk to getting acetonemi, pareses and udder infection. Veterinary Pierre Nordmark means that cows on pasture are more healthy then cows kept inside all summer.

Behovet alltid större än möjligheterna : En fallstudie av de drabbade kommunernas kriskommunikation i samband med branden i Västmanland

The tsunami in Thailand in 2004, 9/11 and hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005 are all reminders that no organization is immune to crises, which also means that all organizations should be prepared and know how to handle a crisis if one was to occur. A case study has been conducted, on a crisis regarding a fire that occurred on the 31st of July 2014 in Västmanland, Sweden. Through Qualitative interviews empirical data was gathered and then analyzed together with our theories and previous research. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the municipalities affected and the County Administrative Board of Sweden handled and communicated with/to the public during the fire that spread in Västmanland 2014. Our study shows that a risk analysis and analysis of surroundings is crucial in anticipating a crisis event and that it is essential for organizations to undergo training to prepare organization members on how to handle a crisis. Another conclusion is that the need for information is large during a crisis event and grows throughout the entire course of the crisis. The crisis that we studied had a lack of information, but at the same time the public?s need for information is a need that can?t be satisfied during a crisis.

En fallstudie om effektivisering av kosthanteringen inom Nybro kommun

In December 2008 the municipal council in Nybro, decided that the municipality shouldreduce the budget for food service. The budget should be reduced by 2 100 000 SEK.They decided that the children- and education committee, and the care committee would haveto lower their budget with 1 264 000 SEK respectively 636 000 SEK. The change have to bedone under two years, 60 % should be done under 2009 and 40 % under 2010.As a result of the decision, many kitchens have to become kitchens that only serve food, notcook it. This will result in preschool staff and nursing staff take over some of the tasks fromthe kitchen staff. The municipal council also decided that entrepreneurs could take over one(later two) cooking areas.A kitchen that serves food means that there isn?t any cooking involved.

Att lyckas när oddsen talar emot : Hur lämnar man gängkriminaliteten-den enda gemenskapen?

The purpose of this study was to create a deeper understanding for, and shine a light on the exit process for former criminal gang members. Which conditions appear to be important and what may constitute the enabling and inhibiting factors of an exit process? The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with respondents who themselves have experience of a criminal lifestyle and gang affiliation, and with professionals in social work. Our theoretical approach is based on Helen Ebaugh?s definition of an exit process, labeling theories, strain theory and control theory.

Konsumtion som symbolik : Identitetsskapande genom klädvarumärken

The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how an individual's identity is constructed and reinforced through clothing brands. This we intend to achieve by studying and analyzing the significance of clothing brands on consumers. In close proximity to this purpose, we have chosen to work with three research questions:? How do consumers see clothing as a means to express themselves? ? What perception does consumers have on clothing brands as identity creators? ? How do consumers value wearing clothes from a particular clothing brand?.

Intensiteten i relationen mellan intern- och externrevisorn

Syftet med vår uppsats är att förklara sambandet mellan relationen och de faktorer som främjar alternativt hämmar intensiteten i relationen mellan intern och externrevisorn.För att förklara de faktorer som påverkar intensiteten i relationen har vi byggt en egen teori. Vi har gjort en illustration för att förtydliga vår teori för läsaren. Vi har försökt att med hjälp av redan befintliga teorier och olika synsätt styrka vår egen teori. Teorin har sedan utmynnat i hypoteser. Vår övergripande hypotes utgår från revisorernas oberoende.

Etiska fondförvaltares påverkan på företagens hållbarhetsredovisning

Syfte:Vårt syfte är att utreda om svenska förvaltare av etiska fonder påverkar utvecklingen av hållbarhetsredovisningen hos svenska börsföretag. I den mån de påverkar ska vi dessutom utreda vad de påverkar och hur. Metod:Uppsatsen är kvalitativ, deskriptiv och genomförs med användande av grundad teori (Glaser & Strauss). Empiriinsamlingen har huvudsakligen skett genom intervjuer. Teoretiska perspektiv:Det teoretiska ramverket består av de vidareutvecklingar av intressentteorin som utvecklats inom forskningsområden som angränsar vårt, institutionell teori efter bland andra Jönsson samt Porters och Chuas teorier om kvalitativ och kvantitativ information.

Pica-beteende hos katter (Felis catus): påverkan av ras och miljö?

Pica is a behavior that can be seen in several animal groups. In cats, it means that they are eating, chewing or licking on material that is non-food. In this study the data was collected through an online survey. In total 522 responses, of which 26% of the cats were exhibiting pica. It was found that 28% of the housecats and 26% of purebred cats exhibited pica.

Drivarens produktivitet vid lossningsarbete :

During the last few years the harwarder has developed from a prototype into a market product. Holmen Skog owns two harwarders and uses two more owned by entrepreneurs. In previous studies it has been shown that the harwarder was a slow and expensive forwarder. In this study the unloading at road-site was studied. The goal was to describe the differences in time consumption between unloading two-sided or single-sided (only from side of the road) and also the difference between unloading with three and four assortments in the carrier.

Förtroendet till samhällets institutioner : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Portugal

This study is about trust for public institutions and what the foundation is that builds this confidence. For this study I have used three dependent variables to define different aspects of public institutions. These are trust in the legal system, trust in political parties and state of health services nowadays.  The method that is used in the study is based on a comparative study between two countries, Sweden and Portugal.  The actual result is made up by comparing means and regressions by using 13 independent variables. Many of the independent variables that has been used is deriving from institutional theories of Putnam and Rothstein These theories points out the importance of strong traditions of civic engagement and that the success of the trust of the institutions depends in large part on the horizontal bonds that make up social capital.

Effektivisering av LCA med hjälp av BIM

This thesis concerns how Sweden relates to life cycle assessment (LCA) in the construction process. LCA means analyzing a products impact and the analysis includes the whole life span of the product. A building has a high complexity and the combination with its unique shape will make the LCA more comprehensive, unlike e.g. aluminum cans. Recently there has been a development of a working procedure in the construction industry.

Skattetillägget och rättssäkerheten : Har Europadomstolens dom i målet Janosevic mot Sverige 2002 lett till förbättrad rättssäkerhet på skatteområdet?

In 1972 the regulations on tax surcharge were introduced. In the new system the sur-charge are imposed by the Tax Authority (skatteverket) and not the Court. Since 1995 the European Convention on Human Rights constitute law in Sweden, which means that Sweden is forced to guarantee its citizens the human rights in the Convention. Article 6 in the Convention states that everyone, in the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, is entitled to a fair hea-ring within reasonable time. The Article also expresses the right for anyone charged with a criminal offence to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law (the presumtion of innocence).

Presentationen av muslimer i tv-serien Andra Avenyn : Hotbild, hjältar eller något mittemellan?

I uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur muslimer presenteras i tv-serien Andra Avenyn där strategin utgörs av en diskursanalys. Denna grundar sig på Edward Saids antaganden i verket Orientalism samt Magnus Bergs teori om hur orientalen framställs inom populärkulturen, vilket han presenterar i Hudud: en essä om populärorientalismens bruksvärde och världsbild. Jag diskuterar endast de aspekter av populärkulturen som berör film då mitt undersökningsmaterial är en tv-serie. Genom studien av Andra Avenyn presenteras ett förslag till en påbyggnad av Bergs teori om orientalen. I analysen diskuterar jag mig fram till hur Andra Avenyn liknar samt skiljer sig ifrån de populärorientalistiska filmer Berg analyserat..

yrkesutbildning mellan teori och praktik

Vocational Education between theory and practice.

Mat, gemenskaper & gränser : En etnologisk studie om matens betydelse och potential i migrationen till Sverige

Uppsatsens syfte är att, med hjälp av postkolonial teori belysa matens roll i några personers migration till Sverige. Nio stycken informanter har berättat om sina erfarenheter och minnen av hemlandets mat och maten i Sverige och på olika sätt diskuterat sin personliga och kollektiva utveckling ur ett matperspektiv. Resultatet visar att mat spelar en viktig roll för gemenskaps- och tillhörighetskänslan i sociala situationer samt att informanterna ibland upplever att de hamnar mellan två kulturella gemenskaper, ett slags ?third space? med möjlighet att föra dessa närmare varandra med hjälp av hybridisering. Mat blir då ett konkret sätt att både se och upptäcka den utvecklingen men också någonting att bygga nya gemenskaper runt..

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