

625 Uppsatser om Meaningful existence - Sida 16 av 42

Förskolans arbete med estetiska uttrycksformer : Vad finns det för förutsättningar?

The purpose of the study is to show the conditions there are by working with aesthetic expressions in pre-school and how these activities are implemented. Questions that we are going to discuss are: What are the conditions for working with aesthetics in pre-school? How is the work implemented when it comes to aesthetic expressions? Our ambition has been to study what conditions it takes to use aesthetic expressions in a way that is meaningful for the children and also show the conditions and alternative methods that are present in different schools. We have used a web survey to reach a result in the study. This web survey includes questions about the different aesthetic activities and has given us the answers to the questions above. The result shows that there are different ways of working and different views at aesthetic expressions.

Har rock en roll för hälsan? : En fokusgruppsstudie på hur musicerande i grupp inverkar på vuxna deltagarnas välbefinnande och empowerment

The objective of this qualitative study was to contribute to the understanding of how musical activities affect the participants' well-being and empowerment and to investigate which fac-tors contribute to that effect. Invitations were sent to 13 adult participants in a rock music school in the middle part of Sweden. 7 persons (4 men, 3 women) participated in the study. 4 themes were discussed in focus groups to highlight how informants were affected by the ac-tivity and what factors were important in the context. Results showed that music activities impact on participants' well-being and empowerment through several factors.Themes that appeared were: 1) focus on the present through music, 2) personal development, 3) meaningful leisure activity 4) the group properties.

Det är långt mellan gårdarna. En studie om Sverigebilden i Sverige - en jämförelse mellan storstad och landsbygd.

The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the principal problem of the study of national self-images and by questioning the congruent existence of one in the case of Sweden. Through the use of qualitative method and semi-structured interviews the ambition of the study is to compare and to understand the national self-images portrayed in a major Swedish town, Stockholm and to that of a smaller town on the countryside, Sjöbo. A social constructionist approach in co-operation with key temporal and spasial dimensions are used to penetrate the interviews at hand. The main conclusions drawn from this study highlights the difficulties in addressing the concept of a congruent national self-image. Several major discrepancies appear in the analysed material, mainly in the past and the external dimensions, both from a regional approach, but also very much within the local entities themselves..

Virtual Reality : En ny veklighet för arbetsterapin?

Arbetsterapi är ett ämne som framhäver hälsa och välmående genom aktivitet. Det huvudsakliga målet som arbetsterapeut är att möjliggöra för personer att delta i aktiviteter i det dagliga livet. Virtual Reality är en simulation där datorgrafik används för att skapa en tillsynes realistisk miljö och denna värld är inte statisk utan integrerar med användaren. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att kartlägga hur och varför Virtual Reality kan användas av arbetsterapeuter. En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes och efter databassökning uppkom 14 artiklar som via en manuell sökning kompletterades med ytterligare 5 artiklar.

The experience of MS-related fatigue

Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that mainly strikes young people in working age, twice as many women than men falls ill. Approximately 85 % suffers from MS-related fatigue that divides itself from common fatigue in that way that it is persistent and does not disappear in spite of sleep. This fatigue is experienced of many as one of the most difficult symptoms, which has considerable impact on the everyday life. Aim: The aim with the study was to elucidate how MS-related fatigue was experienced by persons with MS. Method: The study has been implemented as a literature study through systematic review of scientific articles.

Att som äldre möta sorg i grupp : ..."tillsammans, men ändå ensam..."

Att behärska två språk och två länders syn på pedagogik är en bra förutsättning om man vill undersöka och jämföra dessa två länders syn på barn med funktionsnedsättning. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är därmed att belysa hur skolans styrdokument i Sverige och i Ungern formulerar och beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning. En del av syftet är också att finna likheter och skillnader mellan det svenska och det ungerska styrdokumentet.Som material till ändamålet används den nya svenska Skollagen (2010) och den ungerska Utbildningslagen (1993). Analysen genomfördes med analysverktyget diskursanalys där jag har analyserat språket som beskriver barn med funktionsnedsättning.Resultaten visar att båda skollagarna har en tydlig koppling till de gällande internationella dokumenten där allas lika värde poängteras. Den svenska Skollagen har dessutom en relationell och deltagande syn på funktionsnedsättning medan den ungerska Utbildningslagen, som är 17 år äldre än den svenska lagen, betonar en kompensatorisk och individinriktad syn..

Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om livskvalitet

Background Satisfaction of life and wellbeing is shown to be important when the quality of life is to be understood. The nurse has a significant role in the care of the patient and in his/her experience of life. Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of life, from a nurse perspective. Method The text analysis was carried out with qualified attempts, of a book, "Quality of life a challenge for the nurse" (in Swedish) by T. Rustoen, a nurse who also worked as a teacher in Norway. The book describes how quality of life is experienced from the patients and staffs view. Results The text analysis showed that out of the ordinary descriptions of quality of life, the author found four new themes. These themes where; the meaning of solidarity, confidence, activity and meaningfulness in the existence. Conclusion Quality of life is an important word, which means different to different kind of people.

En ständigt pågående debatt : Religionsämnet i skolan från 1919 till 2013

The subject of religion in Swedish schools is the single most talked about topic in the curriculum. One explanation could be that it is the oldest subject in Swedish schools and the topic has undergone the biggest change through time. This process of change has been anything but undebated. The subject of religion within schools has met debates through almost its entire history, partly from the state and from the church, but also from the teachers and the students. Debates concerning the existence of Christianity in Swedish schools as well as the Swedish traditions constantly reoccur in today?s government debates and various media but in different versions.

Tingens stilla liv. Ett utforskande projekt om relationer mellan ting och människor

We are surrounded by things. They have their own personalities. Some evokes our emotions. We want to own them. We develop strong relationships to each other.

"Bara för att man är pensionär måste man inte spela boule" : En studie om fyra nyblivna ålderpensionärers skapande av ett meningsfullt liv

?Pensionsvägledning? är ingen nationellt förekommande verksamhet. Tidigare forskning visar att förberedelser inför pensioneringen ökar både individens livslängd och underlättar omställningen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om nyblivna ålderspensionärer har ett behov av vägledning i skapandet av ett meningsfullt pensionärsliv. I studien undersöktes med intervjuer av fyra nyblivna ålderspensionärer deras nuvarande levnadssituation, anpassningen till pensionärslivet och synen på livslångt lärande.

Grammatik undervisning : Studie av grammatikens roll i den tidiga språkinlärningen

This essay aims to generate understanding for todays grammar teaching in the early grades.Through base in previous research, I intend in this work to seek understanding of what affects the grammar development and its impact on education. I investigate in this essay teacher's approach to grammar and how it affects the incidence of grammar teaching.Work empiricism consists of qualitative research interviews and a survey with the intention to present a broad picture of grammatical meaning. Regarding to the informants that are involved in the investigation, I have deliberately chosen teachers from different generations to find reflections of their own education and how itinfluenced their view of grammar. My study shows that teachers acquire greater part of teaching about languagefunctional side compared to the form of the language. The teachers who participated in the survey indicated that the language functional side priority by reason that the more responds to students' learning needs and promotes a desire to learn through meaningful for the student.

Inre motstånd : En okänd fiende på vägen tillbaka från utanförskapet?

 Inner resistanceThe aim of this study was to investigate the existence of an internal resistance to a work-related change in people who are long-term sick, and if this is related to an identification as ?long-term sick?. A second purpose to the study was to research in which way this internal resistance to a work-related change manifests and point to possible solutions. A qualitative study was conducted with interviews of experts and people on sick leave to illuminate the subject. The main result was divided into interviewed groups.

Arbetsterapeuters pedagogiska förhållningssätt i gruppverksamhet - en kvalitativ studie

The occupational therapist uses meaningful activities to promote health and accomplish functional progress. The professional role is to support and enable for the client to change his/her life. One way to accomplish this is to use the group as a tool. Knowledge is needed about how learning works and which teaching methods exist to promote learning, so it is adapted after the clients´ personal way of learning. The aim of this study was to investigate which pedagogical approaches occupational therapists use in group activities.

Detta är inte Afrika - Västafrikanska undervisningsmetoder i Sverige

Title: This is not Africa - West African teaching methods in Sweden. This is a work of "translation". The study started with a musical journey to Guinea, West Africa. It was a field study where I had the opportunity to open my senses towards another culture and another kind of music. I found another learning tradition and decided to try to bring it with me back to Sweden, into the Swedish school system.

Information overload? En kritisk begreppsanalys

Information overload is by no means a new concept, but has come to prominence the last decade. A generally accepted definition of the phenomenon does not exist. The main question in this master thesis is how to define information overload in order to create a connotative concept for information science. This thesis reviews the nature and causes of information overload, and considers possible solutions, both individual and technical, and their relevance to the information professional. The review of the results shows that researchers seldom or never give a legible definition of what the concept information holds.

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