

641 Uppsatser om Mathematics. - Sida 1 av 43

En formalisering av matematiken i svensk gymnasieundervisning

This study examines how formal mathematics can be taught in the Swedish secondary school with its new curriculum for Mathematics. The study examines what a teaching material in formal mathematics corresponding to the initial content of the course Mathematics 1c could look like, and whether formal mathematics can be taught to high school students.The survey was conducted with second year students from the science programme. The majority of these students studied the course Mathematics D. The students described themselves as not being motivated towards Mathematics.The results show that the content of the curriculum can be presented with formal Mathematics. This both in terms of requirements for content and students being able to comprehend this content.

Laborativ matematik : Vad är syftet? Varför väljer lärare att arbeta laborativt? Vad säger eleverna?

Research indicates that a more hands-on education in mathematics could improve how students relate to Mathematics. Laboratory mathematics is a way of making mathematics more concrete.  How is the purpose of laboratory mathematics perceived? This thesis has its focus on the pupils? perceptions of the purpose of laboratory mathematics, but the intention of the teacher involved is also investigated. The main research questions asked were:What is the teacher's definition of laboratory mathematics?Which is the teacher's purpose in using laboratory education?How do the students perceive the purpose of the laboratory teaching of mathematics?To answer the questions, I conducted a series of qualitative interviews.


The purpose of my study is to investigate teachers? opinions about learning difficulties in Mathematics.I have read relevant literature on this subject. I have conducted interviews with seven class teachers, one special-needs teacher, a psychologist and one special-needs teachers who specifically worked with investigations concerning pupils with difficulties in Mathematics.The result of my study shows that learning difficulties in mathematics can/might be prevented if children in pre-school are introduced to mathematics as early as possible. This should be done in a delightful way in their daily activities and while there are playing. I didn?t find any complete method to help children with mathematics difficulties in compulsory school.

Talet om talen : Vuxenmatematikens retoriska vändning

This is an empirical study of how the mathematical talk of adult learners constructs/reconstructs different mathematical discourses. The study is to be regarded as an attempt to develop a discursive approach within the field of mathematics education and to complicate the status of mathematics in education and in society in general. My theoretical underpinnings consist of three possible mathematical discourses ? coercive, regulative and emancipative Mathematics. From a discursive psychology perspective, I let these discourses function as analytical interpretive repertoires in relation to the adult learners? rhetorical use of mathematics and their claiming of mathematical subject-positions, named the coerced, the self-regulating and the responsible mathematician.

En formalisering av matematiken i svensk gymnasieundervisning

This study examines how formal mathematics can be taught in the Swedishsecondary school with its new curriculum for Mathematics. The study examineswhat a teaching material in formal mathematics corresponding to the initialcontent of the course Mathematics 1c could look like, and whether formalmathematics can be taught to high school students.The survey was conducted with second year students from the science programme.The majority of these students studied the course Mathematics D.The students described themselves as not being motivated towards Mathematics.The results show that the content of the curriculum can be presented withformal Mathematics. This both in terms of requirements for content and studentsbeing able to comprehend this content. The curriculum also requires thatthis type of mathematics is introduced in the course Mathematics 1c.The results also show that students are open towards and want more formalmathematics in their ordinary education. They initially felt it was strangebecause they had never encountered this type of mathematics before, but somestudents found the formal mathematics to be easier than the mathematicsordinarily presented in class.The study finds no reason to postpone the meeting with the formal mathematicsto university level.

Matematikens historia i undervisningen

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the history of mathematics can be used in teaching and whether pupils? attitudes to mathematics can be affected by this. In order to do this a school project about the history of mathematics is planned, implemented and analysed.The following questions are addressed:? Why use the history of mathematics in teaching?? How can the history of mathematics be used in teaching?? Can a historical perspective in teaching affect pupils? views on mathematics?The school curriculum emphasizes the importance of history in teaching. Literature, scientific articles and government inquiries call attention to the positive effects of including a historical perspective in teaching.The school project, which underlies this thesis, is put to practice by 25 pupils in a mathematics science profile class.

Kan ett konkret arbetssätt påverka lusten till matematik?

The purpose behind this work was to investigate whether I could from a practical approach to create desire for mathematics among students in primary schools. I wanted also to find out how students feel about their current mathematics teaching. By introducing an equation game, and interviewing students to find out their perception of their mathematics teaching, I was able to answer my questions. What I came to was that through a practical and laboratory work, I could create an enjoyable educational opportunity in Mathematics. Then during the interviews I also learned that students had not a pre-determined negative attitude towards Mathematics.

?Matematik finns överallt och ingenstans? : Med fokus på pedagogernas arbete

The aim is to find out how teachers apply the knowledge they get from mathematics pilots in preschool and from mathematics developer in the municipality, as well as how they work further towards the children with Mathematics.The study is based on qualitative interviews with two teachers, one mathematic pilot and one mathematic developer. I used the semi-structured interview questions.The results show that teachers believe that mathematics pilots will inspire the teachers in their work with mathematics in preschool. One of the teachers who were interviewed said:?Mathematics pilots should be those that have the strongest glasses and coming up with new ideas and they push the rest of the teachers in their work with mathematics in relation to children in preschool?.The teachers use the correct terms for mathematical concepts with the children. They also stressed how important it is to point out to the kids that it is mathematics that they are doing.The conclusion of the study is that the teachers agree that it is their approach towards the children that is important and how they can lead the children?s interest of mathematics forward.

Nu är det dags att ta på sig matteglasögonen : Har den nya reviderade läroplanen ändrat förskollärarens syn på barn och matematik?

The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge of what preschool teachers think that mathematics in kindergarten is, and if the revised curriculum which came in July 2010 changed their approach. The survey consists of interviews of five preschool teacher and an aspiring preschool teacher. They have shared their experiences and knowledge about what they regard as mathematics in kindergarten. I asked how they interpret the new curriculum for math and if it has made them work in a different way or if they do as the used to. The results that came up where that they felt that their views on mathematics have changed.

Gymnasieelever och bråkräkning

For many years, I have tried to understand why students end up in difficulties in Mathematics. As a future teacher, it is extremely important to have knowledge of the various factors that leads to difficulties in Mathematics. As a teacher it is obvious to meet the students who find mathematics a difficult subject, and, therefore it is necessary to have a broader knowledge of how to respond and support these students. According to Ahlberg, number of students with mathematics difficulties is increasing every year, therefore, it is important to help students and organize a supporting school environment that promotes and encourages learning (Ahlberg 2001, p. 104-105).

Att undervisa i matematik : En komparativ studie angående pedagogiska metoder i Sverige och Kina

The Third International Assessment of Educational Progress (TIMMS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) during the last decades regarding the results of mathematics teaching shows that China have a better performance than Sweden?s.Swedish teacher-guidelines focus on developing student?s individual interest and confidence for Mathematics. In the Chinese teaching-guidelines for Mathematics Curriculum Standards, Ordninary Senior Secondary, the focus is given on: Elevate their mathematics literacy necessary for future citizenship and Development of citizen´s qualities (s.3).Teachers are the primary factors that impact teaching and learning of Mathematics. Two teachers from Sweden and two from China were interviewed and their methods were compared in my study. The aim of my study was to understand mathematics teaching in China and Sweden.

Hur anser elever att man uppnår en bra matematikundervisning i skolan.

AbstractThe purpose of this study has been to find out what attitude fifth graders have towards Mathematics. This is done to get a better understanding of student?s feelings regarding about mathematics and what it is that makes mathematics fun or boring. My questions have been: What do the students think is fun, boring and difficult about mathematics? How do students think that a good mathematics teacher should be? Do the students see a difference in the mathematics teaching in easy compulsory school years?To find answers to my questions I have looked into prior research on students attitudes towards Mathematics.

Design av verklighetsanknuten matematikundervisning

The aim of this study was to design short interventions based on the literature study, which will change the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problem-solving in mathematics and everyday life. An experimental group of 17 pupils in fifth grade participated in the study and were educated in everyday mathematics 20 minutes a day during four weeks. The intervention was measured in a pre- and after questionnaire, in order to control the design and discover possible changes in the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problems and everyday life.

Kommunikation i matematikundervisningen : En studie om kommunikationens och det matematiska språkets betydelse för elevers matematiska lärande

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how four 3rd grade pedagogues allow communication in the teaching of mathematics and how these pedagogues allow their students to use and expand their language of Mathematics. It has also been an aim to investigate these four pedagogues? opinions about the significance of communication and of the language of mathematics for students? mathematical learning.The study is based on a sociocultural perspective of Vygotskij?s. The theory implies the importance of using the language and communication for students? learning.

Svårigheter i matematik för elever med svenska som andraspråk : Lärares syn på problem och möjligheter

 In today?s society teachers will face students of foreign origin. It is up to the teachers to help these students gain the knowledge they need to flourish in society. Despite the fact that mathematics is a universal topic with high status in many countries, studies have shown that mathematics is a subject where a large proportion of foreign students fails. The purpose of this study was to see wherein the problem lies and describe teachers' perceptions of the barriers and the opportunities in mathematics for students with Swedish as a second language.

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