

269 Uppsatser om Maslow\\\'s hierarchy of needs - Sida 2 av 18

Äntligen kvinnan i centrum! Eller? : En studie av nyandlighet och genus i läroböcker i religionsvetenskap för gymnasiet

The aim of this essay is to examine how gender is described in pictures in textbooks used in swedish upper secondary school. The research question is: How is gender being potrayed in the pictures of new age in the textbook in relation to traditional dichothomy, hierarchy and detraditionalization? The material used in this study consists of five textbooks in religion used for education in upper secondary schools in Sweden. In total, 18 pictures from these books that describe new age, constitutes the subject of analysis. The method used is picture analysis.

Motivation för personal i omsorgsarbetet

Motiverad personal leder till arbetsglädje och ett bra resultat bland annat. Därför anses det numera viktigt med motiverad personal. Syftet med min uppsats är att analysera vilken betydelse motivationsfaktorerna har för personal som arbetar i det nära omsorgsarbetet på äldreboenden. Mina intervjuer visade på att motivationsfaktorerna har en betydelse för personalen. Informanterna är motiverade men vissa avvikande faktorer finns.

Avfallsdirektivets påverkan på efterbehandling av förorenad mark

The purpose of this report is to increase the awareness about the problem that occur when the waste hierarchy is applied to management of contaminated land. The work with remediation of contaminated land in Sweden is part of the efforts towards reaching the national environmental objectives. Therefore a subsidiary aim is to analyze how this influences the prospects of reaching the objectives. The work consists of two parts; a case study and a comparative literature study that focus on England, the Netherlands and Sweden. The case study is intended to provide a practical perspective through a comparison of the climate impact from two methods.

Vårdnadsöverflyttning eller återförening? : Socialtjänstens arbete med en motsägelsefull lagstiftning

The purpose of this study was to examine how the social services are applying the sections of the law concerning custody transfer within foster care. More specifically the aim was to find out what circumstances are underlying the social services decision to go through with a custody transfer within the foster care, and to find out which difficulties and possibilities the law offers when it comes to this process. The study was based on interviews with six respondents, within the social services, who have great experiences working with these issues. The study concluded that there are several factors which affects the decision whether to implement at custody transfer or not, and some of these are the child?s attachment, the child?s fundamental needs and consent from the involving parties in the case.

Varför väljer föräldrar en kristen friskola?

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the ideas that have influenced parents' choice of a Christian private school and how parents justify their choices. The essay also aims to examine the expectations that parents have in the schools, as well as the pros and cons as they consider private school compared to other schools.My study is based on qualitative data collected through interviews with parents who have chosen to place one or more of their children in a specific Christian private school. Using a qualitative approach has made it possible for me to get a deeper understanding of this investigation. I have also used the previous research on this field and theoretical starting points to explain and connect to my inquiry as Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the school Weber document types and identity in a multicultural society.The study shows that parents seek to or from the public school due to various reasons. To seek out a Christian private school depends on different reasons.

Analytic Hierarchy Process : en kritisk genomgång

Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, är en spridd och mycket omdiskuterad metod för att analysera multikriterieproblem. Syftet med uppsatsen är göra beslutsfattare som använder AHP uppmärksamma på några av de problem som kan finnas med att använda AHP. Uppsatsen redogör detaljerat för hur beslutsfattarens indata behandlas av AHP och visar både med ett konkret exempel och med en formell beskrivning hur en rangordning av alternativ genereras av AHP. Den detaljerade redogörelsen illustrerar att AHP bygger på additiv nyttofunktion vilket döljs för användare av programvaror utvecklade för AHP. Vidare belyses andra drag i AHPs behandling av indata, drag som i flera fall döljs för användaren..

Helikopterrånet : En fallstudie om interkommunikationen mellan gärningsmännen

The aim of this study is to analyze how intercommunication between offenders are presented with artefacts during the planning and implementation of a robbery in a cash depot in Stockholm. The methodological approach is based on empiricism from police investigation protocols, which leads this study to a case study. The ambition is to analyze the empirical material from a sociocultural perspective. The results shows that the offenders use artefacts to plan the crime with artefacts within an internal intercommunication between the offenders. After the planning artefacts such as a helicopter, explosive material, telephones, saws and ladders have been used in an intercommunication to implement the robbery which leads to an analysis that hierarchy depends on the role of the artefacts, only when technical artefacts are included in the term of hierarchy..

Ideella uppdrag : Vad får någon att engagera sig ideellt?

This is a study about engagements and motivation. Its purpose is, by looking at other motivational theories than Abraham Maslow?s hierarchy of needs, to find out why certain people choose to become engaged as student representatives. The question this study is working from is: why do certain people choose to engage themselves as student representatives?This study has a qualitative approach, which means that a number of interviews have been done and subsequently profoundly analyzed.

Utvärdering av onlineversionen av MakeItRational ? vilken metod som används för att beräkna vikter på basis av parvisa jämförelser?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utvärdera onlineversionen av programvaran MakeItRational med avseende på metoden som används för att beräkna så kallade vikter (weights) på basis av parvisa jämförelser. Studiens teoretiska del bygger på T.L. Saatys analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Större vikt läggs på tillämpningen av AHP-metoden med tonvikt på beräkning av vikter och hantering av parvisa jämförelsematriser. Uppsatsen empiriska del bygger på två beslutsanalyser utförda med hjälp av onlineversionen av MakeItRational och motsvarande egna beräkningar.

Vuxnas läsning av ungdomslitteratur ? en påse med godis, en trettioårskris eller som vilken litteratur som helst?

I approach the subject of adult readers of young adult fiction through an analytical framework influenced by Cultural Studies, implicating that young adult fiction is caught up in a system of distinction between popular literature and high literature. I contrast this with theories that suggest that there has been a loosening of this hierarchy and that they now coexist, even borrowing features from one another. I also examine questions of ideology, namely the ideology of mass culture, the ironical attitude and the ideology of populism. I also use Andreas Huyssen?s theory of mass culture as a woman, seeing as popular literature often tends to be categorized with feminine traits.

"Programmet har ju en låg status" : Gymnasielärares tankar och attityder om elever på yrkes- och studieförberedande program

This paper is named ?The status of the programme is low? ? Gymnasium teacher?s thoughts and attitudes towards students in the vocational- and the educational programmes. The purpose is, as the title reveals, to examine the attitude of four teachers in the Swedish gymnasium towards the vocational and the educational programmes and the students that attend either one of them. This purpose is accompanied by research which says that the educational programmes? status is higher than one of the vocational programmes.

Bred kollisionsdetektering för spel

Detta arbete undersöker 4 olika algoritmer som används för bred kollisionsdetektering. De olika metoderna för bred kollisionsdetektering kan delas in i 4 olika kategorier. Algoritmerna som är valda att representera varje kategori är Bruteforce, Sweep and prune, Hierarchical grid och Bounding volume hierarchy. Fokus i arbetet ligger i att mäta deras lämplighet för spelmotorer där det är viktigt att algoritmerna kan köras i realtid.Algoritmerna körs i simulationer av olika miljöer. Där antalet objekt, hur många som är rörliga och objektens distribution varieras mellan miljöerna.

Undersökning av avfallshantering i Stockholms innerstad

According to the European Union waste hierarchy, waste should first of all be minimized. Reuse and material and energy recycling come next. Lastly the waste should be thrown at the refuse tip. In the inner city of Stockholm waste handling can be done in various types of ways. The solutions vary as a result of the type of architecture of the building and its condition.

En annan värld? En analys av sex fantasyromaner ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the gender system is described in fantasy novels. The theoretical framework is based on Yvonne Hirdman?s theory on gender system, primarily the two basic principles: the principle of dichotomy, of separation between the sexes, and the principle of hierarchy, of man as norm. The method used is idea analysis which is a form of textual analysis.

En studie av drivkrafter hos kinesiska medarbetare : ? ur fo?retags perspektiv

In 2009, the estimated number of residents in China was 1.331 billion, representing approximately 22% of the total world population. China is the world's most populous state and is in constant growth. This is also a market that offers huge opportunities. The major cultural differences between China and the rest of the world can often cause problems for companies that choose to expand in China. A major problem with the cultural differences is that Chinese employees feel that foreign managers do not understand the Chinese culture which is said to be the reason why Chinese people tend to change jobs often.

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