

2965 Uppsatser om Means of coordination - Sida 32 av 198

Skadestånd vid otillbörlig inkassoåtgärd : en rättsdogmatisk respektive rättsekonomisk analys

Towards the end of the 1960s, the credit financed purchase was well established in Sweden. The Swedish households were able to purchase goods, which had been considered unnecessary, or even luxurious, in the past. On the other hand, effective means to handle the increasing amount of debt and potential debtors were introduced; credit rating was registered, trade with insecure claims increased and if debtors could not fulfil their obligations, the creditors often used harsh or undue methods. By introducing Inkassolagen (1974:182), the legislator hoped to regulate the debt recovery process and ensure the fair treatment of debtors. The legislator also introduced liability for damages caused by a creditor in the collection process.

Principen mot rättsmissbruk inom det svenska mervärdesskatteområdet: är det hållbart?

The VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) does not regulate Member States? opportunities to intervene against tax evasion. The European Court of Justice has clarified the situation in case C-255/02 Halifax. This case establish that the universal principle against the abuse of rights applies to VAT, which means that Member States have the opportunity to redefine transactions not involving a breach of law but nevertheless goes past what the legislature envisaged at the introduction of the provision.A debate has risen as to whether the principle against the abuse of rights is equally ap-plicable in Swedish domestic law on VAT. The administrative court of appeal in Go-thenburg, Case No.

Mänsklig påverkan på mindre vattendrag i skogslandskapet : en inventering av vägtrummor och skyddszoner kring dessa i Uppsala län och norra Västmanlands län

Interference in an ecosystem means a disturbance. When harvesting, forest roads have to be build to cope with heavy duty vehicles. Crossing brooks can not always be avoided. In this case bridges or culverts have to be built. There are many different kinds of culverts and depending on what type you choose and how you place the culvert, the watercourse and the water organisms can be harmed in different ways.

Implementation av fältbuss ASIC i FPGA

HMS Industrial Networks AB is in need of changing a communications solution that iscurrently based on an ASIC. This will be achieved by moving the communications solution toa FPGA with the help of the programming language VHDL. By doing this, it is possible toreduce the need for specific circuits, get a more flexible platform and thus get a cheapersolution.This report describes a solution for how to move a network protocol from an ASIC to anFPGA. The report shows that the network slave device is working under the guidelines forthis project. This means that it is quite realistic to implement a fieldbus protocol on an FPGA,using VHDL and to maintain the same functionality as the earlier communications solution..

Service Level Management : Equalize unloadingencrustation at Stora Enso ? Skoghalls bruk

The report is part of the university´engineer program within Industrial Organization and Economics with specialization in Logistics and Managment at Jönköping´s university.Skoghall´s mill underlies a large supply chain, which means there should be a lot of areas in need of small improvement measures. This report illustrates a small part of one of these areas and is focused on the loading distribution services in the terminal Vänern.At the moment there´s a very unequal load of the load carriers SECU box and Container at the terminal. Skoghall´s mill has the desire to equalize the high and low load levels of the 2 loading carriers named previously. One of the options to solve the problem is to set a limit of how much the carriers can load per week or per day. The mill also wants it to be investigated if the proposition would influence the customers in any way and if both the company and its customers could handle a lower level of delivery services in case the proposition was to be applied.The goal to be achieved with this thesis is to provide balance to the unequall loading of the 2 load carriers, SECU and Container, and investigate whether or not the Skoghall´s mill´s customers, could manage the lower degree of delivery service that the proposition would imply.For this goal to be achieved, random sample investigations were taken from orders of a customer that is provided with SECU load carriers and the same was made with a Container´s customer.

INTRANÄT - Ett medium för kommunikationsverktyg

This report explains how different communication tools can be used in a company?s intranet. It gives a short description of the different parts in an intranet and their field of application, and what communication means. It?s only the communication tools that the company uses that we are illuminating in this report.

Utvärdering av inomhuslokalisering med Bluetooth Low Energy

Wireless communication is becoming more common, a relatively new technology within the area is Bluetooth Low Energy. It?s been developed to be energy efficient and in regard to compatibility. Alongside the growth of wireless technology, scientists and companies are looking for new areas of use. One of these is localization, which means to determine the position of a moving device with the use of stationary devices, an example of this would be GPS.This report means to evaluate indoor localization using Bluetooth Low Energy and was made for Combitech AB in Jönköping.

Storyline : - barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

This examination is about storyline and children who has problem to focus and concentrate in school. The premier aim of this survey is to look into the storylinemethod and investigate what it means methodical. I am also going to look more into how this children feels about this method and how they adjust to it.In my empirical examintion through qualitative interviews with teatchers and also questionnaires with thirtynine children participated i got a great result. My conclusions is that this method can be demanding and also confusing for this children but the good part is that it is subjectintegrated and it is easy to motivate this children.This examintation has given me an insight how teatchers can teatch in a storyline inspirated education.The storylinemethod is aiming to individual adjustment and these children maybe needs that moust of all..

Användarvänlighet i blötutfodring : enkätstudie för smågrisproducenter

It is possible to affect the feed costs in different ways. By steeping or fermentation the digestibility of the feed is improved for the animals with a natural process in the wet feeding system Steeping means that the feed is soaked some hours before feeding. This process activatesenzymes and improves the digestibility of for example phosphorus in the feed and make it more accessible to the animal. Wet feeding can be fermented or not. Fermentationmeans that the feed has been soaked for a certain length of time so that a biological process is started.

Hur vårdbiträde anställda i en poolgrupp uppfattar sin arbetssituation

This is a qualitative study with the aim to find out how caregivers in a resourcegroup experince their work situation. We wanted to know how they where treated by the ordinary staff and what strains and possibilities they can encounter in their daily work. We used semistructured interviews to answer our questions.We found out that the ordinary staff of caregivers always treated the resourcegroup like one of them. A strain that the resourcegroup experienced was the shortage of time which sometimes resulted in that they felt stressful. The resourcegroup work on different floors each day, giving them a chance to see and learn new things.

Vad behöver växter för att växa och överleva? : En studie om förskolebarns tankar om växters behov

The purpose with this study was to examine what kind of knowledge children in preschool have regarding what plants are, and what plants need in order to grow and survive. By means of qualitative interviews I have let 12 children in the ages of 3 to 5 years answer questions regarding the subject.From the results it is obvious that the children in the early age groups already have some knowledge of what a plant is and can also mention a few basic factors for a plants survival. In addition, the results show that their knowledge increases with the childs age and that the conversations become more distinct with more resulting questions the older the children are.Keywords. Enviroment, plants needs, Preeschool, science..

Verksamhetsstyrning: Utrikesdepartementets personalbostäder

The purpose of this thesis is to find means of control that secure cost efficiency regarding the accommodation for the employees on missions abroad of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Today the ministry?s cost for the employees? rented housing is 100 million SEK and there is a need of improvement in the control of these costs. A work method for organizational development will be used in order to reach the findings presented in the thesis. First we study the strengths and weaknesses in today?s control system.

Kundtillfredsställelse på en studentnation : en fallstudie på Norrlands nation i Uppsala

The 26th of February 2009 the Swedish government gave a referral to the council of lawregarding the removal of a law concerning mandatory membership at a student union andstudent nation while studying at a university or college in Sweden. This has led to adiscussion amongst the student nations in Uppsala as to how this proposed change will affectthe nations? future operations. Some, including the chairwoman for Kuratorskonventet,Therez Olsson, and the 1Q for Norrland?s student nation, Jon Stridh, have expressed theirworries that this could lead to a decrease in members.

Kommunikation i en dynamisk miljö : En studie av närhetspar i beställningssekvenser vid släckningsarbetet i C3Fire

Det är viktigt med ett effektivt samarbete och en välfungerande kommunikation i dynamiska miljöer, till exempel vid släckningsarbetet av en brand. Bristande kommunikation i en sådan miljö skulle kunna få förödande konsekvenser.Denna uppsats bygger på material från studien ?Bridging Cultural Barriers to Collaborative Decision Making in On-Site Operations Coordination Centers?, där 32 svenskar samarbetade i olika lagkonstellationer med att släcka simulerade eldar i mikrovärlden C3Fire.Kommunikationsteorier visar på att personer samtalar med varandra efter en viss struktur; deras yttranden tenderar att komma i par, så kallade närhetspar. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka närhetspar i beställningssekvenser, i form av en beställning av vatten och/eller bränsle följd av en bekräftelse. Till sin hjälp hade försöksdeltagarna en datorskärm med en karta samt tillgång till ett e-postverktyg för att kommunicera inom laget.

"Arbeta som god man" - "Work as an administrator"

This study illustrates the task of the administrator where the main focus lies on getting understanding for the administrator?s work, showing how this is performed. The method I have used in the performance of the research is the qualitative method. This study was carried through by means of interviews. Theoretical starting points are exchange theories, friendship theories and part theories.

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