

640 Uppsatser om Mathematics. - Sida 2 av 43

?? för alla lär ju på olika vis? : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers reflektioner och arbete med grundläggande matematik kombinerat med estetiska lärprocesser

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with basic mathematics combined with aesthestic learning processes such as arts and music in grades F-1. The essay will compare teachers? perceptions regarding aestethic learning processes when using art and music are used in the teaching of Mathematics. We have used the following questions:Do teachers use aesthetic learning processes in the forms of arts and music in the basic teaching of mathematics and if so, how and in what way?What importance has aesthetic learning processes in the forms of arts and music in basic teaching of mathematics according to the teachers?What advantages and disadvantages do the teachers find with combinding the basic mathematics with arts and music?The study is based on a qualitative method with five interviews and eight observations.

"Läroboken - min trogne vän" : En studie om hur lärare använder sig av läroboken i matematikundervisning

The textbook is one of the instruments that teachers and students have available in their teaching. For many years has textbook regarded as being too controlling and as a barrier to students development in Mathematics. Textbooks primary mission is to promote learning. My study aims to provide an overview of how effective teachers use the textbook in mathematics education as well as the pros and cons they see with their work. The work includes interviews with five active mathematics teachers.

Matematik i förskolan : Ur pedagogers och vårdnadshavares perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to find out how the teachers in preschool work with Mathematics. How educators working to promote children's mathematics learning and how educators visualize math work. How they plan, implement and document the work of Mathematics. I also want to find out how legal guardians perceive their children's mathematics learning in preschool.I have chosen to do interviews with the educators and survey legal guardians to make visible the work of mathematics in kindergarten. I interviewed six teachers who work at both younger and older children department.

?Det är så integrerat i mitt tänkande? : fem arbetslags resonemang om matematikens roll i förskolan

The background to the study was that the school agency published a report stating that students, after completing school, did not meet the criteria to receive the grade ?Pass? in Mathematics. The study presents the reasoning of work teams from five different preschool departments?, about ways to work with the subject with children in the ages four to five. The study may help future teachers to develop new attitudes regarding mathematics in the preschool, by letting them take part of others pedagogues? thoughts and experiences.

Betydelse av laborativ matematik i dagens skola

The goal of this study is to gain knowledge and understanding of how a teacher can apply mathematics with assistance from practical Mathematics. Students? point of view on mathematics within practical mathematic lessons will also be examined. Four teachers from preschool to third grade in primary school were interviewed. 30 students from grades one to three were also surveyed. The study shows that teachers see a major benefit when practical mathematics is used in the theoretical teachings of Mathematics.

En studie i grundskoleelevers inställning till matematikämnet ur ett lärarperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate if elementary school pupils? attitudes towards mathematics, from a teacher?s perspective, have changed since 2001-2002. I also intend to investigate if the whys and wherefores among the pupils attitude are the same and what influences pupils? attitude to Mathematics. The reason why I chose to deepen myself into elementary school pupils? attitude to mathematics, and things that relate, is that I find it very interesting.

Matematik i förskolan : Hur arbetar man med matematik i förskolan?

The word mathematics is often associated to addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. This is not the kind of mathematics that belongs to pre-school. In my essay I have chosen to write about how mathematics is used in pre-school. In the literature it is written that the best way of becoming familiar with mathematics, is to integrate it in the every day life but that there are educators that use traditional mathematics education in pre-school. The questions I would like to answer are:1.

Matematik genom lek : en undersökning om barns matematikinlärning på två förskolor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the children?s mathematics learning through play. The questions to be answered are: how can teachers facilitate children?s mathematics learning through play? How can play affect children?s math learning? Are the children aware of the role of play in their mathematics learning?My method is based on interviews and observations. My informants are three teachers who work in two different preschools.

Faktorer som bidrar till att kursmålen nås för elever med matematiksvårigheter

During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils had difficulties with Mathematics. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in Mathematics during my training to become a qualified teacher, I would like to get to know more about this.After studying research done on this subject I made the following approach to the problem:? What fields regarding Mathematics do the pupils themselves find most difficult?? What factors have been contributory causes to these problems?? What are the factors that have helped pupils with difficulties in Mathematics to reach the goals for the syllabuses in Mathematics?The answers to my questionnaire and interviews resulted in the following conclusions:? Pupils find theory of equation and conversion of units as most difficult at senior level of the nine-year compulsory school.? Teaching should be done in special instruction groups to give the pupil the opportunity to develop his/her skills on an individual level.? Pupils find it hard to deal with all moments in Mathematics during the time given for each course.? The pace for teaching Mathematics is too high according to the pupils.? Pupils wish for instructions on a lower level.? There is often a lack of contact between teacher and pupil.? The teacher should use more time to help the pupil receive good self-confidence and increase the motivation for instructions in Mathematics..

Matematiksvårigheter : En studie om fyra pedagogers erfarenheter kring matematiksvårigheter med exempel på pedagogiskt arbetssätt

For many years, I have tried to understand why students end up in difficulties in Mathematics. As a future teacher, it is extremely important to have knowledge of the various factors that leads to difficulties in Mathematics. As a teacher it is obvious to meet the students who find mathematics a difficult subject, and, therefore it is necessary to have a broader knowledge of how to respond and support these students. According to Ahlberg, number of students with mathematics difficulties is increasing every year, therefore, it is important to help students and organize a supporting school environment that promotes and encourages learning (Ahlberg 2001, p. 104-105).

Matematik kommunikation utifrån lärarnas uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie som bygger på sex matematiklärares uppfattningar av kommunikations betydelse för elevernas lärande i matematikämnet

The purpose of this thesis was to examine teachers? perception of communication in the Mathematics lesson. I wanted to find out how teachers look at communication as a didactic manner and how they view their role in encouraging communication and discussion during the Mathematics lesson and what communication can contribute to students? learning in Mathematics, according to their beliefs. I have chosen a qualitative approach; I have interviewed six Mathematics teachers working in three different schools.

Matematikintresse. Lärares uppfattningar av ett attitydmål

AimThe main aim of this study was to find out how teachers reflect on their work with developing pupils? interest towards mathematics in grade nine. As a teacher in mathematics, it is important to be aware of different views on interest towards mathematics and how it is possible to work in that direction. Since developing interest towards mathematics is written the in syllabus as criteria for teaching mathematics in grade nine, it is important to know and take an active role in finding ways to approach the issue.Main issues? How do teachers in grade nine reflect over their work with development of interest towards mathematics?? How are teachers? Beliefs Systems reflected in their work with interest?MethodThe main focus of this study was teachers? perspective on their own work on developing interest towards Mathematics.

Matematik i vardagen : En intervjustudie om några pedagogers beskrivningar av matematik i förskoleklassen

 The purpose of this essay is to examine some teachers' reflections on the importance of mathematics in preschool and the importance of language, communication and conceptualization in children's mathematics learning. The study's methodology is based on a qualitative approach, where I interviewed four teachers who work with the 6 -year-olds in two different municipal schools. The study shows the importance of language and communication in mathematics learning. It also shows the importance of the teacher's attitude as well as the educational environment to capture children's curiosity and interest.  Purpose and Issues: The purpose of this study is to investigate some pedagogue?s descriptions of mathematics in the preschool class.

Elevers inställning till matematik : - en jämförande studie av elevers uppfattning av matematikämnet och matematikundervisningen

Based on earlier experiences of mathematics and mathematical learning, both as a student and as a teacher, I became more and more interested in how well the publicly accepted opinions about mathematics as an uninteresting, difficult and ?geeky? subject corresponded to reality. What do Swedish pupils really think about mathematics and is it possible to identify any differences in their attitudes based on the pupils? age?From this point of view the following questions were formulated:·What are pupils? attitudes towards mathematics in grades 3, 6 and 9 and how do they conceive their learning conditions?·Is it possible to detect any differences in the attitudes and preferences depending on the pupils? age?The result of this study compares well with previous studies done in this and overlapping fields and indicates that:·Younger pupils tend to have a better liking of mathematics but with increasing age that interest fades out.·Most pupils, without regard to age, consider mathematics to be one of the most important subjects, despite the fact that many pupils also find mathematics difficult and boring.·For pupils of all ages, the teacher is the most important factor in the learning process. Older students have more specific demands on the teacher for knowledge and pedagogical skills.·A high noise level, talking and disturbances in the classroom are the most bothering elements when it comes to learning Mathematics.

Språkets betydelse för matematikinlärningen

Study aimed to see if the language has bearing on mathematics learning. The study used qualitative interviews of three first grade teachers and one special education teacher.The questions asked was:Do the teachers and specialist teacher, at the selected schools, think there is a connection between language difficulties and difficulties in mathematics and in case how is this connection.How does the teachers / specialist teacher make it easier for students to learn mathematics and swedish.The study was based on Vygotsky and Piaget teories. In previous research, it is primarily Malmer, Hoines, Lowing and Kilborn who´s been treated. Within the governing documents, it is mainly the compulsory school curriculum Lpo-94, and the curriculum for mathematics treated.I hope that the study has conclude that there is a connection between language and mathematics learning.I tried to emerged this through interviews with tree teachers and one special teatcher but i couldn´t. The teatchers couldn`t fint that it was the only reason to why the pupils hade difficulties in Mathematics.But in the literature I found the relation between language- and mathematicdificulties..

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