

641 Uppsatser om Mathematics. - Sida 11 av 43

Vem har bäst betyg? : en kvantitativ studie om betygsfördelning

Aim: The study aims to investigate the distribution of grades between students in a practical subject and in a theoretical subject.The problem:What is the grade distribution in physical education and mathematics, with respect to gender, socioeconomic background, parental education, ethnicity, and physical activity?Method:To answer the aim of the study a quantitative method was chosen. As the collection method used was questionnaires to 620 students in the 9th grade in Stockholm. Of the 620 questionnaires, 597 questionnaires were used for the static analysis. The method of analysis used cross tables and logistic regression analysis.

Övergången till gymnasiet : En lupp som avslöjar brister i elevernas matematikkunskaper

Transition to Non-Compulsory EducationScrutinizing flaws in Students? knowledge in Mathematics.

Problemlösning : - att välja strategi

AbstractBy finding out the pupils' choice of strategies for problem solving, we as teachers, can get a better understanding of their way of thinking, and thus also help them develop in their learning of Mathematics. In a classroom environment where several different strategies could be found, the pupils' learning is facilitated as they, with the help of classmates, find positive and negative attributes of different kinds of strategies. The pupils are, in other words, each other's resources, rather than competitors. The main point is that the classroom environment, as well as the role of the teacher in the classroom, are both key elements for good mathematics learning.In order to increase the understanding of the pupils' choice of learning strategies, a survey was performed based on two school classes, one third grade and one six grade class at the same school. Both classes received the same mathematical problem to work with, and the strategies observed were analyzed and compared.

Matematiksvårigheter : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie om matematiksvårigheter.

We have done a qualitative and quantitative study about math problems on second­ary school students. The study is based on the diagnosis, treatment and training of teachers, about students who have math difficulties. The aim of this work is to obtain teachers ?perceptions about students? diagnosis, treatment / improvement and continuing education for students who have math difficulties. By having interviewed various teachers through surveys we have received answers to their concerns about the diagnosis, treatment and the importance of continuous training of teachers on students? mathematics difficulties.

Matematikspråk och kommunikation

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att fördjupa vår förståelse kring matematikspråk och kommunikation som verktyg i matematikundervisningen. Detta har sökts svar på genom att observera och intervjua tre stycken matematiklärare i grundskolans lägre åldrar. Vi har undersökt hur dessa lärare använder och ser på muntlig kommunikation samt infor-mellt och formellt matematikspråk. Vi redogör för tidigare forskning kring språk och kommunikation i matematikundervis-ningen. Studiens utgångspunkt är Vygotskijs syn på språk och kommunikation i ett so-ciokulturellt perspektiv.

Matematik, ett tråkigt ämne! Kan laborativt/praktiskt arbetssätt ändra elevers attityder till matematik?

The aim of the study was to investigate the students´ attitudes towards mathematics, their knowledge in the subject area they find the least interesting and whether laborative/practical working methods could awaken their interest and curiosity. During our work, we have looked into previous studies regarding girls´ and boys´ attitude and performance in Mathematics. We handed out surveys to students in grade 9 at a School with many people from other cultures and nationalities in Malmö in order to find the answers to our questions. The result showed that most of the students thought that the subject area "scaling" was the least interesting. The implemented action program was a laborative/practical task within the "scaling" area.

Den Fjärde Basfärdigheten

This analysis is about the fourth basic competence and how you can define it, what it includes and if it is possible to find it in the new curriculum for the Swedish high school; Gymnasiereformen -07. The analysis was focused on the following subjects; Mathematics, Social science and Swedish. The aim with this analysis has been to create a summary in the field of information literacy and to define the fourth basic competence. The analysis were focused on and delimited by the following conceptions; information literacy, digital competence and the information search process. The sources of information has primarily been taken from the field of information literacy and statements from professionals in the fields of information literacy and education.

Estetiska lärprocesser och visuell kommunikation : En metodtriangulering för att integrera dubbla perspektiv på K3, Malmö Högskola

Aim: The study aims to investigate the distribution of grades between students in a practical subject and in a theoretical subject.The problem:What is the grade distribution in physical education and mathematics, with respect to gender, socioeconomic background, parental education, ethnicity, and physical activity?Method:To answer the aim of the study a quantitative method was chosen. As the collection method used was questionnaires to 620 students in the 9th grade in Stockholm. Of the 620 questionnaires, 597 questionnaires were used for the static analysis. The method of analysis used cross tables and logistic regression analysis.

Matematikundervisning på väg... Men vart ska vi? : Grundskolelärares egna ord om hur de vill utveckla sin undervisning i matematik, analyserat ur ett dramapedagogiskt perspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to ascertain how primary school teachers would like to improve their mathematics teaching. The central questions for this research are:In what ways do teachers want to improve their mathematics teaching?How do the teachers justify their statements?What main features can be distinguished out of the teachers answers?Three interviews and seven surveys have been used to collect information from a total of nine teachers, at one primary school. Teaching pupils from preschool to sixth grade. The results have been analysed, interpreted and discussed using a drama pedagogical perspective, inspired by a holistic approach to learning.

Utomhusmatematik : ur lärares perspektiv

Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på vad lärare i grundskolan anser om utom¬husmatematik, varför och när de själva arbetar med det. Arbetet innehåller utomhusmatemati¬kens yttre ramar. Jag har valt att intervjua sex lärare som arbetar med utomhusmatematik eller som tycker att det verkar vara ett intressant arbets¬sätt. Alla lärare arbetar i grundskolan och representerar två olika skolor. Två av lärarna arbe¬tar med utomhusmatematik en gång i veckan.

Morningside Mathematics : Förbättrar Morningside Mathematics elevernas kunskaper i addition och subtraktion i årskurs tre?

Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka svårigheter matematiska problemlösningsuppgifter kan vålla elever, samt hur dessa istället kan omarbetas för eleverna ska få en bättre förståelse och kunna lösa dem lättare.Datainsamlingen i denna studie har skett genom en observation vid ett lektionstillfälle där eleverna arbetade med problemlösningsuppgifter. Utifrån observationerna samt elevernas resultat valdes ett antal elever ut för en intervju. Efter intervjuerna fick eleverna lösa några omarbetade problemlösningsuppgifter som författarna till denna studie har framtagit med hjälp av de åsikter eleverna haft om uppgifterna vid intervjuerna.Resultatet har visat att eleverna fått större förståelse för uppgifternas syfte, samt fått lättare att lösa problemlösningsuppgifterna efter att de konkretiserats med hjälp av språket och att eleverna fick möjlighet att använda laborativt material..

Hur tänker elever? : Elevintervjuer som metod för att kartlägga elevers tankar kring matematikundervisning

During my time as a student of education I have learnt that it is my responsibility, as a teacher, to adjust the ways in which I teach to the needs, abilities, experiences, and thoughts of each individual child. What I have not yet gained much knowledge on is how to go about finding the children?s thoughts.In this thesis I investigate the interview as a method of finding out how sixth graders think about their mathematics education. Four children were interviewed. In addition to these inter-views, as a means of giving a broader perspective to and a greater understanding of the chil-dren?s answers, one math lesson was filmed and the math teacher was interview on two sepa-rate occasions.What I found was that a number of factors seemed to influence the children?s thoughts and answers, and that their answers were most likely not always a mirror of their thoughts.

Algebra i gymnasieskolan : Vilka svårigheter har eleverna?

During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils have difficulties with algebra. Also in a report from the National Agency for Education (1999) you can see that the students algebra knowledge get worse and worse. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in algebra during my training to become a qualified teacher I would like to get to know more about this. I also examine why you have to study algebra in upper secondary school.

Kan du bevisa det? : En enkätstudie av gymnasielärarens förhållningssätt till matematiska bevis

Practice of mathematical proof increase the understanding of mathematics anddevelop creativity skills, problem solving, communication, logical thinking andreasoning which are all important tools not only within the subject of mathematicsbut also important tools for the society in which we are living. The aim of this projectwas to investigate whether it is accurate that proof and proving has a subordinate rolein mathematic education in the upper secondary school in Sweden. This was done byconstructing of a digital survey that was sent to approximately 100 practicingmathematics teachers in a normal size city located in the middle of Sweden. Theresults of the survey show that the teachers consider themselves comfortable withtheir own skills in teaching proof. Paradoxically, the results also show that there is alack of teaching of proof and proving in the upper secondary school, although the newcurriculum puts more focus on proof and proving..

Reflekterande eller reproducerande matematik : en jämförande studie mellan två undervisningsmetoder i matematik, det laborativa och det traditionella

In each classroom there is a teacher with good intentions wanting what´s best for their pupils. But grades and tests in mathematics from 2009 in Sweden shows there is a crack between the subject being taught and the learning child. The purpose with this research is to find an understanding from a teaching and learning perspective of which teaching method is more suitable for teaching and learning mathematics by doing a comparison between two methods. The main question is:What are the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional and the laboratory method of teaching, supported by the two keywords teaching method and learning?This C-paper is based on a qualitative research aiming to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior.

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