

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 38 av 1091

Prototyp som stöd åt implementeringen

Programvaruutveckling lider idag av stora problem och många av problemen är kopplade till hur krav samlas in och hanteras. Ett sätt att underlätta kravinsamlingen och att öka kommunikation med kund är att ta fram en prototyp, vilket är en konkret representation av programvaran som ska tas fram. När kravutvinningen har kommit tillräckligt långt kan denna prototyp användas som en del av en kravspecifikation. En vanlig form av kravspecifikation är ett dokument, men även en (exekverbar) prototyp kan vara en effektiv representation av programvaran som ska tas fram.I detta arbete undersöks det vilka problem som kan uppstå då en prototyp används som en del av en kravspecifikation. Problem identifieras i litteraturen och intervjuer utförs för att undersöka vilka problem som finns i praktiken.

Vad är problemet i a-kassan?

The object of the essay was to investigate the argumentation in the bill, the comments from unions and the authorities, among others and the motions concerning the bill. To analysis this argumentation I have been using feminist theory, specifically Carole Lee Bacchis ?What?s the problem?-aproach. I also used Maud Eduards and Diane Sainsbury to complete my theory. They describe men as the norm of the society and women as deviant.

Orsaksanalys av ineffektivt administrativt arbete : En fallstudie kring nödvändiga förbättringar inför övergripande systemuppgradering och administrativ rutinförändring

Den nya tullagen Union Customs Code (UCC) med målet elektroniskt tullhantering inom unionen kommer att börja tillämpas 1 maj 2016. Tullkodex för unionen innebär elektroniskt tullhantering såväl mellan näringslivet och Tullverket som mellan medlemsstaternas tulladministrationer. Syftet med lagen är att förenkla uppgiftslämning och tullhantering för företag vilket kräver omfattande uppgradering av IT-lösningar för både näringslivet och Tullverket. Kvalitet på de uppgifter som överförs till Tullverkets tull-system (TDS) antas ha större betydelse än tidigare då det genom UCC läggs en större vikt på spårbarhet.Organisationer bör därför optimera kvaliteten på de uppgifter som i samband med deklarationer lämnas till Tullverket. Detta för att undvika eventuella problem i framtiden.

Små Matematiker

Målet med denna studie är att undersöka hur matematiskt särbegåvade elever upplever sin matematikundervisning i skolan. För att uppnå studiens syfte har ett antal preciserade frågeställningar utarbetats, och som också har legat till grund för studiens empiriska undersökning. Frågeställningarna har hanterat såväl elevernas som deras föräldrars subjektiva upplevelser av barnens matematiska begåvning, hur den matematiska undervisningen för dessa barn ser ut samt hur föräldrarna upplever att skolan stimulerar och uppmuntrar särbegåvade barn. Examensarbetets metodologiska tillvägagångssätt har baserats på en kvalitativ undersökning där materialet har baserat på sex elever med matematisk särbegåvning och deras lärare. Dessa har intervjuats.

Barn med autismspektrumtillstånd i förskola och skola : Fyra pedagogers erfarenheter och syn på en skola för alla

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze four educators? views and experiences of working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in relation to the concept of "One school for all". Research has shown that a segregating perspective is dominant in the school system, but the education act says that all children have a right to an equal education.My starting point for this study has been the concept of term "One school for all" and the problems that can occur in working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. A school for all is a school where all children are welcome and where all children sees as equals regardless of what background or disability they have. This study will be important for newly graduated teachers who are not aware of Autism Spectrum disorders.

Föräldrar med kognitiva svårigheter och deras interaktion med skolan : -en litteraturstudie

Människor med kognitiva svårigheter är en bred målgrupp med varierande problematik. Forskning om målgruppen finns och intresset för målgruppen har ökat. Föräldrar med kognitiva svårigheter finns däremot inte omnämnda i någon större uträckning i forskningen. Den här studien är en litteraturstudie som fokuserar på föräldrar med kognitiva svårigheter och deras interaktion med förskola/skola. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är socialkonstruktionism.

Vad är problemet? - om konstruktionen av äldre invandrare som problem inom vård och omsorg.

The purpose of this essay was to see how the construction of elderly immigrants as a problem in healthcare and elderly care has been described in the relevant literature. In the course of doing so I tried to answer the following questions; What is said to be the expected problems or difficulties in work with eldely immigrants? How are the expected members of the problemgroup defined and identified? Whos perspective dominates the description of the problem, the users or the investigators? These questions were hard to answer and I had to conclude that the problem was not clearly defined; there was only an assumption of a problem. This, however, has not been a hindrance in the category of elderly immigrants being claimed to be a group with problems that need research and further investigation. The dominating perspective is that of the investigators as they are the ones who define and identify who is a part of the problemgroup..

Modellering av ett bränslesystem i Modelica : tillämpat på ett obemannat flygplan

Mathematical models possible to simulate are of great importance in order to make successful projects in the aircraft manufacturing industry. An aircraft fuel system is very complex, containing pipes, tanks, orifices, valves and pumps. The principal of this thesis is using the tool Easy5, which no longer is considered reliable enough in terms of development and support. This thesis tries to evaluate the Modelica language as a possible alternative to Easy5. To make this evaluation, the components concerned in the fuel library in Easy5 are implemented to the Modelica language.

Litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och på studieförberedande program på gymnasieskolan : en studie över hur litteraturundervisningen anpassas efter studieinriktning

This essay shows how teachers adjust the literature studies in the mother tongue subject to their different classes in upper secondary school.The study is based on interviews with two teachers and an analysis of two different school-books. The conclusion is that the subject of literary education in the vocational programs is a pragmatic subject with focus on the pupils? needs and skills, and the subject in the theoretical programs has more focus on mediation of a literary heritage..

Färdplanen & Genèveinitiativet : Förutsättningar för framsteg i den palestinsk-israeliska fredsprocessen

The aim of this paper is to examine if the two latest Peace Plans in the Palestine-Israeli con-flict observes the sources of the conflict and presents measures in the purpose of solving them. The point of departure is William Azar?s theory of protracted social conflict (PSC). According to Azar, the internal sources of a PSC lies in three clusters of variables: the com-munal content of a society, the deprivation of human needs as an underlying source of PSC, and the role of the state in the deprivation or satisfaction of human needs. The study is de-signed as a multiple-case study where the units of analysis are the Roadmap to Peace and the Geneva Initiative.

Alternativa behandlingsmetoder för patienter vid postoperativt illamående och kräkning

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

Poker eller patiens? Multilaterala förhandlingar i Europaparlamentet; en explorativ studie av förhandlingskulturen i Europas folkvalda parlament.

Since the Maastricht Treaty the European Parliament has gained competence in the decision-making process and the Parliament is today one of two decision-making institution, next to the Ministers of Council. In this study the main focus has been to shed light over the negotiation culture within the European Parliament, which up till now has been a neglected research area. This is of great significance because the internal negotiations in the European Parliament decide the external negotiation position with the other institutions.After face-to-face interviews with MEP:s and assistants I have been able to identify certain characteristics to create an understanding of the negotiation culture in Europe's elected Parliament. The negotiations are oriented towards a problems-solving approach and the prevailing apprehension is consensus-based negotiations instead of the existence of political blocks. The committees are stronger than the European party groups, which further encourage negotiation.

Texten och talet : En intervjustudie om talboksanvändande hos studenter med dyslexi

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how students in higher education use talking books. This has been inves-tigated through qualitative interviews with nine students. The intention has been to find out how they use talk-ing books and why they have chosen to do it in the way they have, looking specifically on whether there are strategies shared by most of the interviewees.As a theoretical basis of the thesis I have chosen a study, described by Sigrid Hongset, where dyslectic pu-pils tried using printed text and text on tape, as well as both simultaneously. George Kingsley Zipfs ?Principle of least effort? will act as a supplemental theory.The interviews show that the students use talking books in different ways.

Design av jolleindragare

This project has been about making a design suggestion for a boat accessory that adjuststhe distance between a sail-or motorboat and the dinghy, which is connected by a rope inthe stern. Today this is all done by hand and can lead to problems when it comes tostressful situations such as harbors and narrow passages.A company called Sailsafe came up with the idea and the construction, which they alsohave tested. I found them through an acquaintance at Dacat AB where I did an internshipin the fall of 2010.Using sketching as the primary tool I?ve worked in an almost-real design project with theaim to develop my skills and give the company a relevant design suggestion. Dacat thenhelped me with a 3d model in Alias, which was printed in 3d and painted in thepaintworkshop at school..

Barns läsning av facktexter. En studie av skolbibliotekariers och pedagogers syn på barns läsning och förståelse av facktexter.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to analyse school librarians and teachers perspective of childrens reading and reading progress, the impact of informational texts on childrens reading and how school librarians and teachers work/teach to improve their students understanding of informational texts. We also intend to study what consequences school librarians and teachers believe that childrens reduced understanding of informational texts can have in the long run and how this could be improved. The theories applied encompass different literature-pedagogical strategies, theories about reading purpose and direction of the reading process together with a theory that shows the school librarys function in the education. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with one school librarian and one teacher at three different schools. The material has then been analysed and interpreted from theories and earlier research.

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