

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 10 av 1091

Musik och kunskapsskillnader : -En studie om musiklärares upplevelser kring kunskapsskillnader inom musiken

ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.

Matematik i Lilla nollan och dom andra

Syftet med denna studie är att undesöka vilket matematiskt innehåll förskollärare synliggör vid användning av bilderboken Lilla nollan och dom andra. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har både observationer och kvalitativa intervjuer använts. Två förskollärare från en förskola valdes ut. Barnen som deltog vid observationerna var 4-5 år gamla. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna synliggör ett brett matematiskt innehåll i den ovannämnda bilderboken.

Gymnasieelevers förståelse av enhetscirkeln och trigonometri : en undersökning av elevers förståelse av matematiska begrepp, samt vad lärarna anser att nyblivna matematikstudenter bör kunna när de kommer till högskola eller universitet

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

HAVECA-modellen : En metod för att fortlöpande säkra ett internt nätverk mot tredjepart

This thesis will address a problem concerning availability of information systems at an enterprise within the financial sector and its external suppliers, so called trusted third party. The information system resides on the internal network of the enterprise and must be available to both employees of the enterprise and the trusted third party simultaneously. This contradicts the company policy which disallows third parties access to the internal network. The HAVECA-model introduced in this thesis provides a framework of methods, each solving a sub problem identified in the model. The identified methods are hardening, verification, control and assurance, together supplying a method for continuously securing the internal network against a trusted third party.

Marknadsföringsprodukt för Kiruna studentkommun

This report is the concluding part of the course national minorities, main focus on design, at Luleå University of Technology spring 2007. The purpose of this written examination is to produce a prototype to a product, which can be used both when marketing Kiruna as a student municipality and when recruiting students to the study programmes Kiruna offers. The product has been produced through systematic problem solving, where methods to fix the problem, gather facts, examine and come to a solution have been used. The product should in one way or another get the student to think of Kiruna as a student municipality and it should also appeal to the target group ? the students.

Matematik och andraspråk : En gruppdiskussion på gymnasiet

I den svenska skolan idag har ca 15 % av eleverna utländsk bakgrund. Enligt Skolverketsstatistik så klarar de utländska eleverna sig sämre i de nationella proven i matematik än svenska elever. Syftet med studien är att se hur fyra elever med invandrarbakgrund klarar av problemlösning i en gruppdiskussion i matematik på gymnasienivå. Eleverna i studien är allafödda i Sverige med invandrade föräldrar.Den empiriska datan består av observation av en gruppdiskussion, när eleverna löser ett matematiskt problem, samt efterföljande enskilda intervjuer. Observationen analyserades utifrån problemlösningsprocessens fyra ingående delar: Förstå, Planera, Genomföra och Värdera.

Gymnasiebibliotekarien ? informationsspecialist och pedagog: om gymnasiebibliotekariens yrkesroll och dess angränsningar till lärarrollen

The purpose of this study has been to examine different aspects of the professional role of the high school librarian, especially the educational role, and its delimitations to the teacher's role. The methods that were used were studies of literature within the subject area and qualitative interviews with high school librarians and high school teachers of social studies. Andrew Abbot's theory on the system of professions was used in the analysis of the results of the study. The high school librarians who were interviewed enabled access to information, both intellectually and physically. They helped students develop information seeking skills and they functioned as educators and counselors.

Traditionell skolmatematik : En studie av undervisning och lärande under en matematiklektion

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka undervisning och lärande under en matematiklektion som präglas av traditionell skolmatematik. Metoden för undersökningen var en deltagande observation av en matematiklektion i åk 3 på gymnasiet. Med hjälp av begreppen matematikens lärandeobjekt, matematiska resurser, eleven som lärande aktör och sociomatematiska normer har jag tolkat de resultat som genererats från observationen. Två slutsatser som kan dras av undersökningen är att eleverna stimuleras till att bli oberoende lärande aktörer i undervisningen av traditionell skolmatematik samt att det i första hand är läraren som synliggör potentiella matematiska resurser för eleverna. Medvetenheten om elevernas användande av matematiska resurser skulle kunna påverka elevernas lärande genom att läraren synliggör matematiska resurser på ett mer medvetet sätt..

Du tysta, ej glädjerika sköna. Betydelsen av kommunikationsutbildning för att utbilda bättre ledare.

Every year, reports are published that shows how universities fail to meet the demand from companies who are looking to hire students with solid communication skills. At the same time, the importance of communication for effective leadership is constantly increasing. Today, many business schools around the world states that they strive to educate future business leaders and have therefore realized the importance of teaching the skills of communications to its students. The majority of Swedish business schools, however, have not yet made communications an essential part of their curricula. This indicates that most business students in Sweden today, do not receive the toolkit needed to take on leadership roles.

Synen på arbetslösheten i Växjö stad under 1820-1860-talet

This study examines the view of the people, unemployed in the city of Växjö during the period from 1820 to 1860. The focuses are on the perspective in which these people where seen by the municipal executive board in the city of Växjö. The result of this study shows that the rulers had a conservative wiev of them who were unemployed. Usually, the meaning was that their situation was only caused by their own laziness. Starting ?Workinghouse? was the best way solving the problem with them who were unemployed, was the common opinion in the view of the rulers..

Vad, hur och för vem : En studie om lärares hantering av matematiska begrepp

Studien undersöker hur matematiska begrepp etableras i diskursen i klassrummet och hur lärare planerar för, iscensätter och bearbetar matematiska begrepp. Studiens syfte är att studera hur lärare hanterar matematiska begrepp i undervisningen ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. Utifrån studiens ansats väljs två kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder. Till detta infogas Selander & Kress (2010) formellt inramad lärsekvens och Hallidays (2004) tre metafunktioner och en ny metafunktion, den institutionell funktion (Boistrup- Björklund, 2010). Studien visar att procedurkunskap har en stor plats i undervisningen. Lärarna hanterar begrepp i förbifarten och funderar inte på vilken roll de språkliga uttrycken har.

Hundars inlärning : inlärning i förhållande till hundens ålder

Syftet med föreliggande undersökning var att studera sambandet mel¬lan hundars ålder och deras inlärnings- respektive problemlösnings¬förmåga. Undersökningen genomför¬des på 17 hundar med ett ålders¬spann på 12 -123 månader. Hun¬darna genomförde en inlärningsövning och en problemlösnings¬övning. Det visade sig finnas en svag icke sig¬nifikans tendens att de yngre hundarna hade ett lägre antal träningstill¬fällen. En slutsats som kan dras från detta är att det krävs ett stort stickprov för att få fram reliabla resultat gällande yngre och äldre hun¬dars inlärningsförmåga..

Folkbibliotekarier - Kompetens, identitet och status

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to develop knowledge about how librarians experience their professional identity, argue for their competence and describe their profession based on their professional skills, tasks, and status. The method that is used to answer the questions of the study is semi-structured interviews with five public librarians. The theory used in this essay is Ørom?s six librarian identities plus Schreiber?s experience intermediate identity.

Elevers inställning till matematik : - en jämförande studie av elevers uppfattning av matematikämnet och matematikundervisningen

Based on earlier experiences of mathematics and mathematical learning, both as a student and as a teacher, I became more and more interested in how well the publicly accepted opinions about mathematics as an uninteresting, difficult and ?geeky? subject corresponded to reality. What do Swedish pupils really think about mathematics and is it possible to identify any differences in their attitudes based on the pupils? age?From this point of view the following questions were formulated:·What are pupils? attitudes towards mathematics in grades 3, 6 and 9 and how do they conceive their learning conditions?·Is it possible to detect any differences in the attitudes and preferences depending on the pupils? age?The result of this study compares well with previous studies done in this and overlapping fields and indicates that:·Younger pupils tend to have a better liking of mathematics but with increasing age that interest fades out.·Most pupils, without regard to age, consider mathematics to be one of the most important subjects, despite the fact that many pupils also find mathematics difficult and boring.·For pupils of all ages, the teacher is the most important factor in the learning process. Older students have more specific demands on the teacher for knowledge and pedagogical skills.·A high noise level, talking and disturbances in the classroom are the most bothering elements when it comes to learning mathematics.

Svenska elevers sjunkande matematikkunskaper : möjliga orsaker och framtida insatser

National and international studies, such as PISA and TIMSS, which are part of the national evaluation system, are carried out continuosly. Skolverket, in collaboration with researchers, are responsible for the implementation, evaluation, and analysis of the studies. National results show an increasing percentage of pupils who do not reach the goals in mathematics. The last completed international studies PISA 2009 and TIMSS 2007 show an impaired trend of knowledge, in international comparison. Moreover, studies also show that the differences between schools and also within the same school in Sweden have increased.

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