

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 65 av 304

"Kärringsjuka?" Att leva med Fibromyalgi

Bakgrund: Fibromyalgi drabbar två till tre procent av befolkningen och är ett kroniskt smärttillstånd utan känd orsak. Majoriteten av dem som drabbas är kvinnor. Sjukdomen syns inte utanpå och det finns därför en risk att drabbade blir missförstådda av människor i sin omgivning och av sjukvårdspersonal. Syfte: Att med den här litteraturstudien beskriva hur kvinnor med fibromyalgi upplever sin livssituation. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på elva kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.

"Jag är bättre än så" : En studie om hur stimatisering- och stämplingsprocesser kan påverka föredetta kriminella mäns anpassningsmöjligheter i samhället.

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to look into how ex-offenders experience that stigmatization and labeling- processes might affect their possibilities to create an integrated and adapted life in society. It is also of interest to study how and if the interviewees experience their self-image to be affected by these processes. Our research-questions are:-          How do ex-offender males experience stigmatization and labeling-processes to impact their possibilities when trying to re-integrate into society?-          Do ex-offender males experience their self-image being affected by stigmatization and labeling-processes? If so, how are they affected? In order to achieve this we interviewed members of the organization KRIS in Örebro, where we selected males over 23 years of age with a prior prison sentence. The study is based on the labeling-theory of Howard Becker as well as the stigma-theory by Erving Goffman.In the conclusions derived from the results we found that the interviewees experience a more distinct and obvious stigmatization and labeling from authorities such as the police and the legal system, than that from other people in society.

Utvärdering av rörelsemönster hos öring (Salmo trutta) utifrån otolitmikrokemi

The classic view of trout (Salmo trutta) life history is that trout begins its life in freshwater, migrates to the ocean after about 1-4 years and then returns to freshwater to spawn. As trout fry have been caught at the mouth of the River Emån, near the Baltic Sea, researchers have speculated that some trout emigrate during their first year of life. The purpose of this study was to describe the variation in the length of time trout reside in freshwater before they migrate to the ocean for the first time. Another purpose was to investigate whether it was possible to discern where and how long the fish spent in freshwater and saltwater during different parts of their lives. Between 2007 and 2009, 23 adult trout were captured in the River Emån in southeastern Sweden.

Hur kan en familjs livskvalitet påverkas då ett barn har födoämnesallergi?

Bakgrund: Nästan vart fjärde barn i Sverige har idag en allergisjukdom med symtom. Att som barn få diagnosen födoämnesallergi har en påverkan på både barnets och hela familjens livskvalitet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur en familjs livskvalitet kan påverkas då ett barn har födoämnesallergi. Metod: Studien baserades på sju vetenskapliga studier, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Resultat: Efter att ha granskat studierna framkom tre genomgående teman; upplevelser av oro och rädsla, upplevelser av bristande stöd och information och begränsningar och strategier i det dagliga livet.

Review of the litterature and an attempt to evaluate intake levels of iodine and selenium in dogs with and without lymphocytic thyroiditis

The prime aim of this thesis was to investigate whether high or low iodine intake during certain periods of life was, or was not a strong risk factor for the development of canine lymphocytic thyroiditis (CLT). And secondly, if a high or low selenium intake in a combination with high or low iodine intake also may have an influence on that risk factor. To investigate this, a dietary questionnaire was sent out to dog owners. The dogs were selected from an ongoing genetic study of CLT. The questions investigated brand and type of feed during different life stages (puppy, junior and adult) and also if there were any use of dietary supplements.

Agila metoder: Vad får människor att ticka? : En studie kring projektdeltagres inner work life

Författare:Elin Larsson och Ida Persson, studenter vid Magisterprogrammet i Projektledning vid Karlstads universitet.Bakgrund: Agila metoder är ett samlingsnamn för ett antal processer främst inom mjukvaruutveckling, men även för projektledning (Cervone 2011). Detta arbetssätt kom under mitten av 1990-talet som svar på en önskan om ett mer flexibelt arbetssätt och intresset för dessa metoder har ökat markant de senaste åren (Lindvall et al. 2002). I en omfattande studie kring bland annat motivation har Amabile och Kramer (2011) definierat termen inner work life som de processer som tillsammans bearbetar de intryck som en person får utifrån arbetsdagens  händelser. Beroende på hur dessa händelser påverkar personen presterar denne mer eller mindre bra på sitt arbete.Problemdiskussion: Enligt Tessem och Mauer (2010) har allt fler organisationer börjat använda sig av agila metoder med ett gott resultat på deltagarnas känsla avmotivation.

Hur lägger lärarna upp matematikundervisningen i förberedelseklassen? : En studie om lärarnas upplevelser, arbetssätt och svårigheter de möter i förberedelseklassen

National Agency for Education for the results of national sample results show that students with another mother tongue than Swedish have low results with a larger percentage than majority students. Research shows that this depends on their mother tongue and the importance of language in the subject to learn.The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers experience, plan and implement their teaching field of mathematics in the preparatory class. The focus is on two perspectives; an intercultural perspective and a social perspective. The newly arrived pupils in the preparatory class come from different parts of the world which leads to an intercultural classroom being formed. The aim of the social perspective is understand how students integrate into the social in the classroom.I use qualitative methods through interviews.

Att vara eller inte vara en vara : Om tips och råd i det coachade arbetslivet

This study is a critical discourse analysis on the genre of career coaching. Focus lies on questions such as how doescareer coaching articles construct the working subject, and how is working life described in the genre. The categoryof social relations is central to the study. I ask questions about which social relations are of importance, and whichare not, in the career coaching version of working life and how can these relations be interpreted from a critical pointof view. The concepts of power-knowledge is central to the analysis of social relations and the term employabilityconstitute the main theoretical understanding of what distinguish the contemporary labour market.

Samtalsanalys som intervention med en ungdom som använder bliss

 Conversation Analysis (CA) is a tool to facilitate analysis of everyday conversations. A small number of studies have used CA as an intervention for people with aphasia and have seen positive effects as an outcome of the intervention. The authors of the present study have not found any other studies where CA was used as an intervention in other target groups. The purpose of this study was to investigate if CA may be used in intervention with an adolescent who uses Bliss. The main participants in the present study, which the intervention was based upon, were a sixteen year old girl who communicates through Bliss, and her assistant.


The Swedish governments goal for the public health is to operate for a society with good conditions to be healthy. Many people today are very conscious about their health, at the same time alcohol is a recurring element in many day-to-day situations. IOGT-NTO is an organization that is working towards making sobriety to be the rule rather than the exception. This work is linked together by the organizations communication, which is a vital part to be able to present a unified view outward. In order to do that, it is particularly important that there are common goals and strategies to work towards.

Naturen och trädgårdens betydelse för återhämtning vid utmattningssyndrom - kvinnors berättelser :

Nature and garden have always had meaning in human's life and succesfully seen as having health giving effects. Health is a state of equilibrium between physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being. The individual's health is depending of how the society looks and how the individual manages to live her life in it. Stress is one of our time's large public health problems and leads in some cases to burned out syndrome. Stay in nature gives recovery according to theories of environmental psychology.

Social äggfrysning till förmån för karriär - En kvalitativ studie kring social hållbarhet

Women?s strive to reach higher leading positions and build a career that's combinable with child birth and private life, is an on-going debate among academics in the fields of leadership, management and organization. This bachelor level thesis is written at the section of Management & Organization at School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg, Sweden, spring semester 2015. In our research methodwe have used source triangulation with a qualitative approach to the subject of egg-freezing in favour forcareer with a focus on Swedish workplaces. The purpose has been to illuminate, map out and further problematize how the introduction of the employee benefit in November 2014 can be seen to relate to social sustainability.A lot of the management research that discusses social sustainability tends to focus on how women (and men!) try to balance family life and career and how to combine (or to not combine) them.

?Då läser jag hellre kvällspressen ifall jag vill få lite spänning? : En studie om gymnasieelevers påverkan av kvällstidningarnas brottsrapportering

Media is a big part of our society and plays a major role in the socialization of young people. It sets the agenda for what?s important and newsworthy. In media coverage today crime and violence occupies a lot of the space. The evening press like Aftonbladet, Expressen and GT often use crime to sell their papers.

Sexualiserade rykten - en del av vardagen? : En studie av några unga kvinnors förhållningssätt till rykten.

The purpose of this thesis is to understand the ways in which rumors affect the everyday lives of a few young women. The questions are: What kinds of rumors do the young women find are the most common? How do they respond to these rumors? Do the rumors affect their everyday lives and if so, how do they react to them? Do they resist them? Do they feel limited by them?The empirical data was collected through unstructured interviews (focus groups) with three groups. The groups discussed different themes without prompting questions by the interviewer and it was clear that rumors played an important role, in multiple ways, in the lives of the young women. The most common rumors were sexualized and were mostly concerned with the view that the young women should not engage in ?too many? heterosexual relations ? preferably none.

Språklig dramatik vid Svansjön : Den spänningsskapande dialogen i Kristina Lugns Kvinnorna vid Svansjön

The drama of Kristina Lugn?s Kvinnorna vid Svansjön (The women by the Swan Lake) takes place in the dialogue and language; the same ambiguous language that is found in Lugn?s poetry. In this essay I examine how meaning and dramatic tension is created in the dialogue of Kvinnorna vid Svansjön.I describe the play, using concepts from various drama theories. However, the most important concepts of classical drama theory such as "story" and "plot" are not really applicable. This is because of the contradictory information given in the dialogue.

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