

2965 Uppsatser om Means of coordination - Sida 43 av 198

Analys av lärandeorganisation i förändring

When an organisation is going through a work of change, it is highly important that both management and employees has a healthy communication in order to make everybody feel involved. It is then important to be observant for both the managements and employees thoughts and ideas.This study has been performed on an upper secondary school which is performing a work of change. The change has divided the employees in three different groups. One, which thinks the change have evolved the organisation to something better. The second group of people means that it is preventing individual development of competence.

Tillgänglighetens frihet : En studie av Vägverkets måltolkning

In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.

Kommunalt klimatarbete : Jämförande studie mellan tre kommuner med avseende på drivkrafter och framgångsfaktorer

The crucial factor for successful municipal climate work is that there are driving forces. Most importantly is that the senior officials and politicians in the municipality are dedicated to the cause considering that they have the power to influence and make a change. Besides proactive and committed individuals, it is necessary that the work is organized and anchored by clear and concrete documents and control systems. It is also important that the work is continuously monitored and evaluated. To collaborate with other municipalities, authorities or participate in various networks is another factor contributing to the improved climate work in the form of exchange of information, knowledge and experience.A major driving force for municipalities to improve themselves is the distribution of state aid and grants.

Allmänna bestämmelser Avtal 90 version 2004; En undersökning av enskilda villkor och skapandet av ett tilläggsavtal

Abstract The IT- business is a fast growing business trade. This expansive line of business continuously demands flexibility both economically and legally. It is, today, of great importance to have knowledge about your own trade especially when it comes to new agreements. Laws and regulations are seldom flexible and adaptable tools, this is due to the fact it takes time to create new laws and, above all, it takes time to create laws with the right effect. This is where standard agreements enter the scene.

Avveckla eller utveckla mjölkproduktion : vilka faktorer påverkar beslutet?

The decrease in the number of dairy farms in Sweden has been ongoing for a longer period of time. But the fact is that this has previously not had any big effects on total amount of milk produced in Sweden. The main reason is that the remaining dairy farms get larger. However, during the past year, there has been a decrease in the total amount of produced milk, because the decrease is faster than the increase within the farms that are left. During the same period of time the supply of milk on the global market also has decreased. In spite of the fact that the global supply have decreased and the fact that the milk price increases, there are dairy farmers in Sweden who chose to exit the market.

Bonusprogram och prestationsbaserade ersättningar till koncernchefer : en jämförande studie mellan svenska och amerikanska incitamentsprogram

In my essay I have examined how teachers look upon their role as leader in the classroom. I have interviewed six teachers, senior level ones and teachers from the upper secondary school, about how they look upon tasks that involve planning, control, motivation, groups, and individuals. Based on their answers, I have analyzed if there is anything that can be related to a common leader competence within their profession and, in that case, how it will appear.The result that I have found has been that it exists a common leadership style that teachers are more or less conscious of. The teachers decide on what level the classes or the pupils are andafter that decision they plan their education. The leadership in the classroom can be of different kinds depending on the situation.

Interiörens påverkan på tjänstekvalitet inom tjänsteföretag: en fallstudie på caféer i Skellefteå

The purpose of this thesis was to examine café owners perception of customers expectations and what they think the interior means to the service quality. It also aims to examine how café owners use the interior to create service quality. In order to examine this, a case study was conducted based on interviews with two café owners. The study showed that the café owners take the customers expectations into consideration. It showed that they think the expectations were affected by which purpose the customer had with their visit.

Autonom bil med enkapseldator och ultraljudssensorer : tillämpning av en Arduino mikrokontrollerplattform och HC-SR04 sensorer

 Autonomous cars or robot cars havebeen on the agenda ever sinceHollywood started with their Sci-Figenre, maybe even before that. A lotof things have happened since then andnow the self-driving vehicle is notfar away. In this project, theAutonomous car with microcontrollerand ultrasonic sensors, we are lookingat a way of making a small, regular RCcar autonomous with relatively simplemeans and investigate how the bigcompanies does it to learn more aboutthe development of the autonomous carsand their technology.We used an Arduino Uno R3 supplementedwith an Arduino Motor Shield R3 as ourmicrocontroller board and three HCSR04ultrasonic sensors. By removingalmost all of the old parts of the RCcar,except the two DC motors, andreplacing them with these new parts wemanaged to make a vehicle that drovearound in a room without crashing intoanything. We could have used entirelydifferent sensors, or supplemented theexisting setup with other sensors tomake it even more accurate andobstacle avoiding.

Funktionshindrad och same : Att vara same och ha en funktionsnedsättning iett 1800-talets Jämtland.

In this essay the authors have searched to get an understanding of howthe situation where for a person being handicapped and of sámi heritage in Swedenduring the 1800´s to the beginning of 1900´s. In this qualitative study, church booksand local governmental records from the time has been the sources for data. Findingsregarding sámi and disability first of all shows that the sámi didn´t produce any ownwritten records, this means we had to use records produced by Swedish authorities.These are the only records available from the time. Records that gave us theauthorities point of view. When working with historical documents it is the contextwere they were produced in and their implied readership that is of great importance.Using this method gives the possibility to tell the story by the perspective of theexposed, in our case sámi people with disabilities.

Internrevision i statliga myndigheter : Vad bidrar den till?

The aim of this study is to examine the opinion of teachers as to the situation of young people suffering from Aspergers syndrome in the Sixth Form(gymnasium. In order to find this out I have chosen to interview four teachers with work experience of Aspergers in three different gymnasium in middle Sweden. They were confronted with the following questions: What resources are available for these pupils in the gymnasium? How do they experience that the school situation functions and how would they as teachers like the school situation to function for these young people at school?The result shows that special teachers have an extremely important function to fulfil. Those interviewed felt that there are sufficient resources available, for example guidance and further education for techers as well as both support and means for helping the young people.However, every teacher does not understand this handicap.

Kärleksinvandring via Sverige : Hur man kringgår Danmarks stränga invandringspolitik

This essay examines migration paths through Sweden. There has been a debate in August 2010 that Sweden is regarded as a backdoor for non European immigrants to come over Denmark. It has been discovered through Denmark?s statistics and is regarded as negative by the Danish government. Denmark and Sweden are two countries that are socio- , economically- and culturally similar, but went in two different directions, especially with immigration policy.

Grönt resande : En studie om hur företag arbetar med klimatkompensation

Carbon offsetting means to offset those greenhouse gases that are caused by our actions. The purpose of this paper is to examine how companies are working with carbon offsetting. The focus of the research is how travel agencies and companies that provides carbon offsetting. The writers also highlight the problems carbon offsetting is facing. The study was performed with qualitative methods through interviews with three companies working with carbon offsetting.

Äldre människor i barnlitteraturen ? en studie av ett urval barnböcker från 2003-2006

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how elderly people are depicted in a selection of literature for children up to 10 years. The subjects examined are: lifestyle, roles and attributes. The books were collected from the databases ELSA and a local library, Borås stadsbibliotek. The books are analysed after a tool made by the authors.

Anställdas attityd till miljön och miljöledningssystemet: ALSTOM Power Sweden AB

Today environmental management systems (EMS) are common documents (more correctly, a combination of documents) that direct, steer and regulate environmental efforts within many companies. The intention of EMS is that its guidelines are reflected in how the employee carries out his everyday work tasks. This study aims to illuminate the attitudes that exist regarding the EMS at ALSTOM Power Sweden. By using questionnaires and interviews as a method to communicate with employees,a study of the existing attitudes regarding the EMS was carried out. The results were analyzed categorically and statistically and show that there are consistent attitudes among employees, but that there are also inconsistent attitudes.

Läraren som ledare : en intervjustudie av sex lärares syn på sin ledarroll i klassrummet

In my essay I have examined how teachers look upon their role as leader in the classroom. I have interviewed six teachers, senior level ones and teachers from the upper secondary school, about how they look upon tasks that involve planning, control, motivation, groups, and individuals. Based on their answers, I have analyzed if there is anything that can be related to a common leader competence within their profession and, in that case, how it will appear.The result that I have found has been that it exists a common leadership style that teachers are more or less conscious of. The teachers decide on what level the classes or the pupils are andafter that decision they plan their education. The leadership in the classroom can be of different kinds depending on the situation.

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