

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 13 av 1091

En trovärdighetsbedömning av EU:s kommunikationspolitik

The legitimacy of the European Union is being questioned, and this has put focus on the democratic deficit, as the main reason for the negative outcome of the referendum about implementing the last initiated treaties of the union. In this essay the credibility of the problem solving strategy through the communication policy of the commission is being put under the scope. The objective is to treat the credibility of the solution to the main problems of the EU as an important part of how the democratic, political system works and how it deals with taking care of its? supporting and demanding channels of communication. The importance of a citizen platform to form common interests and a strictly European dialogue using media, common debates and several other possible ways to advocate this solution throughout the whole union is stressed here..

Prosodisk förmåga hos svenska grundskolebarn med cochleaimplantat

Prosody can be characterized as the rhythm and the melody of speech. Prosodic features convey emotions, thoughts and geographic origins of each individual. Spoken language without prosody would be monotonous, without variations in loudness and rate. Children with cochlear implants perceive speech in a different way than children with normal hearing. Consequently the speech produced by a child with cochlear implants may sound different.The purpose of this study was to examine prosodic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants and to compare them with the prosodic skills in Swedish children with normal hearing.

Inkluderad eller exkluderad? : Synen på matematikundervisning ur SUM- elevers perspektiv.

I denna studie undersöks vilka uppfattningar SUM-elever, elever med särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik, har av matematikundervisning när de i klassrummet får specialpedagogiskt stöd i ämnet och hur de känner sig när de följer med specialläraren ut från klassrummet. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att belysa inkludering och exkludering ur ett elevperspektiv. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och har genomförts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta SUM-elever från åk 4 och 5. Till grund för analysen används Asp-Onsjös (2006) tre olika aspekter på inkludering; rumslig, social och didaktisk. Resultatet visar att den inkludering som eleverna anser vara viktigast när de lär sig matematik är den didaktiska inkluderingen, inte den rumsliga eller sociala. Alla elever i studien kände sig socialt inkluderade och vad gäller den rumsliga inkluderingen spelade den inte någon större roll för dessa SUM-elever.

Coachande ledarskap : En utvärdering av genomförd ledarutveckling inom Borlängekommun

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Klarar elever att lösa icke rutinmässiga uppgifter i matematik?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur elever klarar att lösa problem som inte kan lösas rutinmässigt och där de inte har tillgång till hjälpmedel. Dessutom vill jag undersöka hur elevens betyg och antal matematikkurser eleven har läst påverkar resultatet. För att få svar på detta lät jag eleverna i två klasser ifrån det naturvetenskapliga programmet, en ifrån årskurs ett och en ifrån årskurs tre, svara på ett frågeformulär bestående av uppgifter som inte går att lösa rutinmässigt.Resultatet visar på att eleverna i årskurs tre klarade testet poängmässigt klart bättre än vad eleverna i årskurs ett gjorde och i båda klasserna visade elever med höga betyg ett bättre resultat än elever med lägre betyg. Det mest överraskande var att båda klasserna trots höga matematikbetyg visade på vissa brister i taluppfattning..

Det var en dans bort i vägen : Alternativa analysmodeller i val av läromedel för ämnet svenska

In this paper, the aim was to investigate how the Swedish subject is projected in textbooks for grade 6 and grade 9. The study was conducted based on the grounds that teachers need to be aware of the increasing expectations placed on students? literacyknowledge. To determine how well a textbook helps students to develop these skills, four textbooks? assignments have been analyzed using textual analysis based on learning theories, literacypractices and Swedish substance conceptions.

En undersökning om problemlösning och elevers uppfattningar om problemlösning

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka elevers inställningar till matematik samt deras tillvägagångssätt när de löser matematikuppgifter av olika svårighetsgrad. Undersökningen vi genomfört består av två delar; en enkätundersökning utformad som ett prov och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten ledde oss till följande slutsatser: motivationen är central för elevernas prestationer i matematik och att problemlösningsorienterad matematikundervisning bör vara kärnan i matematiken då den ger möjligheten till att få en djupare förståelse för matematiken i stort. Denna problemlösning bör vara utan specifika ramar och metoder för att skapa en frimodig och kreativ problemlösare. .

Svårigheter i matematik för elever med svenska som andraspråk : Lärares syn på problem och möjligheter

 In today?s society teachers will face students of foreign origin. It is up to the teachers to help these students gain the knowledge they need to flourish in society. Despite the fact that mathematics is a universal topic with high status in many countries, studies have shown that mathematics is a subject where a large proportion of foreign students fails. The purpose of this study was to see wherein the problem lies and describe teachers' perceptions of the barriers and the opportunities in mathematics for students with Swedish as a second language.


In autumn in 2010 the project group came in contact with the travel company Golf Joy in Halmstad. They had been briefed on the problems of their customers had when they travel with their golf bags and contacted Halmstad University for help in solving this problem. When we heard about this idea, we became curious and contacted the company. After a successful meeting, we took the problem with us to the school and began to brainstorm to see how we could solve the problem. The goal was to produce a stylish and functional travel golf bag with the cart and bag in one and launch it in the golf season in 2012.

Läsinlärningsmetoder : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers val av metod för läsinlärning

The purpose of this study is to investigate the reading methods that pedagogues, active in classes 1-3, use in the first stage of learning to read and how they consider their own choices of methods. In the theoretical background I sort out the basic differences between synthetic and analytic methods of acquiring the skills of reading. The analytic reading method means that the skills of reading starts with the complete text in order to later analyze the parts of the text. The synthetic method approach is based on a reading method where the parts are linked as a whole. The two methods are considered antipodes but can also be looked upon as complements in the current governing documents.

"Här handlar det ju om att man inte vet att man inte vet". En kvalitativ studie om synen bland professionella inom socialt arbete på begåvningshandikappade och föräldraskap

The purpose of this study was to examine what social workers include in the term "parenting ability". More specifically the purpose was to investigate how social workers view the parenting ability among parents with an intellectual disability. Furthermore the aim was to examine what difficulties social workers come across in their work with families where one of the parents are intellectually disabled. The study was based on six interviews with social workers that specifically work with children under the age of 18, and occasionally come across parents with this type of disability. The interviews were analysed using Donald Winnicott's terms "good-enough-parenting", "holding" and "the holding environment".

Intranät : en kunskapskälla i arbetet?

The ambition with this study is to look into and create an understanding for how an intranet can work as a support system in work processes in capacity as a source of knowledge. We want to enhance the understanding for which kind of knowledge that can be coded in and transmitted by an intranet, and which that is lost in this process. We also want to clarify what it takes to get this knowledge, in collaboration with the intranet, to support the work in an organization. It is a qualitative case study at a Swedish bank. It consisted of semi standardized, half structured interviews with five people in one of the bank?s local offices.

Intranät 2.0 - Intranätsansvarigas uppfattningar av interaktivitet på intranät

My aim is to provide knowledge about ways of understanding Intranet as a communication artifact. Today organizations plan to update their technology so as to make the communicative functions of Web 2.0 come true. With this objective in mind organizations will be prepared to meet social demands among staff. After interviewing intranet managers I have compiled qualitative data in categories. My approach is influenced by a phenomenographic approach.

Sjuksköterskors hantering av stressfyllda situationer i arbetet/ Nurses dealing with work related stress

Background: The majority of nurses experience work relatedstress, which can lead to a negative impact on patient care. Thestress can be handled by coping strategies. Aim: To illuminatecoping strategies among nurses experiencing work relatedstress. Method: The study has been accomplished as aliterature study, with a systematic review of scientific articles.Findings: Following coping strategies appeared: problemsolving, long-term strategies, passive strategies, leisurestrategies, social support and mental strategies. Conclusion:Awareness of coping strategies for dealing with work relatedstress, can lead to improvement in patient care..

Akdemisk stress : Universitetsstudenter från samhälls-och beteendevetarprogrammet och psykologprogrammet.

Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra samhälls-och beteendevetarprogrammet (n=70) och psykologprogrammet (n=70) i akademisk stress och strategier för att hantera stress. Deltagarna bestod utav universitetsstudenter och mätinstrumentet för studien var en enkätundersökning med skalorna ?Akademisk stress?, ?kognitiv coping-strategi?, ?Social support?, ?Sociala kontakter? och ?positiva-och negativa coping-strategier?. Det visade sig att det inte fanns någon skillnad mellan studenter från samhälls-och beteendevetarprogrammet och studenter från psykologprogrammet i hur akademisk stressade det var. Det fanns inget signifikant samband mellan programmens sociala stöd, sociala kontakter, kognitiva coping-strategier eller sättet att hantera positiva och negativa coping-strategi på.

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