

625 Uppsatser om Meaningful existence - Sida 17 av 42

Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten

From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how older people use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with older people who have help from home care to insert activation was made.

Kommunikationen mellan barn och bibliotekarie ? jämförelse mellan referenssamtal på fysiska och virtuella bibliotek.

The aim with this thesis is to investigate how librarians experience communication with children in reference interviews. In today?s interactive community it is meaningful to study how children communicate with the librarian in virtual reference interview as well as in ordinary reference interviews in physical libraries. Focus has been on finding out what children ask about and how they are asking in virtual reference interviews and in ordinary reference interviews, what type of information needs the children have. The study also focuses on which barriers there can be in reference interviews.

Trygghet och trygghetsskapande i arbetslivet

In this paper we examine what security is to the individual and how the individual creates and maintains security in their work. The purpose of this paper is to study how the creating of security in working life is performed. We conduct six semi-structured qualitative interviews with permanent employees in the private sector and we encode our material using thematic analysis. We analyze our material and illustrate our problem area on the basis of Anthony Giddens's theory of ontological security and give examples of how security and creating of security is performed at the empirical field with previous studies in the research area. Our survey shows that security for the individual at work seems to be about having continuity in everyday life, financial stability, a permanent employment, a challenging and fun job and a family in good health and good living.

Stöd, reflektion och hjälp att inkludera : Lärares syn på specialpedagogisk handledning

The purpose of this study was to gain deeper knowledge about the special needs of guidance significance as an aid to students based on teachers' views and perceptions.Eight teachers from three different municipalities, active in primary school and middle school have been interviewed since all have participated in and have experience with special needs tutoring. Their responses were compiled and answered the three research questions: What experiences have teachers of special education counseling? How do teachers the guidance they received from a special teacher? What effect has the special educational guidance given for the inclusive education? The result shows that the special educational tutorial helps teachers gain a deeper understanding of students in need of special support and guidance to the mission vary in scope and content. The special educational tutorial that is aimed directly at the teachers seem to have a positive effect on inclusion and a critical/dilemma perspective while the consultative guidance primarily directed towards the adaptation of educational material and allows students to walk out of the classroom to receive special education promotes exclusion and ability grouping and a compensatory perspectives. From a sociocultural perspective pointing results of the study that teachers with special education tutoring experience to students in an inclusive education contribute to each other's learning,creating meaningful for everyone involved..

Lärande genom lärorika och lustfyllda metoder i dagens förskola. : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers reflektioner kring deras dagliga arbete med barns lärande

I want to investigate different preschool teachers' views of their daily work in terms of the diversity of children and learning, and the methods and strategies of preschool teachers use in their everyday lives, to meet every child's individual needs. I also want to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions of children's social skills as this is included in the pre-school assignments relating to a favorable social environment for all children.To find this out, I have compiled three issues.What are the views interviewed preschool teachers to learning and different lustful methods that make the educational activities meaningful for all children?? What pedagogical strategies do preschool teachers to respond to the diversity of children?? What opinions have interviewed preschool teachers about children's social interaction with other children in preschool?The conclusion is:all children are different and learn in different ways. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure every child's development and adapt the business to the children's level and needs in a way that could inspire children to learn new skills. It is teachers' responsibility to provide children with good opportunities to express their views and feelings.

"Det är så lätt, det är bara att gå in och trycka på ett par knappar." En rättssociologisk utvärderingsstudie av lagen om upphovsrätt (Lag 2005:359) och de viktigaste orsaksmekanismerna bakom fildelning

The purpose of this study was to find out why the law that regulates downloading copyrighted material does not work and which of the most important main reasons lies behind downloading behaviour. The phenomenon being well investigated earlier has actualized a new demand for normative investigation in connection with the hot debated IPRED-law.Using qualitative method comprising of interviews with three typical file sharers and anchored in Max Webers action typology, rational choice theory and the norm model followed by two assessment models, we found that four important reasons lies behind downloading behaviour: 1) economical reasons was the most central and frequent determinant followed by 2) accessibility and comfort, and 3) social acceptance and moral and also 4) habits. Although the content of the law was correctly provided by the interviewees, it was clear that they did not perceive the impact of the law as meaningful or threatening.The results, being compatible with previous research, are discussed in terms of the named theories and assessment models. We suggest further research to take into account peoples norms as the new IPRED-law soon will be functional as well as studies from a perspective of the legal rights of the individual..

Den sista vilan : vad kännetecknar en rofylld begravningsplats?

This essay examines the criteria for a peaceful cemetery. First there is a short history of the Swedish funeral place. After that follows the definitions of a peaceful place according to environmental psychology. From these definitions an analysis method is constructed for identifying a peaceful cemetery. The analysis method contains six criteria, shape of the entrances, existence of sound, vegetation character, the cemetery?s demarcation, the cemetery?s management and what feeling the cemetery mediates.The analysis method is put into practice on three cemeteries, Överklinten cemetery, Stockholm forest cemetery and the old cemetery in Malmö.

Är klassisk imperialism fortfarande relevant? : En komparativ fallstudie av Marocko-Västsahara och Kina-Tibet

Imperialism has for a long time been an important concept in international relations. The literature identifies many different types of imperialism. After the great de-colonization scientists stopped discussing ?classic? imperialism, i.e. using physical strength in the form of conquest and occupation to subdue weaker states.

Fritidspedagoger och pedagogisk kvalitet : En studie om fritidspedagogers syn på pedagogisk kvalitet med stora barngrupper

This work is about leisure educators' views on educational quality in large groups of children. School centers will contribute to children's development and learning through meaningful leisure and leisure educators' contribution with a high educational quality. There are a lot of discussions and writings about growing groups of children. How are the leisure education and its quality affected by increasing children's groups? It sparked my interest and therefore I wanted to examine this more closely how it might look in the leisure activities.The aim of this work was to examine leisure educators' perspective on how the educational quality is affected by large groups of children and what is considered of leisure educators' as a high educational quality.To answer my purpose five interviews was made with leisure educators' in different parts of Sweden and also by studying the theoretical foundations and literature for school centers and leisure education.The results of the interviews reveal, among other things, that leisure educators' feel that the large groups of children affects the quality of teaching at many levels.

Ensam är stark!?

I am interested in humans, bodies, movements, directions and how they affect each other. How we move towards each other or away from each other, inside a home or outside. How we relate to each other and to what people say and do. Co-operations between people that occasionally, possibly, do not work; how certain relationships, like certain materials, can have various breaking-points; that materials can be laden with numerous preconceptions, for instance what they should be used for.Beginning from the perspective of a feminist commune, I have explored the concepts of family, belonging, and loneliness. I have interviewed, observed, photographed, and through living in the commune during shorter periods of time, I have taken part in their every-day life.

Ny Protest? : En fallstudie av rörelsen Planka.nu.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the social movement Planka.nu with reference to the theory of new social movements in order to engage in a discussion about the presence of ?old? tradition and ?new? trends. As well as empirical, the purpose is also theoretical and methodological: to examine, and extend, the discussion about new and old social movements. A qualitative method is used. The analytical framework is based on a combination of theories of social movements and new social movements.

Lek och lärande : En studie av vad lärare och elever associerar ett laborativt arbetssätt i matematik med

During recent years, the trend of Swedish students? negative performance and results in mathematics has been discussed. It is agreed that a change in teaching methods is necessary in order to solve this issue. Thus we found it interesting to take a closer look at an alternative way of teaching. The purpose of this study was to find out what teachers and students associate concrete mathematics with and make a comparison between them.

Lanczos potentialer i kosmologiska rumtider

We derive the equation linking the Weyl tensor with its Lanczos potential, called the Weyl-Lanczos equation, in 1+3 covariant formalism for perfect fluid Bianchi type I spacetime and find an explicit expression for a Lanczos potential of the Weyl tensor in these spacetimes. To achieve this, we first need to derive the covariant decomposition of the Lanczos potential in this formalism. We also study an example by Novello and Velloso and derive their Lanczos potential in shear-free, irrotational perfect fluid spacetimes from a particular ansatz in 1+3 covariant formalism. The existence of the Lanczos potential is in some ways analogous to the vector potential in electromagnetic theory. Therefore, we also derive the electromagnetic potential equation in 1+3 covariant formalism for a general spacetime.

Ge dem en röst : Lärares uppfattningar om hur de skapar förutsättningar för elevers delaktighet i grundsärskolan. 

The aim of this study is to examine how teachers enable students with intellectual disabilities to participate in their own learning journey. The study is based on qualitative methods and data collection has been done through five individual interviews in another European country. The interviews are analysed with a qualitative method inspired by Bryman (2011). The studies theoretical frame is founded on thoughts of Dewey (1997; 2002; 2004). The results of this study shows, among other things, that good relationship between adults in school and students are an important base for participation. To build a good relationship to the students, the teacher has to have good knowledge of each individual student and its disability.

UNDER TV? M?NAR En semantisk kartl?ggning av m?ne som ett kigo

This essay will examine the seasonal word known as kigo ?? which mainly appears in the japanese haiku. The purpose is to offer a suggestion of how a systematic explanation of the semantic peculiarities of kigo could be conducted. The object of this semantic analysis is the kigo tsuki ? (moon).

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