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Problem i samband med processmodellering vid utveckling av branschspecifika affärssystem

En trend på marknaden för affärssystem är att utveckla branschspecifika affärssystem, det vill säga system som är anpassade till affärsprocesserna inom en viss bransch. Eftersom det är affärsprocesserna i en verksamhet som affärssystemet ska stödja är det vid utveckling av affärssystem viktigt att kartlägga dessa processer.Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka vilka problem som kan uppstå i samband med processkartläggning vid utveckling av branschspecifika affärssystem. Vidare är arbetet begränsat till att endast behandla problem vad det gäller val, uppdelning och benämning av affärsprocesser. Arbetet har genomförts dels genom en fallstudie, dels genom intervjuer av leverantörer av affärssystem.Resultatet av detta arbete visar på problem med att avgöra hur många och vilka affärsprocesser som ska innefattas av affärssystemet. Vidare kan problem uppstå bland annat vad det gäller identifiering av huvudprocesser och antalet processnivåer som ska tillämpas.

Manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap inom byggbranschen : Skillnader och likheter mellan manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper i en mansdominerad bransch

In the construction industry the number of female managers is very low, only four percent (SCB, 2010). In fact, women with management positions has risen by six percentage overall, the last seven years (SCB, 2010). If women in managerial positions continue to grow at this rate, the proportion of women managers will be equal to that of male managers in 2033. More women are needed in the maledominated construction industry in particular because it is deemed that they have a different way of thinking and acting (Granér, 1994). Nelton (1991) believes that companies can take advantage of female managers to be more competitive on the market, the reason why is because women can see other possibilities when solving problems. Rapacioli (2010) argues that the recruitment of women into management positions not only benefits the individual itself but also the company. We have used a qualitative study with a deductive approach. Six respondents from the same company were interviewed, two of them have management positions and the other four were underemployed.The research question of this paper is: What differences and similarities are seen between male and female leadership in terms of their characteristics in the construction industry?The purpose of this paper is to examine similarities and differences in leadership in the construction industry where the focus is on the female and male characteristics. To fulfill our purpose we chose a qualitative study. We have interviewed six respondents at one company in the construction industry. Two of the six respondents have management positions and the remaining four are employed. In this paper we have concluded that there are some differences and similarities between men and women´s leadership in terms of their characteristics.

Marte meo i daglig verksamhet - En studie i hur Marte meo tillämpas inom daglig verksamhet

This report is the result of several interviews of employees within the field of pedagogy. The background behind this report is my period as a trainee in one of the daily activities in Malmo. In daily activities the employers gets training, education and guidance in Marte meo, which is funded by public finances. The method, which this study focuses upon is called Marte meo. It is a method of communicating and developing the means for the participants to evolve their skills in communicating and increase self esteem.

Att skapa kunskap i informationshavet - Om hur text kan struktureras för att skapa lärande i intranät

Creating instructions is not just about words, but also about text structure. A company creates many instructions to document their management systems, which often are presented through an intranet. This study examines how the text can be presented to make content understandable and give employees the knowledge to take action. An interview survey was made at Skanska Sweden and their management system "Vårt sätt att arbeta". The results show that it is mainly about creating an overview of the system and creating separations between different text sections.

Starta aktiebolag : Vilka problem upplevs av entreprenörerna i Eskilstuna?

Att starta och bilda ett företag är inte alltid det lättaste. Vissa gör det utan några problem medan andra stöter på hinder och problem. I denna studie kommer de vanligaste hindren och problemen som entreprenörer stöter på att identifieras. Detta för att underlätta för andra personer som står i tur att starta företag. Syftet är att undersöka vilka hinder och problem som upplevs av de som startar nytt aktiebolag, samt undersöka hur entreprenören gjort för att undvika eller lösa dessa.

De fria- respektive planerade aktiviteternas betydelse för barns utveckling : En essä om faktorer som avgör vilket utrymme som ges de olika aktiviteterna

Early during my education to become an afterschool-teacher a concern was raised that afterschool-programs will continue to be seen as an institution for childcare services. In this experience-based essay, I discuss what I see as the coreproblem: the free- and planned activities. What do the free- and planned activities actually mean for children's development and what is it that determines how much space the various activities will be allowed to take?In my attempts to answer this question, I go through the concept of leisure, the importance of children?s play and adults responsibilities in children?s play, what the different policy documents say about children?s play and the creative work, staff skills and theoretical and practical knowledge. I question whether I was right in the story that I begin this essay with, and conclude that it is more difficult than I previously thought to find an answer to the question..

Musiklärares möjligheter att uppfylla kraven i Lgr11 : En enkätstudie om musikämnets förutsättningar i år 4-6 i grundskolan

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

Studie- och yrkesvägledare samarbete med lärare i skolan : En studie om hur studie- och yrkesvägledare upplevelse kring hur samarbete och tillhörighet fungerar

In this study the author will search on how, co-operation between teachers and guidance counse-lors in school works. The study was too looking for if guidance counselors experiencing if they can feel cooperation in school, when they work by themselves in their profession, and if the guidance counselors feel a part of the whole school.Total interviewed four guidance counselors in elementary school, in a medium sized town somewhere in Sweden. The author have used qualitative methods for allow guidance counselors to answer free and not influence from other parametric.The result demonstrates that all guidance counselors believe that it is important to have coopera-tion with teachers in schools. Most of the guidance counselors believe that neither the directors nor teachers really know what skills guidance counselors possess. The respondents describe that they often turns to teachers who believe that guidance is an important part of the school's work for students..

Ätandeproblem hos patienter med cancer och cytostatikabehandling: en litteraturöversikt

Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hur intravenös cytostatikabehandling vid cancersjukdom påverkar patienters ätande. Studien baserades på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visade att patienter hade problem med förändrad smak och lukt, illamående och kräkning samt smärta, muntorrhet och sväljning. Dessa symtom påverkade ätandet i stor utsträckning och hade en negativ inverkan på livskvaliteten. Smakförändringarna och problem från munnen var mer besvärande och påverkade ätandet i större utsträckning än vad som kunde förutses.

Förskollärares skyldighet att anmäla oro till socialnämnden

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Utomhuspedagogik : Pedagogers tankar och uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik

Through a quantitative examination, 26 pedagogies in the pre-school activity answered a few questions in an enquiry about outdoor education. The purpose with this examination was to find out what pedagogies think and apprehend about outdoor education, and also if the "education plan" is in their minds during outdoor activities and if they see them self´s as competent in nature studies. They have also answered questions whether they think that they have good outdoor environment that stimulates children´s development and learning and if there´s any forest that they visit on regular basis.The pedagogies think that during time spent outdoor, it´s the motor skills that are best developed. All of the pedagogies mentioned above think that they need to get more educated in nature studies and also that pedagogies attitude towards time spent outdoors affect the children. They do not think about the goals and intentions of the "educations plan" all the time.

Algebra i gymnasieskolan : Vilka svårigheter har eleverna?

During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils have difficulties with algebra. Also in a report from the National Agency for Education (1999) you can see that the students algebra knowledge get worse and worse. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in algebra during my training to become a qualified teacher I would like to get to know more about this. I also examine why you have to study algebra in upper secondary school.

Barn med ADHD-diagnos : En studie om den sociala miljöns inverkan på beteenden som föranleder ADHD-diagnos

The purpose of this study was to illustrate how professionals, who work with psychosocialproblems among children, look at the impact of social factors on behavior that causes ADHDdiagnosis and at the relationship between social factors and the increased diagnosis that hasoccurred in recent years. To answer our purpose, we chose a qualitative approach byinterviewing six professionals who had different professional affiliations. We analyzed theresults using systems theory and attachment theory. The results showed that the professionalssaw various social factors that influenced the behaviors that cause ADHD diagnosis, particularlytroublesome growing environment and the school environment that requires greater cognitiveability and social skills of children today. They also saw that social factors could have an impacton the increase of diagnoses, particularly that the diagnosis can result in that the understandingchanges and that it is considered easier to get extra support at school with a diagnosis..

Examining the social component of sustainable forest management in Prince Albert and Vilhelmina Model Forests

Due to the forest industry downsizing, many communities in rural forest regions in Canada and Sweden are facing problems to survive. In order to create community sustainability, resilience and well-being in remote forest regions, the view on the forest resources has shifted towards multiple use, through the concept of sustainable forest management (SFM). Beside the economic and ecological elements of sustainability, the social forest values are needed, contributing to the human well-being, local participation, stakeholder collaboration, human rights and cultural connection. In this thesis the embodiment of the social component of SFM within Prince Albert Model Forest (Canada), and Vilhelmina Model Forest (Sweden) will be examined. Being partners and facing similar challenges as rural boreal forest regions, the two model forests are compared through analysis of projects and activities, conducted interviews and organization documents. Looking at projects mentioned as successful by the interviewees, they all have elements from the social values of SFM. The direction can be explained by the introduction of the Forest Communities Program in Canada, demanding the Model Forests to work towards community stability and resilience, the Model Forest organization concept itself and the way global focus are increasing around social forest values. In the future, it may be important that the role of the MFs enable some kind of political authorization and legitimacy in order to improve conflict solving and indigenous rights equality.

Lärande - styrt eller i samspel? : En studie om lärares syn på undervisning och lärande

This study?s purpose was to examine which main forms of teaching methods that occurs in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school and how often learning through social collaboration take place. The study contained literature and interviews with eight teachers. Our research-questions were: What is the teacher?s opinion about different teaching methods, their opinion about learning and teaching and if there were any difference between the teachers teaching younger or older students regarding teaching methods? Our conclusions of this study were that ?lecture-methods? is the most common among teachers.

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