

8787 Uppsatser om Materiality analysis - Sida 16 av 586

Igenkänning, lånat gods och minnesfragment : En tematisk studie av de narrativa egenskaperna i tre bilder av Karin Mamma Andersson

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the narrative elements in three of the Swedish artist Karin Mamma Anderssons paintings and try to see what kind of stories that might be hidden in these paintings. I have chosen three different themes as tools for this study. They are: the meaning or the importance of the titles, painting as a medium and the narrative elements or components in the paintings. Furthermore I also use the semiotic method in my analysis based on the ideas of Roland Barthes combined with a feminist theoretical standpoint with a gender perspective. This means my study is based on the reception of these images and what kind of message they might carry.

"Om jag kunde drömma, skulle jag drömma om dig" : En genusstudie av Stephenie Meyers Twilight-karaktärer

One task of school is to counteract traditional gender patterns. Literature is an actor which can affect people?s perceptions of what is feminine and what is masculine. It can therefore be worth looking at the works of fiction that are available for pupils in school. A book that is popular among children and adolescents is Twilight (2007).

XRF-analys av förorenad mark : undersökning av felkällor och lämplig provbearbetning

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) detection of heavy metals is a cost- and time-effective method for investigation of polluted areas. Compared to laboratory analysis, XRF analysis is limited by high detection limits and uncertainties in some situations. Preparation of samples is known to affect the results of measurements.The purpose of this thesis is to bring a deeper understanding of how different factors affect the results of XRF-analysis. A large number of measurements have been made with the instruments Niton XLt 700 and Niton Xli 700. Results from measurements of lead, zinc and copper have been analysed.This study has shown that a greater moisture content will give a lower measured concentration for the same sample.

Rekgrupperna i de svenska ingenjörbataljonerna : Är de bara ögon i terrängen eller har de möjlighet att bita ifrån?

This paper describes the Swedish reconnaissance squads in the engineer battalions, their equipment, tasks and organization. An analysis is made to compare the present weapons and fire power of the reconnaissance squad with an extended weapon alternative. The analysis focuses on the abilities effect, protection and movement in different situations typical of a reconnaissance squad.The facts that are presented in this paper are mostly founded on the new field manual FältarbR Dyktjänst 2007, which regulates much of the reconnaissance activities. The aim of this paper is the making of a contribution in the developing progress of the new field manual and the reconnaissance squads in Swedish engineer battalions.The result of the analysis shows that the extended weapon alternative would be an asset..

FEM?modeller för expansionsanalys av piplines

REINERTSEN AS performs expansion and buckling analyses of pipelines using ANSYS, afinite element modelling and analysis tool. In an expansion analysis the pipeline is modelledwith thin?walled pipe elements called PIPE20 which allows plastic deformation. However, ina recent analysis the results retrieved from the PIPE20 element were incorrect for strainsabout 1 percent. One main issue was that the PIPE20 element overestimated the strains.The purpose with this Master Thesis was to become familiar with the theories and analysismethods used in pipeline design.

Introduktion till Socialkonsekvensbeskrivning - SKB, samt metod vilken kan användas inom SKB

Often, the green is handled as an opposite to the built, but if it could be seen as a part of the built and the society, the planning will be easier to handle. The thesis work wants to create a method that treats villages in an analytic way in a context; with green, blur, grey and all the other colors that together are the completeness.This master's thesis is made to be used as foundation in detail plannng in the municipality of Örkelljunga. Target audience is on one hand those who work with planning and green matters in Örkelljunga municipality, but also other planners who work with landscape.Literature in the field of green city planning has been studied and 30 methods for analysis have been valued. The method for analysis that has been used in this work is a merging of ten different methods and has included literature studies, sketches, interviews and work on spot. The ten methods are consciously chosen to together make one comprehensive and true image of the village, as far as it is possible.

Multikriterieanalys av potentiella konflikter vid markanvändningsplanering - Naturstenbrytning i Lysekils kommun

The purpose of the essay Multi criteria analysis of potential conflicts concerning land use planning - natural stone mining in Lysekil municipal is to study possibilities and limitations in GIS based multi criteria analysis as a tool for land use planning. How GIS based multi criteria analysis can be implemented to localize potential conflict areas between natural stone mining and other land use activities and what advantages and disadvantages the method holds are the main issues of this study. The essay studies these questions through a case study, concerning the geographical area of Lysekil municipal in western Sweden and problematizes the interest of natural stone mining in relation to other land use interests. A literature study was carried through, concerning multi criteria analysis and planning. After collecting and processing of data the multi criteria analysis could be implemented in the ArcGIS tool Weighted Sum.

Södras gröna skogsbruksplaner ur ett landskapsperspektiv :

The aim of the "Green forest management plans" is to help forest owners to reach the environmental goal of the forestry act. But are they able to do that? Is it possible to plan preservation of species on single estates? How do single-estate-plans differ from a landscape analysis and how can the landscape approach be used in operative planning? This work was initiated to give an answer to these questions. This study was made in a landscape of 4200 ha in Östergötland county, south-eastern Sweden. A lanscape analysis was made and then compared to the Green forest management plans in the same area. The nature conservation areas (areas that were set aside to be managed with environmenatl goals) differed quite a lot between the two alternatives.

När naturen leker : hur barnets relation till naturen framställs i filmen ?Granne med Totoro?

The landscape architect is similar to the moviemaker in that they both want to mediate an experience with their creations. The landscape architect designs playgrounds and the moviemaker makes movies for children, but how does the relationship between children and nature look like in the landscape formed by the movie maker?s fantasy? The purpose with this thesis is to study how the relationship between child and nature is depicted in a movie as a medium, by analysing ?My neighbour Totoro?, a Japanese animated movie from 1988 by Hayao Miyazaki. The analysis consists of two combined analyses, Experiential Landscape Analysis and Gordon Cullen?s Serial Vision, both of which analyse the relationship between a human being and her environment as well as the emotional changes that occur as she moves in it.

"Skammen bränner" : En litteraturstudie med fokus på beskrivningar av skuld och skam kopplat till alkoholmissbruk

The aim of this study was to gain an understanding about how people with a former alcohol abuse expresses and gives meaning to feelings of guilt and shame in autobiographical books. In particular the purpose of the study was to find out how the authors writes about feelings of guilt and shame, whether it was expressed explicitly or implicitly, and which meaning the authors gives to feelings of guilt and shame and how these feelings are related to each other. We randomly selected 8 autobiographical books by using different criterias. The foundation of this study was social constructionism, which is also a foundation for one of our analysis methods: discourse analyse. This analysis method was used for the analysis of the expressions that were made in an explicit way.

I linje med styrdokumenten? - en fallstudie i tre läromedel i engelska

This study focuses on an analysis of three text books in English, Prime Time, Second Time, and Third Time, written for Swedish pupils between grade seven and nine. The main focus of the study is to investigate to what extent the books may be considered to follow the steering principles of the Swedish education system. The theoretical backbone of the essay is centred on the construction and maintenance of stereotypes, and is written from a social constructivist point of view. In this context, I also reason around power relations and norms in the Western society ? arguments which I, in the main analysis, apply to the books in question.

Människan i urskogen : vegetationshistoria i Hamra nationalpark under 2500 år

Pollen analysis of a peat core was used to reconstruct the last 2500 years of vegetation history, with focus on the impact of anthropogenic disturbance, in Hamra National Park, central Sweden. In addition, analysis of pollen in soil samples was performed in an attempt to locate ancient cultivation plots in the National Park. The analysis of the peat core shows a development of the vegetation that can be divided into four stages of different degrees of human impact: A - virgin forest (c. 500 B.C.-A.D. 1300), B - grazed forest (c. A.D.

Att närma sig Boden :

approaching Boden deals with the approaching of a city, both in a physical sense ? along the road ? and in a spiritual sense ? in mind. The physical encounter with a city is represented by the experience of the road and its surroundings, while the spiritual encounter is represented by the idea of the city that we already have, or will get, in our minds. We have in this degree project approached Boden through a thoroughly analysis of both the entrance roads and the city itself. In this degree project we are looking for ways of how to create characteristic and interesting entrance roads to a city, with Boden as an example. This demands knowledge about the problems involving entrance roads as well as the distinctive features of the city.

Bloggandets baksida : Blogghat och bloggmobbning bland kvinnliga bloggareFörfattare

Purpose/Aim: To examine whether or not there is such a thing as bloggbullying, and if so, how this manifests itself among female bloggers.Material/Method: To analyze the material, which consists of comments made on a total of 75 posts made on three different blogs, a quantitative method as well as a qualitative critical discourse analysis was used.Main result: Several similarities between Anatol Pikas definition of bullying and the results were found, and the conclusion is that there is such a thing as bloggbullying..

Utsikt för olja : Hur värderas oljeaktier

Background: Oil is the most dominating source of energy of today, it constitutes for more than 40 per cent of the worlds total energy consumption. This together with the fact that stock in oil companies has soared on the stock exchanges around the world makes oil a very interesting topic to write within. In order to gain knowledge in how to value oil companies, the authors will collect information from theory and through a questionnaire. By applying the information gathered to three companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange the authors will reach an objective picture of valuation of oil companies.Purpose: To investigate how shares of stock are valuated in the oil exploring and producing industry, and what specific measures and metrics that are used in the valuation of stocks in Exploring and Producing (E&P) companies.Method: By using a qualitative approach for this thesis, the authors will investigate how the valuation of oil companies works and what measures that should be applied. The authors will use a part descriptive and part explorative study.

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