

8787 Uppsatser om Materiality analysis - Sida 45 av 586

UML i teori och praktik

Abstract During object-oriented system development, programming should be preceded by analysis and design to assure that the system fulfils the demands of the customer and simplify during the development phase and documentation. When modeling the analysis and design phases, several different notations may be used. One of these is the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which this thesis will cover. The aim is to compare the use of the UML i practice versus what is said in the literature. The investigation is built upon interviews at different companies to receive their reflections about the UML.

IT - Bubblan och CAPM

The aim with this independent degree project of master thesis is to find what the user opinions of the intranet in a county council is. The paper seeks how the question about how the culture in the organisation was affected by the use of the intranet. An important part is to explore the expectations and acceptance of the intranet and get a picture of which functions and services support day-to-day work with good quality. One goal is to find out how the intranet users feel that the communication, information and usability can be developed.The focus group interview is a qualitative method that has been applied for gathering data from the respondents, who participate in the investigation from the county council. The used method is unstructured focus groups containing the three dominating categories of staff in the county council.

Utvärdering av rörelsemönster hos öring (Salmo trutta) utifrån otolitmikrokemi

The classic view of trout (Salmo trutta) life history is that trout begins its life in freshwater, migrates to the ocean after about 1-4 years and then returns to freshwater to spawn. As trout fry have been caught at the mouth of the River Emån, near the Baltic Sea, researchers have speculated that some trout emigrate during their first year of life. The purpose of this study was to describe the variation in the length of time trout reside in freshwater before they migrate to the ocean for the first time. Another purpose was to investigate whether it was possible to discern where and how long the fish spent in freshwater and saltwater during different parts of their lives. Between 2007 and 2009, 23 adult trout were captured in the River Emån in southeastern Sweden.

Lagen om pliktexemplar av elektroniska dokument : En analys av diskussionen kring ett lagförslag

This Master?s thesis examines the discussions about the new Swedish legal deposit legislation for electronicdocuments, related to Jürgen Habermas? theories around the public sphere.In 2009, a draft of the law proposal was sent out to various authorities and organizations who were asked tocontribute their views on this matter. This study looks at who has responded of those asked, and what commonviews are apparent within these responses. The responses from two different categories are focused on ?universities and other authorities, examining if any similarities or differences can be noticed in the arguments inthe different categories? responses to the proposed law change.This information has been first analyzed through content analysis, providing an overview to the respondentsof the draft, and the different views which have arisen.

Hur har det svenska handelsmönstret påverkats av ett medlemskap i EU?

Very often the interesting variables are explained by several underlying variables and in statistical analyses it is common to study the relationship between variables and groups of variables. Because of this multivariate analysis is commonly used in both science and industry. There are two problem with both univariate and multivariate analyses. One is when the variables are correlated. The other is when the number variables of exceeds the number of observations which makes the matrices algebra used in the analysis impossible to execute.

Forskningsområdet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Högskolan i Borås ? En bibliometrisk studie av den intellektuella basen 2001?2006

The aim of this study was to map the intellectual base at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University Collage of Borås, and to compare this intellectual base to the intellectual base of the research area Library and Information Science. This was done by analysing the citations in publications published, between the year of 2001 to the first quarter of 2006, by researchers at the institution, using the technique of author cocitation analysis. Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, statistical techniques that are traditional i the author cocitation analysis, formed an objective map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS. This map was then compared with three prior studies, that used the same technique to map the intellectual base of the research area. The result shows that the map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS consists of the specialities: user studies, library studies, culture/cultural policy, information retrieval, bibliometrics and information in organisations.

Sakprosans genrer: en analys av fyra universella klassifikationssystem

The aim of this paper is to investigate the implementation of genres, pertaining to non-fiction, in four different universal classification schemes BC2, UDC, DDC, SAB. It is not the aim of this paper to answer the question why certain genres are more implemented than others, or vice versa. Instead it is intended to be an investigation into the concept of non-fiction genres with the aim of attracting attention to the many interesting aspects of this concept for library- and information science research. An analysis of the schemes general auxiliary tables is performed by comparison with a specific genre-system devised by Ottar Grepstad. This genre-system is organised by dividing different genres into groups according to linguistic criteria.

Den lekfulla kungen och den ansvarfulla modedockan : En studie i hur genus gestaltas i livsstilsmagasin

The purpose of this work is to examine gender rols in lifestyle magazines. In order to do this, two magazines were used and analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. In addition the authors also analyze the advertisements for each gender. Interviews in King of Sweden and Elle are also analyzed. The thesis is examined on the basis of gender theory, and theories about stereotypes and myths.

Styrning av artikelplacering i lager

This thesis deals with the field of warehouse management, focusing on frequency control of stock. The purpose of the thesis is to reduce the warehouse staff mileage by placing an article based on its number of picks, i.e. how frequently it gets picked. In order to achieve relevant results the following four questions have been answered in the thesis: How should the articles be placed with regard to the picking frequency?Which factors, if any, needs to be addressed beyond the picking frequency when articles are placed based on frequency?Can the present picking system be improved?Is frequency placement with regard to the picking frequency profitable to implement for the company?The thesis is based on literature studies and on the data that has been collected from the company?s business system.

Värnpliktens vara eller icke vara : En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten om försvarsproposition 2008/09:140, angående Svenska försvarsmaktens framtida personalförsörjning

Sweden's government says in the bill 2008/09: 140 that military service should be suspended and replaced with a system based on voluntary recruitment. In the essay, I will make an argument analysis of the parliamentary debate on the bill from the 12th of June 2009 with the following questions: On what is the different side?s argument based on? Are the arguments essentially and factually substantiated? Is there a clear political party tendency among the for-/counter arguments? The method is a "Pro et contra" analysis, a logical systematization of the arguments. The analysis will take start in the headline; Conscription should be suspended in favour of a voluntary system based on contract employed soldiers. The presentation of arguments in the analysis will be guided by the chronological order.

Motivation hos djurägare : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys

AIM The aim of this paper was to clarify some of the factors that motivates pet owners to follow advice and instructions from veterinary nurses, so called compliance. METHOD An empirical study with an inductive approach was conducted, and a qualitative content analysis was performed. Content analysis is a scientific method of achieving qualitative results. The analysis is based on interviews with five pet owners, completed in February 2012. The interviews were transcribed and the results are made up of abstracted quotations. RESULTS The result in the study indicate that pet owners are motivated by information, respect, trustworthiness and treatment in meeting.

Duktiga tjejer läser. En studie av relationen mellan läsning och skapandet av feminina genuspositioner

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how young women create their feminine gender positions in relation to their reading. Using qualitative research methods the empirical material has been collected through so called reflexive interviews with eight young women aged 15-17. From their statements the empirical material has been divided into five themes that are important to the young women, as well as to the formulation of the problem. This constitutes the model of analysis. The analysis has been conducted through an examination of these themes from a gender theoretical perspective and through the application of theories about reading and gender.

INTERNATIONELL KOMPETENS I SVENSKA KONCERNSTYRELSER: ? ett begrepp och dess diskursiva sammanhang

The purpose of the thesis is to map the meaning of ?international competence? in Swedish company boards of directors. The study is divided in a qualitative part and a quantitative part. The qualitative study consists of a discourse analysis where variation in interpretative repertoires are identified to enhance the understanding of the nature of reasoning related to the meaning and importance of the issue at stake. The discourse analysis is conducted on an empirical material from 27 interviews with decision makers in recruitment processes to Swedish company boards of directors.

Projektuppföljning - En studie av relationen mellan projektuppföljning och organisationsstruktur

This paper aims to examine performance monitoring in project organisations. The number of organisations that regularly performs projects as a key part of their operations grows rapidly, why this topic has become of large interest. Through a theoretical framework developed by Lars Östman in 1977, the performance monitoring system of the Swedish government-owned public utility Svenska Kraftnät is studied closely. The results from this analysis are then linked to an analysis of the organisation's internal structure through Mintzbergs generic organisational structures. Close connections are found between organisational structure and performance monitoring, which leads on to interesting observations about the connection between size of a project organisation and choice of monitoring method..

Drogmissbrukare och psykisk hälsa

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mental illness and socioeconomic factors such as education, age and gender among drug users. Descriptive and ANOVA analysis were performed to 68 structured interviews (Addiction Severity Index basic). Analysis addressed associations between drug usage and level of education, age and gender. Results showed gender differences in self-rated mental health with women drug users rating their mental health lower than men. In addition, there was no association between age, educational level and self-rated mental health.

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