

625 Uppsatser om Meaningful existence - Sida 42 av 42

?Skammen är alltid störst...? - En kvalitativ studie om biståndstagande ungdomars skamkänslor och hur dessa kan minskas och förebyggas

Syfte: Utforska och belysa begreppet skam i samband med ungdomars biståndstagande. Ta reda på om klienter som är aktiva inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever skam i samband med detta, samt hur dessa eventuella skamkänslor påverkar klienterna. Vi vill också utforska handläggarnas syn på skam och deras tankar och upplevelser kring deras klienter skamkänslor. Samt om och hur socialsekreterarna kan minska och förebygga dessa känslor genom att undersöka både socialsekreterarnas och klienternas perspektiv på detta.Metod: Vi har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie med en abduktiv ansats baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data insamlades från sju respondenter, varav fem ungdomar och två socialsekreterare.

Food traceability system for Swedish origin food items : an assessment of the application ?våga fråga - få en bonde på köpet? from a farmer perspective

In June 2013 a debate concerning the consumers? right to a label of origin on food packages was held in the Swedish parliament (www, Riksdagen, 2014). The debate was sparked by some food scandals where labelling was falsely used, claiming something that was not true ? the horse-meat scandal, frozen strawberries infected by Hepatitis A, pork sold as beef, etc. These cases were not only wrong in terms of food safety, but also fraudulent and threating consumers? right to fair origin labelling.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

Att ställa den skyddsbehövande inför rätta : Om de rättsliga förutsättningarna för att förhindra skyddslöshet vid tillämpningen av Flyktingkonventionens uteslutandeklausuler och samtidigt motverka straffrihet för de grova folkrättsbrott som faller under k

The purpose of this study has been to investigate the prospects for identifying and prosecuting individuals suspected of war crimes, within the process of exclusion from refugee status under article 1F(a) of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and using subsequent mechanisms for extradition or prosecution in international criminal law. A number of principles within human rights law and public international law have been advocated by the UNCHR and several human rights NGOs as necessary for a thorough application of the exclusion clauses; one that takes individual responsibility into account and upholds the aims and purposes of the exclusion clauses. There is a discussion as to whether specialised or accelerated exclusion procedures are justified for reasons of security and efficiency, or if they put the rights of the individual at risk and limit the opportunities for gathering information to support investigation and prosecution of the crime in question. Apart from the instruments of asylum law and procedure that have emerged within the EU harmonisation process, there are no general, binding rules on the procedural aspects of the exclusion clauses. One principle that regulates the consequences for the individual of exclusion from refugee status and decisions on extradition is, however, the principle of non-refoulement.

Barnmorskors arbete med gravida kvinnor med fetma...

Andelen gravida kvinnor med fetma som skrivs in i mödrahälsovården i Sverige har de sen-aste 20 åren mer än fördubblats. Fetma är förknippat med ökade risker för komplikationer både för kvinnan och barnet under graviditet och förlossning och om viktuppgången hos kvinnor med fetma kan begränsas under graviditeten kan dessa risker minskas. Det finns få studier som har beskrivit barnmorskornas erfarenheter av att arbeta med gravida kvinnor med fetma och hur de upplever att kunna erbjuda extra stöd till dessa kvinnor. I Göteborg finns det sedan 2011 på vissa barnmorskemottagningar möjlighet att inom projektet VIKTiga mammor erbjuda gravida kvinnor med fetma extra stöd. Syfte: Att beskriva barnmorskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med gravida kvinnor med fetma, dels generellt och dels inom projektet VIKTiga mammors interventionsdel.

Ekologiskt kopplade institutioner inom jordbrukssystemet :

The farming system is the basis of human existence through its production of provisions for man. By a continuous exchange of information, energy and material, between the ecosystems and the social systems, the farming system becomes an emergent property. The system's own properties, in the sense of farming methods, circulations and institutions, evolve through an adaptive process. Understanding this process and constantly learn from it, is the starting point for creating a sustainable development within farming systems. Thus, future farming system has to develop strategies that produce food provisions while at the same time takes into consideration the ecosystem's resilience and its integrity, but which also enables an ethical discussion. The institutions within the farming system are understood as links between the ecosystems and the social systems.

Skriftens betydelse

Scania som är ett multinationellt företag har som vision att alla medarbetare ska kunna delta och påverka sitt eget arbete, och att hantera dagens läs- och skrivkrav ses som en nyckel till det. Under 2005 startade Scania i egen regi ett läs- och skrivprojekt med mål att höja medarbetarnas läs- och skrivkompetens. 13.5 % av medarbetarna i motormonteringen anmälde sig till läs- och skrivprojektet. För att se vilket genomslag utbildningen har gett har vi anlitats av Scania för att utvärdera projektet. Syftet med vår studie är att utifrån djupintervjuer med Scanias motorbyggare undersöka skriftens betydelse i motorverkstaden samt söka svar på vad läs- och skrivutbildningen har betytt för motorbyggarna.

?Dubbelt uppdrag blev trippelt?: måluppfyllelse, värdegrund och? marknadsföring! : - En kvalitativ studie av musiklärarens utåtriktade verksamhet

My research interest in the upcoming paper is the increased need for promotion of schools. I. e. the individual school´s needs to be able to show its existence, in the huge flow and availability of information; schools and universities, study circles, streamed lectures on the Internet, public schools and private schools, different educational directions, et cetera. The schools? needs to market itself, make good PR and sell their pedagogical idea, and that has become increasingly important. My purpose is to clarify how music teachers, in the Swedish primary and secondary school, skills and competences are used in outreach activities within but also outside, the school premises.

Mind the gap : the possibilities of the public space in the contemporary city

Mind the gap encourages you to beware of the interspaces. The project seeks to defend the gaps that occur in time and space and encourages the reader to care about the interruptions of the routine-like and planned, whilst also opening up a discussion about interaction and participation. Mind the gap is a project about the many opportunities the public space has in the contemporary city. What you have in front of you is the result of this project. As society constantly changes, new and different needs arise in the city and it is necessary that architects and planners understand and adapt to these changes. They have to be able to develop new ways of thinking and to challenge established perceptions of what the public space is and should be. This means being able to see that the public space could be different and to recognize the potentials for it to change. This project examines the underlying ideals of urbanism and investigates the potentials of the City when shaped by these ideals.

Jordförvärvslagens ändring 2005 och dess påverkan vid skogsfastighetsköp : The amendment of Lad Acquisition Act 2005 and its influence on forest property purchase

Since the beginning of the 1900s Sweden has had laws and rules governing the ownership of agricultural and forest land. The foundations of the current Land Ownership Law, ?Jordförvärvslagen 1979:230(JFL)?, are from 1979. The most recent review and adaptation of the law occurred in 2005. Its main purpose is to prevent a passive ownership of land in Sweden and to ensure that the land is actively worked.

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