5500 Uppsatser om Means of control - Sida 18 av 367
Kontroll för ökad kvalitet - mallar för kontrollplan-PBL, egenkontroll samt riskanalys
There are problems with poor quality, poor scheduling and poor working climate in the Swedish construction industry. Many parts have been involved, trying to solve the problem.This spring a new planning and building-law becomes final. In this law, the requirements set on the controls are greater. Hopefully this will lead to fewer construction errors. The requirements set on the working environment have also increased, forcing consultants and contractors to focus on safe workplaces.For each project requiring a building permit, an inspection plan has to been drawn.
Grooming : Ur ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv
The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming. Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.
Klädkoder : En studie om regleringen av klädkoder på arbetsplatsen
In today?s society, employees are the businesses face toward the public. By establishing dress codes, companies can control the customers? impression. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the existing regulations regarding dress codes in companies.
Verksamhetsstyrning : en fallstudie av en revisionsbyrås anpassning och förväntningar vid avskaffandet av revisionsplikten
This study examines how a company adapts its operating control when the environmental circumstances are changing. This is a case study with a qualitative approach which is based on interviews. The main purpose is to examine how an accounting firm adjusts its operating control in order to meet the abolishment of the statutory auditing. Another purpose is to describe how the abolishment of the statutory auditing will influence or have influenced the choice of measures in the balanced scorecard. The question this study aims to examine is: How do audit firms adapt its operating control in order to meet changes in the environment? This question lead to a second question which the study also aims to examine and is How is the abolishment of the statutory auditing influencing the accounting firms goals, measures and focus in the balanced scorecard? The conclusion of this study shows that the abolishment of the statutory auditing has had an influence on the balanced scorecard.
Stress, kontroll och socialt stöd inom Räddningstjänsten
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad stress innebär, hur det upplevs och orsakas inom Räddningstjänsten, samt hur det kan förebyggas. Enkäten gjordes utifrån ett kvantitativt perspektiv och skickades till larmoperatörer och brandmän på Räddningstjänsten. Enkäten besvarades av totalt 33 respondenter. Deltagarnas ålder togs inte i beaktning, enbart antalet år av yrkeserfarenhet. Datan analyserades I SPSS, med hjälp av ett Chi-tvåtest och ett Pearsons's r-test.
Tillgänglighetens frihet : En studie av Vägverkets måltolkning
In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.
Arbetslöshetens psykologiska inverkan på ungdomar: en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Schweiz
Ungdomsarbetslösheten har ökat på många håll i Europa som en konsekvens av lågkonjunkturen och i januari 2010 låg den i Sverige på 29,1 procent. I Schweiz har ungdomsarbetslösheten, generellt sett, varit jämförelsevis låg och år 2009 låg siffran på 8,2 procent. Examensarbetets syfte var att undersöka vilken psykologisk inverkan arbetslöshet har på arbetslösa ungdomar. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 74 arbetslösa ungdomar i åldrarna 15 till 24 år i Sverige och Schweiz. Enkäten baserades på locus of control, self-efficacy och lycka/psykologiskt välbefinnande och ungdomarnas syn på framtiden och på livet som helhet utvärderades också.
Vilken funktion har belöningssystemet i en organisations ekonomistyrsystem? : en jämförelse mellan två storbanker
Two of Swedens´s major banks, SEB and Handelsbanken, which appears in the same industry and have similar strategy. Both banks can achieve a similar result despite the fact that their reward system looks quite different. An issue that arises from this observation is the relative reward system to the rest of the economy control system.Our purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the reward system in the organization's financial management systems. We wonder if the reward system may be a function of economic control system, or part of the system, or perhaps made independent of the system and then gradually adapted?In our study, we choose to assume a reward system has three functions to manage, motivate and compose the employee group.
Lyckas hyresregleringen motverka segregation i Stockholm
The Swedish system of rent control has recieved a lot of critique for creating an ill-functioning housing market. Supporters however claim that a movement towards market rents would lead to increased segregation. We evaluate whether rent control has managed to counteract segregation in Stockholm. Our evaluation is based on a data set of 292 representative households in Stockholm. We find that residents in rent controlled apartments in attractive locations typically are born in Sweden by Swedish parents and that they are likely to have a higher income than residents in rent controlled apartments in less attractive locations.
Att leva med en inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom
Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are characterized by a chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Living with chronic illness meant that life changed significantly. Quality of life was affected for these individuals and was stressful in their lives. Aim: The aim was to describe the experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A qualitative literature review was chosen to analyze articles that were related to the aim of this study. Results: Based on the chosen articles five themes were created; Commuting between hope and fear, symptoms of the disease and medication become everyday focus, struggling with the new identity, desire to control the disease- do I control my illness or does it control me and social relationships are affected. Conclusion: Inflammatory bowel disease is a distressing disease and can cause limitations in social life due to lack of knowledge by others about the disease. The affected felt a loss of control in their life due to the difficulty in managing the symptoms.
Bonusprogram och prestationsbaserade ersättningar till koncernchefer : en jämförande studie mellan svenska och amerikanska incitamentsprogram
In my essay I have examined how teachers look upon their role as leader in the classroom. I have interviewed six teachers, senior level ones and teachers from the upper secondary school, about how they look upon tasks that involve planning, control, motivation, groups, and individuals. Based on their answers, I have analyzed if there is anything that can be related to a common leader competence within their profession and, in that case, how it will appear.The result that I have found has been that it exists a common leadership style that teachers are more or less conscious of. The teachers decide on what level the classes or the pupils are andafter that decision they plan their education. The leadership in the classroom can be of different kinds depending on the situation.
Några unga mäns stressupplevelser och coping i gymnasieskolan
Studien undersöker fem manliga gymnasieelevers upplevelse av stress och coping genom intervjuer. Respondenterna upplever att flera delar av skolan är stressande men mest så på examinationer. Respondenterna avänder olika former av coping och de som klarar skolan bäst använder en intern locus of control och problemfokuserad coping. Studenterna som misslyckas i skolan trivs inte där och använder extern locus of control och undvikande coping med betoning på socialt stöd..
Projektering av passersystem : En studie i användarstöd vid offertarbete för ARX passersystem
To have a tool that guides you when you work with a complex system can be helpful since the complexity of the work can be reduced. In this thesis I explore the possibilities to use a helper application whilst planning installations of access control systems. The purpose of the application is to provide support during the planning and at the same time make the user aware of the limitations that exist in the access control system ARX Access. By combining early user input and the theory of formativity, the result became an application written in Java..
Överpronation kopplad till ryttarens sits
According to ?Fotförbundet" (2012), Overpronation occurs frequently (80 %) in the Western World and furthermore overpronation of calcaneus influences the position of the pelvic and thorax (Fotförbundet, 2012; Behnke, 2008).
The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not it is possible to connect overpronation of calcaneus to the problem in the rider?s seat as observed by the instructors of Strömsholm. The study will also investigate if the riders seat problems as noticed by the riding instructors are comparable with the problems found by the analyst during testing. One purpose with the study is to raise the instructors and riders awareness that anatomical deviations in the rider might influence the rider?s position in the saddle.
The questions of the study are:
- Is it possible to see seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus?
- If it is possible to see more seat problems in riders with overpronation of calcaneus, do the instructors in the study considers the seat problems be similar with each other?
- If there are seat problems in the study, is it the same according to the instructors and the analyst in human biomechanics?
The hypothesis of the study is that overpronation of calcaneus has an effect of the rider?s position in the saddle.
The study is conducted as a blind study where the test subjects have been filmed (from knees down) as they walked barefooted and later while riding.
Läraren som ledare : en intervjustudie av sex lärares syn på sin ledarroll i klassrummet
In my essay I have examined how teachers look upon their role as leader in the classroom. I have interviewed six teachers, senior level ones and teachers from the upper secondary school, about how they look upon tasks that involve planning, control, motivation, groups, and individuals. Based on their answers, I have analyzed if there is anything that can be related to a common leader competence within their profession and, in that case, how it will appear.The result that I have found has been that it exists a common leadership style that teachers are more or less conscious of. The teachers decide on what level the classes or the pupils are andafter that decision they plan their education. The leadership in the classroom can be of different kinds depending on the situation.