

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 16 av 304

Kartläggning av fallriskfaktorer för äldre i ordinärt boende inom landstingen Västmanland och Uppsala län (underlag för intervention)

AbstractObjective: To investigate the occurrence of and the risk factors for falls and to  investigate level of fall-related self-efficacy and health-related quality of life in people living in community living, 75 years or older within Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A further aim was to identify predictive risk factors for falls. Design: A cross-section study with a descriptive, comparative and correlative design based on a questionnaire was used. Participants: The participants were recruited from Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A random selection on 525 individuals was done, from a population based sample, in the detailed municipalities.

Pest och pina : En undersökning av livsåskådningar och möten med lidande i romanen Pesten av Albert Camus

Swedish students' knowledge of both mathematics and reading comprehension has deteriorated in recent years. Scientists are discussing whether there is a connection between these areas and that the pupils deteriorating math skills may have something to do with their increasingly lower results in terms of reading comprehension. To investigate this possible connection, I conducted a survey among students in ninth grade and have come to the conclusion that the scientists are right: this connection absolutely exist. Students who received a high score on tasks designed to test students' mathematical problem-solving skills, also received high results on the reading comprehension test. And students who received a poor performance on the problem-solving tasks, were also low performers in the reading comprehension test.

?Det a?r inte viktigt att jag ska vara absolut ba?st, men jag vill vara ba?ttre a?n de flesta? : En kvalitativ studie om juriststudenters subjektiva upplevelser av krav och stress

AbstractTitle: It is not necessary to be the best, but I don?t want to be average Author: Maja Benca & Emma Ender Tutor: Hedvig EkerwaldPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to identify the subjective experiences of stressors and demands of law students of Uppsala University. Beyond these problems, this thesis was also identifying if there was a balance or conflict between social life and studies from a social psychological perspective. This essay is based on five key questions: How does the subjective experience of stress and demands affect the interviewed law students? How do the interviewed law students handle the stress and demands in their studies and in everyday life? Do the interviewed law students consider there is a balance between social life and studies? How do the law students want to present themselves in front of classmates and teachers? What do the interviewed law students consider to be the main goal in life? Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists of a total of ten interviews with law students of Uppsala University, five women and five men in the ages of 20 - 32.

Papperslöst motstånd : Om strategier och praktiker i post-välfärdens marginaler

The post-modern western city is going through two central changes in the organization of paid labour. One is the switch from production of goods to production of services, and the other is the increasing rift between well-paid labour with permanent jobs, and temporarily employed workers with low wages. Both of these processes are rasified and gendered, and strike harder against women, young persons and people of emigrant background. The flexible capitalism creates an informalization of the economy, breaking with earlier regulations of the labour markets, in which workers also need to find informal strategies in their individual and collective struggles. In this paper, I search for these ?new? experiences of living and working in late capitalist society, by doing open interviews with three women of Latin-American origin, working without official permission (without documents) in the informal economy of Stockholm.

Trygghet och trygghetsskapande i arbetslivet

In this paper we examine what security is to the individual and how the individual creates and maintains security in their work. The purpose of this paper is to study how the creating of security in working life is performed. We conduct six semi-structured qualitative interviews with permanent employees in the private sector and we encode our material using thematic analysis. We analyze our material and illustrate our problem area on the basis of Anthony Giddens's theory of ontological security and give examples of how security and creating of security is performed at the empirical field with previous studies in the research area. Our survey shows that security for the individual at work seems to be about having continuity in everyday life, financial stability, a permanent employment, a challenging and fun job and a family in good health and good living.


This study, carried through interviews with six individual elderly persons, describes their stories in regards to how they experience growing old in Sweden as well as the connection between having a different ethnic background in the aging process. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to highlight important themes and issues, i.e. the shortcomings and the advantages of growing old in Sweden, which these persons experience in their everyday life. As many of them have not by their own choice chosen to grow old in Sweden, the importance of having a relationship with fellow countrymen, being able to communicate in their own native language as well as have a basic knowledge about the elderly care system are aspects these individuals emphasize to be of great importance. The result of this study, based on several theories that reflect over individuality and perspective ethnicity, indicates that aging is based on an individual primary process experience and that there are no rights and wrongs of how one should deal with/experience the growing old process.

Bo?r man ra?kna med en fo?delsedagseffekt? : En studie om sambandet mellan elevers fo?delsema?nad och slutbetyg i a?rskurs nio inom a?mnet matematik, samt en underso?kning om pa?verkansfaktorer inom a?mnet.

The aim of this study was to examine if there was a relative age effect in students grade in mathematics. The study was built on regression analysis and Spearman rho on student?s month of birth and their grades. It was found that there is a relative age effect in the student?s grades.

Undervisning om miljöproblem i Cradock - Sydafrika

The purpose of this paper is to investigate some aspects of teaching environmental issues, as they are manifested in another culture. In this paper, I will discuss how you teach environmental issues, how the teaching environment is formed, and what an environmental issue means to a South African teacher, as well as, if there are any cultural aspects to what an environmental issue is. Seven observations were made and qualitative interviews with four teachers teaching Life Science in Cradock, South Africa - The results showed that these South African teachers, independent from each other, followed a similar pattern in their teachings. These patterns contain gathering information concerning environmental issues in the immediate surroundings, as well as using the text book and teaching environmental issues through lectures. It was not possible to draw a conclusion about the cultural aspects in association to environmental issues.

"På gränsen till duktig?" : En studie om delaktighet och självbestämmande för personer med insatsen bostad med särskild service enligt LSS

In this study we have aimed to explore how participation and self-determination is implemented in the daily life of disabled people who receive support through LSS. The questions addressed concern possibilities/obstacles for the participation and selfdetermination of disabled people who live in group housings, and how the terms participation and self-determination are realized. Nine interviews have taken place with staff members and directors of different group housings. We have found that the interviewees believe that the nature of a person?s disability can be a barrier to the individual?s self-determination and participation in his or her everyday life.

Ledarens förmåga att påverka och främja medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation : En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsmotivation främjas inom en statlig myndighet

The study aims to increase understanding and knowledge of motivation; this by examining how the leader experiences her capability to promote employees' work motivation. Also, how employees perceive that the leader influence and enhance their work motivation. Interviews were conducted with a manager and two employees of a government agency in Sweden. The results demonstrate different opinions between manager and employees in the manager's ability to foster motivation in the everyday work. The leader thinks that she promotes her employees work positively and believes that she is giving her employees attention and appreciation.

Genusmedvetenhet i förskolan : Pedagogers genusmedvetenhet i dagliga arbetsituationer inom förskolan

My purpose with this study is to examine whether or how teachers are gender-conscious in preschool everyday situations. That is, if they are aware of their attitude and treatment of work on gender and what gender concept has relevance for educators. In much of the practical literature that I read, it appears that many teachers are not aware of their responses and attitudes to children based on gender aspect. I have examined how the gender work differs in the two preschools that I chosen to study.The questions that this study is based on isDoes the educators at the preschools work gender conscious in everyday situations?-Is it boys or girls who get the most attention from educators in everyday situations?What do the teachers at the preschool concept of gender?What approach have been the teachers of preschool to counteract traditional gender patterns in everyday situations?I have made ??a qualitative study where I interviewed five educators and made ??observations on the two preschools.

SSD - Stair Support Device

Together with Hälsoteknikalliansen the project team recognized the need to improve availability in the staircase environments. This is a difficult environment, especially for our elderly. The staircase leading to and from apartments is such a major obstacle that many people do not dare to go into the staircase leading to their front door. The market study that the project team conducted showed that many were in need of a living support, often a relative, who helped and supported them when they went into these stairs. It also appeared that these people manage everyday life just fine, but they suffer the problems that stairs to and from their apartment causes.

Dissekering av ett lokalsamhälle : En studie av sociokulturella mönster på småländsk landsbygd 1838-1845

Following essay examines the social and cultural patterns of southern rural Sweden between the years 1838-1845. The study is based on records from trials held by the district court of the district Norra Möre, which provides an insight to the everyday life in rural local community. Emphasis is put on exclusion and inclusion: the basis for community, codes for inclusion and exclusion, meaningful attributes, social and cultural capital etc. Questions concerning gender are raised as well as intents to discover whether modern ideas contrast early-modern, especially considering the process of individualization. Results show that concepts of confidence and trust were extremely valuable and possessed significant meanings.  Confidence, which established itself on virtuous and honest life, created the framework for most aspects of social society: for example credibility inside and outside of court, maintenance of friendship and company, capacity of upholding a working life. Forfeit of trust, through extensive dissolute, mischievous and ill-considered way of life meant exclusion from the community and great vulnerability.

Informations- och kommunikationsteknologiers betydelse i utvecklingsarbete : En intervjubaserad studie om IKT:s betydelse för indiska kvinnor

New forms of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become more influential in development contexts. The concept of ?The Digital Divide? points at a large division between rich and poor countries regarding access to ICTs. Critics say that the debate concerning this topic for far too long has focused mainly on the technology itself rather than social factors which impact social inclusion and development. Scholars agree that ICTs holds a tremendous potential, but how is this implemented in development contexts and how can it be used with more sensitivity towards local preconditions and social aspects?This paper aims to examine how ICTs are being used in the context of development within an India based organisation for women called SEWA (Self Employed Women?s Association).

Åtta 11-åringar och deras frågor och funderingar kring livet : en jämförelse av två studier

The purpose of this study is to describe children?s life issues. What kind ofquestions they have aboutlife, their thoughts about life. Another purpose of this study is to see the differences in how children?s thoughts about life have changed through the years.

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