

2965 Uppsatser om Means of coordination - Sida 2 av 198

Hur skapar man en funktionell och beständig dörrmiljö? : En närmare studie av ståldörrar

Today?s construction buildings contain more advanced technologies than before. The development of newer and stricter regulations to the construction industry makes the door environment more and more complex.In large construction projects the door environment is held up as a major challenge to get to in a good way. It turned out after a discussion with one project manager and a site manager at NCC, that the door environment is difficult to get right in major construction projects and it often causes many error reports in to the aftermarket after that the final inspection is completed.Interviews have been done with key figures in the building process at NCC and Akademiska hus. A study on a university building for around 3500 students and with 300 workplaces was made.

Rättsäkerhet i den psykiatriska tvångsvården : Lagstiftning och tillämpning

This study examines whether or not there are inherit flaws in Swedish legislation concerning psychiatric institutional care, or in the application of the act, which might lead to the failure of rule of law for the private citizen. Law (1991:1128) concerning psychiatric institutional care in certain instances (LPIC) aims to establish rules which will ensure rule of law for the mentally ill in case of psychiatric institutional care. Despite this, there are legal cases which indicate that these rules, and their implications, are not always considered at the psychiatric wards.The questions at issues which this study aims to answer are thus: Are there any deficiencies concerning rule of law in LPIC 2?3 §§, 4?6 §§, 7?10 §§,15?25 §§ and 32?33 §§ ? This section focuses on LPIC and its design. Whether or not the act adheres to rule of law is examined through a definition which has evolved through discussions of concept based in Peczeniks definition of rule of law.

Erfarenheter av kontaktsjuksköterskans omvårdnad inom cancervården

More people are likely to be diagnosed with cancer and the number of people living with cancer is expected to increase, which means that patients live longer with cancer and different treatments. All patients in Sweden should have access to a nurse navigator to facilitate the cancer trajectory. The purpose of this literature review was to delineate patients' experiences of the care given by the nurse navigator. The result is based upon twelve scientific articles included in this review. The results show that the experiences of the patients can be divided into four different categories: emotional support- being present and offering supportive talks, support for physical symptoms- counseling and relief from symptoms due to illness and treatments, educational support- receiving information and knowledge about the disease and cancer trajectory and coordination support- collaboration with other healthcare professionals involved in patients´care.

Om utformning av ett verksamhetssystem : En utvärdering av nuläge, tillgänglighet och erfarenheter

These days most companies conduct some form of work for the external environment, quality and safety. In connection with this work, some companies have chosen to get management systems certified by any applicable standard for one or more of the fields while other companies have chosen other ways that are not associated with certification.In light of the fact that the individual systems are becoming unmanageable an increasing number of these companies are faced with the decision whether to integrate and coordinate these different systems or not. In order to study the possibilities of a company?s system coordination an assessment of elements particularly interesting for the company was performed. The key elements and focuses in the evaluation were staff access to information, experiences from other companies and environmental work status for some of the organization's companies.

Initiativ till förändring av det vetenskapliga publiceringssystemet : med fokus på högskolebiblioteket

This masters thesis shows that the changes in the scientific publishing system have affected the academic libraries. Both technological change and the increased prices on scientific journals have forced academic libraries to take action. Some Swedish academic libraries have started publishing the university s own research material. The issue has in many cases been treated more as a library concern, than as a concern for the university as a whole. Neither has there been a national coordination of these matters in Sweden.

Trötthet hos sjuksköterskor och patientsäkerhet

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

Nutrition och nutritionsstatus hos patienter med esofaguscancer

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

Friluftslivet i det nya läraruppdraget

The aim of this essay has been to surrey the perspective of view the special education teachers have on the tree concepts of special education, compensatory-, critical and dilemma perspectiveThe questions that have been covered in this study areWhat does the concept of special education means for the special teachers? What does the concept of mathematic difficulties means for the special teachers?What does the concept of the diagnostics of dyscalculia means for the special teachers?A qualitative research method has been used to answer the questions in this essay. In the purpose to get the most out of the study..

Alkoholpåverkan - att påverka eller påverkas. En studie om att påverka politiska beslutsprocesser.

Making decisions have always been part of human life. Political decisions consist of many participants with both formal and informal ways to highlight problems and reach the political agenda. Processes difficult for an individual to distinguish and understand surround political decision-making. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision process for a specific political issue, Swedish wine producers' desire to be able to sell their own wine at their vineyard; gårdsförsäljning. This is currently prohibited in the Swedish model due to an alcohol monopoly.

Visuell planering enligt Lean : Optimering av samordning i syfte att höjakvaliteten i grundläggningsprojekt

Construction production always contains different disciplines whose priorities andinterests can be very diverse. Good communication and coordination are essential tominimize misunderstandings and achieve good quality in the end result. This makesplanning a central part of the production management. In a world where conditionscan change as often as daily, being well prepared increases the opportunities to stayflexible and decrease negative effects of the changes.This study has been done in association with Skanska Foundations district North inStockholm in order to investigate how visual planning can be used in the productionmanagement to optimize the coordination and the quality.The history of Lean started at Toyota, but the concept are now spread over theworld and are used wide outside of the car industry nowadays. What?s challengingabout Lean in foundation projects is to embrace a long-term perspective and invest insolutions that are profitable in the longer term, instead of solve problems by onlytreating the symptoms.A holistic perspective is crucial in order to truly understand Lean.

Alternativa behandlingsmetoder för patienter vid postoperativt illamående och kräkning

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

Civil-militära relationer - förutsättningar för samverkan

Civil-military relations ? conditions for cooperationAbstract: Civil-military cooperation is a branch of current interest, both in studies and research. The importance has also increased after the government´s demands in a more developed and efficient coordination of national contribution to international peace support operations. Several studies show that there is a lack of ability to cooperate between different levels of command and other actors. The Swedish tradition of state administration is strong and the responsibility to cooperate lies within the hands of the different authorities.

Kartläggning och visualisering av riggkonstruktionsprocessen : Fallstudie från Scania

Mapping a process enables a greater understanding of the work, and is standard to evaluate and improve a process. This thesis is conducted at Test Bed Mechanical Design at Scania in Södertälje. Test Bed Construction is a complex process, characterized by a large amount of creative work, technical challenges and coordination between different people and different organizational functions.The aim of the thesis was to identify the Test Bed Construction Process and to develop a visual model of the workflow that also served as support for the engineers in their daily work. During the mapping process, comparisons were made with previous research in lean product development to identify process improvement.A literature review on process mapping and process visualisation resulted in a method for process mapping. The study showed that research on process visualisation is neither structured nor well defined.

OLJEKRISEN 1973 - En studie i politisk ekonomi kring förlopp och effekter i Sverige och Danmark

ABSTRACTThis thesis focuses on the OPEC oil crisis of 1973 and its impact on the Scandinavian countries of Sweden and Denmark. Starting from Walter Carlsnaes theory of energy vulnerability, the concepts of vulnerability and national security are tested on the selected cases and an array of policy alternatives are assessed. Posited available options like oil stockpiling, conservation, renewable energy and international coordination are evaluated as means for ameliorating the vulnerability of the nations. The theory chosen is further expounded with a consensus element to reinforce its explanatory power. The thesis utilizes a wide range of material from parliamentary records to daily newspapers in an attempt to shed some light on the interplay between economics and politics.Sweden and Denmark evince diverging developments despite their common starting point with exceptionally high oil dependencies and can be located on different ends of the energy policy gamut.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans dokumentation och behandling med spinal immobilisering prehospitalt : En retrospektiv studie i Uppsala län

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

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