

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 40 av 124

En beskrivande studie av Svenska Onlinebaserade tjänsteföretags internationaliseringsgrad.

IKEA is probably one of the most well known Swedish companies in the world. During thepast decades millions of people all across the globe have decorated their homes according tothe style of IKEA. But just exactly how big and influential are they? Many, if not to say all,municipalities in Sweden wants IKEA to establish and build their famous stores in one oftheir towns. But at what cost? When deciding on a municipality to establish in, IKEAnormally tends to have an advantage when it comes to controlling the conditions and terms ofthe establishment.To undertake this dissertation I use a theory based upon the inter-organizational theoriescalled resource dependency theory.

? Det handlade egentligen om att någon inte tog mina problem på allvar?? : En studie om ungdomars psykosociala hälsa och skolsituation

In July 2010 the curriculum Lpfö 98 was readjusted and was enhanced with new chapter, and the purpose of this essay is to study how preschool teachers discuss and describe how their conduction to the new chapter 2.6 of the readjust Curriculum Lpfö 98. I want to understand how they experience their work with the documentation.My question formulations are:How do three pre-school teachers reason around what they document in the pre-school?Which practical conditions do the pree-school teachers claiming to have on the pre-school to perform the documentation?How do they describe that they use the documentation to advance the tutoring in the preschool?In order to find out more, I interviewed three pre-school teachers, and analyzed the results I got based on prior research on documentation, and quality in preschool. My results show that the main focuses for documentations are how the children interact with each other, how they react and behave with new materials or activities. My informers emphasize that the main purpose of documentation are to be able to show the children their own process of learning.The practical conditions differ among my informers, which can lead to consequences when they want to make documentation and/or use the documentation for its purpose.  My results also indicates that the documentations are used to plan the pedagogical activities in regard to the children?s interests and according to the curriculum Lpfö98 rev.2010.

?Jo häjjo, ha du vari å fiska någi åå då?? : Ålänningars dialekt och identitetsskapande på Facebook, i e-post och i sms-meddelanden.

SammandragDen här masteruppsatsen handlar om hur unga vuxna ålänningar varierar språket och använder sig av dialektala drag på Facebook samt i sms-meddelanden och i e-post. Jag ser vilka nationella och regionala identiteter som de uppvisar i interaktion med främst andra ålänningar online. Jag undersöker om det är den åländska identiteten som märks mest när ålänningar kommunicerar på nätet, eller om de även identifierar sig som svenskar eller finländare.Uppsatsen delas upp i en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ del. I den inledande kvantitativa delen svarar 161 unga vuxna ålänningar på en enkät där dialektanvändandet i sociala medier är i fokus tillsammans med attityderna till den egna dialekten: ?När och till vem är det acceptabelt att skriva på dialekt??, ?I vilka sammanhang skulle du aldrig använda typiskt dialektala drag??.I den kvalitativa textstudien undersöker jag hur åländskan faktiskt används på Facebook samt i sms-meddelanden och e-brev.

Ergonomisk utvärdering och förbättring av monteringsstation

The purpose of this study was to examine and evaluate an assembly station at Kalmar Industries in respect to ergonomics. The study was to result in an improved assembly station with lower risk of work- related injuries. It was the study group?s expectation that the measures taken at the assembly station can function as guidance and an inspiration for other ergonomic improvements at the company. Several goals related to the purpose were established as guidance for the study.The mechanic?s work situation was mapped through a series of methods.

Spenarnas kondition i automatiska mjölkningssystem : en studie av två spensprayer

Two post milkning teat dips (PMTD´s) were compared in an automatic milking system at Kungsängen Research Farm, owned by SLU (Swedish University of Agriculture) in Uppsala. In the experiment an evaluation system was used where teat condition regarding skin and teat ends was graded according to a scale where 1 was the best score and 5 the worst. The evaluation period was almost six months in total devided into four minor experimental periods. The technician scoring the teats did not know which PMTD that was currently used. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the two PMTD´s regarding teat skin condition, but not regarding teat ends.

??då hör inte jag hemma hos er!? : - Att ta avstånd från en religiös gemenskap

This study focuses on why people not longer want to be a part of a religious communion they have earlier been a part of. To examine this I have made seven interviews with people who have left their previous communions. Together with the methodological and theoretical discussions on discourse analysis, Richard Jenkins discussions on identity and theories concerning the post-modern society, I have made an analysis on how these people consider their previous communions and its members. They refer i.e. to the social control, the ?closed? culture and the non-questioning-culture that constitute the communions and its techniques.

Information och signaler i revisionsberättelsen : En studie av konkursdrabbade företag i Skåne län

The requirement on audit was introduced when ownership was separated from management. The situation that arouse was that not only the owners, but also the stakeholders, required information about the company?s financial position. On this basis the audit would contribute to quality assurance of the financial information. One of the auditor's functions is to assess an ongoing stakeholder opinion.

Det orientaliska i fokus : en studie kring vad tryckt svensk media förmedlar för bilder av islam och "muslimer"

 Uppsatsen behandlar och belyser vilka diskurser som präglar den allmänna debatten och rapporteringen kring religionen islam och dess utövare muslimer i "dagens" tryckta svenska nyhetsmedia. Huvuddelen av studien är koncentrerad till att fastställa hur de både begreppen islam och muslim framställs och definieras i empirin, men problematiken kring huruvida ett "vi" och "de andra" tänkande existerar berörs likväl. Vidare reflekteras över differenser i det empiriska materialet. Materialet påvisar att det finns skillnader mellan hur de både begreppen beskriv i olika genrer i de aktuella texterna.  .

Akutvårdspersonals bearbetning av traumatiska händelser

Akutvårdspersonal utsätts allt mera för svårare katastrofer och olyckor. Vilket leder till en ökad press på personalen. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa hur akutvårdspersonalen bearbetar traumatiska händelser för att inte utveckla post-traumatiskt stress syndrom. Metoden var en litteraturstudie. Artiklarna analyserades med Lundman och Graneheims (2008) kvalitativa innehållsanalys.18 artiklar analyserades.

SATS + e2 = SANT? : en studie av SATS lednings kommunikationsstrategi då träningskoncernen förvärvade den dåvarande konkurrenten e2

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the communication strategy that the company SATS developed before taking over the company e2. The following questions are to be answered: - what was the planned communication strategy before taking over the company e2? - did SATS follow their original plan when implementing this strategy? ? Which strengths and weaknesses of the communication strategy can be identified based on opinions of the employees?Material/Method: Together with literature and document studies, a qualitative method has been used and seven personal interviews have been conducted. One informant was selected due to professional position; the other six respondents were former employees of the affected company e2.Main results: The main results from the study show that the company SATS did in fact follow their plan very accurately with only some minor changes such as an earlier started education program and exclusion of an initially planned evaluation activity. Communication about the takeover of e2 to employees was quick and clear.

Fritidspedagog - kollega eller hjälplärare? : En studie av lärares uppfattning om fritidspedagogens roll i det dagliga arbetet i skolan

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur lärare säger sig uppfatta fritidspedagogens yrkesroll i skolan. Ett skriftligt frågeformulär skickades ut via e-post till fem olika pedagoger i skolår 1- 3. Formuläret bestod av öppna frågor. Urval av respondenter till studien gjordes från fem olika skolor i samma stad. Respondenterna hade olika lång arbetserfarenhet.

Att offentliggöra döden. Vad påverkar utformningen av dödsannonser?

Since long time ago people have announced in one way or another when one of the membersof their family had died. In the old times ?oral? messages were used, e.g. people went to theirneighbors and told them what had happened. In church the priest announced the death of amember of the parish from the pulpit.When newspapers came into use at the end of 1800 and announcements became customary,this eventually turned out to be the ?proper? way in Sweden for announcing death.

Den moderna världens feminism ? en kunskapsöversikt om västcentristisk feminism och globaliseringen av nyliberalism

AbstractThis literal review intended to assess and shed light upon if west-centric feminism justifiesthe neoliberal globalization that reproduces the reproduction of inequality in the world.The result indicated that sex is not sufficient to categorize a universal group of women andthat other aspects of social structures such as class, caste, ethnicity, race, religion and ageshould be included in transnational feminism, and that this discourse needs to becharacterized by contextual understanding of culture and power. Neoliberalism has createdspace for personal freedom and choice, but all do not possess the same conditions to utilisetools to attain positive progress in regard to these choices. Furthermore, this study hasrevealed that feminism is subordinate to the globalization of neoliberalism and that thepost-feminist trend could be perceived as being discrepant with a progressive transnationalfeminist movement..

Ett sökande efter stadsideal : En fallstudie om stadsideal i Karlstad

This study shows how city planners and politicians in Karlstad plans different parts of the city, what type of model/ city ideals they use when planning, and how it is expressed. The study was made using a qualitative method, were a discourse analysis was vital for the elected planning document and blog posts. Qualitative interviews were also made with five people with significant meaning, who hold different positions in the city planning of Karlstad. In the produced material, it appears that the city planners and politicians in Karlstad are planning for traditional city ideals as a foundation in the planning, with influence from new ideas as for example sustainable planning and economic growth. In some parts of the city a modern and rational planning remains.

Effekten av hästunderstödd aktivitet - affekt, stress och energinivå

Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv undersöka om enhästunderstödd aktivitet med en ridterapeut kan påverka stress- och energinivå samtpositiv och negativ affekt hos individer. Studien belyser om en sådan aktivitet kanfungera som copingstrategi och ge stressreduktion. En utgångspunkt var också att undersöka könskillnader beträffande stressreaktioner. I studien användes Stress- och energitest samt PANAS-test för pre- och post-mätningar. I studien ingick 69 respondenter, 42 kvinnor och 27 män.

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