

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 9 av 304

Delaktighet i genomförandeplan : Ur ett personalperspektiv

The study presented here is about how to make the special needs user who has a profound intellectual disability and additional disabilities more involved in their implementation plan. Based on a life story interview the study aims at analyzing perceptions of procedures to enhance special needs users? influence. The method used in this study was a qualitative research approach as an overall approach in order to use a narrative method where life history is the method. The focus has been to study a part of an individual life history - a specific domain in the life of the interviewee?s working career.

Hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen : En studie om hur ett utbildningsmaterial som integrerar hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen kan utformas

This master thesis, which has been carried out in collaboration with Fairtrade,investigates how sustainable development can be integrated in the mathematicaldiscipline in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study includedfindings on design and disposition, with sustainability themes relatedto Fairtrade. This since Fairtrade is going to use the study as a basis forthe development of an educational material. The results of the study areof interest to teachers and organizations that want to develop educationalmaterial that integrate sustainable development in mathematics education.The main focus of the study has been the teachers? preferences on dispositionand design.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven mathematics teachersin the Stockholm area.

Matematik i ämnet matlagning : Hur förändra elevernas attityd till matematik på Restaurang- & Livsmedelsprogrammet

Most of my 16 students show a negative attitude towards mathematics and have difficulty understanding why they need mathematics to work as cooks. Their lack of knowledge has a negative effect on their work in the kitchen because they cannot master relatively simple mathematical solutions. The purpose of this study is to examine if an integrated working method of the subjects mathematics and cooking can change students? attitude towards mathematics and increase their understanding of the value of it in restaurant work. An integrated working method means to integrate the core subjects with programme specific subjects and that teaching is directed towards the main features of the vocational programme in order to create a holistic view.A theory of action research has been applied in this study, aiming to change something perceived as problematic through combining theory and practice in the cooking subject.

Kan man räkna till 100, kan man mycket : Barns tankar, funderingar och förståelse kring matematik

This study was designed to describe and understand how children perceive and explain mathematical situations. During our work based training we have met several students who have been insecure in the subject of mathematics and therefore come to think that it's difficult and boring. The questions we have asked ourselves are why and how this insecurity occurs. In preschools around the country teachers actively worked to create opportunities for children to meet and discover mathematics. The question is whether the teachers are aware of how children perceive mathematics and how children think in mathematical situations. We chose to conduct a qualitative study using different methods of data collecting in order to approach the children's world.

Matematikmöjligheter : En studie i en Sydafrikansk skola

The purpose of this report is to find out how we can work with learners on the basis of their opportunities in mathematics. I also want to look into, how one views this question in other cultures that are different from our own. I have, in order to reach my purpose, looked on what literature there is on this matter. I have also made three interviews in a township in South Africa. The result I got from my survey was that the teachers I interviewed had a similar point of view on the teaching of mathematic as we have in Sweden.

Utanförskap i förskolan

Earlier studies shows that democracy within the preschool is an important and on-going work, but could implicate certain consequences. For example that goals regarding democracy and influence in the preschool, rarely is done in practice but instead remains just words on a paper. It could also mean that the pedagogues lack education and knowledge within the area, but also how they react to the influence of children. Preschool is expected to be a place for all children, no matter what luggage the child is carrying. The luggage is filled with the life experience, the personality and in this case the needs that the child has. The needs could be anything from nearness to physical and psychological disorders that requires more pedagogical attention.

Mappingmetoden och bildmaterialet Everyday Life Activities ? behandling av agrammatism hos personer med afasi av Broca-typ

This pilot study describes a therapy method for persons withBroca´s aphasia. This method is based on the mapping hypothesis (Schwartz,Saffran & Marin 1980). The mapping hypothesis is based on the assumptionthat agrammatism is caused by an inability to combine syntactic structurewith thematic roles. This study describes a combination of the therapymethod mentioned above and the Everyday life activities photo series (ELA,Stark 1992). The aim of the study was to investigate if therapy based on awritten sentence/picture format is a viable starting-point for future research.The therapy presented combined written sentences with pictures describingeveryday life activities.

?Leka matematik och få roliga läxor!? : En undersökning av några pedagogers ambitioner för matematiklärande i förskoleklassen

This work deals with mathematics teaching in preschool classes. The purpose of my study is to investigate the preschool classes? teachers' aspirations for the children learning mathematics in two different preschools. To achieve my goal, I formulated the following questions to be explored and answered through interviews with five teachers.  Does mathematics in preschool classes have a prominent role in educators' planning? What perception do the educators in the field have about the learning and teaching of mathematics in the preschool classes? How do the teachers understand their own work with mathematics in preschool classes in relation to multilingual students?                                A qualitative interview method was applied.

SecRePac - Strimlare för hushållsförpackningar

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

Ingen kan allt, men alla kan något : Hur åtta elever ser på matematikundervisningen.

In this paper you can read about students? opinion of teaching in mathematics. The study is done with eight students that were interviewed. The study is based on 16 questions about mathematic teaching. The questions covered student participation, how teachers should be, if they think mathematics is important, which approach to take in lessons and how student best learn.

Att skriva staden genom språnget : En undersökning av plankning och parkour som skapande, rumsliga praktiker utifrån Michel de Certeaus The Practice of Everyday Life

What happens when one moves about in the city? In this essay I will explore how we through our movements create our own temporal cities. I base my investigation on Michel de Certeau's theories from his book The Practice of Everyday Life vol 1. De Certeau believes that by just walking in the city ? a mostly unconscious and for many trivial activity ? you write it, creating different types of spaces that can be understood using linguistic terms.In my essay, I develop de Certeau's theories about ordinary activities by applying them to two less ordinary ? and between themselves quite different ? spatial practices:  fare evasion on public transportation (plankning) and the urban activity of parkour.

"I slutet av varje dag förstår alla elever matematiken" : En kvalitativ studie om matematiklärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i Kenya

The purpose of the study was to find out how teachers in a school in Kenya conducted the education of mathematics in standard 4-6. The focus was how the teachers worked with children in need of special support in mathematics.To find out the purpose a case study was made with two interviews and seven observations with four teachers on a rural school in Kenya. The following issues were: Which standards were there in the classrooms during lessons in mathematics in Kenya? How did the teachers express the view of children in need of special support? The main conclusion was that different teachers teaching in mathematics looked the same.The teacher was standing in front of the blackboard where the teaching occurred and the pupils were sitting lined up in their benches. The teaching of the pupils was about repetition and imitates the teacher and mostly filling the gap that the teacher made them say.

Verifiering av forskningsresultat gällande antal lösningar för linjära kongruenssystem

Verifiering med hjälp av dator av två oberoende formler för beräkning av antalet lösningar för linjära kongruenssystem med två eller tre obekanta..

"Säg aldrig till ditt barn att matematik är svårt" : Sex pedagogers tankar och resonemang kring sitt arbetssätt i matematikundervisning för elever i år F-6

There has been a lot of debate in media about mathematics teaching in grade school in Sweden. Many students experience that mathematics in grade school is abstract, which leads to decreased interest of mathematics in early years. An international study indicates that Swedish students in class 4 do not fulfill the mean for mathematics according to EU/OECD countries. The study also shows that Sweden practice a textbook driven education, compared to other countries. The aim for this study was to find out how a few pedagogues for class F-6 teach mathematics, and why they have chosen to educate the way they do.

?Ja, då Googlar man, som man säger? ? en kvalitativ studie av PRO-pensionärers informationssökning

The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how elderly people seek and use information in everyday situations. A further aim is to suggest ways for the library to offer more services specifically tailored for pensioners. This is an important topic as pensioners are a rapidly growing group of library users. We conducted qualitative interviews with four elderly people concerning their information needs in everyday life, and discovered that they rarely use the library, preferring instead to get their information from various internet sites and their pensioners? organisation.

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