

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 61 av 304

Hur medvetna är lärare om svenska språkets betydelse för elevens matematiska förståelse? To what extent are teachers aware of the Swedish language´s significance for students´understanding of mathematics?

Vilka problem med den matematiska förståelsen anser matematiklärare att elever med problem i svenska språket har? Vilka undervisningssätt anser lärare är bäst för att utveckla den matematiska förståelsen hos elever med problem i svenska?.

Närståendes upplevelser vid akut kritisk sjukdom

AbstractBackground: When an acute illness or trauma occurs, life becomes disorganised and shattered for the critically ill person and his/her family members. The family members are confronted with thoughts about life and death which can cause stress and anxiety. How the family members cope with the crisis is individual and depending on personality and earlier experiences. Aim: The purpose of this literary review was to illustrate the family members´ experiences when dealing with a critically ill family member. Method: A literary review was made based on fifteen qualitative and quantitative scientific articles and a literary book.

Fotbollssupporterns dramaturgi

What kind of self images characterise a football supporter? This question is the main focus of this thesis. Therefore, the thesis is trying to find distinguishing characteristic traits for football supporters. This work has been carried out through qualitative interviews with individuals who define themselves as football supporters. The interviews were mainly focused on two different types of supporters, official supporters and other supporters.

Förekomst av smak- och/eller luktförändringar vid antitumoral behandling med kemoterapi

Aim: The aim of present study was to determine the frequency of taste and smell disorders occuring in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. Methods: The study was of an empirical cross sectional quantitative descriptive design. During one month, consecutive cancer patients at outpatient units in two Swedish hospitals were asked to participate in the study by completing a questionnaire that had been developed previously for a similar study. All participants had undergone at least 1 cycle of intravenous chemotherapy or  a minimum of seven days of oral chemotherapy. Results: A total of 102 patients completed the questionnaire.

Stress, self-efficacy och livstillfredsställelse : Finns det köns och åldersskillnader

ABSTRACTThe aim of this quantitative study was to investigate if stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction varied with gender and age. The sample was selectively chosen in the municipality, country council, private sector and in the trade business. 237 participants were included in the study, of which 94 were men and 143 were women. Age was split in two categories: younger adults (18-40 years) and older adults (41-65 years). The results showed that there were correlations between the dependent variables: stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction.

En validering av Life Content Questionnaire

Vardagslivets belastning har en stark påverkan på människors välbefinnande, men utbudet av reliabla och valida mätinstrument är inte tillräckligt stort. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att göra en systematisk utvärdering av Life Content Questionnaire (LCQ), en enkät baserad på Krav-Kontroll-Stöd-modellen avsedd att mäta generell belastning i vardagen. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 272 föräldrar; kvinnor och män boende i Stockholms kommun med minst ett barn 0-16 år. LCQs psykometriska egenskaper mättes både genom en kvantitativ och med en kvalitativ studie. Inledningsvis genomfördes reliabilitetsberäkningar och en jämförande statistisk analys mot andra stress- och utbrändhetsmått.

Butorfanol till get : farmakokinetik efter subkutan injektion

Today there are no analgesic drugs approved to be used in goats. Drugs approved for use in other species are consequently being used without knowing the pharmacokinetics of these drugs in goats. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of the opioid butorphanol when given subcutaneously in goats. Subcutaneous administration might extend the half-life compared to intravenous or intramuscular administration. Eight clinically healthy, non-pregnant 6 months old female goats were used.

Den lukulliske Lucullus' passioner; om villaträdgårdar, mat och ett romerskt orginal

AbstractFor this exam paper, I have chosen to delve into the life of Lucius Licinius Lucullus, the famous Roman general and statesman of the 1st century BC. Widely regarded as a glutton and degenerate, I will try to examine if these claims are true or completely exaggerated. My research will be based on the works of Plutarch, the great Greek scholar and biographer, who's our main source of knowledge regarding the life of Lucullus. Furthermore, I will examine two of Lucullus's main interests ? his love for villa gardens and culinary delights ? to see in what way they have contributed to the common picture of him as a sybarite.

Känslan av att aldrig passa in : En kvalitativ studie om unga finska romers erfarenheter av att tillhöra en minoritetsgrupp

Romanies have long lived outside the fabric of society and have long been exposed to discrimination in Sweden as well as the rest of Europe. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the experiences of young Finnish romanies in their everyday lives as well as their perceptions of living as a minority group in Stockholm today. Previous scientific researchers have often concentrated their studies on the romanies as a group, so we, the authors have chosen to concentrate our research on the individual?s own experiences. We, the authors have chosen to use a qualitative approach, to give us the opportunity through using open ended interview techniques to comprehend and interpret the individuals own accounts.

Flexibel för ökad tillgänglighet : Sjuk- och undersköterskors perspektiv på work-life balance

Work-life balance är ett ämne som det har forskats mycket om de senaste åren. Denna undersökning har applicerat de befintliga teorier som finns inom work-life balance och relaterat dessa till yrkesgruppen sjuk- och undersköterskor. Denna yrkesgrupp är intressant då det för närvarande råder brist på sjuk- och undersköterskor på dagens svenska arbetsmarknad. På grund av denna brist ställs denna yrkesgrupp på höga krav både vad gäller flexibilitet och tillgänglighet. Denna undersökning har redogjort för de samlade teorier som finns inom work-life balance, flexibilitet och tillgänglighet.

Android-applikation för hälsokontroll

Denna rapport beskriver planering och utveckling av en Android-applikation och en webbtjänst på uppdrag av Explizit AB. Applikationen och webbtjänsten ska vara knutna till CheckUp Life, en produkt för kontroll och uppföljningar av personers hälsostatus. Kraven är att Android-applikationen visuellt och funktionsmässigt ska likna den webbapplikation som idag existerar för CheckUp Life samt att kommunikation mellan applikation och webbtjänst håller hög säkerhet. Resultatet blev en REST-baserad webbtjänst, med WCF i grunden, säkrad med SSL och basic authentication och en Android-applikationen som kommunicerar med webbtjänsten samt visuellt och användarmässigt liknar webbapplikationen..

Bakom dubbla murar : en sociologisk undersökning av klosterverksamheten vid Kumlaanstalten

In the prison of Kumla, Sweden`s highest security classified institution, spiritual retreats are pursued since 2001. The aim is to offer the inmates a possibility to enter deeply into spiritual contemplation. This spiritual contemplation is made possible through the fact that the prisoners carry out a retreat designed after guidelines written by Ignatius of Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises. The purpose of this examination is to study how ordinary institutional life in comparison to monastic life defines and creates different attitudes and roles amongst the inmates. A secondary aim is to describe the consequences of the retreat on individual basis.

Jag såg det på Facebook : Unga människors självpresentationer på Facebook

Title: I saw it on Facebook ? Youth presentation of self on FacebookAuthors: Nicole Dreher & Anders SkoglundPresented: 01.06.2010Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine how the, in the study, participating youths make their presentation of self on their Facebook profiles.Methodology: The method used in the thesis was a social semiotic analysis focusing on the social semiotic concepts: semiotic resource, semiotic potential, affordance, denotation and connotation. A social semiotic analysis of composition was also used with the purpose to gain a deeper knowledge of the social semiotic affordances of Facebook?s composition.Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical base of this thesis consists mainly of Erving Goffman?s theory on presentation of self in everyday life as well as relevant theories to youth culture in sociology and identity in social psychology.Conclusions: The results show that the youth?s presentations of selves mostly takes place in their profile picture, status updates, groups, fan pages and through their communication with other users on their wall. The borders between front and back stage on Facebook entirely depends on the norms that the reader expects the profile owner to uphold.

Synchronizing migration with birth: an exploration of migratory tactics in female moose

Migration and giving birth are crucial decisions for animals during their life cycle, which may have lasting consequences on their population demography and fitness. Migration can entail a variety of possible effects for an individual, such as access to high quality food and reduced risk for predation. The moose (Alces alces) in northern Sweden is partially migratory and moose females are known to give birth to one or two calves. The synchrony between time of calving and timing of migration has not been compared before, especially in terms of energy maximizing and time minimizing perspectives, which may provide vital cues for fitness benefits of migration. I investigated effect of timing of birth and individual life history on distance, timing, stopovers and duration of 190 individually marked female moose that have been tracked for multiple years in ten different areas in northern Sweden.

IKT, vad är det? : En studie baserad på pedagogers uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i förskolan

The aim of this study is to enlighten how todays working environment affects young individuals descriptions of how to reach success in work life, now often titled as ?career?. Our purpose has been to analyse how the term career is constituted discursively among young people in jobs characterized by flexibility. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with young adults in the media industry, all between 20-30 years old. By utilising a Foucaultdian discourse analysis we want to expose how the competing and dominating discourses, that our interviewees? statements are based on, can be associated with a wider social context.  The study reveals that our interviewees describe career in two separate ways, both positively and negatively.

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