

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 45 av 124

Bogsår, en bedömningsfråga.

 In 2009, the responsibility for animal welfare was moved from the local authorities at the municipality(kommunerna) to the County Administrative Board(länsstyrelsen). This was a result of many differences between the different municipalities in how they handled animal welfare. Shoulder lesions of sows are a matter of opinion and therefore, a complicated question. Sows suffer from shoulder lesions for many reasons: e.g. the amount of straw available.

Frihet och jord : En studie av frihetens gränser för bönder, jordfattiga och trälar i landskapslagarnas samhälle

The aim of this study is to analyze how problems are represented within SOU 2008:27. Further more, the aim is to analyze how the new subject plan for history can bee seen as a product of this document. The method used, and the theoretical frame of the study, is based on Carol Lee Bacchi?s ?what´s the problem represented to be?? approach, which basic principle is that policies are filled with representations of problems and that these representations need to be examined. These problem representations are then themselves subject for scrutiny, the second step being an analysis of the texts presumptions and assumptions concerning view of man and perception of knowledge. The results show, among other things, that a problem representations can be found in the SOU; the school system is too vague and unclear.

Bättre arbetsberedningar med hjälp av BIM : Hur de kan utformas för implementering av BIM

During the past years Building Information Modelling (BIM), which is a digital way to work, has begun to spread amongst the parts of the construction process. At the construction phase the larger companies has started using the new way to work. This expansion has not been developed amongst smaller companies leading to the purpose of this report, to investigate in which ways the smaller companies can implement BIM by changing their way to work. The thesis is delimited to work preperations with the objective to define how the work preperations should be structured to enable the implementation of BIM. To achieve the objective of the report, information about the subject has been collected by interviews and literature studies.

Elektroniska medier i allmänna handlingar

Denna uppsats behandlar offentlighetsprincipen, allmänna handlingar och elektroniska medier i allmänna handlingar. Offentligheten i Sverige är väldigt stark och offentlighetsprincipen skyddas i grundlagarna. För att veta hur elektroniska medier ses i allmänna handlingar måste det först ges en överblick vad offentlighetsprincipen är och vad som anses vara allmänna handlingar. Jag har även belyst lagrum som är av vikt för att förstå sammanhanget mellan dessa och lagstiftningen. Offentlighetsprincipen är en grundsten i det svenska samhället och den ger svenska medborgare rätt att ta del av information och få insyn i offentliga verksamheter.

Finns det köns- ålders- och utbildningsnivårelaterade skillnader med utgångspunkt från Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori gällande arbetsmotivation? : - En kvantitativ enkätstudie

Organisationer i dagens samhälle kan genom motiverade medarbetare effektivisera sin verksamhet utan att öka kostnaderna. Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida det finns köns- ålders- och utbildningsnivårelaterade skillnader med utgångspunkt från Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori. Vi utförde en kvantitativ enkätundersökning (n=93) på två organisationer med hjälp av bekvämlighetsurval. Reliabilitetstestet Cronbachs alfa utfördes på enkätverktyget och visade till viss del på låg reliabilitet. Vi använde oss av One Way ANOVA och Bonferroni Post Hoc test för att analysera resultatet, vilket visade att det finns signifikanta könsrelaterade och åldersrelaterade skillnader med utgångspunkt från Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori, men ingen signifikant utbildningsrelaterad skillnad..

ISO 14001 : En genomgång av SSAB EMEA Oxelösunds miljöledningssystem

Environmental issues is now taking a growing place in society and to ensure that companies meet public expectations and do their part in working towards a sustainable development, environmental management system is said to be an effective tool (Almgren & Brorson, 2009).This case study has examined a company's environmental management system in order to find strengths and weaknesses within the ISO 14001 system. The work was carried out using interviews, document reviews and analyzes in which the three main concepts control the report ; "daily work", "audit" and "environmental aspects".The results shows that the daily work looks different depending on where you are; in the production or at the office. The audit examined all documents related to the environmental management system and the study showed that the biggest strengths was the commitment and waste handling while areas such as environmental goals and management review needed improvement. As a result of the deficiencies identified, suggestions for improvements was proposed. The investigation of the routine of the environmental aspects showed an incomplete routine where the red wire from identification to evaluation was missing.


The environmental assessment system Miljöbyggnad is a Swedish system initiated by Bygga-Bo-Dialogen to assess buildings with regards to three main areas; ?Energy?, ?Indoor climate? and ?Materials?. A building can obtain three different classifications depending on how well it manages to meet the demands. GOLD is the highest classification and is followed by SILVER and BRONZE. The majority of the measures needed to comply with the demands are done during the design phase.

Västermalms Strand : Arbetet för en hållbar stadsutveckling i Stockholm

Sustainable urban development is a concept that has become increasingly important as the urbanization continues and more and more challenges are focused to the cities.  The Swedish government and authorities regulates and sets goals for how a sustainable urban development is to be achieved. These laws and goals are vaguely defined, which leads to disputes between the actors about how the term should be interpreted. By examining Västermalms Strand, an urban development project in Stockholm, this study strives to describe how involved actors interpret the concept of sustainable urban development and what the consequences of this are for urban development in Stockholm from an ecological, social and economic perspective. A case study has been carried out where a document study and interviews have been conducted. The interviews were conducted with four key actors from the private and public sector.

Analytikers värdering av Goodwill -En kvalitativ studie av goodwillens betydelse vid företagsvärdering

Time has passed since the new standards regarding goodwill were introduced. Duringthe period that occurred pre the financial crisis several companies managed to creategreat goodwill assets on their balance sheet. These assets were highlighted during thefinancial crisis and the aim of this study is to evaluate analysts contemporaryconsideration of these assets. The study will be of interest due to the fact that we nowfind ourselves in-between periods, post financial crisis and pre euro crisis. Ourempirical study has been carried out by interviewing analysts covering IT-companiestraded on the Swedish stock exchange.Our analysts were chosen with consideration to the fact that they were coveringcompanies where acquisitions are common.

Marknadsundersökning : Ett steg i innovationsprocessen

Syftet med detta arbete är att göra en enklare variant av en marknadsundersökning. Marknadsundersökningen är ett uppdrag från en egen företagare som gör smyckesförvaringar. Ett annat syfte med arbetet är analysera uppdragsgivarens innovationsprocess. Arbetet har två syften. För att göra en marknadsundersökning gjordes det en internetbaserad undersökning av en kvantitativ karaktär med 140 personer som deltog och 40 st blev bortfall.

Att arbeta med pedagogisk dokumentation för att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik : Ett undervisningsförsök för att skapa större förståelse i frisörutbildningen

The aim of this project was to change the way cutting techniques are being taught. I wished to try a method which I believed to enhance my students´ participation and understanding of their education. My purpose was to reduce the gap between theory and practice. After conducting a learning style test I found that most of them considered the best way for them to learn was by combining practice with dialogue and reflection of the tasks being done. That is why we tried to start working with the practical elements rather than traditionally starting with the theoretical aspects, while carefully intertwining terms and language of the trade into the education.

Det som andra kallar en kliché kallar vi för en klassiker

Abstract:Perennials in public areas have during the latest decades been more and more popular. This group of plants has become a more accepted komponent when creating pleasant public places, and people begin to see the functional aspects. Perennials do also give a colour- and senceexperience in a more detailed way than can be achieved with only trees and shrubs. One of the ojects of this essay is to give more examples of motives for using perennials in urban areas.Having in mind the increasing use of perennials, you can expect a growing need for better understading of how to create successfull perennial plantings. In spite of the increasing interest it is hard to find any written information in this subject.

Att göra det oväntade - en utvärdering av marknadsföringskampanjen "Låna dig rik" på ett mindre folkbibliotek

Futurum.kom is a collaborative marketing project with the aim of strengthening the internal organization of Länsbibliotek Sydost, Regionbibliotek Kalmar and the 25 public libraries within the southeast region. The project intends to externally build the brands of the public libraries in Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronobergs län. This thesis is a study and evaluation of the implementation and results of Futurum.kom?s first campaign "Låna dig rik" at a public library. The analysis is based on the following issues:? What goals does the library have with the "Låna dig rik"-campaign.? What is the feedback from the staff's experience of the users in terms of needs and demands?? In which way does the library choose to implement the marketing campaign and what role do the users have in this process?? What is the internal performance of the library's marketing campaign, what was the experience of the staff of the campaign?? What is the external result of the library's marketing campaign?The method is based on a case study of a single library, with a series of interviews and document analysis of written and electronic documents.

Säkerhetsanalys av Kiruna kommuns IT-verksamhet

Denna rapport sammanfattar ett examensarbete som utförts hos Kiruna kommun. Kommunen arbetar med framtagning av en ny IT-säkerhetspolicy och ville då göra en säkerhetsanalys av sin verksamhet. Denna säkerhetsanalys skulle göras utifrån Krisberedskapsmyndighetens standard Basnivå för IT-säkerhet (BITS). Informationsinsamlingen har skett via intervjuer av personal på IT-avdelningen samt platsinspektioner på skolor och serverhall. Dessutom har en enkät skickats ut till alla anställda inom kommunen.

Läslust och arbetsglädje ? om läsfrämjande projekt på Uddevalla Stadsbibliotek

The aim of this thesis was to understand and illuminate how readingpromotion projects can be carried out, what sort of activities they mightcontain and what sort of lasting impressions they might make. We choseto examine reading promotion projects because we consider thepromotion of reading and literacy a vital and important part of thelibraries work. The study took place at the city library of Uddevalla andthe projects included in the study were all directed towards children andyouth.The theory used in the thesis was Aidan Chambers?s model of theReading Circle which consists of the four themes of selection,?reading?, response and the enabling adult. Methods used were semistructuredinterview, document studies and observation.The results show that reading promotion projects benefit from cooperationbetween the adults involved and that education of the adultsin order to indirectly target the children is an effective way of spreadingthe love of reading.

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